Example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource addValue

List of usage examples for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource addValue


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam MapSqlParameterSource addValue.


public MapSqlParameterSource addValue(String paramName, @Nullable Object value) 

Source Link


Add a parameter to this parameter source.


From source file:com.epam.catgenome.dao.reference.ReferenceGenomeDao.java

 * Saves {@code List} of {@code Chromosome} entities with a specified ID in the database
 * as one reference/*from   ww w. ja v  a  2  s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param referenceId for the chromosomes
 * @param chromosomes {@code List} of {@code Chromosome} entities to store int the database
 * @return an array containing the numbers of rows affected by each update in the batch
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
public int[] saveChromosomes(final Long referenceId, final List<Chromosome> chromosomes) {
    final int count = chromosomes.size();
    final List<Long> chromosomeIds = daoHelper.createIds(chromosomeSequenceName, count);
    final MapSqlParameterSource[] batchArgs = new MapSqlParameterSource[count];
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        final Chromosome chromosome = chromosomes.get(i);
        MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.NAME.name(), chromosome.getName());
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.SIZE.name(), chromosome.getSize());
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.PATH.name(), chromosome.getPath());
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.HEADER.name(), chromosome.getHeader());
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.CHROMOSOME_ID.name(), chromosome.getId());
        params.addValue(GenomeParameters.REFERENCE_GENOME_ID.name(), chromosome.getReferenceId());
        batchArgs[i] = params;
    return getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(createChromosomeQuery, batchArgs);

From source file:com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.impl.JpaBucketDropDao.java

 * Populate custom field for the given drops.
 * /*from  w  ww .j  ava2s  . com*/
 * @param drops
public void populateForms(List<Drop> drops) {

    Map<Long, Integer> dropIndex = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
    int i = 0;
    for (Drop drop : drops) {
        dropIndex.put(drop.getId(), i);

    String sql = "SELECT form.id, form.drop_id, form_id, field.field_id, field.value ";
    sql += "FROM bucket_droplet_form form, bucket_droplet_form_field field ";
    sql += "WHERE form.id = field.droplet_form_id ";
    sql += "AND drop_id IN (:drop_ids)  ";

    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    params.addValue("drop_ids", dropIndex.keySet());
    List<Map<String, Object>> results = this.namedJdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, params);

    // Add form values to their respective drops.
    Map<Long, BucketDropForm> dropForms = new HashMap<Long, BucketDropForm>();
    for (Map<String, Object> result : results) {

        Long dropId = ((Number) result.get("drop_id")).longValue();
        Drop drop = drops.get(dropIndex.get(dropId));
        if (drop.getForms() == null) {
            drop.setForms(new ArrayList<DropForm>());

        Long dropFormId = ((Number) result.get("id")).longValue();
        BucketDropForm dropForm = dropForms.get(dropFormId);

        if (dropForm == null) {
            dropForm = new BucketDropForm();
            Form form = new Form();
            form.setId(((Number) result.get("form_id")).longValue());
            dropForm.setValues(new ArrayList<BucketDropFormField>());

            dropForms.put(dropFormId, dropForm);

        BucketDropFormField value = new BucketDropFormField();
        FormField field = new FormField();
        field.setId(((Number) result.get("field_id")).longValue());
        value.setValue((String) result.get("value"));

        List<BucketDropFormField> values = dropForm.getValues();

        if (!drop.getForms().contains(dropForm)) {

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.doc.DocumentDaoJdbc.java

public void saveJochreDocument(JochreDocument jochreDocument) {
    NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jt = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
    MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    JochreDocumentInternal iJochreDocument = (JochreDocumentInternal) jochreDocument;

    paramSource.addValue("doc_filename", jochreDocument.getFileName());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_name", jochreDocument.getName());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_owner_id", jochreDocument.getOwnerId());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_locale", jochreDocument.getLocale().getLanguage());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_name_local", jochreDocument.getNameLocal());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_publisher", jochreDocument.getPublisher());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_city", jochreDocument.getCity());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_year", jochreDocument.getYear());
    paramSource.addValue("doc_reference", jochreDocument.getReference());

