Example usage for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete

List of usage examples for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete


In this page you can find the example usage for org.springframework.web.bind.support SessionStatus setComplete.


void setComplete();

Source Link


Mark the current handler's session processing as complete, allowing for cleanup of session attributes.


From source file:org.nishkarma.petclinic.controller.PetController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/{internationalPath:[a-zA-Z]{2,10}\\-[a-zA-Z]{2,10}}/owners/{ownerId}/pets/new", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processCreationForm(@ModelAttribute("pet") Pets pet, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
    try {// w w w .j  ava  2s.co  m
        new PetValidator().validate(pet, result);

        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "pets/createOrUpdatePetForm";

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new NishkarmaException(
                NishkarmaMessageSource.getMessage("exception_message", NishkarmaLocaleUtil.resolveLocale()));


    return "redirect:/{internationalPath}/owners/{ownerId}";

From source file:org.nishkarma.petclinic.controller.PetController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/{internationalPath:[a-zA-Z]{2,10}\\-[a-zA-Z]{2,10}}/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/edit", method = {
        RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST })
public String processUpdateForm(@ModelAttribute("pet") Pets pet, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
    try {/*from  ww w  .  ja  v  a 2 s.  co m*/
        // we're not using @Valid annotation here because it is easier to
        // define
        // such validation rule in Java
        new PetValidator().validate(pet, result);
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "pets/createOrUpdatePetForm";

        return "redirect:/{internationalPath}/owners/{ownerId}";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new NishkarmaException(
                NishkarmaMessageSource.getMessage("exception_message", NishkarmaLocaleUtil.resolveLocale()));


From source file:org.nishkarma.petclinic.controller.VisitController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/{internationalPath:[a-zA-Z]{2,10}\\-[a-zA-Z]{2,10}}/owners/{ownerId}/pets/{petId}/visits/new", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processNewVisitForm(@Valid @ModelAttribute("visit") Visits visit, BindingResult result,
        SessionStatus status) {
    try {/*from  w ww.  j ava  2 s  . co  m*/
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "pets/createOrUpdateVisitForm";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new NishkarmaException(
                NishkarmaMessageSource.getMessage("exception_message", NishkarmaLocaleUtil.resolveLocale()));

    return "redirect:/{internationalPath}/owners/{ownerId}";


From source file:org.springframework.samples.petclinic.web.OwnerController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/owners/new", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processCreationForm(@Valid Owner owner, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return "owners/createOrUpdateOwnerForm";
    } else {/*from  ww w .j  a  v a2s.  c o m*/
        this.clinicService.saveOwner(owner, owner.getId());
        return "redirect:/owners/" + owner.getId();

From source file:org.springframework.samples.petclinic.web.OwnerController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/owners/{ownerId}/edit", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public String processUpdateOwnerForm(@Valid Owner owner, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status) {
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return "owners/createOrUpdateOwnerForm";
    } else {//from  www.  jav  a 2  s.  co  m
        this.clinicService.saveOwner(owner, owner.getId());
        return "redirect:/owners/{ownerId}";

From source file:org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.endpoint.AuthorizationEndpoint.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/authorize")
public ModelAndView authorize(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters,
        SessionStatus sessionStatus, Principal principal) {

    logger.info("paramters:" + parameters.toString());
    logger.info("model:" + model.toString());
    // Pull out the authorization request first, using the OAuth2RequestFactory. All further logic should
    // query off of the authorization request instead of referring back to the parameters map. The contents of the
    // parameters map will be stored without change in the AuthorizationRequest object once it is created.
    AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = getOAuth2RequestFactory()

    Set<String> responseTypes = authorizationRequest.getResponseTypes();

    if (!responseTypes.contains("token") && !responseTypes.contains("code")) {
        throw new UnsupportedResponseTypeException("Unsupported response types: " + responseTypes);
    }//  ww w  .j a v a 2s .  com

    if (authorizationRequest.getClientId() == null) {
        throw new InvalidClientException("A client id must be provided");

    try {

        if (!(principal instanceof Authentication) || !((Authentication) principal).isAuthenticated()) {
            throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException(
                    "User must be authenticated with Spring Security before authorization can be completed.");

        ClientDetails client = getClientDetailsService()

        // The resolved redirect URI is either the redirect_uri from the parameters or the one from
        // clientDetails. Either way we need to store it on the AuthorizationRequest.
        String redirectUriParameter = authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get(OAuth2Utils.REDIRECT_URI);
        String resolvedRedirect = redirectResolver.resolveRedirect(redirectUriParameter, client);
        if (!StringUtils.hasText(resolvedRedirect)) {
            throw new RedirectMismatchException(
                    "A redirectUri must be either supplied or preconfigured in the ClientDetails");

        // We intentionally only validate the parameters requested by the client (ignoring any data that may have
        // been added to the request by the manager).
        oauth2RequestValidator.validateScope(authorizationRequest, client);

