Example usage for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete

List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete.


void setComplete();

Source Link


Mark the current handler's session processing as complete, allowing for cleanup of session attributes.


From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/insertProduct.do")
public void insertProduct(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionStatus status)
        throws Exception {
    System.out.println("? ?");
    PlatformData oData = new PlatformData();
    int nErrorCode = 0;
    String strErrorMsg = "START";

    HttpPlatformRequest pReq = new HttpPlatformRequest(request);
    pReq.receiveData();//????  ??  

    PlatformData iData = pReq.getData();

    VariableList in_vl = iData.getVariableList();
    int in_var2 = in_vl.getInt("sVal1");

    DataSet ds = iData.getDataSet("product");

    try {/*w w w. j  a va2 s. c  o  m*/
        //String uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        String uuid = request.getParameter("uuid");
        Product pro = new Product();

        pro.setP_name(ds.getString(0, "p_name"));
        System.out.println("?---" + ds.getString(0, "p_name"));
        pro.setP_price(ds.getInt(0, "p_price"));
        System.out.println("---" + ds.getInt(0, "p_price"));
        pro.setP_ea(ds.getInt(0, "p_ea"));
        System.out.println("---" + ds.getInt(0, "p_ea"));
        pro.setP_from(ds.getString(0, "p_from"));
        System.out.println(" --" + ds.getString(0, "p_from"));
        System.out.println("--" + in_var2);
        pro.setP_content(ds.getString(0, "p_content"));
        System.out.println("--" + ds.getString(0, "p_content"));
        System.out.println("uuid--" + uuid);


        //   List<SampleVO> ListSamVO= new l

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // VariableList? ? ? 
        nErrorCode = -1;
        strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();

    // VariableList 
    VariableList varList = oData.getVariableList();

    // VariableList? ? ? 
    varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode);
    varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg);
    varList.add("out_var", "1234"); // 

    //   return "forward:/egovSampleList.do";

    // HttpServletResponse ? HttpPlatformResponse ?
    HttpPlatformResponse pRes = new HttpPlatformResponse(response, PlatformType.CONTENT_TYPE_XML, "UTF-8");

    // ?? 

From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

 * qna ? //from w  ww  .  j a  v a2 s  .  c om
public String QnaDelete(@ModelAttribute("searchVO") SampleDefaultVO searchVO, @RequestParam("num") int id,
        @RequestParam("seq") int seq, SessionStatus status, Model model) throws Exception {

    QnaVO qnaVO = new QnaVO();
    SampleVO sampleVO = new SampleVO();
    QnaVO qvo = sampleService.selectQna(qnaVO);
    int qseq = qvo.getQ_pseq();

    /////////////?(?  ? ? )///
    List<SampleVO> uuidList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.getUuid(sampleVO); //? ? uuid  
    for (int i = 0; i < uuidList.size(); i++) {

        System.out.println("uuid=====" + uuidList.get(i).getbUuid()); //

    SampleVO iVo = new SampleVO();
    SampleVO iVo2 = new SampleVO();
    for (int i = 0; i < uuidList.size(); i++) {

        String bUuid = uuidList.get(i).getbUuid().toString();
        //   iVo.setiUuid(bUuid);

        //? ? ? 
        //iVo2 = sampleService.selectImgUuid(iVo); //b
        List<SampleVO> ivoList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.selectImgUuid(iVo); //uuid?  ??  
        for (int j = 0; j < ivoList.size(); j++) { // ??   for
            System.out.println(" +? ====" + ivoList.get(j).getiUrl());
            File f = new File(ivoList.get(j).getiUrl().toString()); //? 
            f.delete(); //? 




