Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


** FocusingField.jave - save/restore/process sagittal/tangential PSF width
** over FOV, together with related data
** Copyright (C) 2014 Elphel, Inc.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**

import ij.IJ;
import ij.gui.GenericDialog;
import ij.text.TextWindow;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;

//import Distortions.LMAArrays; // may still reuse?
import Jama.LUDecomposition;
import Jama.Matrix;

public class FocusingField {
    //    public String path;
    // restored from properties   
    FieldFitting fieldFitting = null;
    QualBOptimize qualBOptimize = new QualBOptimize();
    public double pX0_distortions;
    public double pY0_distortions;
    public double currentPX0;
    public double currentPY0;
    boolean sagittalMaster; // center data is the same, when true sagittal fitting only may change r=0 coefficients,
    boolean parallelOnly; // only process measurements for parallel moves
    boolean filterInput;
    double filterInputMotorDiff;
    double filterInputDiff; // um
    boolean filterInputFirstLast;
    boolean filterInputTooFar; // filter samples that are too far from the "center of mass" of other samples 
    double filterInputFarRatio; // remove samples that are farther than this ration of average distance
    boolean filterInputConcave;
    double filterInputConcaveSigma;
    boolean filterInputConcaveRemoveFew;
    int filterInputConcaveMinSeries;
    double filterInputConcaveScale;
    boolean filterZ; // (adjustment mode)filter samples by Z
    boolean filterTiltedZ; // remove tilted measurements using Z range determined by non-tilted LMA
    double filterByValueScale;
    double filterTiltedByValueScale; // filter tilted measurement samples if the spot FWHM is higher than scaled best FWHM
    boolean filterByScanValue; // filter adjustment samples if fwhm exceeds maximal used in focal scan mode
    boolean filterTiltedByScanValue; // filter tilted samples if fwhm exceeds maximal used in focal scan mode
    int filterByNeib; // remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) that this during adjustment
    int filterCalibByNeib; // remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) that this during calibration
    double filterSetsByRMS; // remove complete sets (same timestamp) with RMS greater than scaled average
    boolean filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly; // only remove non-scan sets
    int minLeftSamples; // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment
    int minBestLeftSamples; // minimal number of samples of the best channel/dir for adjustment
    int minCenterSamplesBest; // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment in the center, best channel
    int minCenterSamplesTotal; // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment in the center, all channels total
    int centerSamples; // number of center samples to consider for minLeftCenterSamples

    double maxRMS; // maximal (pure) RMS allowed during adjustment
    double zMin;
    double zMax;
    double zStep;
    double tMin;
    double tMax;
    double tStep;

    double targetRelFocalShift; // target focal shift relative to best composite "sharpness" 
    double targetRelTiltX; // target tilt Horizontal 
    double targetRelTiltY; // target tilt Vertical

    public double avgTx; // average absolute tilt X (optionally used when finding Z of the glued SFE)
    public double avgTy; // average absolute tilt Y (optionally used when finding Z of the glued SFE)
    public int[] zTxTyAdjustMode; //[3] - 0 - keep, 1 adjust common, 2 - adjust individual
    public boolean updateAverageTilts; // update avgTx, avgTy after averaging measurements (in "Focus Average" and "Temp. Scan")
    public int recalculateAverageTilts; // recalculate tilts during averaging, same values as in zTxTyAdjustMode

    // when false - tangential is master
    double[] minMeas; // pixels
    double[] maxMeas; // pixels
    double[] thresholdMax; // pixels
    boolean useMinMeas;
    boolean useMaxMeas;
    boolean useThresholdMax;
    int weightMode; // 0; // 0 - same weight, 1 - linear threshold difference, 2 - quadratic thershold difference
    double weightRadius; //2.0; // Gaussian sigma in mm
    private double k_red;
    private double k_blue;
    private double k_sag;
    private double k_tan;
    private double k_qualBFractionPeripheral; // relative weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB
    private double k_qualBFractionHor; // reduce weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB (linear, reaching k_qualBFractionPeripheral at the sensor margins)
    private double k_qualBFractionVert; // reduce weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB (linear, reaching k_qualBFractionPeripheral at the sensor margins)
    private boolean qualBRemoveBadSamples;
    public int qualBOptimizeMode; // 0 - none, +1 - optimize Zc, +2 - optimize Tx, +4 - optimize Ty
    public double[] qualBOptimizationResults = null; // not saved, re-calculated when needed

    private double qb_scan_below; // um
    private double qb_scan_above; // um
    private double qb_scan_step; // um
    private boolean qb_use_corrected;
    private boolean qb_invert;
    private boolean z_relative; // focal distance relative to center greeen
    private boolean rslt_show_z_axial;
    private boolean rslt_show_z_smooth;
    private boolean rslt_show_z_individual;
    private boolean rslt_show_f_axial;
    private boolean rslt_show_f_smooth;
    private boolean rslt_show_f_individual;
    private double rslt_show_smooth_sigma;
    private double rslt_scan_below;
    private double rslt_scan_above;
    private double rslt_scan_step;
    private boolean rslt_mtf50_mode;
    private boolean rslt_solve; // find z for minimum of f, if false - use parameter z0
    private boolean[] rslt_show_chn;

    // not saved/restored
    private double[] z0_estimates = null; // initial estimates for z0 from the lowest value on data
    private double lambdaStepUp; // multiply lambda by this if result is worse
    private double lambdaStepDown; // multiply lambda by this if result is better
    private double thresholdFinish; // (copied from series) stop iterations if 2 last steps had less improvement (but not worsening )
    private int numIterations; // maximal number of iterations
    private double maxLambda; // max lambda to fail
    private double lambda; // copied from series
    private double adjustmentInitialLambda;
    private String strategyComment;
    private boolean lastInSeries;
    private int currentStrategyStep; // -1 do not read from strategies
    private boolean stopEachStep; // open dialog after each fitting step
    private boolean stopEachSeries; // stop after each series
    private boolean stopOnFailure; // open dialog when fitting series failed
    private boolean showParams; // show modified parameters
    private boolean showDisabledParams;
    private boolean showCorrectionParams;
    private boolean keepCorrectionParameters;
    private boolean resetVariableParameters; // reset all SFE-dependent parameters before running LMA
    private boolean resetCenter; // use distortion center
    private boolean saveSeries; // just for the dialog
    private boolean showMotors;
    private boolean[] showMeasCalc;
    private boolean[] showColors;
    private boolean[] showDirs;
    private boolean[] showSamples;
    private boolean showAllSamples;
    private boolean showIgnoredData;
    private boolean showRad;
    private boolean correct_measurement_ST;
    private boolean updateWeightWhileFitting;
    private int debugPoint;
    private int debugParameter;
    // not reset to defaults
    private boolean[][][][][] sampleMask = null;
    public int debugLevel;
    public boolean debugDerivatives;
    public boolean debugDerivativesFxDxDy;
    private Properties savedProperties = null; // to-be applied
    private String propertiesPrefix = null;
    public double fwhm_to_mtf50 = 2 * Math.log(2.0) / Math.PI * 1000; //pi/0.004
    public boolean updateStatus = true;
    public String[] debugParameterNames = null;
    private double[] lastImprovements = { -1.0, -1.0 }; // {last improvement, previous improvement}. If both >0 and < thresholdFinish - done
    private int iterationStepNumber = 0;
    private long startTime = 0;
    private AtomicInteger stopRequested = null; // 1 - stop now, 2 - when convenient
    public static final String sep = " ";
    public static final String regSep = "\\s";
    public String serialNumber;
    public String lensSerial; // if null - do not add average
    public String comment;
    public String historyPath = null;
    public int sensorWidth;
    public int sensorHeight;
    //   public static final double PIXEL_SIZE=0.0022; // mm
    public double PIXEL_SIZE; // mm

    public double[][][] sampleCoord;
    public ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements;
    double[] weightReference = null; // calculated per-channel (6) array of maximal PSF FWHM after applying min/max correction
    MeasuredSample[] dataVector;
    double[][][] zRanges; // min/max "reliable" z for each channel/sample - will be used during adjustment
    boolean[] prevEnable; // used in adjustment mode to save previous result of filterByZRanges()
    //   boolean changedEnable; // used in adjustment mode to signal if new result of filterByZRanges() differes from the previous one
    double[] dataValues;
    double[] dataWeights;
    //   int [][][] dataIndex=null; // [measurement][channel][sample] - index in dataValues (and  dataWeights) or -1
    //    double sumWeights=0.0;
    double[][] jacobian = null; // rows - parameters, columns - samples
    double[] currentVector = null;
    double[] nextVector = null;
    double[] savedVector = null;
    boolean[][] goodCalibratedSamples = null;

    private LMAArrays lMAArrays = null;
    private LMAArrays savedLMAArrays = null;
    // temporarily changing visibility of currentfX
    double[] currentfX = null; // array of "f(x)" - simulated data for all images, combining pixel-X and pixel-Y (odd/even)
    private double[] nextfX = null; // array of "f(x)" - simulated data for all images, combining pixel-X and pixel-Y (odd/even)
    private double currentRMS = -1.0; // calculated RMS for the currentVector->currentfX
    private double currentRMSPure = -1.0; // calculated RMS for the currentVector->currentfX
    private double nextRMS = -1.0; // calculated RMS for the nextVector->nextfX
    private double nextRMSPure = -1.0; // calculated RMS for the nextVector->nextfX

    private double firstRMS = -1.0; // RMS before current series of LMA started
    private double firstRMSPure = -1.0; // RMS before current series of LMA started

    public int threadsMax = 100; // 0 - old code
    private boolean multiJacobian = true; // to try multithreaded mode

    public void setThreads(int num) {
        this.threadsMax = num;

    public void setDefaults() {
        goodCalibratedSamples = null;
        sensorWidth = 2592;
        sensorHeight = 1936;
        PIXEL_SIZE = 0.0022; // mm
        pX0_distortions = Double.NaN;
        pY0_distortions = Double.NaN;
        zRanges = null;
        prevEnable = null;
        //       changedEnable=true;
        z0_estimates = null;
        sagittalMaster = false; // center data is the same, when true sagittal fitting only may change r=0 coefficients,
        parallelOnly = true; // only process measurements for parallel moves
        filterInput = true;
        filterInputMotorDiff = 500.0;
        filterInputDiff = 2.0; // um
        filterInputFirstLast = true;
        filterInputTooFar = true; // filter samples that are too far from the "center of mass" of other samples 
        filterInputFarRatio = 3.0; // remove samples that are farther than this ration of average distance
        filterInputConcave = true; //um
        filterInputConcaveSigma = 8.0; //um
        filterInputConcaveRemoveFew = true;
        filterInputConcaveMinSeries = 5;
        filterInputConcaveScale = 0.9;
        filterZ = true; // (adjustment mode)filter samples by Z
        filterTiltedZ = true;
        filterByValueScale = 1.5; // (adjustment mode)filter samples by value - remove higher than scaled best FWHM
        filterTiltedByValueScale = 1.5;
        filterByScanValue = true; // filter adjustment samples if fwhm exceeds maximal used in focal scan mode
        filterTiltedByScanValue = true; // filter tilted samples if fwhm exceeds maximal used in focal scan mode
        filterByNeib = 3; // remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) that this during adjustment
        filterCalibByNeib = 3; // remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) that this during calibration
        filterSetsByRMS = 0.0; // remove complete sets (same timestamp) with RMS greater than scaled average
        filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly = true; // only remove non-scan sets

        minLeftSamples = 10; // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment
        minBestLeftSamples = 5; // minimal number of samples of the best channel/dir for adjustment (FIXME: still may fail if colinear and tilt free) 

        minCenterSamplesBest = 4; // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment in the center, best channel
        minCenterSamplesTotal = 0;// minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment in the center, all channels total
        centerSamples = 8; // there should remain at least  of centerSamples closest to r==0
        maxRMS = 0.5; // maximal (pure) RMS allowed during adjustment

        zMin = -40.0;
        zMax = 40.0;
        zStep = 2.0;
        tMin = -10.0;
        tMax = 10.0;
        tStep = 2.0;

        targetRelFocalShift = 0.0; // target focal shift relative to best composite "sharpness"
        targetRelTiltX = 0.0; // target tilt Horizontal 
        targetRelTiltY = 0.0; // target tilt Vertical 

        avgTx = 0.0; // average absolute tilt X (optionally used when finding Z of the glued SFE)
        avgTy = 0.0; // average absolute tilt Y (optionally used when finding Z of the glued SFE)
        zTxTyAdjustMode = new int[3]; //[3] - 0 - keep, 1 adjust common, 2 - adjust individual
        zTxTyAdjustMode[0] = 1;
        zTxTyAdjustMode[1] = 1;
        zTxTyAdjustMode[2] = 1;
        updateAverageTilts = true;
        recalculateAverageTilts = 1; // recalculate, common

        // when false - tangential is master
        double[] minMeasDflt = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }; // pixels
        minMeas = minMeasDflt; // pixels
        double[] maxMeasDflt = { 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5 }; // pixels
        maxMeas = maxMeasDflt; // pixels
        //       double [] thresholdMaxDflt= {2.4,3.0,2.6,3.0,3.1,3.0}; // pixels
        double[] thresholdMaxDflt = { 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5 }; // pixels
        thresholdMax = thresholdMaxDflt; // pixels
        useMinMeas = true;
        useMaxMeas = true;
        useThresholdMax = true;
        weightMode = 2; // 1; // 0 - same weight, 1 - linear threshold difference, >1 - power of PSF radius
        weightRadius = 0.0; //2.0; // Gaussian sigma in mm
        k_red = 0.7;
        k_blue = 0.3;
        k_sag = 1.0;
        k_tan = 1.0;
        k_qualBFractionPeripheral = 0.5; // relative weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB
        k_qualBFractionHor = 0.8; // reduce weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB (linear, reaching k_qualBFractionPeripheral at the sensor margins)
        k_qualBFractionVert = 0.8; // reduce weight of peripheral areas when optimizing qualB (linear, reaching k_qualBFractionPeripheral at the sensor margins)

        qualBRemoveBadSamples = true;
        qualBOptimizeMode = 7; // 0 - none, +1 - optimize Zc, +2 - optimize Tx, +4 - optimize Ty

        qb_scan_below = -40.0; // um
        qb_scan_above = 80.0; // um
        qb_scan_step = 0.5; // um
        qb_use_corrected = true;
        qb_invert = true;
        z_relative = true; // focal distance relative to best overall (false - center green )
        rslt_show_z_axial = true;
        rslt_show_z_smooth = false;
        rslt_show_z_individual = true;
        rslt_show_f_axial = true;
        rslt_show_f_smooth = false;
        rslt_show_f_individual = true;
        rslt_show_smooth_sigma = 0.3; // mm
        rslt_scan_below = -10.0;
        rslt_scan_above = 10.0;
        rslt_scan_step = 5.0;
        rslt_mtf50_mode = true;
        rslt_solve = false;
        boolean[] rslt_show_chnDflt = { true, true, true, true, true, true };
        rslt_show_chn = rslt_show_chnDflt.clone();
        // not saved/restored
        adjustmentInitialLambda = 0.001;
        lambdaStepUp = 8.0; // multiply lambda by this if result is worse
        lambdaStepDown = 0.5; // multiply lambda by this if result is better
        thresholdFinish = 0.001; // (copied from series) stop iterations if 2 last steps had less improvement (but not worsening )
        numIterations = 100; // maximal number of iterations
        maxLambda = 100.0; // max lambda to fail
        lambda = 0.001; // copied from series
        stopEachStep = true; // open dialog after each fitting step
        stopEachSeries = false;
        stopOnFailure = true; // open dialog when fitting series failed
        strategyComment = "";
        lastInSeries = true;
        currentStrategyStep = -1; // -1 do not read from strategies

        showParams = false; // show modified parameters
        showDisabledParams = false;
        showCorrectionParams = false;
        keepCorrectionParameters = true;
        resetVariableParameters = false;

        resetCenter = false;
        saveSeries = false; // just for the dialog

        showMotors = true;
        boolean[] showMeasCalcDflt = { true, true, true };
        showMeasCalc = showMeasCalcDflt.clone();
        boolean[] showColorsDflt = { true, true, true };
        showColors = showColorsDflt.clone();
        boolean[] showDirsDflt = { true, true };
        showDirs = showDirsDflt.clone();
        showSamples = null;
        showAllSamples = true;
        showIgnoredData = false;
        showRad = true;
        sampleMask = null;

        correct_measurement_ST = true;
        updateWeightWhileFitting = false;
        debugPoint = -1;
        debugParameter = -1;

        currentPX0 = pX0_distortions;
        currentPY0 = pY0_distortions;


    public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("FocusingField: setProperties()");
        if (fieldFitting == null) {
            System.out.println("fieldFitting is not initialized, nothing to save");
        boolean select = (properties.getProperty("selected") != null);
        boolean select_fieldFitting = !select;
        boolean select_FOCUSING_FIELD = !select;
        if (select) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Select FocusingField parameters to save");
            gd.addCheckbox("FieldFitting parameter class", select_fieldFitting);
            gd.addCheckbox("FocusingField local parameters", select_FOCUSING_FIELD);
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
            select_fieldFitting = gd.getNextBoolean();
            select_FOCUSING_FIELD = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (select_fieldFitting)
            fieldFitting.setProperties(prefix + "fieldFitting.", properties);
        if (select_FOCUSING_FIELD) {
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "pX0_distortions", pX0_distortions + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "pY0_distortions", pY0_distortions + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "currentPX0", currentPX0 + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "currentPY0", currentPY0 + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "sagittalMaster", sagittalMaster + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "parallelOnly", parallelOnly + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInput", filterInput + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputMotorDiff", filterInputMotorDiff + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputDiff", filterInputDiff + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputFirstLast", filterInputFirstLast + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputTooFar", filterInputTooFar + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputFarRatio", filterInputFarRatio + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcave", filterInputConcave + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveSigma", filterInputConcaveSigma + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveRemoveFew", filterInputConcaveRemoveFew + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveMinSeries", filterInputConcaveMinSeries + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveScale", filterInputConcaveScale + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterZ", filterZ + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedZ", filterTiltedZ + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterByValueScale", filterByValueScale + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByValueScale", filterTiltedByValueScale + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterByScanValue", filterByScanValue + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByScanValue", filterTiltedByScanValue + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterByNeib", filterByNeib + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterCalibByNeib", filterCalibByNeib + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMS", filterSetsByRMS + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly", filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "minLeftSamples", minLeftSamples + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "minBestLeftSamples", minBestLeftSamples + "");

            properties.setProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesBest", minCenterSamplesBest + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesTotal", minCenterSamplesTotal + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "centerSamples", centerSamples + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "maxRMS", maxRMS + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "zMin", zMin + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "zMax", zMax + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "zStep", zStep + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "tMin", tMin + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "tMax", tMax + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "tStep", tStep + "");

            properties.setProperty(prefix + "targetRelFocalShift", targetRelFocalShift + "");

            properties.setProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltX", targetRelTiltX + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltY", targetRelTiltY + "");

            properties.setProperty(prefix + "avgTx", avgTx + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "avgTy", avgTy + "");
            for (int i = 0; i < zTxTyAdjustMode.length; i++)
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "zTxTyAdjustMode_" + i, zTxTyAdjustMode[i] + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "updateAverageTilts", updateAverageTilts + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "recalculateAverageTilts", recalculateAverageTilts + "");
            for (int chn = 0; chn < minMeas.length; chn++)
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "minMeas_" + chn, minMeas[chn] + "");
            for (int chn = 0; chn < maxMeas.length; chn++)
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "maxMeas_" + chn, maxMeas[chn] + "");
            for (int chn = 0; chn < thresholdMax.length; chn++)
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "thresholdMax_" + chn, thresholdMax[chn] + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "useMinMeas", useMinMeas + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "useMaxMeas", useMaxMeas + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "useThresholdMax", useThresholdMax + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "weightMode", weightMode + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "weightRadius", weightRadius + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_red", k_red + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_blue", k_blue + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_sag", k_sag + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_tan", k_tan + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionPeripheral", k_qualBFractionPeripheral + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionHor", k_qualBFractionHor + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionVert", k_qualBFractionVert + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qualBRemoveBadSamples", qualBRemoveBadSamples + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qualBOptimizeMode", qualBOptimizeMode + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_below", qb_scan_below + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_above", qb_scan_above + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_step", qb_scan_step + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qb_use_corrected", qb_use_corrected + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "qb_invert", qb_invert + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "z_relative", z_relative + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_axial", rslt_show_z_axial + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_smooth", rslt_show_z_smooth + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_individual", rslt_show_z_individual + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_axial", rslt_show_f_axial + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_smooth", rslt_show_f_smooth + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_individual", rslt_show_f_individual + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_smooth_sigma", rslt_show_smooth_sigma + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_below", rslt_scan_below + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_above", rslt_scan_above + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_step", rslt_scan_step + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_mtf50_mode", rslt_mtf50_mode + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_solve", rslt_solve + "");
            for (int chn = 0; chn < rslt_show_chn.length; chn++)
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_chn_" + chn, rslt_show_chn[chn] + "");
            // always re-calculate here? - only in calibration mode or restore calibration mode? No, only in LMA in calibration mode      
            //      zRanges=calcZRanges(dataWeightsToBoolean());
            if (zRanges != null) {
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "zRanges_length", zRanges.length + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < zRanges.length; chn++)
                    if (zRanges[chn] != null) {
                        properties.setProperty(prefix + "zRanges_" + chn + "_length", zRanges[chn].length + "");
                        for (int sample = 0; sample < zRanges[chn].length; sample++)
                            if (zRanges[chn][sample] != null) {
                                properties.setProperty(prefix + "zRanges_" + chn + "_" + sample,
                                        zRanges[chn][sample][0] + "," + zRanges[chn][sample][1] + ","
                                                + zRanges[chn][sample][2]);
            if (goodCalibratedSamples != null) {
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "goodCalibratedSamples_length", goodCalibratedSamples.length + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < goodCalibratedSamples.length; chn++) {
                    String s = "";
                    if (goodCalibratedSamples[chn] != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < goodCalibratedSamples[chn].length; j++)
                            s += goodCalibratedSamples[chn][j] ? "+" : "-";
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + "goodCalibratedSamples_" + chn, s);