    String sql = null;/*from w w  w  .  ja  v a  2s .  c o  m*/

    if (jochreDocument.isNew()) {
        sql = "SELECT nextval('ocr_doc_id_seq')";
        int jochreDocumentId = jt.queryForInt(sql, paramSource);
        paramSource.addValue("doc_id", jochreDocumentId);

        sql = "INSERT INTO ocr_document (doc_id, doc_filename, doc_name, doc_locale, doc_owner_id"
                + ", doc_name_local, doc_publisher, doc_city, doc_year, doc_reference) "
                + "VALUES (:doc_id, :doc_filename, :doc_name, :doc_locale, :doc_owner_id"
                + ", :doc_name_local, :doc_publisher, :doc_city, :doc_year, :doc_reference)";

        jt.update(sql, paramSource);

    } else {
        paramSource.addValue("doc_id", jochreDocument.getId());

        sql = "UPDATE ocr_document" + " SET doc_filename = :doc_filename" + ", doc_name = :doc_name"
                + ", doc_locale = :doc_locale" + ", doc_owner_id = :doc_owner_id"
                + ", doc_name_local = :doc_name_local" + ", doc_publisher = :doc_publisher"
                + ", doc_city = :doc_city" + ", doc_year = :doc_year" + ", doc_reference = :doc_reference"
                + " WHERE doc_id = :doc_id";

        jt.update(sql, paramSource);

From source file:net.algem.security.UserDaoImpl.java

public boolean isMemberOnYear(String login, String start, String end) {
    try {//from w w  w.  j  ava  2s. c o  m
        MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
        params.addValue("login", login);
        params.addValue("start", new java.sql.Date(GemConstants.DATE_FORMAT.parse(start).getTime()));
        params.addValue("end", new java.sql.Date(GemConstants.DATE_FORMAT.parse(end).getTime()));
        params.addValue("accounts", getMemberShipAccounts());
        //      String debug = login +","+start+","+end+","+getMemberShipAccounts();
        //      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, debug);
        String query = "SELECT e.paye FROM echeancier2 e JOIN " + TABLE + " l ON (e.adherent = l.idper)"
                + " WHERE l.login = :login AND e.echeance BETWEEN :start AND :end AND e.compte IN(:accounts)";
        List<Boolean> result = namedJdbcTemplate.query(query, params, new RowMapper<Boolean>() {

            public Boolean mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {
                return rs.getBoolean(1);
        for (Boolean b : result) {
            if (b) {
                return true;
        return false;
    } catch (ParseException | DataAccessException ex) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        return false;


From source file:com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.impl.JpaBucketDao.java

public List<Drop> getDrops(Long bucketId, DropFilter filter, int page, int dropCount, Account queryingAccount) {
    String sql = "SELECT droplets.id, buckets_droplets.id AS tracking_id, droplet_title, ";
    sql += "droplet_content, droplets.channel, identities.id AS identity_id, identity_name, ";
    sql += "identity_avatar, droplets.droplet_date_pub, droplet_orig_id, ";
    sql += "user_scores.score AS user_score, links.id AS original_url_id, ";
    sql += "links.url AS original_url, comment_count, bucket_droplets_read.buckets_droplets_id AS drop_read ";
    sql += "FROM buckets_droplets ";
    sql += "INNER JOIN droplets ON (buckets_droplets.droplet_id = droplets.id) ";
    sql += "INNER JOIN identities ON (droplets.identity_id = identities.id) ";
    sql += "LEFT JOIN droplet_scores AS user_scores ON (user_scores.droplet_id = droplets.id AND user_scores.user_id = :userId) ";
    sql += "LEFT JOIN links ON (droplets.original_url = links.id) ";
    sql += "LEFT JOIN bucket_droplets_read ON (bucket_droplets_read.buckets_droplets_id = buckets_droplets.id AND bucket_droplets_read.account_id = :accountId) ";
    sql += "WHERE buckets_droplets.droplet_date_added > '1970-01-01 00:00:00' ";
    sql += "AND buckets_droplets.bucket_id = :bucketId ";