    //System.out.println(" -"+qseq);
    return "forward:/selectProduct.do?searchKeyword2=not&pageIndex=1&selectedId=" + qseq;


From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/cashPay.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String cashPay( //? 
        HttpServletRequest request,// ww w  .ja va2 s .c o  m

        @RequestParam("dType") String o_type, //
        @RequestParam("pPricee") int o_price, // ?
        @RequestParam("o_name") String o_name, //??
        @RequestParam("o_phone") String o_phone, //? 
        @RequestParam("o_adress") String o_adress, //? 
        @RequestParam("o_orderMessage") String o_omessage, //
        @RequestParam("o_delivMessage") String o_dmessage, //
        @RequestParam("useCash") int useCash, // ?
        @RequestParam("cashSum") int cashSum, //? ?
        Model model, SessionStatus status) throws Exception {

    if (o_omessage.isEmpty()) {
        o_omessage = "";
    if (o_dmessage.isEmpty()) {
        o_dmessage = "";

    //System.out.println("1"+ o_type+"2"+ o_price+"3"+o_name +"4"+o_phone +"5"+ o_adress+"6"+ o_omessage+"7"+o_dmessage +"8"+useCash );
    ///// ?//
    Date orderDate = DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 0);
    orderDate = DateUtils.addSeconds(orderDate, 0);
    Format sdf = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyyMMddhhmmss", Locale.getDefault());
    String orderDates = sdf.format(orderDate);

    String code = "";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
        char ch = (char) ((Math.random() * 26) + 65);
        code = ch + code;
    String orderCode = orderDates + code;
    OrderResult or = new OrderResult(o_omessage, o_dmessage, o_name, o_phone, o_adress, orderCode, o_price,

    model.addAttribute("orderList", or);

    HttpSession hs = request.getSession();
    Account loginInfo = (Account) hs.getAttribute("userInfo");

    Account acc = new Account();
    model.addAttribute("myCash", loginInfo.getA_cash());
    //? ? (? -  ? +? ?)
    //       loginInfo.getA_cash() -   useCash +     cashSum        
    //int resultCash = (loginInfo.getA_cash() - useCash) +cashSum;
    int resultCash = (loginInfo.getA_cash() - useCash);

    System.out.println("? ");

    KartVO kart = new KartVO();
    List<KartVO> kartList = sampleService.kartList(kart);

    String ol_name = kartList.get(0).getK_name();
    model.addAttribute("resultList", kartList);
    for (int i = 0; i < kartList.size(); i++) {
        int pSeq = kartList.get(i).getK_seq();
        int pEa = kartList.get(i).getK_ea();
        String pname = kartList.get(i).getK_name();

        // ?

        //TODO  ? ?(??   )
        Product product = new Product();
        Product product2 = sampleService.selectProduct(product);
        int proEa = product2.getP_ea();
        int setEa = proEa - pEa;

        OrderSeetVO orderVO = new OrderSeetVO(orderCode, loginInfo.getA_id(), o_type, o_name, o_phone, o_adress,
                o_omessage, o_dmessage, pname, pEa, o_price, pSeq);
        System.out.println(i + " ? ?");
        if (i == kartList.size() - 1) {
            ol_name = ol_name + " " + i + "";

    OrderSeetListVO oslVO = new OrderSeetListVO(orderCode, loginInfo.getA_id(), " ", ol_name,
            o_omessage, o_dmessage, o_price);
    System.out.println("? ?");

    System.out.println(" ");

    ////? refresh  ?  /////////
    Account ac = new Account();

    Account ac2 = sampleService.getAccount(ac);

    hs.setAttribute("userInfo", ac2);
    //      hs.setMaxInactiveInterval(1*60*60);


    model.addAttribute("login", "loginOK.jsp");
    model.addAttribute("main", "orderResult.jsp");

    return "sample/home";


From source file:org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.oauth.UaaAuthorizationEndpoint.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/authorize")
public ModelAndView authorize(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters,
        SessionStatus sessionStatus, Principal principal, HttpServletRequest request) {

    ClientDetails client;/*from   w ww . j a v  a  2s  .co m*/
    String clientId;
    try {
        clientId = parameters.get("client_id");
        client = getClientServiceExtention().loadClientByClientId(clientId, IdentityZoneHolder.get().getId());
    } catch (NoSuchClientException x) {
        throw new InvalidClientException(x.getMessage());