     * Set parameters from properties
     * @param prefix property name prefix 
     * @param properties properties
     * @param keepFromHistory keep distortion center read from the history (file or structure)
    public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties, boolean keepFromHistory) {

        savedProperties = properties;
        propertiesPrefix = prefix;
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("FocusingField: getProperties()");
        if (fieldFitting == null) {
            System.out.println("fieldFitting is not initialized, will apply properties later");
            return; //fieldFitting=new FieldFitting();
        fieldFitting.getProperties(prefix + "fieldFitting.", properties);
        if (!keepFromHistory || Double.isNaN(pX0_distortions)) {
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "pX0_distortions") != null)
                pX0_distortions = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "pX0_distortions"));
        if (!keepFromHistory || Double.isNaN(pY0_distortions)) {
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "pY0_distortions") != null)
                pY0_distortions = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "pY0_distortions"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "currentPX0") != null)
            currentPX0 = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "currentPX0"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "currentPY0") != null)
            currentPY0 = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "currentPY0"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "sagittalMaster") != null)
            sagittalMaster = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "sagittalMaster"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "parallelOnly") != null)
            parallelOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "parallelOnly"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInput") != null)
            filterInput = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInput"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputMotorDiff") != null)
            filterInputMotorDiff = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputMotorDiff"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputDiff") != null)
            filterInputDiff = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputDiff"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputFirstLast") != null)
            filterInputFirstLast = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputFirstLast"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputTooFar") != null)
            filterInputTooFar = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputTooFar"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputFarRatio") != null)
            filterInputFarRatio = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputFarRatio"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcave") != null)
            filterInputConcave = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcave"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveSigma") != null)
            filterInputConcaveSigma = Double
                    .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveSigma"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveRemoveFew") != null)
            filterInputConcaveRemoveFew = Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveRemoveFew"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveMinSeries") != null)
            filterInputConcaveMinSeries = Integer
                    .parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveMinSeries"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveScale") != null)
            filterInputConcaveScale = Double
                    .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterInputConcaveScale"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterZ") != null)
            filterZ = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterZ"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedZ") != null)
            filterTiltedZ = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedZ"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByValueScale") != null)
            filterByValueScale = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByValueScale"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByValueScale") != null)
            filterTiltedByValueScale = Double
                    .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByValueScale"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByScanValue") != null)
            filterByScanValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByScanValue"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByScanValue") != null)
            filterTiltedByScanValue = Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterTiltedByScanValue"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByNeib") != null)
            filterByNeib = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterByNeib"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterCalibByNeib") != null)
            filterCalibByNeib = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterCalibByNeib"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMS") != null)
            filterSetsByRMS = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMS"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly") != null)
            filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly = Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "minLeftSamples") != null)
            minLeftSamples = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "minLeftSamples"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "minBestLeftSamples") != null)
            minBestLeftSamples = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "minBestLeftSamples"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesBest") != null)
            minCenterSamplesBest = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesBest"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesTotal") != null)
            minCenterSamplesTotal = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "minCenterSamplesTotal"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSamples") != null)
            centerSamples = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSamples"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "maxRMS") != null)
            maxRMS = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "maxRMS"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zMin") != null)
            zMin = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zMin"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zMax") != null)
            zMax = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zMax"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zStep") != null)
            zStep = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zStep"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "tMin") != null)
            tMin = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "tMin"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "tMax") != null)
            tMax = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "tMax"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "tStep") != null)
            tStep = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "tStep"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelFocalShift") != null)
            targetRelFocalShift = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelFocalShift"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltX") != null)
            targetRelTiltX = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltX"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltY") != null)
            targetRelTiltY = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "targetRelTiltY"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "avgTx") != null)
            avgTx = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "avgTx"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "avgTy") != null)
            avgTy = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "avgTy"));
        for (int i = 0; i < zTxTyAdjustMode.length; i++) {
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zTxTyAdjustMode_" + i) != null)
                zTxTyAdjustMode[i] = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zTxTyAdjustMode_" + i));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "updateAverageTilts") != null)
            updateAverageTilts = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "updateAverageTilts"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "recalculateAverageTilts") != null)
            recalculateAverageTilts = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "recalculateAverageTilts"));
        for (int chn = 0; chn < minMeas.length; chn++)
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "minMeas_" + chn) != null)
                minMeas[chn] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "minMeas_" + chn));
        for (int chn = 0; chn < maxMeas.length; chn++)
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "maxMeas_" + chn) != null)
                maxMeas[chn] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "maxMeas_" + chn));
        for (int chn = 0; chn < thresholdMax.length; chn++)
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "thresholdMax_" + chn) != null)
                thresholdMax[chn] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "thresholdMax_" + chn));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "useMinMeas") != null)
            useMinMeas = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "useMinMeas"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "useMaxMeas") != null)
            useMaxMeas = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "useMaxMeas"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "useThresholdMax") != null)
            useThresholdMax = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "useThresholdMax"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "weightMode") != null)
            weightMode = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "weightMode"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "weightRadius") != null)
            weightRadius = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "weightRadius"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_red") != null)
            k_red = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_red"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_blue") != null)
            k_blue = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_blue"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_sag") != null)
            k_sag = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_sag"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_tan") != null)
            k_tan = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_tan"));

        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionPeripheral") != null)
            k_qualBFractionPeripheral = Double
                    .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionPeripheral"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionHor") != null)
            k_qualBFractionHor = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionHor"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionVert") != null)
            k_qualBFractionVert = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "k_qualBFractionVert"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qualBRemoveBadSamples") != null)
            qualBRemoveBadSamples = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qualBRemoveBadSamples"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qualBOptimizeMode") != null)
            qualBOptimizeMode = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qualBOptimizeMode"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_below") != null)
            qb_scan_below = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_below"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_above") != null)
            qb_scan_above = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_above"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_step") != null)
            qb_scan_step = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_scan_step"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_use_corrected") != null)
            qb_use_corrected = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_use_corrected"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_invert") != null)
            qb_invert = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "qb_invert"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "z_relative") != null)
            z_relative = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "z_relative"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_axial") != null)
            rslt_show_z_axial = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_axial"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_smooth") != null)
            rslt_show_z_smooth = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_smooth"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_individual") != null)
            rslt_show_z_individual = Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_z_individual"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_axial") != null)
            rslt_show_f_axial = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_axial"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_smooth") != null)
            rslt_show_f_smooth = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_smooth"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_individual") != null)
            rslt_show_f_individual = Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_f_individual"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_smooth_sigma") != null)
            rslt_show_smooth_sigma = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_smooth_sigma"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_below") != null)
            rslt_scan_below = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_below"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_above") != null)
            rslt_scan_above = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_above"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_step") != null)
            rslt_scan_step = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_scan_step"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_mtf50_mode") != null)
            rslt_mtf50_mode = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_mtf50_mode"));
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_solve") != null)
            rslt_solve = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_solve"));
        for (int chn = 0; chn < rslt_show_chn.length; chn++)
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_chn_" + chn) != null)
                rslt_show_chn[chn] = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "rslt_show_chn_" + chn));
        zRanges = null;
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zRanges_length") != null) {
            zRanges = new double[Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zRanges_length"))][][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < zRanges.length; chn++) {
                zRanges[chn] = null;
                if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "zRanges_" + chn + "_length") != null) {
                    zRanges[chn] = new double[Integer
                            .parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "zRanges_" + chn + "_length"))][];
                    for (int sample = 0; sample < zRanges[chn].length; sample++) {
                        zRanges[chn][sample] = null;
                        String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "zRanges_" + chn + "_" + sample);
                        if (s != null) {
                            zRanges[chn][sample] = new double[3];
                            String[] ss = s.split(",");
                            zRanges[chn][sample][0] = Double.parseDouble(ss[0]);
                            zRanges[chn][sample][1] = Double.parseDouble(ss[1]);
                            if (ss.length > 2)
                                zRanges[chn][sample][2] = Double.parseDouble(ss[2]);
                                zRanges[chn][sample][2] = 0.0;
        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "goodCalibratedSamples_length") != null) {
            goodCalibratedSamples = new boolean[Integer
                    .parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "goodCalibratedSamples_length"))][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < goodCalibratedSamples.length; chn++) {
                String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "goodCalibratedSamples_" + chn);
                if ((s == null) || (s.length() == 0)) {
                    goodCalibratedSamples[chn] = null;
                } else {
                    goodCalibratedSamples[chn] = new boolean[s.length()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < goodCalibratedSamples[chn].length; i++) {
                        goodCalibratedSamples[chn][i] = s.charAt(i) == '+';

    public void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel) {
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;

    public void setAdjustMode(boolean mode, int[] zTxTyMode) { //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
        if ((fieldFitting != null) && (fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel != null)) {
            fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(mode, zTxTyMode);

    public class LMAArrays { // reuse from Distortions?
        public double[][] jTByJ = null; // jacobian multiplied by Jacobian transposed
        public double[] jTByDiff = null; // jacobian multiplied difference vector

        public LMAArrays clone() {
            LMAArrays lma = new LMAArrays();
            lma.jTByJ = this.jTByJ.clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jTByJ.length; i++)
                lma.jTByJ[i] = this.jTByJ[i].clone();
            lma.jTByDiff = this.jTByDiff.clone();
            return lma;

    public enum MECH_PAR {
        K0, // Average motor center travel","um/step","0.0124"},
        KD1, // M1 and M2 travel disbalance","um/step","0.0"},
        KD3, // M3 to average of M1 and M2 travel disbalance","um/step","0.0"},
        sM1, // M1: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        cM1, // M1: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        sM2, // M2: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        cM2, // M2: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        sM3, // M3: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        cM3, // M3: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch","","0.0"},
        Lx, // Half horizontal distance between M3 and and M2 supports", "mm","21.0"},
        Ly, // Half vertical distance between M1 and M2 supports", "mm","10.0"},
        mpX0, // pixel X coordinate of mechanical center","px","1296.0"},
        mpY0, // pixel Y coordinate of mechanical center","px","968.0"},
        z0, // center shift, positive away form the lens","um","0.0"},
        tx, // horizontal tilt", "um/pix","0.0"},
        ty // vertical tilt", "um/pix","0.0"}};

    //public static double getPixelMM(){return PIXEL_SIZE;}
    //public static double getPixelUM(){return PIXEL_SIZE*1000;}
    public double getPixelMM() {
        return PIXEL_SIZE;

    public double getPixelUM() {
        return PIXEL_SIZE * 1000;

    public int flattenIndex(int i, int j) {
        return j + i * sampleCoord[0].length;

    public int getNumSamples() {
        return sampleCoord.length * sampleCoord[0].length;

    public int getNumChannels() {
        return 6;

    public int getSampleWidth() {
        return sampleCoord[0].length;

    public double[][] flattenSampleCoord() {
        double[][] flatSampleCoord = new double[sampleCoord.length * sampleCoord[0].length][2];
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++)
                flatSampleCoord[index++] = sampleCoord[i][j];
        return flatSampleCoord; // last dimension is not cloned

    public double[][][] getSampleCoord() {
        return this.sampleCoord;

    public class MeasuredSample {
        public int[] motors = new int[3];
        public String timestamp;
        public double px;
        public double py;
        public int sampleIndex = 0;
        public int measurementIndex = -1;
        public int channel;
        public double value;
        public double[] dPxyc = new double[2]; // derivative of the value by optical (aberration) center pixel X,Y
        public boolean scan = false; // sample belongs to focal distance scanning series

        //     public double weight;
        //     public MeasuredSample(){}
        public MeasuredSample(int[] motors, String timestamp, double px, double py, int sampleIndex,
                int measurementIndex, int channel, double value, double dPxc, double dPyc, boolean scan) {
            this.motors = motors;
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.px = px;
   = py;
   = channel;
            this.value = value;
            this.dPxyc[0] = dPxc;
            this.dPxyc[1] = dPyc;
            this.sampleIndex = sampleIndex;
            this.measurementIndex = measurementIndex;
            this.scan = scan;

    public boolean configureDataVector(boolean silent, String title, boolean forcenew, boolean enableReset) {
        if ((fieldFitting == null) && !forcenew) {
            forcenew = true;
        boolean setupMasks = silent ? false : true;
        boolean setupParameters = silent ? false : true;
        boolean showDisabled = silent ? false : true;
        FieldFitting tmpFieldFitting = fieldFitting;
        if (tmpFieldFitting == null)
            tmpFieldFitting = new FieldFitting(); // just to get field description
        int[] numCurvPars = tmpFieldFitting.getNumCurvars();
        if (!silent) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title + (forcenew ? " RESETTING DATA" : ""));
            gd.addCheckbox("Only use measurements acquired during parallel moves (false - use all)", parallelOnly);

            gd.addCheckbox("Remove \"crazy\" input data (small motor move causing large variations of FWHM)",
            gd.addNumericField("Maximal motor move to be considered small", filterInputMotorDiff, 0, 5,
                    "steps (~90um/step)");
            gd.addNumericField("Maximal allowed PSF FWHM variations fro the move above", filterInputDiff, 3, 5,
            gd.addCheckbox("Remove first/last in a series of measuremnts separated by small (see above) steps",
            gd.addCheckbox("Remove measurements taken too far from the rest for the same channel/sample",
            gd.addNumericField("\"Too far\" ratio to the average distance to the center of measurements",
                    filterInputFarRatio, 3, 5, "um");

            gd.addCheckbox("Filter non-concave areas from best focus for each sample", filterInputConcave);
            gd.addNumericField("Concave filter sigma", filterInputConcaveSigma, 3, 5, "um");
            gd.addCheckbox("Remove small series ", filterInputConcaveRemoveFew);
            gd.addNumericField("Minimal number of samples (to remove / apply concave filter) ",
                    filterInputConcaveMinSeries, 3, 5, "samples");
            gd.addNumericField("Concave filter scale", filterInputConcaveScale, 3, 5, "<=1.0");

            gd.addCheckbox("Filter tilted samples/channels by Z", filterTiltedZ);
            gd.addCheckbox("Filter tilted samples by value (leave lower than maximal fwhm used in focal scan mode)",
                    "Filter tilted samples by value (remove samples above scaled best FWHM for channel/location)",
                    filterTiltedByValueScale, 2, 5, "x");

            gd.addNumericField("Remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) than this", filterCalibByNeib,
                    0, 1, "");

            gd.addNumericField("Remove complete sets (same timestamp) with RMS greater than scaled average RMS",
                    filterSetsByRMS, 3, 5, "x");
            gd.addCheckbox("Only remove sets of tilt calibration, keep focus scanning ones",

            gd.addCheckbox("Sagittal channels are master channels (false - tangential are masters)",
            gd.addMessage("=== Setting minimal measured PSF radius for different colors/directions ===");

            for (int i = 0; i < minMeas.length; i++) {
                gd.addNumericField(tmpFieldFitting.getDescription(i), this.minMeas[i], 3, 5, "pix");
            gd.addCheckbox("Use minimal radius", useMinMeas);
            gd.addMessage("=== Setting maximal measured PSF radius for different colors/directions ===");
            for (int i = 0; i < maxMeas.length; i++) {
                gd.addNumericField(tmpFieldFitting.getDescription(i), this.maxMeas[i], 3, 5, "pix");
            gd.addCheckbox("Use maximal radius", useMaxMeas);
            gd.addMessage("=== Setting maximal usable PSF radius for different colors/directions ===");
            for (int i = 0; i < thresholdMax.length; i++) {
                gd.addNumericField(tmpFieldFitting.getDescription(i), this.thresholdMax[i], 3, 5, "pix");
            gd.addCheckbox("Discard measurements with PSF radius above specified above threshold", useThresholdMax);
            if (forcenew) {
                gd.addMessage("=== Setting number of parameters for approximation of the PSF dimensions ===");
                gd.addNumericField("Number of parameters for psf(z) approximation (>=3)", numCurvPars[0], 0);
                gd.addNumericField("Number of parameters for radial dependence of PSF curves (>=1)", numCurvPars[1],
                    "Data weight mode (0 - equal mode, 1 -linear treshold diff, 2 - quadratic threshold diff)",
                    weightMode, 0);
            gd.addNumericField("Data weight radius (multiply weight by Gaussian), 0 - no dependence on radius",
                    weightRadius, 3, 5, "mm");
            gd.addCheckbox("Setup parameter masks?", setupMasks);
            gd.addCheckbox("Setup parameter values?", setupParameters);
            gd.addCheckbox("Show/modify disabled for auto-adjustment parameters?", showDisabled);
            gd.addCheckbox("Debug feature: update measurements and /dxc, /dyc if center is being fitted",
            gd.addCheckbox("Debug feature: update sample weights during fitting", updateWeightWhileFitting);
            if (enableReset)
                gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Reset to defaults, re-open"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            if (!gd.wasOKed()) {
                savedProperties = null;
                if (!configureDataVector(false, title, true, false))
                    return false;
                return true;

            // boolean configureDataVector(String title, boolean forcenew, boolean moreset)   

            parallelOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInput = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInputMotorDiff = gd.getNextNumber();
            filterInputDiff = gd.getNextNumber();

            filterInputFirstLast = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInputTooFar = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInputFarRatio = gd.getNextNumber();
            filterInputConcave = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInputConcaveSigma = gd.getNextNumber();
            filterInputConcaveRemoveFew = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterInputConcaveMinSeries = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            filterInputConcaveScale = gd.getNextNumber();

            filterTiltedZ = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterTiltedByScanValue = gd.getNextBoolean();
            filterTiltedByValueScale = gd.getNextNumber();
            filterCalibByNeib = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            filterSetsByRMS = gd.getNextNumber();
            filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();

            sagittalMaster = gd.getNextBoolean();
            for (int i = 0; i < minMeas.length; i++)
                this.minMeas[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
            useMinMeas = gd.getNextBoolean();
            for (int i = 0; i < maxMeas.length; i++)
                this.maxMeas[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
            useMaxMeas = gd.getNextBoolean();
            for (int i = 0; i < thresholdMax.length; i++)
                this.thresholdMax[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
            useThresholdMax = gd.getNextBoolean();
            if (forcenew) {
                numCurvPars[0] = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
                numCurvPars[1] = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            weightMode = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            weightRadius = gd.getNextNumber();

            setupMasks = gd.getNextBoolean();
            setupParameters = gd.getNextBoolean();
            showDisabled = gd.getNextBoolean();
            correct_measurement_ST = gd.getNextBoolean();
            updateWeightWhileFitting = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if (forcenew) {
            this.fieldFitting = new FieldFitting(currentPX0, currentPY0, numCurvPars[0], numCurvPars[1]);
            if (savedProperties != null) {
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                    System.out.println("configureDataVector(): Applying properties");
                getProperties(propertiesPrefix, savedProperties, true); // overwrites parallelOnly! and distortions center
        fieldFitting.setCenterXY(currentPX0, currentPY0);
        if (setupMasks) {
            if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Setup parameter masks"))
                return false;
        } else {
        if (setupParameters) {
            if (!fieldFitting.showModifyParameterValues("Setup parameter values", showDisabled))
                return false;
        double[] centerXY = fieldFitting.getCenterXY();
        currentPX0 = centerXY[0];
        currentPY0 = centerXY[1];
        this.savedVector = fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
        //     initialVector     
        return true;

    private boolean[] dataWeightsToBoolean() {
        boolean[] enable = new boolean[dataVector.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) {
            enable[i] = dataWeights[i] > 0.0;
        return enable;

    public int numEnabled(boolean[] en) {
        int num = 0;
        if (en != null)
            for (boolean e : en)
                if (e)
        return num;

    private void maskDataWeights(boolean[] enable) {
        for (int i = 0; i < enable.length; i++) {
            if (!enable[i])
                dataWeights[i] = 0.0;

    public double[][] getSeriesWeights() {
        double[][] seriesWeights = new double[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < seriesWeights.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < seriesWeights[chn].length; sample++)
                seriesWeights[chn][sample] = 0.0;
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if (dataWeights[index] > 0.0) {
                seriesWeights[dataVector[index].channel][dataVector[index].sampleIndex] += dataWeights[index];
        if (debugLevel > 1) {
            System.out.println("==== getSeriesWeights():");
            for (int chn = 0; chn < seriesWeights.length; chn++)
                for (int sample = 0; sample < seriesWeights[chn].length; sample++) {
                    System.out.println("chn=" + chn + " sample=" + sample + " weight="
                            + IJ.d2s(seriesWeights[chn][sample], 3));
        return seriesWeights;

    private double[][][] calcZRanges(boolean scanOnly, boolean[] enable) {
        double[][][] zRanges = new double[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()][];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < zRanges.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < zRanges[chn].length; sample++)
                zRanges[chn][sample] = null;
        double[][] sCoord = flattenSampleCoord();

        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if ((!scanOnly || dataVector[index].scan) && ((index >= enable.length) || enable[index])) {
                int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                double z = fieldFitting.getMotorsZ(dataVector[index].motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                        sCoord[sample][0], // pixel x
                        sCoord[sample][1]); // pixel y
                double fwhm = dataVector[index].value;
                if (zRanges[chn][sample] == null) {
                    zRanges[chn][sample] = new double[3];
                    zRanges[chn][sample][0] = z; // low limit
                    zRanges[chn][sample][1] = z; // high limit
                    zRanges[chn][sample][2] = 0.0; // maximal used value
                } else {
                    if (z < zRanges[chn][sample][0])
                        zRanges[chn][sample][0] = z;
                    if (z > zRanges[chn][sample][1])
                        zRanges[chn][sample][1] = z;
                    if (fwhm > zRanges[chn][sample][2])
                        zRanges[chn][sample][2] = fwhm;
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("***** calcZRanges() *****");
        return zRanges;

    private boolean[] filterByZRanges(double[][][] zRanges, boolean[] enable_in, boolean[] scanMask) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        //   if (scanMask==null) {
        //      scanMask=new boolean [dataVector.length];
        //      for (int i=0;i<scanMask.length;i++) scanMask[i]=true;
        //   }
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i])
                    enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();
        //   boolean [] enable_out=enable_in.clone();
        double[][] sCoord = flattenSampleCoord();
        int numFiltered = 0;

        if (zRanges != null) {
            for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
                    int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                    int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                    double z = fieldFitting.getMotorsZ(dataVector[index].motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                            sCoord[sample][0], // pixel x
                            sCoord[sample][1]); // pixel y
                    if ((zRanges[chn] != null) && (zRanges[chn][sample] != null)) {
                        if ((z < zRanges[chn][sample][0]) || (z > zRanges[chn][sample][1])) {
                            enable_out[index] = false;
                            //            } else {
                            //               numLeft++;
        // restore masked out data
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                    enable_out[i] = true;
        if ((debugLevel + ((scanMask != null) ? 1 : 0)) > 1) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
                    "filterByZRanges(): Filtered " + numFiltered + " samples, left " + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterByScanValues(double[][][] zRanges, boolean[] enable_in, boolean[] scanMask) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i])
                    enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();
        int numFiltered = 0;

        if (zRanges != null) {
            for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
                    int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                    int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                    double fwhm = dataVector[index].value;
                    if ((zRanges[chn] != null) && (zRanges[chn][sample] != null)) {
                        if (fwhm > zRanges[chn][sample][2]) {
                            enable_out[index] = false;
        // restore masked out data
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                    enable_out[i] = true;
        if ((debugLevel + ((scanMask != null) ? 1 : 0)) > 1) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
                    "filterByScanValues(): Filtered " + numFiltered + " samples, left " + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterByValue(double scale, // scale to best FWHM - larger are ignored
            boolean[] enable_in, boolean[] scanMask) {
        //   boolean [] enable_out=enable_in.clone();
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        //   if (scanMask==null) {
        //      scanMask=new boolean [dataVector.length];
        //      for (int i=0;i<scanMask.length;i++) scanMask[i]=true;
        //   }
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i])
                    enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();

        double[][] fwhm = fieldFitting.getFWHM(true, // boolean corrected,
                true //boolean allChannels 
        if (scale > 1.0) {
            for (int chn = 0; chn < fwhm.length; chn++)
                for (int sample = 0; sample < fwhm[chn].length; sample++) {
                    fwhm[chn][sample] *= scale;
        } else {
            if (zRanges == null) {
                System.out.println("filterByValue(): scale <=1.0 and zRanges==null -> nothing filtered");
                return enable_in.clone();
            for (int chn = 0; chn < fwhm.length; chn++)
                for (int sample = 0; sample < fwhm[chn].length; sample++) {
                    if ((zRanges[chn] != null) && (zRanges[chn][sample] != null)) {
                        fwhm[chn][sample] += scale * (zRanges[chn][sample][2] - fwhm[chn][sample]); // based on worst accepted during calibration
        int numFiltered = 0;
        //   int numLeft=0;
        if (scale > 0.0) {
            for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
                    int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                    int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                    if (dataVector[index].value > fwhm[chn][sample]) {
                        enable_out[index] = false;
        // restore masked out data
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                    enable_out[i] = true;

        if ((debugLevel + ((scanMask != null) ? 1 : 0)) > 1) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
                    .println("filterByValue(): Filtered " + numFiltered + " samples, left " + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterNotEnoughSamples(boolean[] centerSamples, boolean[] enable_in,
            int minTotalCenterSamples, int minBestChannelCenterSamples, int minTotalSamples,
            int minBestChannelSamples) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_in.clone();
        int numFiltered = 0;
        int lastIndex;
        int firstIndex;
        int nextIndex = 0;
        String lastTimestamp = "";
        while (nextIndex < dataVector.length) {
            // find first enabled sample
            for (firstIndex = nextIndex; (firstIndex < dataVector.length)
                    && ((firstIndex < enable_in.length) && !enable_in[firstIndex]); firstIndex++)
            lastTimestamp = dataVector[firstIndex].timestamp;
            lastIndex = firstIndex;
            for (nextIndex = firstIndex; nextIndex < dataVector.length; nextIndex++)
                if ((nextIndex >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[nextIndex]) {
                    if (dataVector[nextIndex].timestamp.equals(lastTimestamp))
                        lastIndex = nextIndex;