    // Check for channel parameter
    if (filter.getChannels() != null && !filter.getChannels().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "AND droplets.channel IN (:channels) ";
    }//from   w w w . j  av a 2 s  .  c om

    if (filter.getPhotos() != null && filter.getPhotos()) {
        sql += "AND droplets.droplet_image > 0 ";

    if (filter.getRead() != null) {
        if (filter.getRead()) {
            sql += "AND bucket_droplets_read.buckets_droplets_id IS NOT NULL ";
        } else {
            sql += "AND bucket_droplets_read.buckets_droplets_id IS NULL ";

    // Check for since_id
    if (filter.getSinceId() != null) {
        sql += " AND buckets_droplets.id > :since_id ";

    if (filter.getMaxId() != null) {
        sql += " AND buckets_droplets.id <= :max_id ";

    if (filter.getDateFrom() != null) {
        sql += "AND droplets.droplet_date_pub >= :date_from ";

    if (filter.getDateTo() != null) {
        sql += "AND droplets.droplet_date_pub <= :date_to ";

    if (filter.getDropIds() != null && !filter.getDropIds().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "AND `droplets`.`id` IN (:dropIds) ";

    boolean newer = filter.getSinceId() != null;
    if (newer) {
        sql += "ORDER BY buckets_droplets.droplet_date_added ASC ";
    } else {
        sql += "ORDER BY buckets_droplets.droplet_date_added DESC ";

    sql += "LIMIT " + dropCount + " OFFSET " + dropCount * (page - 1);

    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    params.addValue("userId", queryingAccount.getOwner().getId());
    params.addValue("accountId", queryingAccount.getId());
    params.addValue("bucketId", bucketId);

    // since_id
    if (filter.getSinceId() != null) {
        params.addValue("since_id", filter.getSinceId());

    // max_id
    if (filter.getMaxId() != null) {
        params.addValue("max_id", filter.getMaxId());

    if (filter.getChannels() != null && !filter.getChannels().isEmpty()) {
        params.addValue("channels", filter.getChannels());

    if (filter.getDateFrom() != null) {
        params.addValue("date_from", filter.getDateFrom());

    if (filter.getDateTo() != null) {
        params.addValue("date_to", filter.getDateTo());

    if (filter.getDropIds() != null && !filter.getDropIds().isEmpty()) {
        params.addValue("dropIds", filter.getDropIds());

    List<Map<String, Object>> results = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, params);

    List<Drop> drops = new ArrayList<Drop>();

    for (Map<String, Object> result : results) {
        Drop drop = new Drop();

        // Set the drop properties
        drop.setId(((Number) result.get("id")).longValue());
        drop.setTrackingId(((Number) result.get("tracking_id")).longValue());
        drop.setTitle((String) result.get("droplet_title"));
        drop.setContent((String) result.get("droplet_content"));
        drop.setChannel((String) result.get("channel"));
        drop.setDatePublished((Date) result.get("droplet_date_pub"));
        drop.setOriginalId((String) result.get("droplet_orig_id"));
        drop.setCommentCount(((Number) result.get("comment_count")).intValue());
        drop.setRead((Long) result.get("drop_read") != null);

        Identity identity = new Identity();
        identity.setId(((Number) result.get("identity_id")).longValue());
        identity.setName((String) result.get("identity_name"));
        identity.setAvatar((String) result.get("identity_avatar"));

        // Set drop url
        if (result.get("original_url_id") != null) {
            Link originalUrl = new Link();
            originalUrl.setId(((Number) result.get("original_url_id")).longValue());
            originalUrl.setUrl((String) result.get("original_url"));


    if (!drops.isEmpty()) {
        // Populate the metadata
        dropDao.populateMetadata(drops, queryingAccount);

    return drops;

From source file:com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.impl.JpaRiverDao.java

public List<Drop> getDrops(Long riverId, DropFilter filter, int page, int dropCount, Account queryingAccount) {