    // Pull out the authorization request first, using the OAuth2RequestFactory. All further logic should
    // query off of the authorization request instead of referring back to the parameters map. The contents of the
    // parameters map will be stored without change in the AuthorizationRequest object once it is created.
    AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest;
    try {
        authorizationRequest = getOAuth2RequestFactory().createAuthorizationRequest(parameters);
    } catch (DisallowedIdpException x) {
        return switchIdp(model, client, clientId, request);

    Set<String> responseTypes = authorizationRequest.getResponseTypes();
    String grantType = deriveGrantTypeFromResponseType(responseTypes);

    if (!supported_response_types.containsAll(responseTypes)) {
        throw new UnsupportedResponseTypeException("Unsupported response types: " + responseTypes);

    if (authorizationRequest.getClientId() == null) {
        throw new InvalidClientException("A client id must be provided");

    String resolvedRedirect = "";
    try {
        String redirectUriParameter = authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get(OAuth2Utils.REDIRECT_URI);
        try {
            resolvedRedirect = redirectResolver.resolveRedirect(redirectUriParameter, client);
        } catch (RedirectMismatchException rme) {
            throw new RedirectMismatchException(
                    "Invalid redirect " + redirectUriParameter + " did not match one of the registered values");
        if (!StringUtils.hasText(resolvedRedirect)) {
            throw new RedirectMismatchException(
                    "A redirectUri must be either supplied or preconfigured in the ClientDetails");

        boolean isAuthenticated = (principal instanceof Authentication)
                && ((Authentication) principal).isAuthenticated();

        if (!isAuthenticated) {
            throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException(
                    "User must be authenticated with Spring Security before authorization can be completed.");

        if (!(responseTypes.size() > 0)) {
            return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(
                    addQueryParameter(addQueryParameter(resolvedRedirect, "error", "invalid_request"),
                            "error_description", "Missing response_type in authorization request")));

        // We intentionally only validate the parameters requested by the client (ignoring any data that may have
        // been added to the request by the manager).
        oauth2RequestValidator.validateScope(authorizationRequest, client);

        // Some systems may allow for approval decisions to be remembered or approved by default. Check for
        // such logic here, and set the approved flag on the authorization request accordingly.
        authorizationRequest = userApprovalHandler.checkForPreApproval(authorizationRequest,
                (Authentication) principal);
        boolean approved = userApprovalHandler.isApproved(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);

        // Validation is all done, so we can check for auto approval...
        if (authorizationRequest.isApproved()) {
            if (responseTypes.contains("token") || responseTypes.contains("id_token")) {
                return getImplicitGrantOrHybridResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal,
            if (responseTypes.contains("code")) {
                return new ModelAndView(
                        getAuthorizationCodeResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal));

        if ("none".equals(authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get("prompt"))) {
            return new ModelAndView(
                    new RedirectView(addFragmentComponent(resolvedRedirect, "error=interaction_required")));
        } else {
            // Place auth request into the model so that it is stored in the session
            // for approveOrDeny to use. That way we make sure that auth request comes from the session,
            // so any auth request parameters passed to approveOrDeny will be ignored and retrieved from the session.
            model.put(AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST, authorizationRequest);
            model.put("original_uri", UrlUtils.buildFullRequestUrl(request));
            model.put(ORIGINAL_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST, unmodifiableMap(authorizationRequest));

            return getUserApprovalPageResponse(model, authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);
    } catch (RedirectMismatchException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.debug("Unable to handle /oauth/authorize, internal error", e);
        if ("none".equals(authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get("prompt"))) {
            return new ModelAndView(
                    new RedirectView(addFragmentComponent(resolvedRedirect, "error=internal_server_error")));

        throw e;


From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteReX.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void deleteReX(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionStatus status)
        throws Exception {
    //PlatformData oData = new PlatformData();
    int nErrorCode = 0;
    String strErrorMsg = "START";

    HttpPlatformRequest pReq = new HttpPlatformRequest(request);
    pReq.receiveData();//????  ??  