            int[] numCenterSamples = new int[getNumChannels()];
            int[] numSamples = new int[getNumChannels()];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < getNumChannels(); chn++) {
                numCenterSamples[chn] = 0;
                numSamples[chn] = 0;
            for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[index]) {
                    int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                    int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                    if (centerSamples[sample])
            int numTotalCenterSamples = 0;
            int numBestChannelCenterSamples = 0;
            int numTotalSamples = 0;
            int numBestChannelSamples = 0;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < getNumChannels(); chn++) {
                numTotalSamples += numSamples[chn];
                numTotalCenterSamples += numCenterSamples[chn];
                if (numBestChannelSamples < numSamples[chn])
                    numBestChannelSamples = numSamples[chn];
                if (numBestChannelCenterSamples < numCenterSamples[chn])
                    numBestChannelCenterSamples = numCenterSamples[chn];
            if ((numTotalCenterSamples < minTotalCenterSamples)
                    || (numBestChannelCenterSamples < minBestChannelCenterSamples)
                    || (numTotalSamples < minTotalSamples) || (numBestChannelSamples < minBestChannelSamples)) {
                // Remove all samples in this measurement
                for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                    if ((index >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[index]) {
                        enable_out[index] = false;
        if (debugLevel > 1) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
            System.out.println("filterNotEnoughSamples(" + minTotalCenterSamples + "," + minBestChannelCenterSamples
                    + "," + minTotalSamples + "," + minBestChannelSamples + "): Filtered " + numFiltered
                    + " samples, left " + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;
    public boolean checkEnoughCenter(
          boolean [] centerSamples,
          boolean [] enable_in,
          int minTotalSamples,
          int minBestChannelSamples){
       int [] numSamples=getNumCenterSamples(
       int total=0;
       boolean bestOK=false;
       for (int num:numSamples){
          if (num>=minBestChannelSamples) bestOK=true;
       return bestOK && (total>=minTotalSamples);
    public int [] getNumCenterSamples( // per channel (disabled channels are already removed in enable_in)
          boolean [] centerSamples,
          boolean [] enable_in){
       int [] numSamples=new int [getNumChannels()];
       for (int i=0;i<numSamples.length;i++) numSamples[i]=0;
       for (int index=0;index<dataVector.length;index++) if ((index>=enable_in.length) || enable_in[index]){
          if (centerSamples[dataVector[index].sampleIndex]) numSamples[dataVector[index].channel]++;
       return numSamples;

    public boolean[] getCenterSamples(int num) {
        double[] sampleCorrRadiuses = fieldFitting.getSampleRadiuses();
        if (num > sampleCorrRadiuses.length)
            num = sampleCorrRadiuses.length;
        boolean[] centerMask = new boolean[sampleCorrRadiuses.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < centerMask.length; i++)
            centerMask[i] = false;
        for (int pass = 0; pass < num; pass++) {
            double min = 0;
            int bestIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < centerMask.length; i++)
                if (!centerMask[i] && ((bestIndex < 0) || (sampleCorrRadiuses[i] < min))) {
                    bestIndex = i;
                    min = sampleCorrRadiuses[i];
            centerMask[bestIndex] = true;
        return centerMask;

    private int getNumEnabledSamples(boolean[] enable) {
        int num_en = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if ((index >= enable.length) || enable[index])
        return num_en;

    private boolean[] filterConcave(boolean[] scanMask, // do not filter if false
            double sigma, boolean removeInsufficient, int minSeries, double concaveScale, boolean[] enable_in) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        if (scanMask == null) {
            scanMask = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < scanMask.length; i++)
                scanMask[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
            if ((i < scanMask.length) && !scanMask[i])
                enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();

        int debugThreshold = 1;
        double maxGap = sigma; // this point has this gap towards minimal
        double kexp = -0.5 / (sigma * sigma);
        //   boolean [] enable_out=enable_in.clone();
        double keepNearMin = sigma; // when removing non-concave points around min, skip very close ones

        double[][] flatSampleCoordinates = fieldFitting.getSampleCoordinates();
        int numFilteredInsufficient = 0;
        int numFiltered = 0;
        int[][] numPoints = new int[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        double[][][] z0EstData = new double[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()][2];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < numPoints.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < numPoints[chn].length; sample++) {
                numPoints[chn][sample] = 0;
                z0EstData[chn][sample][0] = 0.0;
                z0EstData[chn][sample][1] = 0.0;
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
        int[][][] indices = new int[numPoints.length][numPoints[0].length][];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < numPoints.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < numPoints[chn].length; sample++) {
                indices[chn][sample] = new int[numPoints[chn][sample]]; // may be 0 length
                numPoints[chn][sample] = 0; // will be used as a counter
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
                int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                //      numPoints[dataVector[index].channel][dataVector[index].sampleIndex]++;
                indices[chn][sample][numPoints[chn][sample]++] = index;
        for (int chn = 0; chn < numPoints.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < numPoints[chn].length; sample++) {
                if (indices[chn][sample].length < minSeries) {
                    if (indices[chn][sample].length > 0) {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("filterConcave(): Channel " + chn + " sample " + sample
                                    + " has too few points - " + indices[chn][sample].length + " < " + minSeries);
                        if (removeInsufficient) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < indices[chn][sample].length; i++) {
                                enable_out[indices[chn][sample][i]] = false;
                } else {
                    int[] thisIndices = indices[chn][sample];
                    double[] point_z = new double[thisIndices.length];
                    double[] point_v = new double[thisIndices.length];
                    double[] point_filt = new double[thisIndices.length];
                    double[] point_vdz = new double[thisIndices.length];
                    double[] point_slope = new double[thisIndices.length];
                    boolean[] nonConcave = new boolean[thisIndices.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                        //if ((chn==0) && (sample==7) && (i>=16)){
                        //   System.out.println("DEBUG00");            
                        point_z[i] = fieldFitting.getMotorsZ(dataVector[thisIndices[i]].motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                                flatSampleCoordinates[sample][0], // pixel x
                                flatSampleCoordinates[sample][1]); // pixel y
                        point_v[i] = dataVector[thisIndices[i]].value;
                        nonConcave[i] = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                        point_filt[i] = 0.0;
                        double weight = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++) {
                            double r = point_z[i] - point_z[j];
                            double w = Math.exp(kexp * r * r);
                            weight += w;
                            point_filt[i] += w * point_v[j];
                        point_filt[i] /= weight;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                        point_vdz[i] = 0.0;
                        double S0 = 0.0, SX = 0.0, SY = 0.0, SX2 = 0.0, SXY = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++) {
                            double x = point_z[j] - point_z[i];
                            double v = point_filt[j];
                            double w = Math.exp(kexp * x * x);
                            S0 += w;
                            SX += w * x;
                            SY += w * v;
                            SX2 += w * x * x;
                            SXY += w * x * v;
                        point_vdz[i] = (SXY * S0 - SX * SY) / (SX2 * S0 - SX * SX);
                    // find min on filtered
                    int minIndex = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (point_filt[i] < point_filt[minIndex])
                            minIndex = i;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                        if (i == minIndex)
                            point_slope[i] = 0.0;
                            point_slope[i] = (point_filt[i] - point_filt[minIndex])
                                    / (point_z[i] - point_z[minIndex]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                        if ((((point_z[i] - point_z[minIndex]) > keepNearMin)
                                && (concaveScale * point_slope[i] > point_vdz[i]))
                                || (((point_z[minIndex] - point_z[i]) > keepNearMin)
                                        && (concaveScale * point_slope[i] < point_vdz[i]))) {
                            nonConcave[i] = true;
                    // find gaps    double maxGap=sigma; // this point has this gap towards minimal
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (!nonConcave[i]) {
                            if ((point_z[i] - point_z[minIndex]) > keepNearMin) {
                                boolean goodPoint = false;
                                for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++)
                                    if ((point_z[j] > point_z[minIndex]) && (point_z[j] < point_z[i])
                                            && ((point_z[i] - point_z[j]) < maxGap)) {
                                        goodPoint = true;
                                if (!goodPoint)
                                    nonConcave[i] = true;
                            } else if ((point_z[minIndex] - point_z[i]) > keepNearMin) {
                                boolean goodPoint = false;
                                for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++)
                                    if ((point_z[j] < point_z[minIndex]) && (point_z[j] > point_z[i])
                                            && ((point_z[j] - point_z[i]) < maxGap)) {
                                        goodPoint = true;
                                if (!goodPoint)
                                    nonConcave[i] = true;

                    // propagate
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (!nonConcave[i]) {
                            if ((point_z[i] - point_z[minIndex]) > keepNearMin) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++)
                                    if (nonConcave[j] && (point_z[j] > point_z[minIndex])
                                            && (point_z[j] < point_z[i])) {
                                        nonConcave[i] = true;
                            } else if ((point_z[minIndex] - point_z[i]) > keepNearMin) {
                                for (int j = 0; j < thisIndices.length; j++)
                                    if (nonConcave[j] && (point_z[j] < point_z[minIndex])
                                            && (point_z[j] > point_z[i])) {
                                        nonConcave[i] = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (nonConcave[i]) {
                            enable_out[thisIndices[i]] = false;

                    // See if too few are left - remove them
                    int numPointsLeft = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (enable_out[thisIndices[i]]) {
                    if (numPointsLeft < minSeries) {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("filterConcave(): Channel " + chn + " sample " + sample
                                    + " has too few points left after filter - " + numPointsLeft + " < "
                                    + minSeries);
                        if (removeInsufficient) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < indices[chn][sample].length; i++) {
                                if (enable_out[thisIndices[i]]) {
                                    enable_out[indices[chn][sample][i]] = false;

                    if (debugLevel > debugThreshold) {
                        System.out.println("filterConcave(), chn=" + chn + ", sample=" + sample);

                        for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++) {
                            System.out.println(i + ": z=" + IJ.d2s(point_z[i], 3) + ", v=" + IJ.d2s(point_v[i], 3)
                                    + ", filt=" + IJ.d2s(point_filt[i], 3) + ", vdz="
                                    + IJ.d2s(100 * point_vdz[i], 3) + ", slope=" + IJ.d2s(100 * point_slope[i], 3)
                                    + ", concave=" + (nonConcave[i] ? 0.0 : 1.0));
                    // contribute to z0 calculation
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisIndices.length; i++)
                        if (!nonConcave[i]) {
                            z0EstData[chn][sample][1] += dataWeights[thisIndices[i]];
                    z0EstData[chn][sample][0] = point_z[minIndex];
        if (debugLevel > 0)
                    .println("filterConcave(): removed for too few points " + numFilteredInsufficient + " samples");
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("filterConcave(): removed for non-concave " + numFiltered + " samples");

        //   for (int chn=0;chn<numPoints.length;chn++) for (int sample=0;sample<numPoints[chn].length;sample++){
        z0_estimates = new double[getNumChannels()];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < z0_estimates.length; chn++) {
            double z = 0;
            double w = 0;
            for (int sample = 0; sample < numPoints[chn].length; sample++) {
                z += z0EstData[chn][sample][0] * z0EstData[chn][sample][1];
                w += z0EstData[chn][sample][1];
            z0_estimates[chn] = (w > 0.0) ? z / w : Double.NaN;
        // restore masked out data
        for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
            if ((i < scanMask.length) && !scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                enable_out[i] = true;
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterTooFar(boolean[] scanMask, // do not filter if false
            double ratio, boolean[] enable_in) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        if (scanMask == null) {
            scanMask = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < scanMask.length; i++)
                scanMask[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
            if ((i < scanMask.length) && !scanMask[i])
                enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();
        int numFiltered = 0;
        double[][][] data = new double[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()][3];
        double[] z_sample = new double[dataVector.length];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < data.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < data[chn].length; sample++)
                for (int i = 0; i < data[chn][sample].length; i++)
                    data[chn][sample][i] = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if (((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index])) {
                int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                double z = fieldFitting.getMotorsZ(dataVector[index].motors, //int [] motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                        dataVector[index].px, //        double px, // pixel x
                        dataVector[index].py); //        double py) / was px!
                double w = weightReference[chn] - dataVector[index].value; // maybe use square of w?
                data[chn][sample][0] += w;
                data[chn][sample][1] += w * z;
                data[chn][sample][2] += w * z * z;
                z_sample[index] = z;
        for (int chn = 0; chn < data.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < data[chn].length; sample++) {
                if (data[chn][sample][0] > 0.0) {
                    double z_av = data[chn][sample][1] / data[chn][sample][0];
                    double z2 = (data[chn][sample][2] * data[chn][sample][0]
                            - data[chn][sample][1] * data[chn][sample][1])
                            / (data[chn][sample][0] * data[chn][sample][0]);
                    data[chn][sample][2] = z2 * ratio * ratio; // squared radius
                    data[chn][sample][1] = z_av; // center z
                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                        System.out.println("filterTooFar(): chn=" + chn + ", sample=" + sample + ", r_av="
                                + IJ.d2s(Math.sqrt(z2), 3) + " z_av=" + IJ.d2s(z_av, 3));
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if ((index >= enable_masked.length) || enable_masked[index]) {
                int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                if (data[chn][sample][0] > 0.0) {
                    double diff_z = z_sample[index] - data[chn][sample][1];
                    if ((diff_z * diff_z > data[chn][sample][2]) && enable_out[index]) {
                        enable_out[index] = false;

        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("filterTooFar(): removed " + numFiltered + " samples");
        // restore masked out data
        for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
            if ((i < scanMask.length) && !scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                enable_out[i] = true;
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterCrazyInput(boolean[] scanMask, // do not filter if false
            boolean[] enable_in, // [meas][cjn][sample] (or null) // can be shorter or longer than dataVector
            double maxMotDiff, double diff, boolean removeFirstLast // very first, very last in all samples (or after big move) - OK
    ) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        if (scanMask == null) {
            scanMask = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < scanMask.length; i++)
                scanMask[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_in.clone();
        //   int lastIndex=-1;
        int numFiltered = 0;
        int[][] lastIndex = new int[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        int[][] lastTimestampIndex = new int[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < lastIndex[i].length; j++) {
                lastIndex[i][j] = -1;
                lastTimestampIndex[i][j] = -1;
        String lastTimestamp = null;
        int thisTimestampIndex = 0;
        int lastIndexAny = -1;
        boolean smallMove = false;
        //   for (int index=0;index<dataVector.length;index++) if ((index>=enable_in.length) ||enable_in[index]){
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
            if (scanMask[index]) { // crazy neighbor still kills even if is ignored itself - needed
                int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                if (lastTimestamp == null)
                    lastTimestamp = dataVector[index].timestamp;
                if (!dataVector[index].timestamp.equals(lastTimestamp)) {
                    if (smallMove) { // see if any of the samples/channel did not move last time
                        for (int i = 0; i < lastIndex.length; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < lastIndex[i].length; j++) {
                                if ((lastIndex[i][j] >= 0) && (lastTimestampIndex[i][j] < thisTimestampIndex)) {
                                    if (removeFirstLast) {
                                        if (enable_out[lastIndex[i][j]])
                                        enable_out[lastIndex[i][j]] = false;
                                    lastIndex[i][j] = -1;
                    smallMove = ((Math
                            .abs(dataVector[index].motors[0] - dataVector[lastIndexAny].motors[0])) <= maxMotDiff)
                            && ((Math.abs(dataVector[index].motors[1]
                                    - dataVector[lastIndexAny].motors[1])) <= maxMotDiff)
                            && ((Math.abs(dataVector[index].motors[2]
                                    - dataVector[lastIndexAny].motors[2])) <= maxMotDiff);
                // is it a first enabled sample after small move?
                if (smallMove) {
                    if ((lastIndex[chn][sample] < 0)
                            || (lastTimestampIndex[chn][sample] < (thisTimestampIndex - 1))) {
                        if (removeFirstLast) {
                            if (enable_out[index])
                            enable_out[index] = false;
                    } else { // large difference?
                        if ((Math
                                .abs(dataVector[index].value - dataVector[lastIndex[chn][sample]].value)) >= diff) {
                            // yes, remove both this and previous
                            if (enable_out[lastIndex[chn][sample]])
                            enable_out[lastIndex[chn][sample]] = false;
                            if (enable_out[index])
                            enable_out[index] = false;
                lastIndex[chn][sample] = index;
                lastTimestampIndex[chn][sample] = thisTimestampIndex;
                lastTimestamp = dataVector[index].timestamp;
                lastIndexAny = index;
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("filterCrazyInput(): removed " + numFiltered + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterSets(boolean[] enable_in, double scaleRMS, boolean[] scanMask // if not null, will not touch samples where true
    ) {
        double[] sv = fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster); // FIXME:
        double[] fX = createFXandJacobian(sv, false);
        double maxRMS = scaleRMS * calcErrorDiffY(fX, true);
        //    int [] indices=getSetIndices();
        Integer[] indices = getSetIndices().toArray(new Integer[0]); // uses dataVector; - new measurements
        double[] setRMA = calcErrorsPerSet(fX);

        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_masked = enable_in.clone();
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_masked.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i])
                    enable_masked[i] = false;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_masked.clone();
        int numFiltered = 0;
        for (int numSet = 0; numSet < setRMA.length; numSet++)
            if (setRMA[numSet] > maxRMS) {
                int nextIndex = (numSet == (indices.length - 1) ? dataVector.length : indices[numSet + 1]);
                for (int i = indices[numSet]; i < nextIndex; i++)
                    if (enable_out[i]) {
                        enable_out[i] = false;
        // restore masked out data
        if (scanMask != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if ((i < scanMask.length) && scanMask[i] && enable_in[i])
                    enable_out[i] = true;
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
            System.out.println("filterSets(): Filtered " + numFiltered + " samples, left " + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private boolean[] filterLowNeighbors(boolean[] enable_in, // [meas][cjn][sample] (or null) // can be shorter or longer than dataVector
            int minNeib, boolean calibMode) {
        if (enable_in == null) {
            enable_in = new boolean[dataVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_in.length; i++)
                enable_in[i] = true;
        boolean[] enable_out = enable_in.clone();
        boolean[][] usedSamples = new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        int height = sampleCoord.length;
        int width = sampleCoord[0].length;
        int numFiltered = 0;
        int lastIndex;
        int firstIndex;
        int nextIndex = 0;
        String lastTimestamp = "";
        int[][] dirs = { { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { -1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, -1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, -1 } };
        while (nextIndex < dataVector.length) {
            // find first enabled sample
            for (firstIndex = nextIndex; (firstIndex < dataVector.length)
                    && ((firstIndex < enable_in.length) && !enable_in[firstIndex]); firstIndex++)
            lastTimestamp = dataVector[firstIndex].timestamp;
            lastIndex = firstIndex;
            for (nextIndex = firstIndex; nextIndex < dataVector.length; nextIndex++)
                if ((nextIndex >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[nextIndex]) {
                    if (dataVector[nextIndex].timestamp.equals(lastTimestamp))
                        lastIndex = nextIndex;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < usedSamples.length; chn++)
                for (int sample = 0; sample < usedSamples[chn].length; sample++)
                    usedSamples[chn][sample] = false;
            for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[index]) {
                    usedSamples[dataVector[index].channel][dataVector[index].sampleIndex] = true;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < usedSamples.length; chn++) {
                boolean removed;
                do {
                    removed = false;
                    boolean[] left = usedSamples[chn].clone();
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            if (usedSamples[chn][y * width + x]) {
                                int n = 0;
                                for (int d = 0; d < dirs.length; d++) {
                                    int[] dXY = dirs[d].clone();
                                    if (((x == 0) && (dXY[0] < 0)) || ((x == (width - 1)) && (dXY[0] > 0)))
                                        dXY[0] = -dXY[0];
                                    if (((y == 0) && (dXY[1] < 0)) || ((y == (height - 1)) && (dXY[1] > 0)))
                                        dXY[1] = -dXY[1];
                                    if (usedSamples[chn][(y + dXY[1]) * width + (x + dXY[0])])
                                if (n < minNeib) {
                                    removed = true;
                                    left[y * width + x] = false;
                    usedSamples[chn] = left.clone();
                } while (removed);
            for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                if ((index >= enable_in.length) || enable_in[index]) {
                    if (!usedSamples[dataVector[index].channel][dataVector[index].sampleIndex]) {
                        enable_out[index] = false;
        if (debugLevel + (calibMode ? 1 : 0) > 1) {
            int numLeft = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < enable_out.length; i++)
                if (enable_out[i])
            System.out.println("filterLowNeighbors(" + minNeib + "): Filtered " + numFiltered + " samples, left "
                    + numLeft + " samples");
        return enable_out;

    private int[] getParallelDiff(MeasuredSample[] vector) {
        HashMap<Point, AtomicInteger> map = new HashMap<Point, AtomicInteger>();
        for (MeasuredSample ms : vector) {
            Point diff = new Point(ms.motors[1] - ms.motors[0], ms.motors[2] - ms.motors[0]);
            if (map.containsKey(diff))
                map.put(diff, new AtomicInteger(1));
        Point parallelDiff = new Point(0, 0);
        int maxRun = 0;
        for (Point diff : map.keySet()) {
            if (map.get(diff).get() > maxRun) {
                maxRun = map.get(diff).get();
                parallelDiff = diff;
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("getParallelDiff(): maximal number of parallel measurements is " + maxRun
                    + ", for M2-M1=" + parallelDiff.x + ", M3-M2=" + parallelDiff.y);
        int[] result = { parallelDiff.x, parallelDiff.y };
        return result;

    private boolean[] createScanMask(MeasuredSample[] vector) {
        int[] diffs = getParallelDiff(vector);
        int longestStart = 0;
        int longestRun = 0;
        int thisStart = 0;
        int thisRun = 0;
        //   boolean [] chanSel=fieldFitting.getSelectedChannels();
        //   int numSamples=0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vector.length + 1; i++) { // if (chanSel[vector[i].channel]) {
            boolean diffMatch = (i >= vector.length) ? false
                    : (((vector[i].motors[1] - vector[i].motors[0]) == diffs[0])
                            && ((vector[i].motors[2] - vector[i].motors[0]) == diffs[1]));
            if (diffMatch) {
                if (thisRun > 0) {
                } else {
                    thisStart = i;
                    thisRun = 1;
            } else {
                if (thisRun > 0) {
                    if (thisRun > longestRun) {
                        longestRun = thisRun;
                        longestStart = thisStart;
                    thisRun = 0;
            //      numSamples++;
        //   numSamples--;
        boolean[] scanMask = new boolean[vector.length]; // numSamples];
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { //if (chanSel[vector[i].channel]) {
            scanMask[index] = (index >= longestStart) && ((index < (longestStart + longestRun)));
        return scanMask;

    // includes deselected channels
    public void setDataVector(boolean calibrateMode, MeasuredSample[] vector) { // remove unused channels if any. vector is already corrected from input data, FWHM psf
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("+++++ (Re)calculating sample weights +++++");
        boolean[] chanSel = fieldFitting.getSelectedChannels();
        boolean[] fullScanMask = createScanMask(vector);
        int numSamples = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
            if (chanSel[vector[i].channel]) {

                if (calibrateMode && parallelOnly && !fullScanMask[i])
                    continue; // skip non-scan
        dataVector = new MeasuredSample[numSamples];
        boolean[] scanMask = new boolean[numSamples];
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
            if (chanSel[vector[i].channel]) {
                if (calibrateMode && parallelOnly && !fullScanMask[i])
                scanMask[n] = fullScanMask[i];
                vector[i].scan = fullScanMask[i];
                dataVector[n++] = vector[i];
        int corrLength = fieldFitting.getNumberOfCorrParameters();
        dataValues = new double[dataVector.length + corrLength];
        dataWeights = new double[dataVector.length + corrLength];
        double kw = (weightRadius > 0.0) ? (-0.5 * getPixelMM() * getPixelMM() / (weightRadius * weightRadius)) : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataVector.length; i++) {
            MeasuredSample ms = dataVector[i];
            dataValues[i] = ms.value;
            dataWeights[i] = 1.0 / Math.pow(ms.value, weightMode);
            if (weightRadius > 0.0) {
                double r2 = (ms.px - currentPX0) * (ms.px - currentPX0)
                        + ( - currentPY0) * ( - currentPY0);
                dataWeights[i] *= Math.exp(kw * r2);
        for (int i = 0; i < corrLength; i++) {
            dataValues[i + dataVector.length] = 0.0; // correction target is always 0
            dataWeights[i + dataVector.length] = 1.0; // improve?
        if (calibrateMode && filterInput) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterCrazyInput(scanMask, en, // [meas][cjn][sample] (or null) // can be shorter or longer than dataVector
                    filterInputMotorDiff, filterInputDiff, filterInputFirstLast);
        if (calibrateMode && filterInputTooFar) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterTooFar(scanMask, filterInputFarRatio, en);

        if (calibrateMode && filterInputConcave) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterConcave(scanMask, filterInputConcaveSigma, filterInputConcaveRemoveFew,
                    filterInputConcaveMinSeries, filterInputConcaveScale, en);

        if (calibrateMode && filterTiltedZ) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByZRanges(zRanges, en, scanMask);

        if (calibrateMode && filterTiltedByScanValue) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByScanValues(zRanges, en, scanMask);

        if (calibrateMode && !Double.isNaN(filterTiltedByValueScale) && (filterTiltedByValueScale > 0.0)) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByValue(filterByValueScale, en, scanMask);

        if (calibrateMode && (filterCalibByNeib > 0)) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterLowNeighbors(en, filterCalibByNeib, true); // calibrate mode - for debug print

        if (calibrateMode && (filterSetsByRMS > 0)) {
            fieldFitting.initSampleCorrVector(flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoordinates,
                    getSeriesWeights()); //double [][] sampleSeriesWeights);
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterSets(en, filterSetsByRMS, filterSetsByRMSTiltOnly ? scanMask : null);

