Example usage for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage

List of usage examples for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.dao DataAccessException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Return the detail message, including the message from the nested exception if there is one.


From source file:pe.gob.mef.gescon.hibernate.impl.ConsultaDaoImpl.java

public BigDecimal countDestacadosByTipoConocimiento(HashMap filters) {
    String ntipoconocimientoid = ((BigDecimal) filters.get("ntipoconocimientoid")).toString();
    final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    Object object = null;//ww  w .j  a v a  2 s  .  c  om
    try {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("1")) {
            sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(a.nbaselegalid) AS CID ");
            sql.append("FROM TBASELEGAL a ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nestadoid IN (3,5,6) "); // Publicada, Concordada y Modificada.
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("2")) {
            sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(a.npreguntaid) AS CID ");
            sql.append("FROM TPREGUNTA a ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 "); // Publicada
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid)
                && (ntipoconocimientoid.equals("3") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("4")
                        || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("5") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("6"))) {
            sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(a.nconocimientoid) AS CID ");
            sql.append("FROM TCONOCIMIENTO a ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 AND a.NTPOCONOCIMIENTOID = ").append(ntipoconocimientoid)
                    .append(" "); // Publicado

        object = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
                query.setParameter("ACTIVO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                query.setParameter("DESTACADO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                return query.uniqueResult();
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
    return (BigDecimal) object;

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.IsbMessageDAOImpl.java

 * Creates the IsbMessageBean./*from  w  ww . j  a va  2s.c o  m*/
 * @param message the message
 * @return the Id of the created IsbMessage if successful
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final int create(final IsbMessageBean message) throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    int isbMessageId = 0;

    // Parse the ISB XML document and get the identifier
    // and action values for the message
    Element isbIdentityElement = null;
    try {
        Document isbDocument = message.getIsbPayload().getXmlDocument();
        isbIdentityElement = isbDocument.getRootElement().getChild("identity");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        dataLogger.error("Error parsing ISB XML into JDOM document: " + e.getMessage());

    // A flag whether to record the ISB message or just drop it
    boolean processIsbMessage = false;

    if (isbIdentityElement != null) {
        // Get the ISB identifier of this message
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            dataLogger.error("Error reading ISB XML id value: " + e.getMessage());
        // Get the ISB action of this message
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            dataLogger.error("Error reading ISB XML action value: " + e.getMessage());

        List<?> attributes = isbIdentityElement.getChildren("attribute");
        List<?> objects = isbIdentityElement.getChildren("object");

        if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) {
            processIsbMessage = true;
        if (objects != null && objects.size() > 0) {
            processIsbMessage = true;

    if (processIsbMessage) {
        // At least one attribute or object is present in the ISB
        // message. Record the incoming message.

        // Set the timestamp value
        Timestamp creationTimeStamp = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());

        try {
            final int createCount = this.getIsbJdbcTemplate().update(
                    new Object[] { message.getTarget(), message.getAction(), message.getSource(),
                            message.getIdentifier(), message.getIsInbound(), message.getProcessed(),
                            creationTimeStamp });

            if (createCount > 0) {
                // Get the maximum id
                isbMessageId = this.getIsbJdbcTemplate()

                // Record the ISB Payload
                IsbPayloadBean isbPayload = message.getIsbPayload();
                try {
                } catch (WhichDoctorDaoException wde) {
                    dataLogger.error("Error recording ISB payload: " + wde.getMessage());

        } catch (DataAccessException de) {
            dataLogger.error("Error creating ISB message: " + de.getMessage());
    return isbMessageId;