    PlatformData iData = pReq.getData();

    VariableList in_vl = iData.getVariableList();
    //int in_var2 = in_vl.getInt("sVal1");
    int in_var2 = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("seq"));
    System.out.println(" ? seq???????>>>>>>>>>>>" + in_var2);
    if (in_var2 != 0) {

        try {//ww w  . ja  v a 2  s  .  c o m

            SampleVO sampleVO = new SampleVO();


            SampleVO sam2 = new SampleVO();
            sam2 = sampleService.selectSample(sampleVO);

            SampleVO iVo = new SampleVO();
            SampleVO iVo2 = new SampleVO();
            List<SampleVO> imgList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.selectImgList(sam2);

            for (int i = 0; i < imgList.size(); i++) {

                int imgSeq = imgList.get(i).getiSeq();
                //   System.out.println("imgseq======"+imgSeq);
                System.out.println(" ?? ===" + imgList.get(i).getiSeq());
                //? ? ?? 
                iVo2 = sampleService.selectImg(iVo); //? 
                System.out.println(" +? ====" + iVo2.getiUrl());
                File f = new File(iVo2.getiUrl().toString()); //? 
                f.delete(); //? 




            nErrorCode = 0;
            strErrorMsg = "SUCC";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // VariableList? ? ? 
            nErrorCode = -1;
            strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();
    // VariableList 
    //VariableList varList = oData.getVariableList();

    // VariableList? ? ? 
    //   varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode);
    //   varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg);
    //   varList.add("out_var", "1234"); // 

    //   return "forward:/egovSampleList.do";

    // HttpServletResponse ? HttpPlatformResponse ?
    //   HttpPlatformResponse pRes = new HttpPlatformResponse(response, PlatformType.CONTENT_TYPE_XML, "UTF-8");

    // ?? 
    //   pRes.sendData();

From source file:org.motechproject.server.omod.web.controller.DemoPatientController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String submitForm(@ModelAttribute("patient") WebPatient patient, Errors errors, ModelMap model,
        SessionStatus status, HttpSession session) {

    log.debug("Register Demo Patient");

    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "registrationMode",
    if (patient.getRegistrationMode() == RegistrationMode.USE_PREPRINTED_ID) {
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "motechId", "motechmodule.motechId.required");
    }//  ww  w. ja  va  2  s . c  om
    if (patient.getMotechId() != null) {
        String motechIdString = patient.getMotechId().toString();
        boolean validId = false;
        MotechIdVerhoeffValidator validator = new MotechIdVerhoeffValidator();
        try {
            validId = validator.isValid(motechIdString);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!validId) {
            errors.rejectValue("motechId", "motechmodule.motechId.invalid");
        } else if (openmrsBean.getPatientByMotechId(motechIdString) != null) {
            errors.rejectValue("motechId", "motechmodule.motechId.nonunique");

    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "firstName", "motechmodule.firstName.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "lastName", "motechmodule.lastName.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "birthDate", "motechmodule.birthDate.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "birthDateEst", "motechmodule.birthDateEst.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "sex", "motechmodule.sex.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "insured", "motechmodule.insured.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "region", "motechmodule.region.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "district", "motechmodule.district.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "communityId", "motechmodule.communityId.required");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "address", "motechmodule.address.required");

    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "enroll", "motechmodule.enroll.required");

    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(patient.getEnroll())) {
        if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(patient.getConsent())) {
            errors.rejectValue("consent", "motechmodule.consent.required");
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "phoneType", "motechmodule.phoneType.required");
        if (patient.getPhoneType() == ContactNumberType.PERSONAL
                || patient.getPhoneType() == ContactNumberType.HOUSEHOLD) {
            ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "phoneNumber",
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "mediaType", "motechmodule.mediaType.required");
        if (patient.getPhoneType() == ContactNumberType.PUBLIC && patient.getMediaType() != null
                && patient.getMediaType() != MediaType.VOICE) {
            errors.rejectValue("mediaType", "motechmodule.mediaType.voice");
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "language", "motechmodule.language.required");
        if (patient.getMediaType() == MediaType.TEXT && patient.getLanguage() != null
                && !patient.getLanguage().equals("en")) {
            errors.rejectValue("language", "motechmodule.language.english");
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "interestReason",
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "howLearned", "motechmodule.howLearned.required");