    String sql = "SELECT droplets.id, rivers_droplets.id AS tracking_id, ";
    sql += "droplet_title, droplet_content, droplets.channel, ";
    sql += "identities.id AS identity_id, identity_name, identity_avatar, ";
    sql += "rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub, droplet_orig_id, ";
    sql += "user_scores.score AS user_score, links.id as original_url_id, ";
    sql += "links.url AS original_url, comment_count, river_droplets_read.rivers_droplets_id AS drop_read ";
    sql += "FROM rivers_droplets ";
    sql += "INNER JOIN droplets ON (rivers_droplets.droplet_id = droplets.id) ";
    sql += "INNER JOIN identities ON (droplets.identity_id = identities.id) ";

    if (filter.getChannelIds() != null && !filter.getChannelIds().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "INNER JOIN river_channels ON (rivers_droplets.river_channel_id = river_channels.id) ";
    }/*from   w ww  .  jav  a2s  .co m*/

    sql += "LEFT JOIN droplet_scores AS user_scores ON (user_scores.droplet_id = droplets.id AND user_scores.user_id = :userId) ";
    sql += "LEFT JOIN links ON (links.id = droplets.original_url) ";
    sql += "LEFT JOIN river_droplets_read ON (river_droplets_read.rivers_droplets_id = rivers_droplets.id AND river_droplets_read.account_id = :accountId) ";
    sql += "WHERE rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub > '1970-01-01 00:00:00' ";
    sql += "AND rivers_droplets.river_id = :riverId ";

    if (filter.getSinceId() != null) {
        sql += "AND rivers_droplets.id > :since_id ";

    if (filter.getMaxId() != null) {
        sql += "AND rivers_droplets.id <= :max_id ";

    if (filter.getChannels() != null && !filter.getChannels().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "AND `droplets`.`channel` IN (:channels) ";

    if (filter.getChannelIds() != null && !filter.getChannelIds().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "AND rivers_droplets.river_channel_id IN (:channel_ids) ";

    if (filter.getRead() != null) {
        if (filter.getRead()) {
            sql += "AND river_droplets_read.rivers_droplets_id IS NOT NULL ";
        } else {
            sql += "AND river_droplets_read.rivers_droplets_id IS NULL ";

    if (filter.getPhotos() != null && filter.getPhotos()) {
        sql += "AND `droplets`.`droplet_image` > 0 ";

    if (filter.getDateFrom() != null) {
        sql += "AND rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub >= :date_from ";

    if (filter.getDateTo() != null) {
        sql += "AND rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub <= :date_to ";

    if (filter.getDropIds() != null && !filter.getDropIds().isEmpty()) {
        sql += "AND `droplets`.`id` IN (:dropIds) ";

    boolean newer = filter.getSinceId() != null;

    if (newer) {
        sql += "ORDER BY rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub ASC ";
    } else {
        sql += "ORDER BY rivers_droplets.droplet_date_pub DESC ";

    sql += "LIMIT " + dropCount + " OFFSET " + dropCount * (page - 1);

    // Set the query parameters
    MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    params.addValue("userId", queryingAccount.getOwner().getId());
    params.addValue("accountId", queryingAccount.getId());
    params.addValue("riverId", riverId);

    if (filter.getSinceId() != null) {
        params.addValue("since_id", filter.getSinceId());

    if (filter.getMaxId() != null) {
        params.addValue("max_id", filter.getMaxId());

    if (filter.getChannels() != null && !filter.getChannels().isEmpty()) {
        params.addValue("channels", filter.getChannels());

    if (filter.getChannelIds() != null && !filter.getChannelIds().isEmpty()) {
        params.addValue("channel_ids", filter.getChannelIds());

    if (filter.getDateFrom() != null) {
        params.addValue("date_from", filter.getDateFrom());

    if (filter.getDateTo() != null) {
        params.addValue("date_to", filter.getDateTo());

    if (filter.getDropIds() != null && !filter.getDropIds().isEmpty()) {
        params.addValue("dropIds", filter.getDropIds());