        // TODO: add filtering for tilt motor calibration

        fieldFitting.initSampleCorrVector(flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoordinates,
                getSeriesWeights()); //double [][] sampleSeriesWeights);

    // for compatibility with Distortions class\

    public void commitParameterVector(double[] vector) {
        int[] zTxTyMode = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode();
        //   fieldFitting.setCurrentVectorLength(vector.length);
        if (zTxTyMode != null) {
        fieldFitting.commitParameterVector(vector, sagittalMaster);
        // recalculate measured S,T (depend on center) if center is among fitted parameters
        boolean[] centerSelect = fieldFitting.getCenterSelect();
        if (centerSelect[0] || centerSelect[1]) { // do not do that if XC, YC are not modified
            // recalculate data vector
            double[] pXY = fieldFitting.getCenterXY();
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("Updated currentPX0=" + pXY[0] + "(" + currentPX0 + ")" + ", currentPY0="
                        + pXY[1] + "(" + currentPY0 + ")");
            currentPX0 = pXY[0];
            currentPY0 = pXY[1];
            if (correct_measurement_ST && updateWeightWhileFitting) {
                setDataVector(true, createDataVector(false, // boolean updateSelection,
                        pXY[0], //double centerPX,
                        pXY[1])); //double centerPY

    public double[] createFXandJacobian(double[] vector, boolean createJacobian) {
        return createFXandJacobian(createJacobian);

    public double[] createFXandJacobian(boolean createJacobian) {
        if (multiJacobian && (threadsMax > 0))
            return createFXandJacobianMulti(createJacobian);
            return createFXandJacobianSingle(createJacobian);

    public class PartialFXJac {
        public int index; // measurement number
        public double f;
        public double[] jac = null;

        public PartialFXJac(int index, double f, double[] jac) { //, int num){
            this.index = index;
            this.f = f;
            this.jac = jac;
            //      if (num>=0) jac=new double [num];
            //      else jac=null;
            //      jac=null;

    public double[] createFXandJacobianMulti(final boolean createJacobian) {
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        //   final int [] zTxTyMode=fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode();
        final boolean useZTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null;
        int numCorrPar = fieldFitting.getNumberOfCorrParameters();
        boolean[] selChannels = fieldFitting.getSelectedChannels();
        final int[] selChanIndices = new int[selChannels.length];
        selChanIndices[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < selChanIndices.length; i++) {
            selChanIndices[i] = selChanIndices[i - 1] + (selChannels[i - 1] ? 1 : 0);
        //   if (zTxTyMode!=null) {
        //      fieldFitting.commitParameterVectorZTxTy(vector);
        //      return;
        //   }

        final int numPars = fieldFitting.getNumberOfParameters(sagittalMaster);
        int numRegPars = fieldFitting.getNumberOfRegularParameters(sagittalMaster);

        final int numSelChn = fieldFitting.getNumberOfChannels();
        final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(threadsMax);
        final ArrayList<ArrayList<PartialFXJac>> fxList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PartialFXJac>>();
        for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
            fxList.add(new ArrayList<PartialFXJac>());
        // create list of indices of measurements corresponding to new timestamp/sample (up to 6 increment)
        final ArrayList<Integer> measIndicesList = getSetSampleIndices(); // uses dataVector; 
        /*   String prevTimeStamp="";
           double prevPx=-1,prevPy=-1;
           final ArrayList<Integer> measIndicesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(dataVector.length/getNumChannels());
           for (int n=0;n<dataVector.length;n++){
              MeasuredSample ms=dataVector[n];
              if (!ms.timestamp.equals(prevTimeStamp) || (ms.px!=prevPx) || (!=prevPy)){
                 measIndicesList.add(new Integer(n));
        final AtomicInteger measIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);
        final AtomicInteger threadIndexAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0);
        final boolean[] centerSelect = correct_measurement_ST ? fieldFitting.getCenterSelect() : null; //falseFalse;
        for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {

            threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    int threadIndex = threadIndexAtomic.getAndIncrement();
                    fxList.get(threadIndex).clear(); // not needed
                    double[][] derivs;
                    double[] blankPars = null;
                    if (useZTxTy) {
                        if (createJacobian) {
                            blankPars = new double[numPars];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++)
                                blankPars[i] = 0.0;
                    for (int startMeasIndex = measIndex.getAndIncrement(); startMeasIndex < measIndicesList
                            .size(); startMeasIndex = measIndex.getAndIncrement()) {
                        int startMeas = measIndicesList.get(startMeasIndex);
                        int endMeas = (startMeasIndex == (measIndicesList.size() - 1)) ? dataVector.length
                                : measIndicesList.get(startMeasIndex + 1);
                        MeasuredSample ms = dataVector[startMeas];
                        derivs = createJacobian ? (new double[numSelChn][]) : null;
                        double[] subData;
                        if (useZTxTy) {
                            subData = fieldFitting.getValsDerivativesZTxTy(ms.measurementIndex, //-1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                                    ms.sampleIndex, ms.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                                    ms.px, // pixel x
                          , // pixel y
                            for (int n = startMeas; n < endMeas; n++) {
                                ms = dataVector[n];
                                int chn = selChanIndices[];
                                double[] zTxTyDerivs = null;
                                if (createJacobian && (derivs[chn] != null)) {
                                    zTxTyDerivs = blankPars.clone();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < derivs[chn].length; i++) {
                                        int parIndex = fieldFitting.getZTMap(ms.measurementIndex, i); //n);
                                        if (parIndex >= 0)
                                            zTxTyDerivs[parIndex] = derivs[chn][i];
                                PartialFXJac partialFXJac = new PartialFXJac(n, subData[chn], zTxTyDerivs); // createJacobian?derivs[chn]:null);
                        } else {
                            subData = fieldFitting.getValsDerivatives(
                                    //                     ms.measurementIndex, //-1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                                    ms.sampleIndex, sagittalMaster, ms.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                                    ms.px, // pixel x
                          , // pixel y
                            for (int n = startMeas; n < endMeas; n++) {
                                ms = dataVector[n];
                                int chn = selChanIndices[];
                                if (createJacobian && (centerSelect != null)) {
                                    int np = 0;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                        if (centerSelect[i]) {
                                            derivs[chn][np++] -= ms.dPxyc[i]; // subtract, as effect is opposite to fX
                                PartialFXJac partialFXJac = new PartialFXJac(n, subData[chn],
                                        createJacobian ? derivs[chn] : null);


        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("#1 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - startTime), 5));
        //   Combibe results
        double[] fx = new double[dataVector.length + numCorrPar];
        if (createJacobian) {
            jacobian = new double[numPars][dataVector.length + numCorrPar];
            for (double[] row : jacobian)
                Arrays.fill(row, 0.0);

        for (ArrayList<PartialFXJac> partilaList : fxList) {
            for (PartialFXJac partialFXJac : partilaList) {
                int n = partialFXJac.index;
                fx[n] = partialFXJac.f;
                if (createJacobian) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
                        jacobian[i][n] = partialFXJac.jac[i];
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("#2 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - startTime), 5));
        if (createJacobian && !useZTxTy && (fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex != null)) {
            // add mutual dependence of correction parameters. first - values (fx)
            int index = dataVector.length; // add to the end of vector
            int numSamples = getNumSamples();
            for (int chn = 0; chn < fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; chn++)
                if (fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn] != null) {
                    for (int np = 0; np < fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn].length; np++) {
                        int pindex = fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn][np];
                        if (pindex >= 0) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
                                double f = 0.0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) {
                                    f += fieldFitting.sampleCorrVector[pindex + j]
                                            * fieldFitting.sampleCorrCrossWeights[chn][np][i][j];
                                fx[index] = f;
                                //                                 f+=fieldFitting.sampleCorrVector[pindex+i]
                                if (createJacobian) {
                                    for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) {
                                        jacobian[numRegPars + pindex
                                                + j][index] = fieldFitting.sampleCorrCrossWeights[chn][np][i][j];
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("#3 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - startTime), 5));
        if (createJacobian && (debugLevel > 1)) {
            if (debugPoint >= 0)
            if (debugParameter >= 0)
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("#4 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - startTime), 5));
        return fx;


    /* Create a Thread[] array as large as the number of processors available.
     * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See:
    private Thread[] newThreadArray(int maxCPUs) {
        int n_cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
        if (n_cpus > maxCPUs)
            n_cpus = maxCPUs;
        return new Thread[n_cpus];

    /* Start all given threads and wait on each of them until all are done.
     * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See:
    private static void startAndJoin(Thread[] threads) {
        for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread) {

        try {
            for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ie);

    public double[] createFXandJacobianSingle(boolean createJacobian) {
        final boolean useZTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null;

        int numCorrPar = fieldFitting.getNumberOfCorrParameters();
        double[] fx = new double[dataVector.length + numCorrPar];
        double[][] derivs = null;
        double[] subData = null;
        boolean[] selChannels = fieldFitting.getSelectedChannels();
        int[] selChanIndices = new int[selChannels.length];
        selChanIndices[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < selChanIndices.length; i++) {
            selChanIndices[i] = selChanIndices[i - 1] + (selChannels[i - 1] ? 1 : 0);
        int numPars = fieldFitting.getNumberOfParameters(sagittalMaster);
        int numRegPars = fieldFitting.getNumberOfRegularParameters(sagittalMaster);
        if (createJacobian) {
            jacobian = new double[numPars][dataVector.length + numCorrPar];
            for (double[] row : jacobian)
                Arrays.fill(row, 0.0);
            derivs = new double[fieldFitting.getNumberOfChannels()][];
        String prevTimeStamp = "";
        double prevPx = -1, prevPy = -1;
        for (int n = 0; n < dataVector.length; n++) {
            MeasuredSample ms = dataVector[n];
            if (!ms.timestamp.equals(prevTimeStamp) || (ms.px != prevPx) || ( != prevPy)) {
                if (useZTxTy) {
                    subData = fieldFitting.getValsDerivativesZTxTy( // fixed length derivative- 3 elements
                            ms.measurementIndex, //-1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                            ms.sampleIndex, ms.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                            ms.px, // pixel x
                  , // pixel y
                } else {
                    subData = fieldFitting.getValsDerivatives(
                            //               null, // double [] zTxTy, // null - use mechanicalFocusingModel data
                            //FIXME: - ***************** here needs actual index **************************                
                            //                     ms.measurementIndex, //-1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                            ms.sampleIndex, sagittalMaster, ms.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                            ms.px, // pixel x
                  , // pixel y
                    prevTimeStamp = ms.timestamp;
                    prevPx = ms.px;
                    prevPy =;
            fx[n] = subData[selChanIndices[]];

            if (createJacobian) {
                double[] thisDerivs = derivs[selChanIndices[]];
                if (useZTxTy) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++)
                        jacobian[i][n] = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < thisDerivs.length; i++) {
                        int parIndex = fieldFitting.getZTMap(ms.measurementIndex, i); //n);
                        if (parIndex >= 0)
                            jacobian[parIndex][n] = thisDerivs[i];
                } else {
                    //         for (int i=0;i<numRegPars;i++){
                    if ((debugLevel > 1) && (debugParameter >= 0)) {
                        if ((debugParameter < thisDerivs.length) && (thisDerivs[debugParameter] != 0.0)) {
                            System.out.println("createFXandJacobian(): n=" + n + " channel=" +
                                    + " chn. index=" + selChanIndices[] + ", sample=" + ms.sampleIndex
                                    + " timestamp=" + ms.timestamp + " derivative=" + thisDerivs[debugParameter]);

                    // contains derivatives for normal and correction parameters
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
                        //             jacobian[i][n]=derivs[selChanIndices[]][i];
                        jacobian[i][n] = thisDerivs[i];
                    //TODO: correct /dpx, /dpy to compensate for measured S,T calcualtion
                    boolean[] centerSelect = fieldFitting.getCenterSelect();
                    if (correct_measurement_ST && (centerSelect[0] || centerSelect[1])) { // do not do that if both X and Y are disabled
                        int np = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            if (centerSelect[i]) {
                                jacobian[np++][n] -= ms.dPxyc[i]; // subtract, as effect is opposite to fX
        if (createJacobian && !useZTxTy) {
            // add mutual dependence of correction parameters. first - values (fx)
            //      System.out.println("Using sampleCorrVector 1");
            int index = dataVector.length; // add to the end of vector
            if (fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex != null) {
                int numSamples = getNumSamples();
                for (int chn = 0; chn < fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; chn++)
                    if (fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn] != null) {
                        for (int np = 0; np < fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn].length; np++) {
                            int pindex = fieldFitting.sampleCorrChnParIndex[chn][np];
                            if (pindex >= 0) {
                                for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
                                    double f = 0.0;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) {
                                        f += fieldFitting.sampleCorrVector[pindex + j]
                                                * fieldFitting.sampleCorrCrossWeights[chn][np][i][j];
                                    fx[index] = f;
                                    //                                 f+=fieldFitting.sampleCorrVector[pindex+i]
                                    if (createJacobian) {
                                        for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; j++) {
                                            jacobian[numRegPars + pindex
                                                    + j][index] = fieldFitting.sampleCorrCrossWeights[chn][np][i][j];
        if (createJacobian && (debugLevel > 1)) {
            if (debugPoint >= 0)
            if (debugParameter >= 0)
        return fx;

    public void debugJacobianPoint(int nPoint) {
        System.out.println("==== Non-zero parameters on which point #" + nPoint + " depends:");
        if (nPoint >= jacobian[0].length) {
            System.out.println("Jacobian is defined for " + jacobian[0].length + " points only");
        for (int i = 0; i < jacobian.length; i++) {
            if (jacobian[i][nPoint] != 0.0) {
                String name = (debugParameterNames == null) ? "" : debugParameterNames[i];
                System.out.println(i + ": " + name + " = " + jacobian[i][nPoint]);

    public void debugJacobianParameter(int nPar) {
        String name = (debugParameterNames == null) ? "" : debugParameterNames[nPar];
        System.out.println("==== points that depend on parameter #" + nPar + ": " + name + " :");
        if (nPar >= jacobian.length) {
            System.out.println("Jacobian is defined for " + jacobian.length + " parameters only");
        String[] corrNames = fieldFitting.getCorrNames();
        for (int i = 0; i < jacobian[nPar].length; i++) {
            if (jacobian[nPar][i] != 0.0) {
                int nMeasPoints = dataVector.length;
                String pointName = "";
                if (i < nMeasPoints) {
                    pointName = "chn" + dataVector[i].channel + ":" + dataVector[i].sampleIndex + "__"
                            + dataVector[i].timestamp;
                } else {
                    int overData = i - nMeasPoints;
                    if ((corrNames != null) && (overData < corrNames.length)) {
                        pointName = "correction_parameter-" + corrNames[overData];
                    } else {
                        pointName = "unknown-point_+" + overData;
                System.out.println(i + ": " + jacobian[nPar][i] + "    " + pointName);

    public double getRMS(double[] fx, boolean pure) {
        int len = pure ? dataVector.length : fx.length;
        double sum = 0.0;
        double sum_w = 0.0;
        if (dataWeights != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                double d = fx[i] - dataValues[i];
                sum += dataWeights[i] * d * d;
                sum_w += dataWeights[i];
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                double d = fx[i] - dataValues[i];
                sum += d * d;
                sum_w += 1.0;
        if (sum_w > 0) {
            sum /= sum_w;
        return Math.sqrt(sum);

    public ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> singleMeasurement(FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement) {
        ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> sm = new ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement>();
        return sm;


    public MeasuredSample[] createDataVector(FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement) {
        return createDataVector(singleMeasurement(measurement));

    public MeasuredSample[] createDataVector(ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements) {
        return createDataVector(measurements, false, // calibrate
                true, // update selection
                currentPX0, // ignored
                currentPY0, // ignored
                (this.useMinMeas ? this.minMeas : null), // pixels
                (this.useMaxMeas ? this.maxMeas : null), // pixels
                (this.useThresholdMax ? this.thresholdMax : null)); // pixels

    public MeasuredSample[] createDataVector() {
        return createDataVector(true, // boolean updateSelection,
                currentPX0, // double centerPX,
                currentPY0); //double centerPY

    public MeasuredSample[] createDataVector(boolean updateSelection, double centerPX, double centerPY) { // use this data
        return createDataVector(measurements, true, // calibrate
                updateSelection, centerPX, centerPY, (this.useMinMeas ? this.minMeas : null), // pixels
                (this.useMaxMeas ? this.maxMeas : null), // pixels
                (this.useThresholdMax ? this.thresholdMax : null)); // pixels

    * Generate of usable measurement samples
    * @param minMeas minimal measurement PSF radius (in pixels) - correction that increases result
    * resolution in "sharp" areas (to compensate for measurement error). Individual for each of
    * the 6 color/direction components.
    * @param updateSelection when true - updates selection of "good" samples, when false - reuses existent one
    * @param maxMeas maximal measurement PSF radius (in pixels) - correction that decreases result
    * resolution out-of-focus areas to compensate for the limited size of the PSF window.
    * Individual for each of the 6 color/direction components.
    * @param thresholdMax maximal PSF radius to consider data usable
    * @return array of the MeasuredSample instances, including motors, PSF radius, channel and value
    Need to find partial derivatives of each of the 3 coefficients: c2, s2 and cs for both px0 and py0
    r2 = (x-x0)^2+ (y-y0)^2
    d_c2/d_x0=(2*(x-x0)*(-1)*r2 - ((d_r2/d_x0)*(x-x0)^2))/r2^2=
    (-2*(x-x0)*r2 + (2*(x-x0)*(x-x0)^2))/r2^2=
    2*delta_x*(delta_x^2 - r2)/r2^2
    d_c2/d_y0= (0-((d_r2/d_y0)*(x-x0)^2))/r2^2=
    d_cs/dx0=(-(y-y0)*r2- ((d_r2/d_x0)*(x-x0)*(y-y0)))/r2^2=
    (-(y-y0)*r2 + 2*(x-x0)*(x-x0)*(y-y0))/r2^2=
    (-delta_y*r2 + 2*delta_x^2*delta_y)/r2^2=
    d_c2/d_x0= 2*delta_x*(delta_x^2 - r2)/r2^2
    d_c2/d_y0= 2*delta_y*delta_x^2/r2^2
    d_s2/d_y0= 2*delta_y*(delta_y^2 - r2)/r2^2
    d_s2/d_x0= 2*delta_x*delta_y^2/r2^2
    d_cs/dx0= delta_y*(2*delta_x^2-r2)/r2^2
    d_cs/dy0= delta_x*(2*delta_y^2-r2)/r2^2
    public MeasuredSample[] createDataVector(ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements, boolean calibrate, // false - adjust, should have updateSelection==true and a single-element measurements list
            boolean updateSelection, double centerPX, double centerPY, double[] minMeas, // pixels
            double[] maxMeas, // pixels
            double[] thresholdMax) { // pixels
        debugDerivatives = debugLevel == 3;
        if (calibrate) {
            currentPX0 = centerPX;
            currentPY0 = centerPY;
        final int numColors = 3;
        final int numDirs = 2;
        if (sampleMask == null)
            updateSelection = true;
        if (updateSelection) {
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("createDataVector(true," + centerPX + "," + centerPY + "...)");
            sampleMask = new boolean[measurements
            for (int n = 0; n < sampleMask.length; n++)
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleMask[n].length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < sampleMask[n][i].length; j++)
                        for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++)
                            for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++)
                                sampleMask[n][i][j][c][d] = false;

        d_c2/d_x0= 2*delta_x*(delta_x^2 - r2)/r2^2
        d_c2/d_y0= 2*delta_y*delta_x^2/r2^2
        d_s2/d_y0= 2*delta_y*(delta_y^2 - r2)/r2^2
        d_s2/d_x0= 2*delta_x*delta_y^2/r2^2
        2*d_cs/dx0= 2*delta_y*(2*delta_x^2-r2)/r2^2
        2*d_cs/dy0= 2*delta_x*(2*delta_y^2-r2)/r2^2
        double[][][] cosSin2Tab = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];
        double[][][] debugCosSin2Tab_dx = null;
        double[][][] debugCosSin2Tab_dy = null;
        double debugDelta_x_dx = 0, debugDelta_y_dy = 0, debugR2_dx = 0, debugR2_dy = 0;
        if (debugDerivatives) {
            debugCosSin2Tab_dx = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];
            debugCosSin2Tab_dy = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];

        double[][][] cosSin2Tab_dx0 = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];
        double[][][] cosSin2Tab_dy0 = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++) {
                double delta_x = sampleCoord[i][j][0] - currentPX0;
                double delta_y = sampleCoord[i][j][1] - currentPY0;
                double r2 = delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y;
                double r4 = r2 * r2;
                if (debugDerivatives) {
                    debugDelta_x_dx = sampleCoord[i][j][0] - currentPX0 - 1;
                    debugDelta_y_dy = sampleCoord[i][j][1] - currentPY0 - 1;
                    debugR2_dx = debugDelta_x_dx * debugDelta_x_dx + delta_y * delta_y;
                    debugR2_dy = delta_x * delta_x + debugDelta_y_dy * debugDelta_y_dy;

                if (r2 > 0.0) {
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] = delta_x * delta_x / r2; // cos^2
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] = delta_y * delta_y / r2; // sin^2
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] = 2 * delta_x * delta_y / r2; // 2*cos*sin

                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][0] = 2 * delta_x * (delta_x * delta_x - r2) / r4; // d(cos^2)/d(x0)
                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][1] = 2 * delta_x * delta_y * delta_y / r4; // d(sin^2)/d(x0)
                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][2] = 2 * delta_y * (2 * delta_x * delta_x - r2) / r4; // d(2*cos*sin)/d(x0)

                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][0] = 2 * delta_y * delta_x * delta_x / r4; // d(cos^2)/d(y0)
                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][1] = 2 * delta_y * (delta_y * delta_y - r2) / r4; // d(sin^2)/d(y0)
                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][2] = 2 * delta_x * (2 * delta_y * delta_y - r2) / r4; // d(2*cos*sin)/d(y0)
                    if (debugDerivatives) {
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][0] = debugDelta_x_dx * debugDelta_x_dx / debugR2_dx; // cos^2
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][1] = delta_y * delta_y / debugR2_dx; // sin^2
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][2] = 2 * debugDelta_x_dx * delta_y / debugR2_dx; // 2*cos*sin

                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][0] = delta_x * delta_x / debugR2_dy; // cos^2
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][1] = debugDelta_y_dy * debugDelta_y_dy / debugR2_dy; // sin^2
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][2] = 2 * delta_x * debugDelta_y_dy / debugR2_dy; // 2*cos*sin

                } else {
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] = 1.0;
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] = 0.0;

                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][0] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][2] = 0.0;

                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][0] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][2] = 0.0;
                    if (debugDerivatives) {
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][0] = 0.0;
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][2] = 0.0;

                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][0] = 0.0;
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                        debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][2] = 0.0;

        ArrayList<MeasuredSample> sampleList = new ArrayList<MeasuredSample>();
        if (thresholdMax != null) {
            weightReference = thresholdMax.clone();
            for (int c = 0; c < weightReference.length; c++) {
                // correct for for minimal measurement;
                if (minMeas != null) {
                    if (weightReference[c] < minMeas[c]) {
                        weightReference[c] = 0; // do not use
                                "Weight reference calculation failed (below minimal), all samples may only have the same weight");
                        weightReference = null;
                    weightReference[c] = Math
                            .sqrt(weightReference[c] * weightReference[c] - minMeas[c] * minMeas[c]);
                // correct for for maximal measurement;
                if (maxMeas != null) {
                    if (weightReference[c] >= maxMeas[c]) {
                        weightReference[c] = 0; // do not use
                                "Weight reference calculation failed (above maximal), all samples may only have the same weight");
                        weightReference = null;
                    weightReference[c] = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(
                            1.0 / (weightReference[c] * weightReference[c]) - 1.0 / (maxMeas[c] * maxMeas[c]));
                // convert to microns from pixels
                weightReference[c] *= getPixelUM();
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println("==== weightReference[" + c + "]=" + weightReference[c]);
        } else {
            thresholdMax = null;
        int nMeas = 0;
        for (FocusingFieldMeasurement ffm : measurements) {
            double[][][][] samples = ffm.samples;
            if (samples != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++) {
                    if ((i < samples.length) && (samples[i] != null))
                        for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++) {
                            if ((j < samples[i].length) && (samples[i][j] != null))
                                for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++) {