    Community community = null;
    if (patient.getCommunityId() != null) {
        community = registrarBean.getCommunityById(patient.getCommunityId());
        if (community == null) {
            errors.rejectValue("communityId", "motechmodule.communityId.notexist");

    if (patient.getPhoneNumber() != null
            && !patient.getPhoneNumber().matches(MotechConstants.PHONE_REGEX_PATTERN)) {
        errors.rejectValue("phoneNumber", "motechmodule.phoneNumber.invalid");

    validateTextLength(errors, "firstName", patient.getFirstName(), MotechConstants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPENMRS);
    validateTextLength(errors, "middleName", patient.getMiddleName(),
    validateTextLength(errors, "lastName", patient.getLastName(), MotechConstants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPENMRS);
    validateTextLength(errors, "prefName", patient.getPrefName(), MotechConstants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPENMRS);
    validateTextLength(errors, "nhis", patient.getNhis(), MotechConstants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPENMRS);
    validateTextLength(errors, "address", patient.getAddress(), MotechConstants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPENMRS);
    validateTextLength(errors, "phoneNumber", patient.getPhoneNumber(),

    if (!errors.hasErrors()) {
        registrarBean.demoRegisterPatient(patient.getRegistrationMode(), patient.getMotechId(),
                patient.getFirstName(), patient.getMiddleName(), patient.getLastName(), patient.getPrefName(),
                patient.getBirthDate(), patient.getBirthDateEst(), patient.getSex(), patient.getInsured(),
                patient.getNhis(), patient.getNhisExpDate(), community, patient.getAddress(),
                patient.getPhoneNumber(), patient.getEnroll(), patient.getConsent(), patient.getPhoneType(),
                patient.getMediaType(), patient.getLanguage(), patient.getDayOfWeek(), patient.getTimeOfDay(),
                patient.getInterestReason(), patient.getHowLearned());

        model.addAttribute("successMsg", "motechmodule.Demo.Patient.register.success");


        // Save the registration number for next step of demo
        session.setAttribute("demoLastMotechId", patient.getMotechId());

        return "redirect:/module/motechmodule/demo-success.htm";

    JSONLocationSerializer.populateJavascriptMaps(model, patient.getPreferredLocation());

    return "/module/motechmodule/demo-patient";

From source file:org.openmrs.module.sdmxhddataexport.web.controller.dataelement.DataElementController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/module/sdmxhddataexport/listDataElement.form", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String deleteDataElement(@RequestParam(value = "ids", required = false) String[] ids,
        @RequestParam(value = "files", required = false) MultipartFile uploadItem, HttpServletRequest request,
        @RequestParam(value = "upload", required = false) String upload,
        @RequestParam(value = "IncludeQueries", required = false) String IncludeQueries, Object command,
        SessionStatus status) {
    String temp = "";
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
    Integer dataElementId = null;
    System.out.println(" done " + upload);
    if (upload != null) {
        System.out.println("1st part truly done");
        //FileUpload file = uploadItem;
        String fileName = "";
        if (uploadItem != null) {
            fileName = uploadItem.getOriginalFilename();
            System.out.println("2nd part truly done " + fileName);

            byte[] byteArray = null;
            try {
                byteArray = uploadItem.getBytes();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                System.out.println("Bad file name");

                e.printStackTrace();/*from   w  w w .j  av  a 2  s.  c o m*/

            String data = new String(byteArray);
            System.out.println("3rd part truly done " + data);
            XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
            DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder builder = null;
            try {
                builder = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {

            Document doc = null;
            try {
                doc = builder.parse(uploadItem.getInputStream());
            } catch (SAXException e1) {
                        "Unsupported Document type is uploaded ");

                //or we can use httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "sdmxhddataexport.UploadedFile.Wrong" );

                return "redirect:/module/sdmxhddataexport/listDataElement.form";