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.TagDAOImpl.java

 * Creates the tag bean./*  ww  w  .  j  a v a  2 s . co m*/
 * @param tag the tag
 * @param checkUser the check user
 * @param privileges the privileges
 * @return the int
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final int create(final TagBean tag, final UserBean checkUser, final PrivilegesBean privileges)
        throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    if (tag.getGUID() == 0) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Tag must have a GUID > 0");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(tag.getTagName())) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Tag cannot be an empty string");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(tag.getSecurity())) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("A security level must be set for the tag");
    if (!this.uniqueTest(tag)) {
        /* The tag submitted is not unique */
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Sorry a tag of these " + "characteristics already exists");

    boolean allowCreate = privileges.getPrivilege(checkUser, tag.getSecurity(), "modify");
    /* If the tag is of type private default to allow */
    if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getTagType(), "Private")) {
        allowCreate = true;
    if (!allowCreate) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Sorry, you do not have the required privileges to create this tag");

    int objectTypeId = 0;
    try {
        ObjectTypeBean object = this.getObjectTypeDAO().load("Tag Type", "", tag.getTagType());
        objectTypeId = object.getObjectTypeId();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        dataLogger.error("Error identifying object type for tag: " + e.getMessage());
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Error identifying object type for tag");

    int tagId = 0;

    Timestamp sqlTimeStamp = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());

    int updateCount = 0;

    try {
        updateCount = this.getJdbcTemplateWriter().update(this.getSQL().getValue("tag/create"),
                new Object[] { tag.getGUID(), objectTypeId, DataFilter.capitaliseFirst(tag.getTagName()),
                        sqlTimeStamp, checkUser.getDN() });

    } catch (DataAccessException de) {
        dataLogger.error("Error creating tag: " + de.getMessage());
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Error creating tag: " + de.getMessage());

    if (updateCount > 0) {
        dataLogger.info(checkUser.getDN() + " successfully created tag");

        final String findMaxSQL = getSQL().getValue("tag/findMax");

        tagId = this.getJdbcTemplateWriter().queryForInt(findMaxSQL);

    return tagId;

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.TagDAOImpl.java

 * Modify the tag bean./*www  .  java 2  s  .  c o m*/
 * @param tag the tag
 * @param checkUser the check user
 * @param privileges the privileges
 * @return the int
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final int modify(final TagBean tag, final UserBean checkUser, final PrivilegesBean privileges)
        throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    if (tag.getId() == 0) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Tag must have a valid id");
    if (tag.getGUID() == 0) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Tag must have a GUID > 0");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(tag.getTagName())) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Tag cannot be an empty string");
    if (!this.uniqueTest(tag)) {
        /* The tag submitted is not unique */
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Sorry a tag of these " + "characteristics already exists");

    int objectTypeId = 0;

    try {
        ObjectTypeBean object = this.getObjectTypeDAO().load("Tag Type", "", tag.getTagType());
        objectTypeId = object.getObjectTypeId();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        dataLogger.error("Error identifying object type for tag: " + e.getMessage());
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Error identifying object type for tag");

    boolean allowModify = privileges.getPrivilege(checkUser, tag.getSecurity(), "modify");
    /* If the tag is of type private default to allow */
    if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tag.getTagType(), "Private")) {
        allowModify = true;
    if (!allowModify) {
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Sorry, you do not have the required privileges to modify this tag");

    int tagId = 0;

    dataLogger.info(checkUser.getDN() + " attempting to modify tag");

    try {
        final Timestamp sqlTimeStamp = new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());

        final int updateCount = this.getJdbcTemplateWriter().update(this.getSQL().getValue("tag/modify"),
                new Object[] { tag.getGUID(), objectTypeId, DataFilter.capitaliseFirst(tag.getTagName()),
                        sqlTimeStamp, checkUser.getDN(), tag.getId() });

        if (updateCount > 0) {
            dataLogger.info(checkUser.getDN() + " successfully modified tag");
            tagId = tag.getId();
        } else {
            dataLogger.error(checkUser.getUserName() + ": could not modify tag");
            throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Failed to modify tag entry");

    } catch (DataAccessException de) {
        dataLogger.error("Error modifying tag: " + de.getMessage());
        throw new WhichDoctorDaoException("Error modifying tag: " + de.getMessage());
    return tagId;