                                    if ((c < samples[i][j].length) && (samples[i][j][c] != null)) {
                                        double[] sagTan = {
                                                Math.sqrt(cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]),
                                                Math.sqrt(cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        - cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]) };
                                        double[] debugSagTan_dx = { 0.0, 0.0 }, debugSagTan_dy = { 0.0, 0.0 };
                                        if (debugDerivatives) {
                                            debugSagTan_dx[0] = Math
                                                    .sqrt(debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]);
                                            debugSagTan_dx[1] = Math
                                                    .sqrt(debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                            - debugCosSin2Tab_dx[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]);
                                            debugSagTan_dy[0] = Math
                                                    .sqrt(debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]);
                                            debugSagTan_dy[1] = Math
                                                    .sqrt(debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                            + debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                            - debugCosSin2Tab_dy[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2]);
                                        double[] sagTan_dx0 = {
                                                (0.5 * (cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2])
                                                        / sagTan[0]),
                                                (0.5 * (cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        - cosSin2Tab_dx0[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2])
                                                        / sagTan[1]) };

                                        double[] sagTan_dy0 = {
                                                (0.5 * (cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2])
                                                        / sagTan[0]),
                                                (0.5 * (cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][1] * samples[i][j][c][0]
                                                        + cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][0] * samples[i][j][c][1]
                                                        - cosSin2Tab_dy0[i][j][2] * samples[i][j][c][2])
                                                        / sagTan[1]) };

                                        if (debugLevel > 3)
                                            System.out.print("\n" + ffm.motors[2] + " i= " + i + " j= " + j + " c= "
                                                    + c + " sagTan= " + sagTan[0] + " " + sagTan[1] + " ");
                                        for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++) {
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" d= " + d + " ");

                                            if (!updateSelection && !sampleMask[nMeas][i][j][c][d])
                                            int chn = d + numDirs * c;
                                            //                     System.out.println("i="+i+", j="+j+", c="+c+", d="+d);
                                            // saved values are PSF radius, convert to FWHM by multiplying by 2.0
                                            double value = sagTan[d] * 2.0;
                                            double value_dx0 = sagTan_dx0[d] * 2.0;
                                            double value_dy0 = sagTan_dy0[d] * 2.0;
                                            double debugValue_dx0 = 0.0, debugValue_dy0 = 0.0;
                                            if (debugDerivatives) {
                                                debugValue_dx0 = debugSagTan_dx[d] * 2.0;
                                                debugValue_dy0 = debugSagTan_dy[d] * 2.0;

                                            boolean dbg = (debugLevel == 3) && (i == 1) && (j == 3);
                                            double dbg_delta_x = sampleCoord[i][j][0] - currentPX0;
                                            double dbg_delta_y = sampleCoord[i][j][1] - currentPY0;

                                            if (dbg)
                                                System.out.print("mot=" + ffm.motors[2] + " dx=" + dbg_delta_x
                                                        + " dy=" + dbg_delta_y);
                                            if (dbg)
                                                System.out.println(" value=" + value + " value_dx0=" + value_dx0
                                                        + " value_dy0=" + value_dy0);
                                            if (dbg)
                                                System.out.println(" value(dx)=" + debugValue_dx0 + " value(dy)="
                                                        + debugValue_dy0 + " debugDiff_dx0="
                                                        + (debugValue_dx0 - value) + " debugDiff_dy0="
                                                        + (debugValue_dy0 - value));
                                            // discard above threshold (in pixels, raw FWHM data)
                                            if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
                                                if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                    System.out.println("samples[" + i + "][" + j + "][" + c + "]["
                                                            + d + "] = Double.NaN, motors[0]=" + ffm.motors[0]);
                                                if (updateSelection)
                                                    continue; // bad measurement
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" A " + value);
                                            if (thresholdMax != null) {
                                                if (value >= thresholdMax[chn]) {
                                                    if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                        System.out.print(" > " + thresholdMax[chn]);
                                                    if (updateSelection)
                                                        continue; // bad measurement (above threshold)
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" B " + value);
                                            // correct for for minimal measurement;
                                            if (minMeas != null) {
                                                if (value < minMeas[chn]) {
                                                    if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                        System.out.print(" < " + minMeas[chn]);
                                                    if (updateSelection)
                                                        continue; // bad measurement (smaller than correction)
                                                double f = value;
                                                value = Math.sqrt(value * value - minMeas[chn] * minMeas[chn]);
                                                value_dx0 *= f / value;
                                                value_dy0 *= f / value;
                                                if (dbg) {
                                                    System.out.println("2. value=" + value + " value_dx0="
                                                            + value_dx0 + " value_dy0=" + value_dy0);
                                                    if (debugDerivatives) {
                                                        debugValue_dx0 = Math.sqrt(debugValue_dx0 * debugValue_dx0
                                                                - minMeas[chn] * minMeas[chn]);
                                                        debugValue_dy0 = Math.sqrt(debugValue_dy0 * debugValue_dy0
                                                                - minMeas[chn] * minMeas[chn]);
                                                        if (dbg)
                                                            System.out.println("2. value(dx)=" + debugValue_dx0
                                                                    + " value(dy)=" + debugValue_dy0
                                                                    + " debugDiff_dx0=" + (debugValue_dx0 - value)
                                                                    + " debugDiff_dy0=" + (debugValue_dy0 - value));
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" C " + value);
                                            // correct for for maximal measurement;
                                            if (maxMeas != null) {
                                                if (value >= maxMeas[chn]) {
                                                    if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                        System.out.print(" > " + maxMeas[chn]);
                                                    if (updateSelection)
                                                        continue; // bad measurement (larger than correction)
                                                double f = value;
                                                value = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 / (value * value)
                                                        - 1.0 / (maxMeas[chn] * maxMeas[chn]));
                                                //                             value_dx0*=1.0/(value*f*f*f);
                                                //                             value_dy0*=1.0/(value*f*f*f);
                                                f = value / f;
                                                f *= f * f;
                                                value_dx0 *= f;
                                                value_dy0 *= f;

                                                if (dbg) {
                                                    System.out.println("3. value=" + value + " value_dx0="
                                                            + value_dx0 + " value_dy0=" + value_dy0);
                                                    if (debugDerivatives) {
                                                        debugValue_dx0 = 1.0
                                                                / Math.sqrt(1.0 / (debugValue_dx0 * debugValue_dx0)
                                                                        - 1.0 / (maxMeas[chn] * maxMeas[chn]));
                                                        debugValue_dy0 = 1.0
                                                                / Math.sqrt(1.0 / (debugValue_dy0 * debugValue_dy0)
                                                                        - 1.0 / (maxMeas[chn] * maxMeas[chn]));
                                                        if (dbg)
                                                            System.out.println("3. value(dx)=" + debugValue_dx0
                                                                    + " value(dy)=" + debugValue_dy0
                                                                    + " debugDiff_dx0=" + (debugValue_dx0 - value)
                                                                    + " debugDiff_dy0=" + (debugValue_dy0 - value));
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" D " + value);
                                            // convert to microns from pixels
                                            value *= getPixelUM();
                                            value_dx0 *= getPixelUM();
                                            value_dy0 *= getPixelUM();
                                            if (dbg) {
                                                System.out.println("4. value=" + value + " value_dx0=" + value_dx0
                                                        + " value_dy0=" + value_dy0);
                                                if (debugDerivatives) {
                                                    debugValue_dx0 *= getPixelUM();
                                                    debugValue_dy0 *= getPixelUM();
                                                    if (dbg)
                                                        System.out.println("4. value(dx)=" + debugValue_dx0
                                                                + " value(dy)=" + debugValue_dy0 + " debugDiff_dx0="
                                                                + (debugValue_dx0 - value) + " debugDiff_dy0="
                                                                + (debugValue_dy0 - value));

                                            sampleList.add(new MeasuredSample(ffm.motors, ffm.timestamp,
                                                    sampleCoord[i][j][0], // px,
                                                    sampleCoord[i][j][1], // py,
                                                    flattenIndex(i, j), nMeas, chn, value, value_dx0, //double dPxc; // derivative of the value by optical (aberration) center pixel X
                                                    value_dy0, //double dPyc; // derivative of the value by optical (aberration) center pixel Y
                                                    false // scan (scan mode sample)
                                            if (debugLevel > 3)
                                                System.out.print(" E " + value);
                                            if (updateSelection)
                                                sampleMask[nMeas][i][j][c][d] = true;
        if (debugLevel > 3)
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("createDataVector -> " + sampleList.size() + " elements");
        return sampleList.toArray(new MeasuredSample[0]);

     * Calculate differences vector
     * @param fX vector of calculated pixelX,pixelY on the sensors
     * @return same dimension vector of differences from this.Y (measured grid pixelxX, pixelY)
    public double[] calcYminusFx(double[] fX) {
        double[] result = this.dataValues.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
            result[i] -= fX[i];
        return result;

    public double calcErrorDiffY(double[] fX, boolean pure) {
        int len = pure ? dataVector.length : fX.length;
        //        if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("debug calcErrorDiffY(): fX.length="+fX.length+", dataVector.length="+dataVector.length);
        double result = 0;
        double sumWeights = 0;
        if (this.dataWeights != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { //
                double diff = this.dataValues[i] - fX[i];
                result += diff * diff * this.dataWeights[i];
                if (debugLevel > 2)
                    System.out.println("" + i + " fx=" + fX[i] + " data=" + this.dataValues[i] + " diff=" + diff
                            + " w=" + this.dataWeights[i]);
                if (debugLevel > 1) {
                    if (pure) {
                        int chn = dataVector[i].channel;
                        int sample = dataVector[i].sampleIndex;
                        if ((chn == 2) && (sample == 16)) {
                            System.out.println("" + i + " fx=" + fX[i] + " data=" + this.dataValues[i] + " diff="
                                    + diff + " w=" + this.dataWeights[i]);
                sumWeights += this.dataWeights[i];
            if (sumWeights > 0)
                result /= sumWeights;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                double diff = this.dataValues[i] - fX[i];
                result += diff * diff;
            result /= fX.length;
        return Math.sqrt(result);

    public void printSetRMS(double[] fX) {
        //        int [] indices=getSetIndices();
        Integer[] indices = getSetIndices().toArray(new Integer[0]); // uses dataVector;
        double[] setRMA = calcErrorsPerSet(fX);
        for (int numSet = 0; numSet < indices.length; numSet++) {
            System.out.println(numSet + " " + IJ.d2s(setRMA[numSet], 3) + " "
                    + dataVector[indices[numSet]].motors[0] + ":" + dataVector[indices[numSet]].motors[1] + ":"
                    + dataVector[indices[numSet]].motors[2] + " " + dataVector[indices[numSet]].timestamp);

    public double[] calcErrorsPerSet(double[] fX) {
        //        int [] indices=getSetIndices();
        Integer[] indices = getSetIndices().toArray(new Integer[0]); // uses dataVector;
        double[] setRMS = new double[indices.length];
        double[] weights = this.dataWeights;
        if (weights == null) {
            weights = new double[fX.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++)
                weights[i] = 1.0;
        for (int numSet = 0; numSet < indices.length; numSet++) {
            int nextIndex = (numSet == (indices.length - 1) ? dataVector.length : indices[numSet + 1]);
            double result = 0;
            double sumWeights = 0;
            for (int i = indices[numSet]; i < nextIndex; i++) {
                double diff = this.dataValues[i] - fX[i];
                result += diff * diff * weights[i];
                sumWeights += weights[i];
            if (sumWeights > 0)
                result /= sumWeights;
            setRMS[numSet] = Math.sqrt(result);
        return setRMS;

    public int[] getSetIndices_old() {
        String lastTimestamp = "";
        int numMeas = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataVector.length; i++) {
            if (!dataVector[i].timestamp.equals(lastTimestamp)) {
                lastTimestamp = dataVector[i].timestamp;
        int[] indices = new int[numMeas];
        numMeas = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataVector.length; i++) {
            if (!dataVector[i].timestamp.equals(lastTimestamp)) {
                lastTimestamp = dataVector[i].timestamp;
                indices[numMeas++] = i;
        return indices;

    public ArrayList<Integer> getSetSampleIndices() { // indices of data with anything new but channel (maximum - 6 increment)
        String prevTimeStamp = "";
        int prevMeasurementIndex = -1;
        double prevPx = -1, prevPy = -1;
        final ArrayList<Integer> measIndicesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(dataVector.length / getNumChannels());
        for (int n = 0; n < dataVector.length; n++) {
            MeasuredSample ms = dataVector[n];
            if ((ms.measurementIndex != prevMeasurementIndex) || !ms.timestamp.equals(prevTimeStamp)
                    || (ms.px != prevPx) || ( != prevPy)) {
                measIndicesList.add(new Integer(n));
                prevMeasurementIndex = ms.measurementIndex;
                prevTimeStamp = ms.timestamp;
                prevPx = ms.px;
                prevPy =;
        return measIndicesList;

    public ArrayList<Integer> getSetIndices() {
        String prevTimeStamp = "";
        int prevMeasurementIndex = -1;
        //       double prevPx=-1,prevPy=-1;
        final ArrayList<Integer> measIndicesList = new ArrayList<Integer>(dataVector.length / getNumChannels());
        for (int n = 0; n < dataVector.length; n++) {
            MeasuredSample ms = dataVector[n];
            //          if (!ms.timestamp.equals(prevTimeStamp) || (ms.px!=prevPx) || (!=prevPy)){
            if ((ms.measurementIndex != prevMeasurementIndex) || !ms.timestamp.equals(prevTimeStamp)) {
                measIndicesList.add(new Integer(n));
                prevMeasurementIndex = ms.measurementIndex;
                prevTimeStamp = ms.timestamp;
                //             prevPx=ms.px;
                //   ;
        return measIndicesList;

    public boolean[] getMeasurementsMask() {
        ArrayList<Integer> indices = getSetIndices(); // uses dataVector;
        boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
        boolean[] measMask = new boolean[indices.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < measMask.length; i++) {
            int startIndex = indices.get(i);
            int endIndex = (i < (measMask.length - 1)) ? indices.get(i + 1) : en.length;
            measMask[i] = false;
            for (int index = startIndex; index < endIndex; index++)
                measMask[i] |= en[index];
        return measMask;

    public LMAArrays calculateJacobianArrays(double[] fX) {
        if (multiJacobian && (threadsMax > 0))
            return calculateJacobianArraysMulti(fX);
            return calculateJacobianArraysSingle(fX);

    public LMAArrays calculateJacobianArraysSingle(double[] fX) {
        // calculate JtJ
        double[] diff = calcYminusFx(fX);
        int numPars = this.jacobian.length; // number of parameters to be adjusted
        int length = diff.length; // should be the same as this.jacobian[0].length
        double[][] JtByJmod = new double[numPars][numPars]; //Transposed Jacobian multiplied by Jacobian
        double[] JtByDiff = new double[numPars];
        for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++)
            for (int j = i; j < numPars; j++) {
                JtByJmod[i][j] = 0.0;
                if (this.dataWeights != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                        JtByJmod[i][j] += this.jacobian[i][k] * this.jacobian[j][k] * this.dataWeights[k];
                    for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                        JtByJmod[i][j] += this.jacobian[i][k] * this.jacobian[j][k];
        for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) { // subtract lambda*diagonal , fill the symmetrical half below the diagonal
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                JtByJmod[i][j] = JtByJmod[j][i]; // it is symmetrical matrix, just copy
        for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
            JtByDiff[i] = 0.0;
            if (this.dataWeights != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                    JtByDiff[i] += this.jacobian[i][k] * diff[k] * this.dataWeights[k];
                for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                    JtByDiff[i] += this.jacobian[i][k] * diff[k];


        LMAArrays lMAArrays = new LMAArrays();
        lMAArrays.jTByJ = JtByJmod;
        lMAArrays.jTByDiff = JtByDiff;
        return lMAArrays;

    public LMAArrays calculateJacobianArraysMulti(double[] fX) {
        // calculate JtJ
        final double[] diff = calcYminusFx(fX);
        final int numPars = this.jacobian.length; // number of parameters to be adjusted
        //       int length=diff.length; // should be the same as this.jacobian[0].length
        final double[][] JtByJmod = new double[numPars][numPars]; //Transposed Jacobian multiplied by Jacobian
        final double[] JtByDiff = new double[numPars];

        final double[] fWeights = this.dataWeights;
        //       final double [][] fJacobian=this.jacobian;
        final AtomicInteger lineAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0);
        final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(threadsMax);

        for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) {
            threads[ithread] = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    for (int line = lineAtomic.getAndIncrement(); line < numPars; line = lineAtomic
                            .getAndIncrement()) {
                        double[] sLine = jacobian[line];
                        if (fWeights != null) {
                            sLine = jacobian[line].clone();
                            for (int i = 0; i < sLine.length; i++)
                                sLine[i] *= fWeights[i];
                        for (int line2 = line; line2 < numPars; line2++) {
                            double d = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < sLine.length; i++)
                                if (sLine[i] != 0.0) {
                                    d += sLine[i] * jacobian[line2][i];
                            JtByJmod[line][line2] = d;
                        double d = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < sLine.length; i++)
                            if (sLine[i] != 0.0) {
                                d += sLine[i] * diff[i];
                        JtByDiff[line] = d;
                } // public void run() {
               for (int i=0;i<numPars;i++) for (int j=i;j<numPars;j++){
                  if (this.dataWeights!=null)
         for (int k=0;k<length;k++) JtByJmod[i][j]+=this.jacobian[i][k]*this.jacobian[j][k]*this.dataWeights[k];
         for (int k=0;k<length;k++) JtByJmod[i][j]+=this.jacobian[i][k]*this.jacobian[j][k];
        for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) { // subtract lambda*diagonal , fill the symmetrical half below the diagonal
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                JtByJmod[i][j] = JtByJmod[j][i]; // it is symmetrical matrix, just copy
               for (int i=0;i<numPars;i++) {
                  if (this.dataWeights!=null)
         for (int k=0;k<length;k++) JtByDiff[i]+=this.jacobian[i][k]*diff[k]*this.dataWeights[k];
         for (int k=0;k<length;k++) JtByDiff[i]+=this.jacobian[i][k]*diff[k];
        LMAArrays lMAArrays = new LMAArrays();
        lMAArrays.jTByJ = JtByJmod;
        lMAArrays.jTByDiff = JtByDiff;
        return lMAArrays;

    public double[] solveLMA(LMAArrays lMAArrays, double lambda, int debugLevel) {
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
        double[][] JtByJmod = lMAArrays.jTByJ.clone();
        int numPars = JtByJmod.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
            JtByJmod[i] = lMAArrays.jTByJ[i].clone();
            JtByJmod[i][i] += lambda * JtByJmod[i][i]; //Marquardt mod
        //     M*Ma=Mb
        Matrix M = new Matrix(JtByJmod);
        if (debugLevel > 2) {
            System.out.println("Jt*J -lambda* diag(Jt*J), lambda=" + lambda + ":");
            M.print(10, 5);

        Matrix Mb = new Matrix(lMAArrays.jTByDiff, numPars); // single column
        if (!(new LUDecomposition(M)).isNonsingular()) {
            double[][] arr = M.getArray();
            System.out.println("Singular Matrix " + arr.length + "x" + arr[0].length);
            // any rowsx off all 0.0?
            for (int n = 0; n < arr.length; n++) {
                boolean zeroRow = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < arr[n].length; i++)
                    if (arr[n][i] != 0.0) {
                        zeroRow = false;
                if (zeroRow) {
                    System.out.println("Row of all zeros: " + n);
            //            M.print(10, 5);
            return null;
        Matrix Ma = M.solve(Mb); // singular
        return Ma.getColumnPackedCopy();

    public void compareDrDerivatives(double[] vector) {
        double delta = 0.00010; // make configurable
        boolean[] centerSelect = fieldFitting.getCenterSelect();
        if (centerSelect[0] && centerSelect[1])
            delta = 1.0;
        if (debugParameter >= 0) {
            String parName = "";
            if ((debugParameterNames != null) && (debugParameterNames.length > debugParameter))
                parName = debugParameterNames[debugParameter];
            System.out.println("Debugging derivatives for parameter #" + debugParameter + " (" + parName + ")");
            double[] vector_dp = vector.clone();
            vector_dp[debugParameter] += delta;
            double[] fx_dp = createFXandJacobian(vector_dp, false);
            double[] fx = createFXandJacobian(vector, true);
            for (int i = 0; i < fx.length; i++) {
                if ((debugPoint >= 0) && (debugPoint != i))
                    continue; // debug only single point
                int nMeasPoints = dataVector.length;
                String pointName = "";
                if (i < nMeasPoints) {
                    pointName = "chn" + dataVector[i].channel + ":" + dataVector[i].sampleIndex + "__"
                            + dataVector[i].timestamp;
                    //             } else {
                    //                int overData=i-nMeasPoints;
                    //                if ((corrNames!=null) && (overData< corrNames.length)){
                    //                   pointName="correction_parameter-"+corrNames[overData];
                    //                } else {
                    //                   pointName="unknown-point_+"+overData;
                    //                }
                System.out.println(i + ": " + pointName + " fx= " + fx[i] + " delta_fx= "
                        + ((fx_dp[i] - fx[i]) / delta) + " df/dp= " + jacobian[debugParameter][i]);
                boolean [] centerSelect=fieldFitting.getCenterSelect();
                if (!centerSelect[0] || !centerSelect[1]){
        System.out.println("compareDrDerivatives(): Both px0 and px1 parameters should be enabled, aborting");
                double [] vector_dx=vector.clone();
                double [] vector_dy=vector.clone();
             double [] fx_dx=createFXandJacobian(vector_dx,false);
             double [] fx_dy=createFXandJacobian(vector_dy,false);
             double [] fx= createFXandJacobian(vector,true);
             for (int i=0;i<fx.length;i++){
                 System.out.println(i+" fx= "+fx[i]+" delta_fx= "+(fx_dx[i]-fx[i])+" delta_fy= "+(fx_dy[i]-fx[i]));
                 System.out.println(" df/dx= "+jacobian[0][i]+" df/dy= "+jacobian[1][i]);

     * Calculates next parameters vector, holds some arrays
     * @param numSeries
     * @return array of two booleans: { improved, finished}
    public boolean[] stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst(int debugLevel) {
        double[] deltas = null;
        if (this.currentVector == null) {
            this.currentVector = this.savedVector.clone();
            this.currentRMS = -1;
            this.currentfX = null; // invalidate
            this.jacobian = null; // invalidate
            this.lMAArrays = null;
            lastImprovements[0] = -1.0;
            lastImprovements[1] = -1.0;
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
        // calculate this.currentfX, this.jacobian if needed
        if (debugLevel > 2) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.currentVector.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + this.currentVector[i]);
        //     if ((this.currentfX==null)|| ((this.jacobian==null) && !this.threadedLMA )) {
        if ((this.currentfX == null) || (this.lMAArrays == null)) {
            String msg = "initial Jacobian matrix calculation. Points:" + this.dataValues.length + " Parameters:"
                    + this.currentVector.length;
            if (debugLevel > 0)
            if (this.updateStatus)
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("*** 1 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
            this.currentfX = createFXandJacobian(this.currentVector, true); // is it always true here (this.jacobian==null)
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("*** 2 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
            this.lMAArrays = calculateJacobianArrays(this.currentfX);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("*** 3 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
            this.currentRMS = calcErrorDiffY(this.currentfX, false);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("*** 4 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
            this.currentRMSPure = calcErrorDiffY(this.currentfX, true);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("*** 5 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
            msg = this.currentStrategyStep + ": initial RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS, 8) + " (pure RMS="
                    + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMSPure, 8) + ")" + ". Calculating next Jacobian. Points:"
                    + this.dataValues.length + " Parameters:" + this.currentVector.length;
            if (debugLevel > 1)
            if (this.updateStatus)
        } else {
            // continuing, but need to re-build Y vector to match this.currentVector
            commitParameterVector(this.currentVector); // may be extra job?
            this.currentRMS = calcErrorDiffY(this.currentfX, false); // Verify - currentfX is correct, but Y vector is modified! Yes, it is so
            this.currentRMSPure = calcErrorDiffY(this.currentfX, true);
        if (this.firstRMS < 0) {
            this.firstRMS = this.currentRMS;
            this.firstRMSPure = this.currentRMSPure;

        deltas = solveLMA(this.lMAArrays, this.lambda, debugLevel);

        boolean matrixNonSingular = true;
        if (deltas == null) {
            deltas = new double[this.currentVector.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++)
                deltas[i] = 0.0;
            matrixNonSingular = false;
        if (debugLevel > 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + deltas[i]);
        // apply deltas     
        this.nextVector = this.currentVector.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.nextVector.length; i++)
            this.nextVector[i] += deltas[i];
        // another option - do not calculate J now, just fX. and late - calculate both if it was improvement     
        //     save current Jacobian

        if (debugLevel > 2) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.nextVector.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + this.nextVector[i]);