            } catch (IOException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "error in reading Document type  ");


            XPathExpression expr = null;
            XPathExpression exprDesc = null;
            XPathExpression exprQuery = null;
            try {
                expr = xpath.compile(
                        "//*[local-name(.)='CodeList' and @id='CL_DATAELEMENT']/*[local-name(.)='Code']");
                exprDesc = xpath.compile("//[local-name(.)='Description']");

                exprQuery = xpath.compile("//[local-name(.)='Query']");
            } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
                httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Error parsing document ");

            Object result = null;
            try {
                result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
            } catch (XPathExpressionException e) {
                httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Error parsing document ");

                // e.printStackTrace();
            NodeList nodes = (NodeList) result;
            ArrayList<DataElement> dataElements = new ArrayList<DataElement>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
                boolean putItIn = false;
                DataElement de = new DataElement();

                NamedNodeMap nmp = nodes.item(i).getAttributes();
                System.out.println(nmp.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue() + "  hellooo..");
                //Node tempNode = (Node)nodes.item(i); 
                NodeList innerNodeList = nodes.item(i).getChildNodes();
                System.out.println("length: " + innerNodeList.getLength());
                for (int j = 0; j < innerNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
                    if (innerNodeList.item(j).getLocalName() != null) {
                        System.out.println("hehe " + innerNodeList.item(j).getLocalName());
                        if (innerNodeList.item(j).getLocalName().equals(new String("Description"))) {
                            System.out.println("Description: " + innerNodeList.item(j).getTextContent());

                            putItIn = true;

                        if (innerNodeList.item(j).getLocalName().equals(new String("Query"))
                                && IncludeQueries != null) {
                            System.out.println("Query: " + innerNodeList.item(j).getTextContent());
                if (putItIn) {

                    boolean bool;
                    DataElementValidator valid = new DataElementValidator();
                    bool = valid.fileValidate(de);
                    if (bool == true)

            ListIterator<DataElement> li = dataElements.listIterator();
            DataElement de;
            while (li.hasNext()) {
                de = (DataElement) li.next();
                System.out.println("Element 1 = " + de.getName());
                de.setCreatedOn(new java.util.Date());
                SDMXHDDataExportService sDMXHDDataExportService = Context




        return "redirect:/module/sdmxhddataexport/listDataElement.form";
    try {
        SDMXHDDataExportService sDMXHDDataExportService = Context.getService(SDMXHDDataExportService.class);
        if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) {
            for (String sId : ids) {
                dataElementId = Integer.parseInt(sId);
                if (dataElementId != null && dataElementId > 0 && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(
                        sDMXHDDataExportService.listReportDataElement(null, dataElementId, null, 0, 1))) {
                } else {
                    //temp += "We can't delete store="+store.getName()+" because that store is using please check <br/>";
                    temp = "This dataElement cannot be deleted as it is in use";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        httpSession.setAttribute(WebConstants.OPENMRS_MSG_ATTR, "Can not delete dataElement ");
            StringUtils.isBlank(temp) ? "sdmxhddataexport.dataElement.deleted" : temp);

    return "redirect:/module/sdmxhddataexport/listDataElement.form";

From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteQnaReX.do", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void deleteQnaReX(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionStatus status)
        throws Exception {
    PlatformData oData = new PlatformData();
    int nErrorCode = 0;
    String strErrorMsg = "START";

    HttpPlatformRequest pReq = new HttpPlatformRequest(request);
    pReq.receiveData();//????  ??  