From source file:pe.gob.mef.gescon.hibernate.impl.ConsultaDaoImpl.java

 * @param filters/*  w ww.ja va2s  .c o  m*/
 * @return
public List<HashMap> getDestacadosByTipoConocimiento(HashMap filters) {
    String ntipoconocimientoid = ((BigDecimal) filters.get("ntipoconocimientoid")).toString();
    final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    Object object = null;
    try {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("1")) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
            sql.append("    a.nbaselegalid AS ID, a.vnumero AS NOMBRE, a.vnombre AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
                    "    1 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, 'Base Legal' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, a.nestadoid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TBASELEGAL a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTESTADO_BASELEGAL c ON a.nestadoid = c.nestadoid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nestadoid IN (3,5,6) "); // Publicada, Concordada y Modificada.
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid) && ntipoconocimientoid.equals("2")) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
            sql.append("    a.npreguntaid AS ID, a.vasunto AS NOMBRE, a.vrespuesta AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
            sql.append("    2 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, 'Preguntas y Respuestas' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
            sql.append("    a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TPREGUNTA a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 "); // Publicada
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ntipoconocimientoid)
                && (ntipoconocimientoid.equals("3") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("4")
                        || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("5") || ntipoconocimientoid.equals("6"))) {
            sql.append("SELECT ");
            sql.append("    a.nconocimientoid AS ID, a.vtitulo AS NOMBRE, a.vdescripcion AS SUMILLA, ");
                    "    a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
            sql.append("    a.ntpoconocimientoid AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, d.vnombre AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
            sql.append("    a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO ");
            sql.append("FROM TCONOCIMIENTO a ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
            sql.append("    INNER JOIN MTTIPO_CONOCIMIENTO d ON a.ntpoconocimientoid = d.ntpoconocimientoid ");
            sql.append("WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
            sql.append("AND a.ndestacado = :DESTACADO ");
            sql.append("AND a.nsituacionid = 6 AND a.NTPOCONOCIMIENTOID= ").append(ntipoconocimientoid)
                    .append(" "); // Publicado
        sql.append("ORDER BY 5, 7 DESC ");

        object = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
                query.setParameter("ACTIVO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                query.setParameter("DESTACADO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                return query.list();
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
    return (List<HashMap>) object;

From source file:org.opennms.ng.dao.support.DistributedStatusResourceType.java

 * <p>getResourcesForLocationMonitor</p>
 * @param locationMonitorId a int./*from   w ww  .j av a  2  s  .c o  m*/
 * @return a {@link java.util.List} object.
public List<OnmsResource> getResourcesForLocationMonitor(int locationMonitorId) {
    ArrayList<OnmsResource> resources = new ArrayList<OnmsResource>();

     * Verify that the node directory exists so we can throw a good
     * error message if not.
    File locationMonitorDirectory;
    try {
        locationMonitorDirectory = getLocationMonitorDirectory(locationMonitorId, true);
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        throw new ObjectRetrievalFailureException("The '" + getName()
                + "' resource type does not exist on this location Monitor.  Nested exception is: "
                + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);

    File[] intfDirs = locationMonitorDirectory.listFiles(RrdFileConstants.INTERFACE_DIRECTORY_FILTER);

    // XXX is this test even needed?
    if (intfDirs == null) {
        return resources;

    // XXX this isn't right at all
    for (File intfDir : intfDirs) {
        String d = intfDir.getName();
        String defName = getDefinitionNameFromLocationMonitorDirectory(d);
        int id = getLocationMonitorIdFromLocationMonitorDirectory(d);
        resources.add(createResource(defName, id, intfDir.getName()));

    return resources;