        // Some systems may allow for approval decisions to be remembered or approved by default. Check for
        // such logic here, and set the approved flag on the authorization request accordingly.
        authorizationRequest = userApprovalHandler.checkForPreApproval(authorizationRequest,
                (Authentication) principal);
        // TODO: is this call necessary?
        boolean approved = userApprovalHandler.isApproved(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);

        // Validation is all done, so we can check for auto approval...
        if (authorizationRequest.isApproved()) {
            if (responseTypes.contains("token")) {
                return getImplicitGrantResponse(authorizationRequest);
            if (responseTypes.contains("code")) {
                return new ModelAndView(
                        getAuthorizationCodeResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal));

        // Place auth request into the model so that it is stored in the session
        // for approveOrDeny to use. That way we make sure that auth request comes from the session,
        // so any auth request parameters passed to approveOrDeny will be ignored and retrieved from the session.
        model.put("authorizationRequest", authorizationRequest);

        return getUserApprovalPageResponse(model, authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);

    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw e;


From source file:org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.endpoint.AuthorizationEndpoint.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/authorize", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = OAuth2Utils.USER_OAUTH_APPROVAL)
public View approveOrDeny(@RequestParam Map<String, String> approvalParameters, Map<String, ?> model,
        SessionStatus sessionStatus, Principal principal) {
    logger.info("paramters2:" + approvalParameters.toString());
    logger.info("model:" + model.toString());
    logger.info("PID:" + approvalParameters.get("PID"));
    String PID = (String) approvalParameters.get("PID");
    httpSession.setAttribute("PID", PID);
    logger.info("session PID:" + httpSession.getAttribute("PID"));

    if (!(principal instanceof Authentication)) {
        throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException(
                "User must be authenticated with Spring Security before authorizing an access token.");
    }/* w  w  w. j av  a 2 s  . com*/

    AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = (AuthorizationRequest) model.get("authorizationRequest");

    if (authorizationRequest == null) {
        throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot approve uninitialized authorization request.");

    try {
        Set<String> responseTypes = authorizationRequest.getResponseTypes();

        authorizationRequest = userApprovalHandler.updateAfterApproval(authorizationRequest,
                (Authentication) principal);
        boolean approved = userApprovalHandler.isApproved(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);

        if (authorizationRequest.getRedirectUri() == null) {
            throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot approve request when no redirect URI is provided.");

        if (!authorizationRequest.isApproved()) {
            return new RedirectView(getUnsuccessfulRedirect(authorizationRequest,
                    new UserDeniedAuthorizationException("User denied access"),
                    responseTypes.contains("token")), false, true, false);

        if (responseTypes.contains("token")) {
            return getImplicitGrantResponse(authorizationRequest).getView();

        return getAuthorizationCodeResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication) principal);
    } finally {


From source file:org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.forgotaccount.student.PasswordReminderWizardController.java

 * Maybe you want to be provided with the _page parameter (in order to map the same method for all), as you have in
 * AbstractWizardFormController.//  w  w  w. j  a  v a2  s  .  c o  m
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processPage(@RequestParam("_page") final int currentPage,
        final @ModelAttribute("passwordReminderParameters") PasswordReminderParameters passwordReminderParameters,
        BindingResult result, SessionStatus status, ModelMap modelMap, final HttpServletResponse response) {

    switch (currentPage) {
    case 1:
        // handle the submit username

        try {
            String username = passwordReminderParameters.getUsername();

            if (username == null) {
            } else {
                username = StringUtils.trimToNull(username);
                User user = userService.retrieveUserByUsername(username);

                /* check to see if user exists and ensure that user is a student */
                if (user == null || !(user.getUserDetails() instanceof StudentUserDetails)) {
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder";

        // passed validation, put username and account question into page
        String username = passwordReminderParameters.getUsername();

        username = StringUtils.trimToNull(username);
        User user = userService.retrieveUserByUsername(username);

        StudentUserDetails userDetails = (StudentUserDetails) user.getUserDetails();

        modelMap.put(USERNAME, userDetails.getUsername());
        modelMap.put(ACCOUNT_QUESTION, userDetails.getAccountQuestion());


        return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder2";
    case 2:
        // handle the submit with account answer

        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(result, "submittedAccountAnswer",

        String submittedAccountAnswer = passwordReminderParameters.getSubmittedAccountAnswer();

        String accountAnswer = passwordReminderParameters.getAccountAnswer();

        accountAnswer = StringUtils.lowerCase(accountAnswer);

        submittedAccountAnswer = StringUtils.lowerCase(submittedAccountAnswer);

        if (accountAnswer == null) {
             * the account answer is null perhaps because the session has
             * timed out so we will redirect them back to the first
             * password reminder page where they enter their user name
            return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder";
        } else if (!accountAnswer.equals(submittedAccountAnswer)) {
            //they have provided an incorrect account answer

        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            modelMap.put(USERNAME, passwordReminderParameters.getUsername());
            modelMap.put(ACCOUNT_QUESTION, passwordReminderParameters.getAccountQuestion());

            return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder2";