    PlatformData iData = pReq.getData();

    VariableList in_vl = iData.getVariableList();
    //int in_var2 = in_vl.getInt("sVal1");
    int in_var2 = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("seq"));
    System.out.println(" ? seq???????>>>>>>>>>>>" + in_var2);
    if (in_var2 != 0) {

        try {// ww w.j  a  v  a 2  s . com

            QnaVO qvo = new QnaVO();

            //SampleVO sampleVO = new SampleVO();


            QnaVO qvo2 = sampleService.selectQna(qvo);

            SampleVO sam2 = new SampleVO();

            SampleVO iVo = new SampleVO();
            SampleVO iVo2 = new SampleVO();
            List<SampleVO> imgList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.selectImgList(sam2);

            for (int i = 0; i < imgList.size(); i++) {

                int imgSeq = imgList.get(i).getiSeq();
                //   System.out.println("imgseq======"+imgSeq);
                System.out.println(" ?? ===" + imgList.get(i).getiSeq());
                //? ? ?? 
                iVo2 = sampleService.selectImg(iVo); //? 
                System.out.println(" +? ====" + iVo2.getiUrl());
                File f = new File(iVo2.getiUrl().toString()); //? 
                f.delete(); //? 




            nErrorCode = 0;
            strErrorMsg = "SUCC";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // VariableList? ? ? 
            nErrorCode = -1;
            strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();
    // VariableList 
    VariableList varList = oData.getVariableList();

    // VariableList? ? ? 
    varList.add("ErrorCode", nErrorCode);
    varList.add("ErrorMsg", strErrorMsg);
    //   varList.add("out_var", "1234"); // 

    //   return "forward:/egovSampleList.do";

    // HttpServletResponse ? HttpPlatformResponse ?
    HttpPlatformResponse pRes = new HttpPlatformResponse(response, PlatformType.CONTENT_TYPE_XML, "UTF-8");

    // ?? 

From source file:com.citrix.cpbm.portal.fragment.controllers.AbstractUsersController.java

 * @param form/*from  w  w w.java  2s. c o  m*/
 * @param result
 * @param map
 * @param status
 * @return
@RequestMapping(value = { "/{userParam}/myprofile" }, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String edit(@PathVariable String userParam, @Valid @ModelAttribute("user") UserForm form,
        BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap map, SessionStatus status) {
    logger.debug("###Entering in edit(form,result,map,status) method @POST");
    com.citrix.cpbm.access.User user = form.getUser();

    MyProfileValidator validator = new MyProfileValidator();
    validator.validate(form, result);
    if (result.hasErrors()
            && !(result.getErrorCount() == 1 && result.getAllErrors().get(0).getCode().equals("Size")
                    && form.getUser().getUsername().equals("root"))) {
        // TODO to return the edit page with errors
        return "redirect:/portal/users/" + userParam + "/myprofile";
    User logedInUser = this.getCurrentUser();
    if (isEmailBlacklisted(user.getEmail().toLowerCase())) {
        logger.info("Email Id : " + form.getUser().getEmail()
                + " rejected because it is not on the whitelist or part of the blacklist. Kindly contact support");
        result.rejectValue("user.email", "signup.emaildomain.blacklist.error");
        return edit(null, user.getObject().getUuid(), request, map);
    if (form.getClearPassword() != null && !form.getClearPassword().isEmpty()) { // password reset
        if (form.getOldPassword() == null) {
            result.addError(new FieldError(result.getObjectName(), "oldPassword", null, false,
                    new String[] { "errors.password.required" }, null, null));
        } else if (!user.getObject().authenticate(form.getOldPassword())) {
            result.addError(new FieldError(result.getObjectName(), "oldPassword", null, false,
                    new String[] { "errors.password.invalid" }, null, null));
        } else {
    com.citrix.cpbm.access.User userClone = form.getUserClone();
    // TODO need to do Validation(Once fix this then remove @Ignore annotation against testUpdateUserFail from Test
    // Suit.
    form.setPhone(form.getPhone().replaceAll(PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX, "")); // removing all characters from phone number
    String oldPhone = userClone.getPhoneWithoutIsdCode() != null ? userClone.getPhoneWithoutIsdCode() : "";
    boolean phoneVerificationEnabled = false;
    if (!form.getPhone().equals(oldPhone.replaceAll(PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX, ""))
            || !form.getCountryCode().toString().equals(user.getCountryCode())) {

        if (connectorManagementService.getOssServiceInstancebycategory(ConnectorType.PHONE_VERIFICATION) != null
                && ((TelephoneVerificationService) connectorManagementService
                        .getOssServiceInstancebycategory(ConnectorType.PHONE_VERIFICATION)).isEnabled()) {
            phoneVerificationEnabled = true;