From source file:konditer.client.dao.ContactDao.java

public int updateContact(int contactId, int newContactTypeId, int newCustomerId, String newContactData) {
    System.out.println("  ContactDao.updateContact c : " + "contactId: "
            + contactId + " | newContactTypeId: " + newContactTypeId + " | newCustomerId: " + newCustomerId
            + " | newContactData=" + newContactData);
    String SQL_QUERY = "UPDATE contacts " + "SET CONTACT_TYPE_ID = ?, " + "CUSTOMER_ID = ?, "
            + "CONTACT_DATA = ? " + "WHERE CONTACT_ID = ?";
    int rowCount = 0;
    try {// w  w w . j av a2s .c o  m
        rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update(SQL_QUERY,
                new Object[] { newContactTypeId, newCustomerId, newContactData, contactId },
                new int[] { Types.INTEGER, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER });
                "  .  ?: {0} .",
                rowCount + "\n" + contactDao.getContact(contactId).toString());
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        rowCount = 0;
                "     .  ?: {0} .",
                rowCount + ";\nDataAccessException.message:{" + e.getMessage() + "}");
    return rowCount;

From source file:org.itracker.services.authentication.DefaultAuthenticator.java

 * Checks the login of a user against the user profile provided in ITracker.  This is
 * the default authentication scheme provided by ITracker.
 * @param login          the login the user/client provided
 * @param authentication the user's authentication information, if known
 * @param authType       the type of authentication information being provided
 * @param reqSource      the source of the request (eg web, api)
 * @return a User if the login is successful
 * @throws AuthenticatorException an exception if the login is unsuccessful, or an error occurs
 *//*from ww  w.j  a  v  a2s  .  c om*/
public User checkLogin(final String login, final Object authentication, final int authType, final int reqSource)
        throws AuthenticatorException {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Checking login for " + login + " using DefaultAuthenticator");

    if (login != null && authentication != null && !login.equals("")) {
        User user;
        try {
            user = getUserService().getUserByLogin(login);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            logger.error("checkLogin: failed to get user by login: " + login, e);
            throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.UNKNOWN_USER, e.getMessage());

        if (user.getStatus() != UserUtilities.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
            AuthenticatorException e = new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INACTIVE_ACCOUNT);
            logger.info("checkLogin: user is inactive, user: " + user, e);
            throw e;

        String userPassword;
        try {
            userPassword = getUserService().getUserPasswordByLogin(login);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            AuthenticatorException ex = new AuthenticatorException(e.getMessage(), authType);
            logger.info("checkLogin: user is inactive, user: " + user, ex);
            throw e;
        if (userPassword == null || userPassword.equals("")) {
            AuthenticatorException e = new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INVALID_PASSWORD);
            logger.info("checkLogin: user has no password, user: " + user, e);
            throw e;

        try {
            if (!userPassword.endsWith("=")) {
                logger.info("checkLogin: User " + login + " has old style password.  Converting to SHA1 hash.");
                try {
                } catch (UserException ue) {
                    logger.error("checkLogin: User password conversion failed for user " + user, ue);
                    throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.SYSTEM_ERROR);

            if (authType == AUTH_TYPE_PASSWORD_PLAIN) {
                if (!userPassword.equals(UserUtilities.encryptPassword((String) authentication))) {
                    throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INVALID_PASSWORD);
            } else if (authType == AUTH_TYPE_PASSWORD_ENC) {
                if (!userPassword.equals(authentication)) {
                    throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INVALID_PASSWORD);
            } else {
                logger.info("checkLogin: invalid authenticator type: " + authType);
                throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INVALID_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE);
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
            logger.error("checkLogin: Authenticator was of wrong type.", cce);
            throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.SYSTEM_ERROR);
        } catch (PasswordException pe) {
            throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.SYSTEM_ERROR);
        } catch (AuthenticatorException ae) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("checkLogin: failed to authenticate " + login, ae);
            throw ae;

        return user;

            "checkLogin: no login was supplied: " + login + ", type: " + authType + ", source: " + reqSource);
    throw new AuthenticatorException(AuthenticatorException.INVALID_DATA);

From source file:com.gvmax.web.api.WebAppAPI.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/enableGV", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@Timed/* w w w  .j a v a  2  s.com*/
public ModelMap enableGV(@RequestParam(value = "password") String password,
        @RequestParam(value = "pin", required = false) String pin, HttpSession session,
        HttpServletResponse resp) {
    try {
        User user = getUser(service, session, pin);
        if (user == null) {
            return null;
        service.changePassword(user.getEmail(), password, true);
        return new ModelMap("result", "ok");
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        internalError(e, resp);
        return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        sendError(400, e.getMessage(), resp);
        return null;