    List<Map<String, Object>> results = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, params);

    return formatDrops(results, queryingAccount);

From source file:org.inbio.modeling.core.dao.impl.LayerDAOImpl.java

public void create(Layer newLayer) {

    String createStatement = null;
    MapSqlParameterSource args = null;

    createStatement = "INSERT INTO " + this.table + "( display_name, "
            + "\"name\", description, uri, \"year\", last_update, is_species_map, source, visualization_scale, data_scale, generation_procedure)"
            + "VALUES (:display_name, :name, :description, :uri, :year, :last_update, :is_species_map, :source, :viz_scale, :data_scale, :generation_procedure);";

    args = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    args.addValue("name", newLayer.getName());
    args.addValue("display_name", newLayer.getDisplayName());
    args.addValue("uri", newLayer.getUri());
    args.addValue("source", newLayer.getSource());
    args.addValue("year", newLayer.getYear());
    args.addValue("viz_scale", newLayer.getVizScale());
    args.addValue("data_scale", newLayer.getDataScale());
    args.addValue("generation_procedure", newLayer.getGenerationProcedure());
    args.addValue("last_update", Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    args.addValue("description", newLayer.getDescription());
    args.addValue("is_species_map", newLayer.isSpeciesMap());

    getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(createStatement, args);

From source file:org.inbio.modeling.core.dao.impl.LayerDAOImpl.java

public void update(Layer updatedLayer) {
    String createStatement = null;
    MapSqlParameterSource args = null;

    createStatement = "UPDATE " + this.table + " " + " SET name = :name, " + " display_name = :display_name, "
            + " description = :description, " + " uri = :uri, " + " source = :source, " + " year = :year, "
            + " data_scale = :data_scale, " + " visualization_scale = :viz_scale, "
            + " last_update = :last_update, " + " generation_procedure = :generation_procedure, "
            + " is_species_map= :is_species_map " + " WHERE id = :layer_id";

    args = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    args.addValue("name", updatedLayer.getName());
    args.addValue("display_name", updatedLayer.getDisplayName());
    args.addValue("uri", updatedLayer.getUri());
    args.addValue("source", updatedLayer.getSource());
    args.addValue("year", updatedLayer.getYear());
    args.addValue("viz_scale", updatedLayer.getVizScale());
    args.addValue("data_scale", updatedLayer.getDataScale());
    args.addValue("generation_procedure", updatedLayer.getGenerationProcedure());
    args.addValue("last_update", Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    args.addValue("description", updatedLayer.getDescription());
    args.addValue("is_species_map", updatedLayer.isSpeciesMap());
    args.addValue("layer_id", updatedLayer.getId());

    getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(createStatement, args);


From source file:com.stehno.sjdbcx.reflection.DefaultParamMapper.java

public SqlParameterSource mapByName(final AnnotatedArgument[] annotatedArguments) {
    final MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();

    if (annotatedArguments != null) {
        for (final AnnotatedArgument arg : annotatedArguments) {
            if (arg.findAnnotation(Ignore.class) == null) {
                final Annotation paramAnno = arg.findAnnotation(Param.class);
                if (paramAnno == null) {
                    addBean(parameterSource, arg.getValue());

                } else {
                    Object value = arg.getValue();
                    if (value != null && value.getClass().isEnum()) {
                        value = ((Enum) value).name();
                    }/*  www.j  a va2  s  .c  om*/

                    parameterSource.addValue(((Param) paramAnno).value(), value);

    return parameterSource;

From source file:com.joliciel.talismane.terminology.postgres.PostGresTerminologyBase.java

public Context loadContext(int contextId) {
    NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jt = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(this.getDataSource());
    String sql = "SELECT " + SELECT_CONTEXT + " FROM context WHERE context_id=:context_id";
    MapSqlParameterSource paramSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    paramSource.addValue("context_id", contextId);

    LOG.trace(sql);/*from  ww  w. j a  va  2s.  c o  m*/
    Context context = null;
    try {
        context = (Context) jt.queryForObject(sql, paramSource, new ContextMapper());
    } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) {
    return context;