        if (phoneVerificationEnabled && !userService.hasAuthority(logedInUser, "ROLE_ACCOUNT_CRUD")) {
            String generatedPhoneVerificationPin = (String) request.getSession()
            String actualPhoneNumber = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("phoneNumber");
            if (form.getUserEnteredPhoneVerificationPin() == null
                    || !form.getUserEnteredPhoneVerificationPin().equals(generatedPhoneVerificationPin)
                    || !areDigitsInPhoneNosEqual(form.getPhone(), actualPhoneNumber)) {
                map.addAttribute("userEditError", "phoneVerfication.error");
                result.rejectValue("phone", "phoneVerfication.error");
                parseResult(result, map);
                return edit(null, user.getObject().getUuid(), request, map);
    String phoneNo = form.getCountryCode().replaceAll(PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX, "")
            + COUNTRY_CODE_TO_PHONE_NUMBER_SEPERATOR + form.getPhone().replaceAll(PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX, "");
    // Set the phone number
    if (!phoneVerificationEnabled && StringUtils.isEmpty(form.getPhone())) {
    } else {

    if ((user.getObject().getTenant().getState() == State.ACTIVE
            || user.getObject().getTenant().getState() == State.LOCKED
            || user.getObject().getTenant().getState() == State.SUSPENDED)
            && !user.getEmail().equals(userClone.getEmail())) {
        userAlertPreferencesService.createUserAlertPreference(user.getObject(), user.getEmail(),
        // set email so that it wont be updated in users table and other places
    userService.update(user, result);
    map.addAttribute("user", form);
    setPage(map, Page.USER_PERSONAL_PROFILE);
    logger.debug("###Exiting edit(form,result,map,status) method @POST");
    return "redirect:/portal/users/" + user.getObject().getParam() + "/myprofile";

From source file:egovframework.example.sample.web.EgovSampleController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteOriX.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void deleteOriX(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, SessionStatus status)
        throws Exception {
    //PlatformData oData = new PlatformData();
    int nErrorCode = 0;
    String strErrorMsg = "START";

    HttpPlatformRequest pReq = new HttpPlatformRequest(request);
    pReq.receiveData();//????  ??  

    PlatformData iData = pReq.getData();

    VariableList in_vl = iData.getVariableList();
    int in_var2 = in_vl.getInt("sVal1");
    System.out.println("? --" + in_var2);

    if (in_var2 != 0) {

        try {/*ww  w  .j a v  a  2s .  c o m*/

            SampleVO sampleVO = new SampleVO();

            /////////////?(?  ? ? )///
            List<SampleVO> uuidList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.getUuid(sampleVO); //? ? uuid  
            //         for (int i = 0; i < uuidList.size(); i++) {
            //      //      System.out.println("uuid====="+uuidList.get(i).getbUuid());      //
            //         }

            SampleVO iVo = new SampleVO();
            SampleVO iVo2 = new SampleVO();
            for (int i = 0; i < uuidList.size(); i++) {

                String bUuid = uuidList.get(i).getbUuid().toString();
                //   iVo.setiUuid(bUuid);

                //? ? ? 
                //iVo2 = sampleService.selectImgUuid(iVo); //b
                List<SampleVO> ivoList = (List<SampleVO>) sampleService.selectImgUuid(iVo); //uuid?  ??  
                //         System.out.println(ivoList.get(0).getiUrl());
                for (int j = 0; j < ivoList.size(); j++) { // ??   for
                    //      System.out.println(" +? ===="+ivoList.get(j).getiUrl());
                    File f = new File(ivoList.get(j).getiUrl().toString()); //? 
                    f.delete(); //? 




            nErrorCode = 0;
            strErrorMsg = "SUCC";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // VariableList? ? ? 
            nErrorCode = -1;
            strErrorMsg = e.getMessage();

    } //?

    nErrorCode = 0;
    strErrorMsg = "SUCC";