From source file:pe.gob.mef.gescon.hibernate.impl.ConsultaDaoImpl.java

public List<HashMap> getQueryFilter(HashMap filters) {
    final String fCategoria = (String) filters.get("fCategoria");
    final Date fFromDate = (Date) filters.get("fFromDate");
    final Date fToDate = (Date) filters.get("fToDate");
    final String fType = (String) filters.get("fType");
    final String fCodesBL = (String) filters.get("fCodesBL");
    final String fCodesPR = (String) filters.get("fCodesPR");
    final String fCodesC = (String) filters.get("fCodesC");
    final String fText = (String) filters.get("fText");
    final String order = (String) filters.get("order");
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(Constante.FORMAT_DATE_SHORT);
    final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    Object object = null;// ww w  .j  ava2  s  . c  om
    try {
        sql.append("SELECT x.ID, x.NOMBRE, x.SUMILLA, x.IDCATEGORIA, x.CATEGORIA, x.FECHA, ");
        sql.append("       x.SUMA, x.CONTADOR, DECODE(x.CONTADOR,0,0,x.SUMA/x.CONTADOR) AS PROMEDIO ");
        sql.append("FROM (SELECT ");
        sql.append("            a.nbaselegalid AS ID, a.vnumero AS NOMBRE, a.vnombre AS SUMILLA, ");
                "            a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
                "            1 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, 'Base Legal' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, a.nestadoid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO, ");
                "            0 AS FLG, NVL(SUM(e.ncalificacion),0) AS SUMA, NVL(COUNT(e.ncalificacion),0) AS CONTADOR ");
        sql.append("        FROM TBASELEGAL a ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTESTADO_BASELEGAL c ON a.nestadoid = c.nestadoid ");
        sql.append("        LEFT OUTER JOIN TCALIFICACION_BASELEGAL e ON a.nbaselegalid = e.nbaselegalid ");
        sql.append("        WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
        sql.append("        AND c.nestadoid IN (3,4,5,6) AND b.NESTADO = 1 ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCategoria)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.ncategoriaid IN (").append(fCategoria).append(") ");
        if (fFromDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechapublicacion) >= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fFromDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (fToDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechapublicacion) <= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fToDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCodesBL)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.nbaselegalid IN (").append(fCodesBL).append(") ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fText)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.vnumero LIKE '%").append(fText).append("%' ");
        sql.append("        GROUP BY a.nbaselegalid, a.vnumero, a.vnombre, a.ncategoriaid, b.vnombre, ");
        sql.append("        a.dfechapublicacion, 1, 'Base Legal', a.nestadoid, c.vnombre, 0 ");
        sql.append("        ) x ");
        sql.append("WHERE 1 IN (").append(fType).append(") "); //BASE LEGAL
        sql.append("UNION ");
        sql.append("SELECT y.ID, y.NOMBRE, y.SUMILLA, y.IDCATEGORIA, y.CATEGORIA, y.FECHA, ");
        sql.append("       y.SUMA, y.CONTADOR, DECODE(y.CONTADOR,0,0,y.SUMA/y.CONTADOR) AS PROMEDIO ");
        sql.append("FROM (SELECT ");
                "            a.npreguntaid AS ID, a.vasunto AS NOMBRE, a.vdetalle AS SUMILLA, a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, ");
                "            b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, 2 AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
                "            'Preguntas y Respuestas' AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO, ");
                "            0 AS FLG, NVL(SUM(e.ncalificacion),0) AS SUMA, NVL(COUNT(e.ncalificacion),0) AS CONTADOR ");
        sql.append("        FROM TPREGUNTA a ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
        sql.append("        LEFT OUTER JOIN TCALIFICACION_PREGUNTA e ON a.npreguntaid = e.npreguntaid ");
        sql.append("        WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
        sql.append("        AND c.nsituacionid = 6 AND b.NESTADO = 1 ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCategoria)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.ncategoriaid IN (").append(fCategoria).append(") ");