        // this.savedJacobian=this.jacobian;
        this.savedLMAArrays = lMAArrays.clone();
        this.jacobian = null; // not needed, just to catch bugs
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("*** 6 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
        this.nextfX = createFXandJacobian(this.nextVector, true);
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("*** 7 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
        this.lMAArrays = calculateJacobianArrays(this.nextfX);
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("*** 8 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
        this.nextRMS = calcErrorDiffY(this.nextfX, false);
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("*** 9 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));
        this.nextRMSPure = calcErrorDiffY(this.nextfX, true);
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("*** 10 @ " + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 5));

        this.lastImprovements[1] = this.lastImprovements[0];
        this.lastImprovements[0] = this.currentRMS - this.nextRMS;
        String msg = "currentRMS=" + this.currentRMS + ", currentRMSPure=" + this.currentRMSPure + ", nextRMS="
                + this.nextRMS + ", nextRMSPure=" + this.nextRMSPure + ", delta="
                + (this.currentRMS - this.nextRMS);
        if (debugLevel > 2)
            System.out.println("stepLMA " + msg);
        if (this.updateStatus)
        boolean[] status = { matrixNonSingular && (this.nextRMS <= this.currentRMS), !matrixNonSingular };
        // additional test if "worse" but the difference is too small, it was be caused by computation error, like here:
        //stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() step=27, this.currentRMS=0.17068403807026408, this.nextRMS=0.1706840380702647

        if (!status[0] && matrixNonSingular) {
            if (this.nextRMS < (this.currentRMS + this.currentRMS * this.thresholdFinish * 0.01)) {
                this.nextRMS = this.currentRMS;
                status[0] = true;
                status[1] = true;
                this.lastImprovements[0] = 0.0;
                if (debugLevel > 1) {
                            "New RMS error is larger than the old one, but the difference is too small to be trusted ");
                    System.out.println("stepLMA this.currentRMS=" + this.currentRMS + ", this.currentRMSPure="
                            + this.currentRMSPure + ", this.nextRMS=" + this.nextRMS + ", this.nextRMSPure="
                            + this.nextRMSPure + ", delta=" + (this.currentRMS - this.nextRMS));

        if (status[0] && matrixNonSingular) { //improved
            status[1] = (this.iterationStepNumber > this.numIterations) || ( // done
            (this.lastImprovements[0] >= 0.0) && (this.lastImprovements[0] < this.thresholdFinish * this.currentRMS)
                    && (this.lastImprovements[1] >= 0.0)
                    && (this.lastImprovements[1] < this.thresholdFinish * this.currentRMS));
        } else if (matrixNonSingular) {
            //         this.jacobian=this.savedJacobian;// restore saved Jacobian
            this.lMAArrays = this.savedLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff

            status[1] = (this.iterationStepNumber > this.numIterations) || // failed
                    ((this.lambda * this.lambdaStepUp) > this.maxLambda);
        //TODO: add other failures leading to result failure?     
        if (debugLevel > 2) {
            System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst(" + debugLevel + ")=>" + status[0] + "," + status[1]);
        return status;

    public void stepLevenbergMarquardtAction(int debugLevel) {//
        // apply/revert,modify lambda 
        String msg = "currentRMS=" + this.currentRMS + ", currentRMSPure=" + this.currentRMSPure + ", nextRMS="
                + this.nextRMS + ", nextRMSPure=" + this.nextRMSPure + ", delta=" + (this.currentRMS - this.nextRMS)
                + ", lambda=" + this.lambda;
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() " + msg);
        //   if (this.updateStatus) IJ.showStatus(msg);
        if (this.nextRMS < this.currentRMS) { //improved
            this.lambda *= this.lambdaStepDown;
            this.currentRMS = this.nextRMS;
            this.currentfX = this.nextfX;
            this.currentVector = this.nextVector;
        } else {
            this.lambda *= this.lambdaStepUp;
            this.lMAArrays = this.savedLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff

    * Dialog to select Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and related parameters
    * @param autoSel - disable default stop, suggest strategy 0
    * @return true if OK, false if canceled
    public boolean selectLMAParameters(boolean autoSel) {
        //     int numSeries=fittingStrategy.getNumSeries();
        //    boolean resetCorrections=false;
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(
                "Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm parameters lens aberrations approxiamtion");

        //TODO: change to selection using series comments
        //        gd.addNumericField("Fitting series number", this.currentStrategyStep, 0, 3," (-1 - current)");
        int suggestStep = this.currentStrategyStep;
        boolean suggestStopEachStep = this.stopEachStep;
        if (autoSel) {
            suggestStep = 0;
            suggestStopEachStep = false;
        FieldStrategies fs = fieldFitting.fieldStrategies;
        String[] indices = new String[fs.getNumStrategies() + 1];
        indices[0] = "current strategy";
        for (int i = 0; i < fs.getNumStrategies(); i++) {
            indices[i + 1] = i + ": " + fs.getComment(i) + " (" + (fs.isStopAfterThis(i) ? "STOP" : "CONTINUE")
                    + ")";
        if (suggestStep >= (indices.length - 1))
            suggestStep = indices.length - 2; // last one
        gd.addChoice("Fitting series", indices, indices[suggestStep + 1]);

        gd.addCheckbox("Debug df/dX0, df/dY0", false);
        gd.addNumericField("Debug Jacobian for point number", this.debugPoint, 0, 5, "(-1 - none)");
        gd.addNumericField("Debug Jacobian for parameter number", this.debugParameter, 0, 5, "(-1 - none)");

        //        gd.addCheckbox("Keep current correction parameters (do not reset)", this.keepCorrectionParameters);
        gd.addNumericField("Initial LMA Lambda ", 0.0, 5, 8, "0 - keep, last was " + this.lambda);
        gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on success", this.lambdaStepDown, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Threshold RMS to exit LMA", this.thresholdFinish, 7, 9, "pix");
        gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on failure", this.lambdaStepUp, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Threshold lambda to fail", this.maxLambda, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of iterations", this.numIterations, 0);

        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration step", suggestStopEachStep); //this.stopEachStep);
        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration series", this.stopEachSeries);
        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each failure", this.stopOnFailure);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show modified parameters", this.showParams);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show disabled parameters", this.showDisabledParams);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show per-sample correction parameters", this.showCorrectionParams);
        gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of threads (0 - old code)", this.threadsMax, 0);

        //        gd.addCheckbox("Reset all per-sample corrections to zero", resetCorrections);

        //        gd.addCheckbox("Show debug images before correction",this.showThisImages);
        //        gd.addCheckbox("Show debug images after correction", this.showNextImages);
        //        gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of threads", this.threadsMax, 0);
        //        gd.addCheckbox("Use memory-saving/multithreaded version", this.threadedLMA);
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return false;
        this.currentStrategyStep = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() - 1; //(int) gd.getNextNumber();
        if (this.currentStrategyStep >= 0) {
        this.debugDerivativesFxDxDy = gd.getNextBoolean();

        debugPoint = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        debugParameter = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

        //        this.keepCorrectionParameters = gd.getNextBoolean();
        double preLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
        if (preLambda > 0.0)
            this.lambda = preLambda;
        this.lambdaStepDown = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.thresholdFinish = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.lambdaStepUp = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.maxLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.numIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        this.stopEachStep = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.stopEachSeries = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.stopOnFailure = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showDisabledParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showCorrectionParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.threadsMax = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        //    if (!keepCorrectionParameters) fieldFitting.resetSampleCorr();
        return true;

    public void listParameters(String title, String path) {
        String header = "State\tDescription\tValue\tUnits";
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (String s : this.fieldFitting.getParameterValueStrings(true, true)) { //this.showDisabledParams)){ //
            sb.append(s + "\n");
        if (path != null) {
            CalibrationFileManagement.saveStringToFile(path, header + "\n" + sb.toString());
        } else {
            new TextWindow(title, header, sb.toString(), 800, 1000);

    public void listData(String title, String path) {
        if ((showSamples == null) || (showSamples.length != sampleCoord.length * sampleCoord[0].length)) {
            showSamples = new boolean[sampleCoord.length * sampleCoord[0].length];
            for (int i = 0; i < showSamples.length; i++)
                showSamples[i] = false;
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show motor positions", this.showMotors);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show measured PSF FWHM", this.showMeasCalc[0]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show calculated PSF FWHM", this.showMeasCalc[1]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show mechanical distance", this.showMeasCalc[2]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show RED data", this.showColors[0]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show GREEN data", this.showColors[1]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show BLUE data", this.showColors[2]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show SAGITAL data", this.showDirs[0]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show TANGENTIAL data", this.showDirs[1]);
        gd.addMessage("Select field samples");
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++) {
                gd.addCheckbox("Sample X" + j + "Y" + i + " (x=" + sampleCoord[i][j][0] + " y="
                        + sampleCoord[i][j][1] + ")", showSamples[j + i * sampleCoord[0].length]);

        gd.addCheckbox("Show all samples", this.showAllSamples);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show ignored data", this.showIgnoredData);

        gd.addCheckbox("Show sample distance fom the optical center", this.showRad);
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
        this.showMotors = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showMeasCalc[0] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showMeasCalc[1] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showMeasCalc[2] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showColors[0] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showColors[1] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showColors[2] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showDirs[0] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showDirs[1] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++) {
                showSamples[j + i * sampleCoord[0].length] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showAllSamples = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showIgnoredData = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showRad = gd.getNextBoolean();
        boolean[] localShowSamples = showSamples.clone();
        if (showAllSamples) {
            for (int i = 0; i < localShowSamples.length; i++)
                localShowSamples[i] = true;
        listData(title, path, showMotors, showMeasCalc, showColors, showDirs, localShowSamples, showIgnoredData,

    public void listData(String title, String path, boolean showMotors, boolean[] showMeasCalc,
            boolean[] showColors, boolean[] showDirs, boolean[] showSamples, boolean showIgnoredData,
            boolean showRad) {
        String header = "";
        String[] sMeasCalc = { "M", "C", "Z" };
        String[] sDirs = { "S", "T" };
        String[] sColors = { "R", "G", "B" };
        int numColors = 3;
        int numDirs = 2;
        boolean[] selChannels = fieldFitting.getSelectedChannels();
        int[] selChanIndices = new int[selChannels.length];
        selChanIndices[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < selChanIndices.length; i++) {
            selChanIndices[i] = selChanIndices[i - 1] + (selChannels[i - 1] ? 1 : 0);
        double[][][] cosSin2Tab = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][3];
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++) {
                double delta_x = sampleCoord[i][j][0] - currentPX0;
                double delta_y = sampleCoord[i][j][1] - currentPY0;
                double r2 = delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y;
                if (r2 > 0.0) {
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] = delta_x * delta_x / r2; // cos^2
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] = delta_y * delta_y / r2; // sin^2
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] = 2 * delta_x * delta_y / r2; // 2*cos*sin
                } else {
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][0] = 1.0;
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][1] = 0.0;
                    cosSin2Tab[i][j][2] = 0.0;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (showMotors)
            header += "M1\tM2\tM3\t";
        boolean first = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++)
                if (showSamples[j + i * sampleCoord[i].length]) {
                    if (showMeasCalc[2]) {
                        if (!first)
                            header += "\t";
                        first = false;
                        header += "Y" + i + "X" + j + sMeasCalc[2];
                    for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++)
                        if (showColors[c]) {
                            for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++)
                                if (showDirs[d]) {
                                    for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++)
                                        if (showMeasCalc[m]) {
                                            if (!first)
                                                header += "\t";
                                            first = false;
                                            header += "Y" + i + "X" + j + sColors[c] + sDirs[d] + sMeasCalc[m];
        for (FocusingFieldMeasurement ffm : measurements) {
            //        double [][][][] samples=ffm.samples;
            double[][][][] samplesFull = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][numColors][numDirs];
            double[][][][] calcSamples = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length][numColors][numDirs];
            double[][] calcZ = new double[sampleCoord.length][sampleCoord[0].length];

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++) {
                    calcZ[i][j] = Double.NaN;
                    for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++)
                        for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++) {
                            samplesFull[i][j][c][d] = Double.NaN;
                            calcSamples[i][j][c][d] = Double.NaN;
            //showIgnoredData MeasuredSample [] dataVector
            boolean[] enable = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++)
                if (ffm.timestamp.equals(dataVector[index].timestamp)
                        && (showIgnoredData || (index >= enable.length) || enable[index])) {
                    int chn = dataVector[index].channel;
                    int sample = dataVector[index].sampleIndex;
                    int sampleRow = sample / sampleCoord[0].length;
                    int sampleCol = sample % sampleCoord[0].length;
                    int color = chn / 2;
                    int dir = chn % 2;
                    samplesFull[sampleRow][sampleCol][color][dir] = dataVector[index].value;
            // still needed if     showIgnoredData!    
                    if (showMeasCalc[0] && (samples!=null)) for (int i=0;i<sampleCoord.length;i++){
                       if ((i<samples.length) && (samples[i]!=null)) for (int j=0;j<sampleCoord[i].length;j++){
                          if ((j<samples[i].length) && (samples[i][j]!=null)) for (int c=0;c<numColors;c++){
             if ((c<samples[i][j].length) && (samples[i][j][c]!=null)) {
                double sagTan[] = {
                if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print("\n"+ffm.motors[2]+" i= "+i+" j= "+j+" c= "+c+" sagTan= "+sagTan[0]+" "+sagTan[1]+" ");
                for (int d=0;d<numDirs;d++){
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" d= "+d+" ");
                   int chn=d+numDirs*c;
                   //                     System.out.println("i="+i+", j="+j+", c="+c+", d="+d);
                   // saved values are PSF radius, convert to FWHM by multiplying by 2.0
                   double value=sagTan[d]*2.0;
                   // discard above threshold (in pixels, raw FWHM data)
                   if (Double.isNaN(value)) continue; // bad measurement
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" A "+value);
                   if (!showIgnoredData && (thresholdMax != null)){
                      if (value >= thresholdMax[chn]){
                         if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" > "+thresholdMax[chn]);
                         continue; // bad measurement (above threshold)
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" B "+value);
                   // correct for for minimal measurement;
                   if (useMinMeas && (minMeas != null)){
                      if (value<minMeas[chn]) {
                         if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" < "+minMeas[chn]);
                         continue; // bad measurement (smaller than correction)
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" C "+value);
                   // correct for for maximal measurement;
                   if (useMaxMeas && (maxMeas != null)) {
                      if (value >= maxMeas[chn]) {
                         if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" > "+maxMeas[chn]);
                         continue; // bad measurement (larger than correction)
                      value = 1.0/Math.sqrt(1.0/(value*value)-1.0/(maxMeas[chn]*maxMeas[chn]));
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" D "+value);
                   // convert to microns from pixels
                   if (debugLevel>3) System.out.print(" E "+value);

            // Now calculate values for the same samples
            if (showMeasCalc[1]) {
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++) {

                        if ((i == 0) && (j == 3) && (ffm.motors[0] == 2209)) {
                            System.out.println("listData(), i=" + i + ", j=" + j);
                        double[] subData = fieldFitting.getValsDerivatives(
                                //                       -1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                                flattenIndex(i, j), sagittalMaster, // dependent channel does not have center parameters, but that is only used for derivs.
                                ffm.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                                sampleCoord[i][j][0], // pixel x
                                sampleCoord[i][j][1], // pixel y
                        for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++)
                            for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++) {
                                int index = d + c * numDirs;
                                if (selChannels[index])
                                    calcSamples[i][j][c][d] = subData[selChanIndices[index]];
            // calculate Z from the mechanical
            if (showMeasCalc[2]) {
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[0].length; j++) {
                        calcZ[i][j] = fieldFitting.getMotorsZ(ffm.motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                                sampleCoord[i][j][0], // pixel x
                                sampleCoord[i][j][1]); // pixel y
            // combine line
            if (showMotors)
                sb.append("" + ffm.motors[0] + "\t" + ffm.motors[1] + "\t" + ffm.motors[2] + "\t");
            first = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++)
                    if (showSamples[j + i * sampleCoord[i].length]) {
                        if (showMeasCalc[2]) {
                            if (!first)
                            first = false;

                        for (int c = 0; c < showColors.length; c++)
                            if (showColors[c]) {
                                for (int d = 0; d < showDirs.length; d++)
                                    if (showDirs[d]) {
                                        for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++)
                                            if (showMeasCalc[m]) {
                                                if (!first)
                                                first = false;
                                                if (m == 0)

        if (debugLevel > 3)

        if (showRad) {
            sb.append(header + "\n");
            if (showMotors)
            first = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++)
                    if (showSamples[j + i * sampleCoord[i].length]) {
                        double rad = fieldFitting.getRadiusMM(sampleCoord[i][j][0], // pixel x
                                sampleCoord[i][j][1]); // pixel y
                        if (showMeasCalc[2]) {
                            if (!first)
                            first = false;
                        for (int c = 0; c < numColors; c++)
                            if (showColors[c]) {
                                for (int d = 0; d < numDirs; d++)
                                    if (showDirs[d]) {
                                        for (int m = 0; m < 2; m++)
                                            if (showMeasCalc[m]) {
                                                if (!first)
                                                first = false;
        if (path != null) {
            CalibrationFileManagement.saveStringToFile(path, header + "\n" + sb.toString());
        } else {
            new TextWindow(title, header, sb.toString(), 800, 1000);


    public void showCurvCorr() {

    public void listCombinedResults() {
        // private boolean rslt_show_z_axial=true;
        // private boolean rslt_show_z_individual=true;
        // private boolean rslt_show_f_axial=true;
        // private boolean rslt_show_f_individual=true;
        // private double rslt_scan_below=-10.0;
        // private double rslt_scan_above= 10.0;
        // private double rslt_scan_step= 5.0;
        // private boolean rslt_mtf50_mode= true;
        // public double fwhm_to_mtf50=500.0; // put actual number

        double[] center_z = fieldFitting.getZCenters(false); // do not solve, use z0 coefficient
        double[] centerFWHM = { fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[0], 0.0, null)[1],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[1], 0.0, null)[3],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[2], 0.0, null)[5] };
        double[] best_qb_axial = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, false);
        double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, true);
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Setup results table FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3) + "um, MTF50="
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Red " + IJ.d2s(center_z[0], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[0], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[0], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Green " + IJ.d2s(center_z[1], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[1], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Blue " + IJ.d2s(center_z[2], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[2], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[2], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best composite distance for FWHM^4, axial model " + IJ.d2s(best_qb_axial[0], 3) + " um"
                + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_axial[1], 3) + "um, MTF50="
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_axial[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best composite distance for FWHM^4, individual " + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "  um"
                + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2)
                + " lp/mm");
        for (int i = 0; i < rslt_show_chn.length; i++) {
            gd.addCheckbox("Show results for " + fieldFitting.getDescription(i), this.rslt_show_chn[i]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show best focus distance (axial model)", this.rslt_show_z_axial);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show ring-averaged focus distance", this.rslt_show_z_smooth);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show best focus distance (per-sample adjusted)", this.rslt_show_z_individual);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show constant-z sections (axial model)", this.rslt_show_f_axial);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show ring-averaged per-sample adjusted section data", this.rslt_show_f_smooth);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show constant-z sections (per-sample adjusted)", this.rslt_show_f_individual);
        gd.addNumericField("Ring averaging radial sigma", this.rslt_show_smooth_sigma, 3, 5, "mm");
        gd.addCheckbox("Show mtf50 (false - PSF FWHM)", this.rslt_mtf50_mode);
        gd.addCheckbox("Find z for minimum, unchecked - use parameter", this.rslt_solve);

        gd.addCheckbox("Show focal distance relative to best composite focus (false - to center green )",

        gd.addMessage("Multiple section setup:");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan from (relative to green center)", this.rslt_scan_below, 3, 7, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan to (relative to green center)", this.rslt_scan_above, 3, 7, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan step", this.rslt_scan_step, 3, 7, "um");
        if (gd.wasCanceled()) {

        for (int i = 0; i < rslt_show_chn.length; i++) {
            this.rslt_show_chn[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_z_axial = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_z_smooth = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_z_individual = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_f_axial = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_f_smooth = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_f_individual = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_show_smooth_sigma = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.rslt_mtf50_mode = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_solve = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.z_relative = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.rslt_scan_below = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.rslt_scan_above = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.rslt_scan_step = gd.getNextNumber();

        listCombinedResults("Field curvature measuremnts results", //String title,
                null, //String path,
                z_relative ? best_qb_corr[0] : center_z[1], rslt_show_chn, //boolean [] show_chn,
                rslt_show_z_axial, //boolean show_z_axial,
                rslt_show_z_smooth, // boolean rslt_show_z_smooth;
                rslt_show_z_individual, //boolean show_z_individual,
                rslt_show_f_axial, //boolean show_f_axial,
                rslt_show_f_smooth, //boolean rslt_show_f_smooth;
                rslt_show_f_individual, //boolean show_f_individual,
                rslt_show_smooth_sigma, // double rslt_show_smooth_sigma;
                (z_relative ? best_qb_corr[0] : center_z[1]) + rslt_scan_below, // double scan_below,
                (z_relative ? best_qb_corr[0] : center_z[1]) + rslt_scan_above, //double scan_above,
                rslt_scan_step, //double scan_step,
                rslt_mtf50_mode, //boolean freq_mode)
                rslt_solve); // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 

    public double[][] filterListSamples(double sigma, double[] radiuses, // numsaples+1 long!
            double[] saggital, // numsamples!
            double[] tangential, double[] saggitalWeights, // numsamples long
            double[] tangentialWeights) {// numsamples long
        double[][] data = { saggital, tangential };
        double[][] weights = { saggitalWeights, tangentialWeights };

        int len = saggital.length + 1;
        double[][] result = new double[2][len];
        double kexp = -0.5 / (sigma * sigma);
        for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
            if (data[dir] != null) {
                result[dir] = new double[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    double sum_w = 0.0;
                    double sum_v = 0.0;
                    for (int otherDir = 0; otherDir < 2; otherDir++) {
                        if (data[otherDir] != null)
                            for (int j = 1; j < len; j++) {
                                double r = (otherDir == dir) ? (radiuses[i] - radiuses[j])
                                        : (radiuses[i] + radiuses[j]);
                                double w = Math.exp(kexp * r * r);
                                if (weights[otherDir] != null) {
                                    w *= weights[otherDir][j - 1];
                                if (!Double.isNaN(data[otherDir][j - 1])) {
                                    sum_v += data[otherDir][j - 1] * w;
                                    sum_w += w;
                    result[dir][i] = (sum_w > 0.0) ? (sum_v / sum_w) : 0.0;
            } else {
                result[dir] = null;
        return result;

    public void listCombinedResults(String title, String path, double z0, // subtract from z
            boolean[] show_chn, boolean show_z_axial, boolean show_z_smooth, boolean show_z_individual,
            boolean show_f_axial, boolean show_f_smooth, boolean show_f_individual, double smooth_sigma,
            double scan_below, double scan_above, double scan_step, boolean freq_mode, boolean solveZ) { // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 