        // passed validation, go to next page
        return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder3";
    case 3:
        // handle the submit with new passwords

        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(result, "verifyPassword",

        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(result, "newPassword",

        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder3";

        String newPassword = passwordReminderParameters.getNewPassword();

        String verifyPassword = passwordReminderParameters.getVerifyPassword();

        if (!verifyPassword.equals(newPassword)) {
        if (result.hasErrors()) {
            return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder3";

        // passed validation, save new password
        String usernameSubmitted = passwordReminderParameters.getUsername();

        usernameSubmitted = StringUtils.trimToNull(usernameSubmitted);
        User userSubmitted = userService.retrieveUserByUsername(usernameSubmitted);

        if (newPassword != null) {
            userService.updateUserPassword(userSubmitted, newPassword);

        //clear the command object from the session

        modelMap.put("username", passwordReminderParameters.get(PasswordReminderParameters.USERNAME));
        return "forgotaccount/student/passwordreminder4";

    return null;

From source file:org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.teacher.run.CreateRunController.java

@RequestMapping(params = "_cancel")
public String processCancel(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final SessionStatus status) {
    return "redirect:/teacher/index.html";

From source file:org.wise.portal.presentation.web.controllers.teacher.run.CreateRunController.java

 * Creates a run./*from  ww  w.  ja  v a 2  s .c  om*/
 * This method is called if there is a submit that validates and contains the "_finish"
 * request parameter.
@RequestMapping(params = "_finish")
protected ModelAndView processFinish(final @ModelAttribute("runParameters") RunParameters runParameters,
        final BindingResult result, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final SessionStatus status) throws Exception {

    Project project = runParameters.getProject();
    Project newProject; // copied project that will be used for new run.
    Integer projectWiseVersion = project.getWiseVersion();
    if (projectWiseVersion != null && projectWiseVersion == 5) {
        User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser();
        CredentialManager.setRequestCredentials(request, user);
        String pathAllowedToAccess = CredentialManager.getAllowedPathAccess(request);

         * get the project folder path
         * e.g.
         * /Users/geoffreykwan/dev/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/curriculum/667
        String projectFolderPath = FileManager.getProjectFolderPath(project);

         * get the curriculum base
         * e.g.
         * /Users/geoffreykwan/dev/apache-tomcat-5.5.27/webapps/curriculum
        String curriculumBaseDir = wiseProperties.getProperty("curriculum_base_dir");

        if (SecurityUtils.isAllowedAccess(pathAllowedToAccess, projectFolderPath)) {
            String newProjectDirname = FileManager.copyProject(curriculumBaseDir, projectFolderPath);
            String newProjectPath = "/" + newProjectDirname + "/project.json";
            String newProjectName = project.getName();
            Long parentProjectId = (Long) project.getId();
            ModuleParameters mParams = new ModuleParameters();
            Curnit curnit = curnitService.createCurnit(mParams);
            ProjectParameters pParams = new ProjectParameters();
            // get the project's metadata from the parent
            ProjectMetadata parentProjectMetadata = project.getMetadata();
            if (parentProjectMetadata != null) {
                // copy into new metadata object
                ProjectMetadata newProjectMetadata = new ProjectMetadataImpl(
            newProject = projectService.createProject(pParams);

        } else {
            return new ModelAndView("errors/accessdenied");
    } else {
        // this will be a new run using a WISE4 project. The new project has already been created.
        // get newProjectId from request and use that to set up the run
        String newProjectId = request.getParameter("newProjectId");
        newProject = projectService.getById(new Long(newProjectId));

    Run run;
    try {
        Locale userLocale = request.getLocale();
        runParameters.setPostLevel(5); // always use the highest post-level (starting WISE5)
        run = this.runService.createRun(runParameters);

        User owner = runParameters.getOwner();
        HashSet<User> members = new HashSet<>();

        // create a workgroup for the owners of the run (teacher)
        workgroupService.createWISEWorkgroup("teacher", members, run, null);

    } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
        result.rejectValue("curnitId", "error.curnit-not_found", new Object[] { runParameters.getCurnitId() },
                "Project Not Found.");
        return null;
    ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(COMPLETE_VIEW_NAME);
    modelAndView.addObject(RUN_KEY, run);
    Set<String> runIdsToArchive = runParameters.getRunIdsToArchive();
    if (runIdsToArchive != null) {
        for (String runIdStr : runIdsToArchive) {
            Long runId = Long.valueOf(runIdStr);
            Run runToArchive = runService.retrieveById(runId);

    // send email to the recipients in new thread
    //tries to retrieve the user from the session
    User user = ControllerUtil.getSignedInUser();
    Locale locale = request.getLocale();
    String fullWiseContextPath = ControllerUtil.getPortalUrlString(request); // e.g. http://localhost:8080/wise

    CreateRunEmailService emailService = new CreateRunEmailService(runParameters, run, user, locale,
    Thread thread = new Thread(emailService);

    return modelAndView;