        if (fFromDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechacreacion) >= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fFromDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (fToDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechacreacion) <= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fToDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCodesPR)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.npreguntaid IN (").append(fCodesPR).append(") ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fText)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.vasunto LIKE '%").append(fText).append("%' ");
        sql.append("        GROUP BY a.npreguntaid, a.vasunto, a.vdetalle, a.ncategoriaid, b.vnombre, ");
        sql.append("        a.dfechapublicacion, 2, 'Preguntas y Respuestas', a.nsituacionid, c.vnombre, 0 ");
        sql.append("        ) y ");
        sql.append("WHERE 2 IN (").append(fType).append(") "); //PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS
        sql.append("UNION ");
        sql.append("SELECT z.ID, z.NOMBRE, z.SUMILLA, z.IDCATEGORIA, z.CATEGORIA, z.FECHA, ");
        sql.append("       z.SUMA, z.CONTADOR, DECODE(z.CONTADOR,0,0,z.SUMA/z.CONTADOR) AS PROMEDIO ");
        sql.append("FROM (SELECT ");
        sql.append("            a.nconocimientoid AS ID, a.vtitulo AS NOMBRE, a.vdescripcion AS SUMILLA, ");
                "            a.ncategoriaid AS IDCATEGORIA, b.vnombre AS CATEGORIA, a.dfechapublicacion AS FECHA, ");
        sql.append("            a.ntpoconocimientoid AS IDTIPOCONOCIMIENTO, d.vnombre AS TIPOCONOCIMIENTO, ");
        sql.append("            a.nsituacionid AS IDESTADO, c.vnombre AS ESTADO, a.nflgvinculo AS FLG, ");
                "            NVL(SUM(e.ncalificacion),0) AS SUMA, NVL(COUNT(e.ncalificacion),0) AS CONTADOR ");
        sql.append("        FROM TCONOCIMIENTO a ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTCATEGORIA b ON a.ncategoriaid = b.ncategoriaid ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTSITUACION c ON a.nsituacionid = c.nsituacionid ");
        sql.append("        INNER JOIN MTTIPO_CONOCIMIENTO d ON a.ntpoconocimientoid = d.ntpoconocimientoid ");
        sql.append("        AND a.ntpoconocimientoid IN (").append(fType).append(") ");
        sql.append("        LEFT OUTER JOIN TCALIFICACION e ON a.nconocimientoid = e.nconocimientoid ");
        sql.append("        WHERE a.nactivo = :ACTIVO ");
        sql.append("        AND c.nsituacionid = 6 AND b.nestado = 1 ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCategoria)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.ncategoriaid IN (").append(fCategoria).append(") ");
        if (fFromDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechacreacion) >= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fFromDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (fToDate != null) {
            sql.append("    AND TRUNC(a.dfechacreacion) <= TO_DATE('").append(sdf.format(fToDate))
                    .append("','dd/mm/yyyy') ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fCodesC)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.nconocimientoid IN (").append(fCodesC).append(") ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fText)) {
            sql.append("    AND a.vtitulo LIKE '%").append(fText).append("%' ");
                "        GROUP BY a.nconocimientoid, a.vtitulo, a.vdescripcion, a.ncategoriaid, b.vnombre, ");
                "        a.dfechapublicacion, a.ntpoconocimientoid, d.vnombre, a.nsituacionid, c.vnombre, a.nflgvinculo ");
        sql.append("        ) z ");
        sql.append("WHERE (3 IN (").append(fType).append(") OR 4 IN (").append(fType).append(") OR 5 IN (")
                .append(fType).append(") OR 6 IN (").append(fType).append(")) "); //WIKI            
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(order)) {
            sql.append("ORDER BY ").append(order);
        } else {
            sql.append("ORDER BY 6 DESC ");

        object = getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql.toString());
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sql.toString())) {
                    query.setParameter("ACTIVO", BigDecimal.ONE);
                return query.list();
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
    return (List<HashMap>) object;