        String[] chnNames = { "RS", "RT", "GS", "GT", "BS", "BT" };
        // Calculate weights of each channel/sample
        double[][] sampleWeights = new double[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < sampleWeights.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < sampleWeights[chn].length; sample++) {
                sampleWeights[chn][sample] = 0.0;
        for (int index = 0; index < dataVector.length; index++) {
            sampleWeights[dataVector[index].channel][dataVector[index].sampleIndex] += dataWeights[index];

        double k = this.fwhm_to_mtf50; //TODO: correct psf fwhm to mtf50 conversion
        //     double k=2*Math.log(2.0)/Math.PI*1000;
        //     String header="Z(um)\tComposite\tRed\tGreen\tBlue";
        String header = "radius(mm)";
        if (show_z_axial) {
            for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                if (show_chn[i])
                    header += "\tZ" + chnNames[i];
        if (show_z_smooth) {
            for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                if (show_chn[i])
                    header += "\tZ" + chnNames[i] + "~";

        if (show_z_individual) {
            for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                if (show_chn[i])
                    header += "\tZ" + chnNames[i] + "*";
        int numSect = 0;
        if (show_f_axial || show_f_individual)
            for (double z = scan_below; z <= scan_above; z += scan_step) {
                if (show_f_axial) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                        if (show_chn[i])
                            header += "\t" + chnNames[i] + IJ.d2s(z - z0, 1);
                if (show_f_smooth) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                        if (show_chn[i])
                            header += "\t" + chnNames[i] + IJ.d2s(z - z0, 1) + "~";
                if (show_f_individual) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                        if (show_chn[i])
                            header += "\t" + chnNames[i] + IJ.d2s(z - z0, 1) + "*";
        double[] radiuses0 = fieldFitting.getSampleRadiuses();
        int numSamples = radiuses0.length;
        double[] radiuses = new double[numSamples + 1];
        radiuses[0] = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
            radiuses[i + 1] = radiuses0[i];
        double[][][][] f_values = new double[numSect][3][][];
        int sect = 0;
        for (double z = scan_below; z <= scan_above; z += scan_step) {
            if (show_f_axial) {
                double[][] f = fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(z, false, true);
                double[] f0 = fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(z, 0.0, null);
                f_values[sect][0] = new double[f.length][];
                for (int chn = 0; chn < f.length; chn++) {
                    if (f[chn] != null) {
                        f_values[sect][0][chn] = new double[f[chn].length + 1];
                        f_values[sect][0][chn][0] = f0[chn];
                        for (int i = 0; i < f[chn].length; i++) {
                            f_values[sect][0][chn][i + 1] = f[chn][i];
                    } else
                        f_values[sect][0][chn] = null;
            } else {
                f_values[sect][0] = null;
            if (show_f_individual) {
                double[][] f = fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(z, true, true);
                f_values[sect][1] = new double[f.length][];
                for (int chn = 0; chn < f.length; chn++) {
                    if (f[chn] != null) {
                        f_values[sect][1][chn] = new double[f[chn].length + 1];
                        f_values[sect][1][chn][0] = Double.NaN;
                        for (int i = 0; i < f[chn].length; i++) {
                            f_values[sect][1][chn][i + 1] = f[chn][i];
                    } else
                        f_values[sect][1][chn] = null;
            } else {
                f_values[sect][1] = null;
            if (show_f_smooth) {
                double[][] f = fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(z, true, true); // corrected (individual), 
                f_values[sect][2] = new double[f.length][];
                for (int chn = 0; chn < f.length; chn += 2) {
                    double[][] smooth = filterListSamples(smooth_sigma, radiuses, // all 3 arrays should be numsaples+1 long
                            f[chn], //double [] saggital, // not ordered, but [0]==0.0
                            f[chn + 1], //double []tangential,
                            sampleWeights[chn], //double [] saggitalWeights, // numsamples long
                            sampleWeights[chn + 1]); //double [] tangentialWeights){// numsamples long
                    f_values[sect][2][chn] = smooth[0];
                    f_values[sect][2][chn + 1] = smooth[1];
            } else {
                f_values[sect][2] = null;
        double[][][] z_values = new double[3][][];
        if (show_z_axial) {
            double[][] zai = fieldFitting.getCalcZ(false, true, solveZ);
            double[] zai0 = fieldFitting.getCalcZ(0.0, solveZ);
            z_values[0] = new double[zai.length][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < zai.length; chn++) {
                if (zai[chn] != null) {
                    z_values[0][chn] = new double[zai[chn].length + 1];
                    z_values[0][chn][0] = zai0[chn];
                    for (int i = 0; i < zai[chn].length; i++) {
                        z_values[0][chn][i + 1] = zai[chn][i];

                } else
                    z_values[0][chn] = null;
        } else
            z_values[0] = null;
        if (show_z_individual) {
            double[][] zai = fieldFitting.getCalcZ(true, true, solveZ);
            z_values[1] = new double[zai.length][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < zai.length; chn++) {
                if (zai[chn] != null) {
                    z_values[1][chn] = new double[zai[chn].length + 1];
                    z_values[1][chn][0] = Double.NaN;
                    for (int i = 0; i < zai[chn].length; i++) {
                        z_values[1][chn][i + 1] = zai[chn][i];

                } else
                    z_values[1][chn] = null;
        } else
            z_values[1] = null;
        if (show_f_smooth) {
            double[][] zai = fieldFitting.getCalcZ(true, true, solveZ);
            z_values[2] = new double[zai.length][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < zai.length; chn += 2) {
                double[][] smooth = filterListSamples(smooth_sigma, radiuses, // all 3 arrays should be numsaples+1 long
                        zai[chn], //double [] saggital, // not ordered, but [0]==0.0
                        zai[chn + 1], //double []tangential,
                        sampleWeights[chn], //double [] saggitalWeights, // numsamples long
                        sampleWeights[chn + 1]); //double [] tangentialWeights){// numsamples long
                z_values[2][chn] = smooth[0];
                z_values[2][chn + 1] = smooth[1];
        } else {
            z_values[2] = null;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int n = 0; n < radiuses.length; n++) {
            sb.append(IJ.d2s(radiuses[n], 3));
            if (show_z_axial) {
                for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                    if (show_chn[i])
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(z_values[0][i][n] - z0, 3));
            if (show_z_smooth) {
                for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                    if (show_chn[i])
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(z_values[2][i][n] - z0, 3));
            if (show_z_individual) {
                for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++) {
                    if (show_chn[i])
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(z_values[1][i][n] - z0, 3));
            if (show_f_axial || show_f_individual)
                for (int s = 0; s < numSect; s++) {
                    if (show_f_axial)
                        for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++)
                            if (show_chn[i]) {
                                if (freq_mode) {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(k / f_values[s][0][i][n], 3));
                                } else {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(f_values[s][0][i][n], 3));
                    if (show_f_smooth)
                        for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++)
                            if (show_chn[i]) {
                                if (freq_mode) {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(k / f_values[s][2][i][n], 3));
                                } else {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(f_values[s][2][i][n], 3));
                    if (show_f_individual)
                        for (int i = 0; i < show_chn.length; i++)
                            if (show_chn[i]) {
                                if (freq_mode) {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(k / f_values[s][1][i][n], 3));
                                } else {
                                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(f_values[s][1][i][n], 3));
        if (path != null) {
            CalibrationFileManagement.saveStringToFile(path, header + "\n" + sb.toString());
        } else {
            new TextWindow(title, header, sb.toString(), 800, 1000);

    public void listScanQB() {

        double[] center_z = fieldFitting.getZCenters(false); // do not solve, use z0 coefficient
        double[] centerFWHM = { fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[0], 0.0, null)[1],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[1], 0.0, null)[3],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[2], 0.0, null)[5] };
        double[] best_qb_axial = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, false);
        double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB( //best_qb_corr[0] - distance (motorZ)
                k_red, k_blue, true);
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Setup quality-B table FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3)
                + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Red " + IJ.d2s(center_z[0], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[0], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[0], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Green " + IJ.d2s(center_z[1], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[1], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Blue " + IJ.d2s(center_z[2], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[2], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[2], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best composite distance for FWHM^4, axial model " + IJ.d2s(best_qb_axial[0], 3) + " um"
                + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_axial[1], 3) + "um, MTF50="
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_axial[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best composite distance for FWHM^4, individual " + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "  um"
                + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2)
                + " lp/mm");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan from (relative to green center)", this.qb_scan_below, 3, 7, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan to (relative to green center)", this.qb_scan_above, 3, 7, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Scan step", this.qb_scan_step, 3, 7, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Relative (to green) weight of red channel", 100 * this.k_red, 3, 7, "%");
        gd.addNumericField("Relative (to green) weight of blue channel", 100 * this.k_blue, 3, 7, "%");
        gd.addCheckbox("Use per-sample location corrected data", this.qb_use_corrected);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show mtf50 (false - PSF FWHM)", this.qb_invert);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show focal distance relative to best composite focus (false - to center green )",

        if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
        this.qb_scan_below = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.qb_scan_above = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.qb_scan_step = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.k_red = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
        this.k_blue = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
        this.qb_use_corrected = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.qb_invert = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.z_relative = gd.getNextBoolean();

        listScanQB("Focus quality vs. distance", // String title,
                null, //String path,
                z_relative ? best_qb_corr[0] : center_z[1], center_z[1] + this.qb_scan_below, //double min_z, // absolute
                center_z[1] + this.qb_scan_above, //double max_z,
                this.qb_scan_step, //double step_z,
                this.k_red, //double kr,
                this.k_blue, //double kb,
                this.qb_use_corrected, //boolean corrected,
                this.qb_invert); //boolean freq_mode)

    public void listScanQB(String title, String path, double z0, double min_z, // absolute
            double max_z, double step_z, double kr, double kb, boolean corrected, boolean freq_mode) {
        double k = this.fwhm_to_mtf50; //TODO: correct psf fwhm to mtf50 conversion
        String header = "Z(um)\tComposite\tRed\tGreen\tBlue";
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (double z = min_z; z <= max_z; z += step_z) {
            double qb_w = fieldFitting.getQualB(z, kr, kb, corrected);
            double[] qb_rgb = fieldFitting.getQualB(z, corrected);
            if (freq_mode) {
                sb.append(IJ.d2s(z - z0, 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(k / qb_w, 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(k / qb_rgb[0], 3) + "\t"
                        + IJ.d2s(k / qb_rgb[1], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(k / qb_rgb[2], 3) + "\n");
            } else {
                sb.append(IJ.d2s(z - z0, 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(qb_w, 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(qb_rgb[0], 3) + "\t"
                        + IJ.d2s(qb_rgb[1], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(qb_rgb[2], 3) + "\n");

        //        for (String s:this.fieldFitting.getParameterValueStrings(true,true)){ //this.showDisabledParams)){ //
        //         sb.append(s+"\n");
        //        }

        // Add result to the bottom of the file
        double[] center_z = fieldFitting.getZCenters(false); // z0 coefficient, do not find minimum
        double[] centerFWHM = { fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[0], 0.0, null)[1],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[1], 0.0, null)[3],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[2], 0.0, null)[5] };
        //        double [] best_qb_axial= fieldFitting.getBestQualB(
        //                k_red,
        //                k_blue,
        //                false);
        double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, true);
        sb.append("Red center" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(center_z[0], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[0], 3) + "\t"
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[0], 2) + "\t" + "lp/mm" + "\n");
        sb.append("Green center" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(center_z[1], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[1], 3) + "\t"
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[1], 2) + "\t" + "lp/mm" + "\n");
        sb.append("Blue center" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(center_z[2], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[2], 3) + "\t"
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[2], 2) + "\t" + "lp/mm" + "\n");
        sb.append("Composite ^4" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3) + "\t"
                + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2) + "\t" + "lp/mm" + "\n");

        sb.append("Lens center " + "\t" + "used" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(currentPX0, 1) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(currentPY0, 1)
                + "\t" + "pix" + "\n");
        sb.append("Lens center " + "\t" + "distortions" + "\t" + IJ.d2s(pX0_distortions, 1) + "\t"
                + IJ.d2s(pY0_distortions, 1) + "\t" + "pix" + "\n");

        if (path != null) {
            CalibrationFileManagement.saveStringToFile(path, header + "\n" + sb.toString());
        } else {
            new TextWindow(title, header, sb.toString(), 800, 1000);

    public boolean dialogLMAStep(boolean[] state) {
        String[] states = { "Worse, increase lambda", "Better, decrease lambda", "Failed to fit",
                "Fitting Successful" };
        int iState = (state[0] ? 1 : 0) + (state[1] ? 2 : 0);

        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm step");
        //     String [][] parameterDescriptions=fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData.parameterDescriptions;
        gd.addMessage("Current state=" + states[iState]);
        gd.addMessage("Current series=" + this.currentStrategyStep);
        gd.addMessage("Iteration step=" + this.iterationStepNumber);

        gd.addMessage("Initial RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS, 6) + ", Current RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS, 6)
                + ", new RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.nextRMS, 6));
        gd.addMessage("Pure initial RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMSPure, 6) + ", Current RMS="
                + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMSPure, 6) + ", new RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.nextRMSPure, 6));

        if (this.showParams) {
            gd.addMessage("==== Current parameter values ===");
            for (String s : this.fieldFitting.getParameterValueStrings(this.showDisabledParams,
                    this.showCorrectionParams)) { //


        gd.addNumericField("Lambda ", this.lambda, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on success", this.lambdaStepDown, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Threshold RMS to exit LMA", this.thresholdFinish, 7, 9, "pix");
        gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on failure", this.lambdaStepUp, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Threshold lambda to fail", this.maxLambda, 5);
        gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of iterations", this.numIterations, 0);

        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration step", this.stopEachStep);
        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration series", this.stopEachSeries);
        gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each failure", this.stopOnFailure);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show modified parameters", this.showParams);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show disabled parameters", this.showDisabledParams);
        gd.addCheckbox("Show per-sample correction parameters", this.showCorrectionParams);

        //        gd.addCheckbox("Show debug images before correction",this.showThisImages);
        //        gd.addCheckbox("Show debug images after correction", this.showNextImages);
                "Done will save the current (not new!) state and exit, Continue will proceed according to LMA");
        gd.enableYesNoCancel("Continue", "Done");

        if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
            this.saveSeries = false;
            return false;
        this.lambda = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.lambdaStepDown = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.thresholdFinish = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.lambdaStepUp = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.maxLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
        this.numIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        this.stopEachStep = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.stopEachSeries = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.stopOnFailure = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showDisabledParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.showCorrectionParams = gd.getNextBoolean();

        //        this.showThisImages= gd.getNextBoolean();
        //        this.showNextImages= gd.getNextBoolean();
        this.saveSeries = true;
        return gd.wasOKed();

    public double getAdjustRMS(
            //      FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement,
            int[] zTxTyAdjustMode, //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
            ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements, boolean filterZ, boolean filterByScanValue,
            double filterByValueScale, int minNeib, double z, double tx, double ty) {
        fieldFitting.selectZTilt(false, zTxTyAdjustMode);
        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(z, tx, ty);
        //   double [] sv= fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
        setDataVector(false, // calibrate mode
        if (filterZ) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByZRanges(zRanges, en, null);
            prevEnable = en;
            int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
            if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                return Double.NaN;
        if (filterByScanValue) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByScanValues(zRanges, en, null);
            prevEnable = en;
            int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
            if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                return Double.NaN;
        if (filterByValueScale > 0.0) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterByValue(filterByValueScale, en, null);
            prevEnable = en;
            int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
            if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                return Double.NaN;
        if (minNeib > 0) {
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterLowNeighbors(en, minNeib, false); // calib mode for debug print
           if ((minCenterSamplesTotal>0) || (minCenterSamplesBest>0)){
              boolean [] centerSampesMask= getCenterSamples(centerSamples);
              boolean [] en=dataWeightsToBoolean();
              if (!checkEnoughCenter(
        minCenterSamplesTotal, //int minTotalSamples,
        minCenterSamplesBest )){ //int minBestChannelSamples)){
                 if (debugLevel>1) { //0
        int [] numSamples=getNumCenterSamples( // per channel
        for (int n:numSamples) System.out.print(" "+n);
        System.out.println(" - not enough center samples, requested "+minCenterSamplesBest+" best channel and "+minCenterSamplesTotal+" total.");
                 return Double.NaN;
        if ((minCenterSamplesTotal > 0) || (minCenterSamplesBest > 0) || (minLeftSamples > 0)
                || (minBestLeftSamples > 0)) {
            boolean[] centerSampesMask = getCenterSamples(centerSamples);
            boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
            en = filterNotEnoughSamples(centerSampesMask, en, minCenterSamplesTotal, // int minTotalCenterSamples,
                    minCenterSamplesBest, //int minBestChannelCenterSamples,
                    minLeftSamples, //int minTotalSamples,
                    minBestLeftSamples); //int minBestChannelSamples);
        int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(dataWeightsToBoolean());
        if ((numEn < minLeftSamples) || (numEn < 1))
            return Double.NaN;

        //   double [] sv= fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
        double[] sv = fieldFitting.createParameterVectorZTxTy(zTxTyAdjustMode); //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust   
        double[] focusing_fx = createFXandJacobian(sv, false);
        double rms_pure = calcErrorDiffY(focusing_fx, true);
        //   System.out.println("rms_pure="+rms_pure);
        return rms_pure;

    public double[] findAdjustZ( // Mode should already be set to adjustment!
            //      int [] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            //      FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement,
            ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements, boolean filterZ, boolean filterByScanValue,
            double filterByValueScale, int minNeib, double zMin, double zMax, double zStep, double tMin,
            double tMax, double tStep) {
        int[] zTxTyAdjustMode = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode();
        double zBest = Double.NaN;
        double tXBest = Double.NaN;
        double tYBest = Double.NaN;
        double bestRMS = Double.NaN;
        double tMinX = tMin, tMinY = tMin, tMaxX = tMax, tMaxY = tMax, tStepX = tStep, tStepY = tStep;

        // Disable scanning tilts according to zTxTyAdjustMode (null - old way)
        if (zTxTyAdjustMode != null) {
            double[] zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy(); // current values
            if (zTxTyAdjustMode[1] == 0) {
                tMinX = zTxTy[1];
                tMaxX = zTxTy[1];
            if (zTxTyAdjustMode[2] == 0) {
                tMinY = zTxTy[2];
                tMaxY = zTxTy[2];
        int bestEn = 0;
        for (double z = zMin; z <= zMax; z += zStep)
            for (double tx = tMinX; tx <= tMaxX; tx += tStepX)
                for (double ty = tMinY; ty <= tMaxY; ty += tStepY) {
                    double rms = getAdjustRMS(zTxTyAdjustMode,
                            //            measurement,
                            measurements, filterZ, filterByScanValue, filterByValueScale, minNeib, z, tx, ty);
                    if (((Double.isNaN(bestRMS) || (bestRMS >= rms)) && !Double.isNaN(rms) && (rms > 0.0))) {
                        zBest = z;
                        tXBest = tx;
                        tYBest = ty;
                        bestRMS = rms;
                        bestEn = numEnabled(dataWeightsToBoolean());

                    if (debugLevel > 1) {
                        int numEn = numEnabled(dataWeightsToBoolean());
                        System.out.println("findAdjustZ(): z=" + z + " tx=" + tx + " ty=" + ty + " rms=" + rms
                                + " used " + numEn + " samples");
        //   if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("findAdjustZ()-> z(absolute)="+zBest+" tx="+tXBest+" ty="+tYBest+" (best RMS = "+bestRMS+" used "+bestEn+" samples)");
        if (debugLevel > 1)
            System.out.println("findAdjustZ()-> z(absolute)=" + zBest + " tx=" + tXBest + " ty=" + tYBest
                    + " (best RMS = " + bestRMS + " used " + bestEn + " samples)");
        double[] result = { zBest, tXBest, tYBest };
        return result;

    public void calculateGoodSamples() {
        this.goodCalibratedSamples = new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < this.goodCalibratedSamples.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < this.goodCalibratedSamples[0].length; sample++)
                this.goodCalibratedSamples[chn][sample] = false;
        for (int n = 0; n < dataVector.length; n++)
            if (dataWeights[n] > 0.0) {
                this.goodCalibratedSamples[dataVector[n].channel][dataVector[n].sampleIndex] = true;
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("Calculated good samples:");

    public boolean LevenbergMarquardt(
            //      FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement, // null in calibrate mode
            int[] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements, boolean openDialog, boolean autoSel, int debugLevel) {
        boolean calibrate = measurements == null;
        //   FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement=measurements.get(0);   // FIXME: - process all measurements
        double savedLambda = this.lambda;
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
        if (openDialog && !selectLMAParameters(autoSel))
            return false;

        if (!openDialog && autoSel) {
            this.stopEachStep = false;
            this.stopEachSeries = false;
            this.currentStrategyStep = 0;
        this.startTime = System.nanoTime();
        // create savedVector (it depends on parameter masks), restore from it if aborted
        //   fieldFitting.initSampleCorrVector(
        //         flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoordinates,
        //         getSeriesWeights()); //double [][] sampleSeriesWeights);
        //   fieldFitting.setEstimatedZ0( z0_estimates, false); // boolean force)

        //   this.savedVector=this.fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
        //   if (debugDerivativesFxDxDy){
        //      compareDrDerivatives(this.savedVector);
        //   }
        if (!calibrate) {
            this.currentStrategyStep = -1;
            //          int [] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            fieldFitting.selectZTilt(false, zTxTyAdjustMode); // still need to create a parameter vector
            keepCorrectionParameters = true;
            resetVariableParameters = false;
            resetCenter = false;
            if (!openDialog)
                stopEachStep = false;
        this.iterationStepNumber = 0;
        this.firstRMS = -1; //undefined
        while (true) { // loop for all series

            //TODO: reset firstRMS here only if enabled channels or enabled correction parameters are different
            this.firstRMS = -1; //undefined

            if (this.currentStrategyStep >= 0) {
                if (!getStrategy(this.currentStrategyStep))
                    break; //invalid strategy
            if (!keepCorrectionParameters)
            if (resetVariableParameters)

            if (resetCenter) {
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                            "Resetting center: X " + IJ.d2s(currentPX0, 2) + " -> " + IJ.d2s(pX0_distortions, 2));
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                            "Resetting center: Y " + IJ.d2s(currentPY0, 2) + " -> " + IJ.d2s(pY0_distortions, 2));
                currentPX0 = pX0_distortions;
                currentPY0 = pY0_distortions;
                fieldFitting.setCenterXY(currentPX0, currentPY0);
            //        setDataVector(createDataVector()); //new
            if (calibrate) {
                setDataVector(true, // calibrate mode
                        createDataVector()); // Make it different for adjustment mode
                fieldFitting.initSampleCorrVector(flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoordinates,
                        getSeriesWeights()); //double [][] sampleSeriesWeights);
                fieldFitting.setEstimatedZ0(z0_estimates, false); // boolean force)
                this.savedVector = this.fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
            } else { // adjustment mode
                setDataVector(false, // calibrate mode
                        //                   createDataVector(measurement)); // Make it different for adjustment mode
                        createDataVector(measurements)); // Make it different for adjustment mode
                if (filterZ) {
                    boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
                    en = filterByZRanges(zRanges, en, null);
                    prevEnable = en;
                    int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
                    if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                        return false;
                if (filterByScanValue) {
                    boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
                    en = filterByScanValues(zRanges, en, null);
                    prevEnable = en;
                    int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
                    if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                        return false;
                if (filterByValueScale > 0.0) {
                    boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
                    en = filterByValue(filterByValueScale, en, null);
                    prevEnable = en;
                    int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(en);
                    if (numEn < minLeftSamples)
                        return false;
                if (filterByNeib > 0) {
                    boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
                    en = filterLowNeighbors(en, filterByNeib, false); // calibrate mode - for debug print
                if ((minCenterSamplesTotal > 0) || (minCenterSamplesBest > 0) || (minLeftSamples > 0)
                        || (minBestLeftSamples > 0)) {
                    boolean[] centerSampesMask = getCenterSamples(centerSamples);
                    boolean[] en = dataWeightsToBoolean();
                    en = filterNotEnoughSamples(centerSampesMask, en, minCenterSamplesTotal, // int minTotalCenterSamples,
                            minCenterSamplesBest, //int minBestChannelCenterSamples,
                            minLeftSamples, //int minTotalSamples,
                            minBestLeftSamples); //int minBestChannelSamples);
                int numEn = getNumEnabledSamples(dataWeightsToBoolean());
                if ((numEn < minLeftSamples) || (numEn < 1))
                    return false;
                             if ((minCenterSamplesTotal>0) || (minCenterSamplesBest>0)){
                                boolean [] centerSampesMask= getCenterSamples(centerSamples);
                                boolean [] en=dataWeightsToBoolean();
                                if (!checkEnoughCenter(
                  minCenterSamplesTotal, //int minTotalSamples,
                  minCenterSamplesBest )){ //int minBestChannelSamples)){
                                   if (debugLevel>0) {
                  int [] numSamples=getNumCenterSamples( // per channel
                  System.out.print("Got (in LMA):");
                  for (int n:numSamples) System.out.print(" "+n);
                  System.out.println(" - not enough center samples, requested "+minCenterSamplesBest+" best channel and "+minCenterSamplesTotal+" total.");
                                   return false;
                fieldFitting.initSampleCorrVector(flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoordinates,
                        null); //getSeriesWeights()); //double [][] sampleSeriesWeights);
                //           this.savedVector=this.fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
                this.savedVector = this.fieldFitting.createParameterVectorZTxTy(zTxTyAdjustMode); //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
                this.fieldFitting.commitParameterVectorZTxTy( // to populate fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.replaceParameters array
            //       this.savedVector=this.fieldFitting.createParameterVector(sagittalMaster);
            if (debugDerivativesFxDxDy) {

            //     while (this.fittingStrategy.isSeriesValid(this.seriesNumber)){ // TODO: Add "stop" tag to series
            this.currentVector = null; // invalidate for the new series
            //         boolean wasLastSeries=false;

            int saveStopRequested = this.stopRequested.get(); // preserve from caller stop requested (like temp. scan)
            this.stopRequested.set(0); // remove caller stop request

            while (true) { // loop for the same series

                boolean[] state = stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst(debugLevel);
                if (state == null) {
                    String msg = "Calculation aborted by user request, restoring saved parameter vector";
                    this.lambda = savedLambda;
                    this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
                    return false;

                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println(this.currentStrategyStep + ":" + this.iterationStepNumber
                            + ": stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst(" + debugLevel + ")==>" + state[1] + ":" + state[0]);
                boolean cont = true;
                // Make it success if this.currentRMS<this.firstRMS even if LMA failed to converge
                if (state[1] && !state[0] && (this.firstRMS > this.currentRMS)) {
                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                        System.out.println("LMA failed to converge, but RMS improved from the initial value ("
                                + this.currentRMS + " < " + this.firstRMS + "), currentRMSPure=" + currentRMSPure
                                + ", firstRMSPure=" + firstRMSPure);
                    state[0] = true;
                if ((this.stopRequested.get() > 0) || // graceful stop requested
                        (this.stopEachStep) || (this.stopEachSeries && state[1])
                        || (this.stopOnFailure && state[1] && !state[0])) {
                    if (state[1] && !state[0] && !calibrate) {
                        this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
                        return false;

                    if (debugLevel > 0) {
                        if (this.stopRequested.get() > 0)
                            System.out.println("User requested stop");
                        System.out.println("LevenbergMarquardt(): step =" + this.currentStrategyStep + ":"
                                + this.iterationStepNumber + ", RMS=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS, 8) + " ("
                                + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS, 8) + ") " + ") at "
                                + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 3));
                    long startDialogTime = System.nanoTime();
                    cont = dialogLMAStep(state);
                    this.stopRequested.set(0); // Will not stop each run
                    this.startTime += (System.nanoTime() - startDialogTime); // do not count time used by the User.
                    //                 if (this.showThisImages) showDiff (this.currentfX, "fit-"+this.iterationStepNumber);
                    //                 if (this.showNextImages) showDiff (this.nextfX, "fit-"+(this.iterationStepNumber+1));
                stepLevenbergMarquardtAction(debugLevel); // apply step - in any case?
                if (this.updateStatus) {
                    IJ.showStatus("Step #" + this.currentStrategyStep + ":" + this.iterationStepNumber + " RMS="
                            + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS, 8) + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS, 8) + ")" + " RMSPure="
                            + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMSPure, 8) + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMSPure, 8) + ")" + " ");
                if (!cont) {
                    if (this.saveSeries) {
                        savedLambda = this.lambda;

                        this.savedVector = this.currentVector.clone();
                        //                        saveFittingSeries(); // will save series even if it ended in failure, vector will be only updated
                        //                        updateCameraParametersFromCalculated(true); // update camera parameters from all (even disabled) images
                        //                        updateCameraParametersFromCalculated(false); // update camera parameters from enabled only images (may overwrite some of the above)
                    // if RMS was decreased. this.saveSeries==false after dialogLMAStep(state) only if "cancel" was pressed
                    commitParameterVector(this.savedVector); // either new or original
                    this.lambda = savedLambda;
                    this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
                    return this.saveSeries; // TODO: Maybe change result?
                if (state[1]) {
                    if (!state[0]) {
                        this.lambda = savedLambda;
                        this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
                        return false; // sequence failed
                    this.savedVector = this.currentVector.clone();
                    //                 saveFittingSeries();
                    //                    updateCameraParametersFromCalculated(true); // update camera parameters from all (even disabled) images
                    //                    updateCameraParametersFromCalculated(false); // update camera parameters from enabled only images (may overwrite some of the above)
                    //                    wasLastSeries=this.fittingStrategy.isLastSeries(this.seriesNumber);
                    //                 this.seriesNumber++;
                    break; // while (true), proceed to the next series
            } // while true - same series
            this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
            //         if (wasLastSeries) break;
            //     } // while (this.fittingStrategy.isSeriesValid(this.seriesNumber)){ // TODO: Add "stop" tag to series
            if (fieldFitting.fieldStrategies.isLast(this.currentStrategyStep))
            String msg = "LMA series=" + this.currentStrategyStep + " RMS=" + this.currentRMS + " (" + this.firstRMS
                    + ") " + ", pure RMS=" + this.currentRMSPure + " (" + this.firstRMSPure + ") " + " at "
                    + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 3);
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() " + msg);
            this.iterationStepNumber = 0;
            this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
        } // for all series
        String msg = "RMS=" + this.currentRMS + " (" + this.firstRMS + ") " + ", pure RMS=" + this.currentRMSPure
                + " (" + this.firstRMSPure + ") " + " at "
                + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.startTime), 3);
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() " + msg);
        //       if (this.updateStatus) IJ.showStatus(msg);
        if (this.updateStatus) {
            IJ.showStatus("Done: Step #" + this.currentStrategyStep + ":" + this.iterationStepNumber + " RMS="
                    + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMS, 8) + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMS, 8) + ")" + " RMSPure="
                    + IJ.d2s(this.currentRMSPure, 8) + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstRMSPure, 8) + ")" + " ");
        this.savedVector = this.currentVector.clone();
        if (calibrate) {
            zRanges = calcZRanges(true, // boolean scanOnly, // do not use non-scan samples
        return true; // all series done

    public class FocusingFieldMeasurement {
        public String timestamp;
        public double temperature;
        public int[] motors;
        double[][][][] samples = null; // last - psf radius in pixels: {x2,y2, xy}

        public FocusingFieldMeasurement(String timestamp, double temperature, int[] motors,
                double[][][][] samples) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.temperature = temperature;
            this.motors = new int[motors.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < motors.length; i++)
                this.motors[i] = motors[i];
            if (samples != null) {
                //                this.samples=new double[samples.length][samples[0].length][samples[0][0].length][2];
                try {
                    this.samples = new double[samples.length][samples[0].length][samples[0][0].length][3];
                } catch (Exception e) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.samples.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.samples[i].length; j++)
                        for (int c = 0; c < this.samples[i][j].length; c++) {
                            try {
                                //                        double rt=samples[i][j][c][0]/Math.sqrt((1+samples[i][j][c][1]*samples[i][j][c][1])/2.0); // tangential;
                                //                        double rs=rt*samples[i][j][c][1]; // sagittal
                                //                        this.samples[i][j][c][0]=rs;
                                //                        this.samples[i][j][c][1]=rt;
                                this.samples[i][j][c] = samples[i][j][c].clone();
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                for (int ii = 0; ii < this.samples[i][j][c].length; ii++)
                                    this.samples[i][j][c][ii] = Double.NaN;

        public FocusingFieldMeasurement(String timestamp, double temperature, int[] motors,
                //                ArrayList<String> sampleStrings
                String[] sampleStrings) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
            this.temperature = temperature;
            this.motors = new int[motors.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < motors.length; i++)
                this.motors[i] = motors[i];

            //            if ((sampleStrings!=null) && (sampleStrings.size()>0)) {
            if ((sampleStrings != null) && (sampleStrings.length > 0)) {
                int maxi = 0, maxj = 0;
                for (String s : sampleStrings) {
                    String[] ps = s.split(regSep);
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(ps[0]);
                    int j = Integer.parseInt(ps[1]);
                    if (i > maxi)
                        maxi = i;
                    if (j > maxj)
                        maxj = j;
                int rows = maxi + 1;
                int cols = maxj + 1;
                this.samples = new double[rows][cols][][];
                for (String s : sampleStrings) {
                    String[] ps = s.split(regSep);
                    int i = Integer.parseInt(ps[0]);
                    int j = Integer.parseInt(ps[1]);
                    int colors = (ps.length - 2) / 3; // 2;
                    this.samples[i][j] = new double[colors][3]; //[2];
                    for (int c = 0; c < colors; c++) {
                        //                        this.samples[i][j][c][0]=Double.parseDouble(ps[2*c+2]);
                        //                        this.samples[i][j][c][1]=Double.parseDouble(ps[2*c+3]);
                        this.samples[i][j][c][0] = Double.parseDouble(ps[3 * c + 2]);
                        this.samples[i][j][c][1] = Double.parseDouble(ps[3 * c + 3]);
                        this.samples[i][j][c][2] = Double.parseDouble(ps[3 * c + 4]);

        public ArrayList<String> asListString() {
            ArrayList<String> nodeList = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (this.samples != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.samples.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.samples[i].length; j++) {
                        String sdata = i + sep + j;
                        for (int c = 0; c < samples[i][j].length; c++) {
                            //                         sdata += sep+this.samples[i][j][c][0]+ // sagittal
                            //                                 sep+this.samples[i][j][c][1]; // tangential
                            sdata += sep + this.samples[i][j][c][0] + // x2
                                    sep + this.samples[i][j][c][1] + // y2
                                    sep + this.samples[i][j][c][2]; // xy
            return nodeList;

    public FocusingFieldMeasurement getFocusingFieldMeasurement(String timestamp, double temperature, int[] motors,
            double[][][][] samples) {
        return new FocusingFieldMeasurement(timestamp, temperature, motors, samples);

    public FocusingField(int sensorWidth, int sensorHeight, double PIXEL_SIZE, //=0.0022; // mm
            String serialNumber, String lensSerial, // if null - do not add average
            String comment, double pX0, double pY0, double[][][] sampleCoord, //){ // x,y,r
            AtomicInteger stopRequested) {
        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
        this.lensSerial = lensSerial;
        this.comment = comment;
        this.pX0_distortions = pX0;
        this.pY0_distortions = pY0;
        // copy distortions to current PX0/PY0
        //        this.currentPX0=pX0_distortions;
        //        this.currentPY0=pY0_distortions;
        this.sampleCoord = sampleCoord;
        this.measurements = new ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement>();
        this.stopRequested = stopRequested;
        this.sensorWidth = sensorWidth;
        this.sensorHeight = sensorHeight;
        this.PIXEL_SIZE = PIXEL_SIZE; //=0.0022; // mm

    public FocusingField(boolean smart, // do not open dialog if default matches
            String defaultPath, //){
            AtomicInteger stopRequested) {
        this.stopRequested = stopRequested;
        loadXML(smart, defaultPath);

    public void addSample(String timestamp, double temperature, int[] motors, double[][][][] samples) {
        measurements.add(new FocusingFieldMeasurement(timestamp, temperature, motors, samples));

    public boolean loadXML(boolean smart, // do not open dialog if default matches
            String defaultPath) { // x,y,r
        String[] extensions = { ".history-xml" };
        CalibrationFileManagement.MultipleExtensionsFileFilter parFilter = new CalibrationFileManagement.MultipleExtensionsFileFilter(
                "", extensions, "*.history-xml files");
        String pathname = CalibrationFileManagement.selectFile(smart, false,
                "Restore focusing field measurement data", "Restore", parFilter, defaultPath); //String defaultPath
        if ((pathname == null) || (pathname == ""))
            return false;
        XMLConfiguration hConfig = null;
        try {
            hConfig = new XMLConfiguration(pathname);
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            return false;
        hConfig.setThrowExceptionOnMissing(false); // default value, will return null on missing
        comment = hConfig.getString("comment", "no comments");
        //        if ((comment.length()>10) && comment.substring(0,9).equals("<![CDATA[")) comment=comment.substring(9,comment.length()-3);

        PIXEL_SIZE = Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString("PIXEL_SIZE", PIXEL_SIZE + ""));
        sensorWidth = Integer.parseInt(hConfig.getString("sensorWidth", sensorWidth + ""));
        sensorHeight = Integer.parseInt(hConfig.getString("sensorHeight", sensorHeight + ""));

        serialNumber = hConfig.getString("serialNumber", "???");
        lensSerial = hConfig.getString("lensSerial", "???");
        pX0_distortions = Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString("lens_center_x", "0.0"));
        pY0_distortions = Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString("lens_center_y", "0.0"));
        // copy distortions to current PX0/PY0
        this.currentPX0 = pX0_distortions;
        this.currentPY0 = pY0_distortions;
        int rows = Integer.parseInt(hConfig.getString("samples_y", "0"));
        int cols = Integer.parseInt(hConfig.getString("samples_x", "0"));
        sampleCoord = new double[rows][cols][2];
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
                String[] coords = hConfig.getString("sample_" + i + "_" + j, "0 0").split(regSep);
                sampleCoord[i][j][0] = Double.parseDouble(coords[0]);
                sampleCoord[i][j][1] = Double.parseDouble(coords[1]);
        int numMeasurements = Integer.parseInt(hConfig.getString("measurements", "0"));
        measurements = new ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement>();
        for (int m = 0; m < numMeasurements; m++) {
            String prefix = "measurement_" + m + ".";

            String timestamp = hConfig.getString(prefix + "timestamp", "0");
            double temperature = Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString(prefix + "temperature", "0.0"));
            String[] sMotors = hConfig.getString(prefix + "motors", "0 0 0").split(regSep);
            int[] motors = new int[sMotors.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < sMotors.length; i++)
                motors[i] = Integer.parseInt(sMotors[i]);
            String[] sampleStrings = hConfig.getStringArray(prefix + "sample");
            measurements.add(new FocusingFieldMeasurement(timestamp, temperature, motors, sampleStrings));
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("Loaded measurement history " + pathname);
        this.historyPath = pathname;
        return true;

    public void saveXML(String path) { // x,y,r
        XMLConfiguration hConfig = new XMLConfiguration();
        if (comment != null) {
            String comment_esc = comment.replace(",", "\\,");
            //          hConfig.addProperty("comment","<![CDATA["+comment_esc+ "]]>");
            hConfig.addProperty("comment", comment_esc);
        if (serialNumber != null)
            hConfig.addProperty("serialNumber", serialNumber);
        if (lensSerial != null)
            hConfig.addProperty("lensSerial", lensSerial);
        hConfig.addProperty("lens_center_x", pX0_distortions); // distortions center, not aberrations!
        hConfig.addProperty("lens_center_y", pY0_distortions);

        hConfig.addProperty("PIXEL_SIZE", PIXEL_SIZE);
        hConfig.addProperty("sensorWidth", sensorWidth);
        hConfig.addProperty("sensorHeight", sensorHeight);

        if ((sampleCoord != null) && (sampleCoord.length > 0) && (sampleCoord[0] != null)
                && (sampleCoord[0].length > 0)) {
            hConfig.addProperty("samples_x", sampleCoord[0].length);
            hConfig.addProperty("samples_y", sampleCoord.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sampleCoord[i].length; j++) {
                    //          double coord[] = {sampleCoord[i][j][0],sampleCoord[i][j][1]};
                    hConfig.addProperty("sample_" + i + "_" + j, sampleCoord[i][j][0] + sep + sampleCoord[i][j][1]);
        hConfig.addProperty("measurements", this.measurements.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < this.measurements.size(); i++) {
            FocusingFieldMeasurement meas = this.measurements.get(i);
            String prefix = "measurement_" + i + ".";
            if (meas.timestamp != null)
                hConfig.addProperty(prefix + "timestamp", meas.timestamp);
            hConfig.addProperty(prefix + "temperature", meas.temperature);
            hConfig.addProperty(prefix + "motors", meas.motors[0] + sep + meas.motors[1] + sep + meas.motors[2]);
            hConfig.addProperty(prefix + "sample", meas.asListString());
        File file = new File(path);
        BufferedWriter writer;
        try {
            writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        this.historyPath = path;

    public String getHistoryPath() {
        return this.historyPath;

    public void testMeasurement() {
        String[] zTxTyAdjustModeNames = { "keep", "common", "individual" };
        String[] zTxTyNames = { "z", "tx", "ty" };
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Select measurement");
        int nMeas = measurements.size() / 2;
        //        double zMin=-40.0;
        //        double zMax= 40.0;
        //        double zStep=2.0;
        //        double targetTiltX=0.0; // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
        //        double targetTiltY=0.0; // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm

        //       fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(0.0,0.0,0.0); // to correctly find Z centers,

        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(false, null); // to correctly find Z centers,

        double[] center_z = fieldFitting.getZCenters(false);
        double[] centerFWHM = { fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[0], 0.0, null)[1],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[1], 0.0, null)[3],
                fieldFitting.getCalcValuesForZ(center_z[2], 0.0, null)[5] };
        //        String path=null;
        String title = "Test adjustment results";
        double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, true);
        gd.addMessage("Best composite distance for FWHM^4 " + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "  um" + ", FWHM="
                + IJ.d2s(best_qb_corr[1], 3) + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / best_qb_corr[1], 2)
                + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Red (relative to best composite) = "
                + IJ.d2s(center_z[0] - best_qb_corr[0], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[0], 3)
                + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[0], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Green (relative to best composite) = "
                + IJ.d2s(center_z[1] - best_qb_corr[0], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[1], 3)
                + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[1], 2) + " lp/mm");
        gd.addMessage("Best center focus for Blue (relative to best composite) = "
                + IJ.d2s(center_z[2] - best_qb_corr[0], 3) + " um" + ", FWHM=" + IJ.d2s(centerFWHM[2], 3)
                + "um, MTF50=" + IJ.d2s(fwhm_to_mtf50 / centerFWHM[2], 2) + " lp/mm");

        gd.addNumericField("Measurement number", nMeas, 0, 5, "0.." + (measurements.size() - 1));
        if (fieldFitting.channelSelect == null)
            fieldFitting.channelSelect = fieldFitting.getDefaultMask();
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.channelSelect.length; i++) {
            gd.addCheckbox(fieldFitting.getDescription(i), fieldFitting.channelSelect[i]);

        //       filterZ=true;      // (adjustment mode)filter samples by Z
        //       minLeftSamples=10;  // minimal number of samples (channel/dir/location) for adjustment

        gd.addCheckbox("Filter samples/channels by Z", filterZ);
        gd.addCheckbox("Filter by value (leave lower than maximal fwhm used in focal scan mode)",
        gd.addNumericField("Filter by value (remove samples above scaled best FWHM for channel/location)",
                filterByValueScale, 2, 5, "x");
        gd.addNumericField("Remove samples having less neighbors (same channel) that this during ", filterByNeib, 0,
                1, "");
        gd.addNumericField("Minimal required number of channels/samples", minLeftSamples, 0, 3, "samples");
        gd.addNumericField("Minimal required number of samples in the best channel", minBestLeftSamples, 0, 3,
        gd.addNumericField("... of them closest to the center, best channel", minCenterSamplesBest, 0, 3,
        gd.addNumericField("... of them closest to the center, total in all channels", minCenterSamplesTotal, 0, 3,
        gd.addNumericField("Number of closest samples to consider", centerSamples, 0, 3, "samples");

        gd.addNumericField("Maximal accepted RMS", maxRMS, 3, 5, "");

        gd.addNumericField("Z min", zMin, 2, 5, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Z max", zMax, 2, 5, "um");
        gd.addNumericField("Z step", zStep, 2, 5, "um");

        gd.addNumericField("Tilt min", tMin, 2, 5, "um/mm");
        gd.addNumericField("Tilt max", tMax, 2, 5, "um/mm");
        gd.addNumericField("Tilt step", tStep, 2, 5, "um/mm");

        gd.addNumericField("Target focus (relative to best composirte)", targetRelFocalShift, 2, 5, "um");

        gd.addNumericField("Target horizontal tilt (normally 0)", targetRelTiltX, 2, 5, "um/mm");
        gd.addNumericField("Target vertical tilt (normally 0)", targetRelTiltY, 2, 5, "um/mm");
        for (int n = 0; n < this.zTxTyAdjustMode.length; n++) {
            gd.addChoice("Adjust " + zTxTyNames[n] + " mode", zTxTyAdjustModeNames,

        if (gd.wasCanceled())

        nMeas = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

        for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.channelSelect.length; i++) {
            fieldFitting.channelSelect[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
        filterZ = gd.getNextBoolean();
        filterByScanValue = gd.getNextBoolean();
        filterByValueScale = gd.getNextNumber();
        filterByNeib = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

        minLeftSamples = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        minBestLeftSamples = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        minCenterSamplesBest = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        minCenterSamplesTotal = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        centerSamples = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
        maxRMS = gd.getNextNumber();
        zMin = gd.getNextNumber();
        zMax = gd.getNextNumber();
        zStep = gd.getNextNumber();

        tMin = gd.getNextNumber();
        tMax = gd.getNextNumber();
        tStep = gd.getNextNumber();

        targetRelFocalShift = gd.getNextNumber();
        targetRelTiltX = gd.getNextNumber(); // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
        targetRelTiltY = gd.getNextNumber(); // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
        for (int n = 0; n < this.zTxTyAdjustMode.length; n++) {
            this.zTxTyAdjustMode[n] = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();

        boolean OK;
        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(true, this.zTxTyAdjustMode); // to correctly find Z centers,
        fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.maskSetZTxTy(null); // all: z, tx, ty

        String header = "# measurement";
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
            if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                header += "\t" + fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getName(i) + " ("
                        + fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i) + ")";
        header += "\tRMS";
        header += "\tZc\tTiltX\tTiltY";
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            header += "\tmz" + i;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            header += "\tm" + i;
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        boolean single = (nMeas >= 0);
        if (single) {
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.print("======== testMeasurement(" + nMeas + ") ======== ");

            OK = testMeasurement(null, // FIXME: zTxTyAdjustMode
                    //                nMeas,
                    zMin, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                    zMax, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                    zStep, tMin, tMax, tStep);
            if ((debugLevel > 0) && (dataVector.length > 0)) {
                System.out.println("Motors= " + dataVector[0].motors[0] + " : " + dataVector[0].motors[1] + " : "
                        + dataVector[0].motors[2] + " timestamp= " + dataVector[0].timestamp);
            if (!OK) {
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                    System.out.println("testMeasurement(" + nMeas + ") failed");
            } else {
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                    if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                        System.out.println(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i) + ": "
                                + IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 3) + " "
                                + fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
                double[] zTilts = getCenterZTxTy(measurements.get(nMeas), -1); // common parameters

                double[] dmz = getAdjustedMotors(null, // double [] zM0, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
                        targetRelFocalShift + best_qb_corr[0], targetRelTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
                        targetRelTiltY, false);
                if ((dmz != null) && (debugLevel > 0)) {
                    System.out.println("Suggested motor linearized positions: " + IJ.d2s(dmz[0], 2) + ":"
                            + IJ.d2s(dmz[1], 2) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dmz[2], 2));
                double[] dm = getAdjustedMotors(null, // double [] zM0, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
                        targetRelFocalShift + best_qb_corr[0], targetRelTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
                        targetRelTiltY, true);
                if ((dm != null) && (debugLevel > 0)) {
                    System.out.println("Suggested motor positions: " + IJ.d2s(dm[0], 0) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dm[1], 0)
                            + ":" + IJ.d2s(dm[2], 0));
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                    if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 3));
                sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(currentRMSPure, 3));
                if (zTilts != null) {
                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[0] - best_qb_corr[0], 3));
                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[1], 3));
                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[2], 3));
                    System.out.println("Z center=" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[0] - best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "um, TiltX="
                            + IJ.d2s(zTilts[1], 3) + "um/mm, TiltY=" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[2], 3) + "um/mm");
                } else {
                if (dmz != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < dmz.length; i++)
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(dmz[i], 1));
                } else {
                if (dm != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < dm.length; i++)
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(dm[i], 1));
                } else {
        } else {
            for (nMeas = 0; nMeas < measurements.size(); nMeas++) {
                if (debugLevel > 0)
                    System.out.print("======== testMeasurement(" + nMeas + ") ======== ");
                OK = testMeasurement(null, // FIXME: zTxTyAdjustMode
                        singleMeasurement(measurements.get(nMeas)), zMin, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                        zMax, // +best_qb_corr[0],
                        zStep, tMin, tMax, tStep);
                if ((debugLevel > 0) && (dataVector.length > 0)) {
                    System.out.println("Motors= " + dataVector[0].motors[0] + " : " + dataVector[0].motors[1]
                            + " : " + dataVector[0].motors[2] + " timestamp= " + dataVector[0].timestamp);
                if (!OK) {
                    if (debugLevel > 0)
                        System.out.println("testMeasurement(" + nMeas + ") failed");
                } else {
                    if (debugLevel > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                        if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                            System.out.println(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i) + ": "
                                    + IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 3) + " "
                                    + fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
                    double[] zTilts = getCenterZTxTy(measurements.get(nMeas), -1); // <0 - common parameters
                    double[] dmz = getAdjustedMotors(null, // double [] zM0, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
                            targetRelFocalShift + best_qb_corr[0], targetRelTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
                            targetRelTiltY, false);
                    if ((dmz != null) && (debugLevel > 0)) {
                        System.out.println("Suggested motor linearized positions: " + IJ.d2s(dmz[0], 2) + ":"
                                + IJ.d2s(dmz[1], 2) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dmz[2], 2));
                    double[] dm = getAdjustedMotors(null, // double [] zM0, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
                            targetRelFocalShift + best_qb_corr[0], targetRelTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
                            targetRelTiltY, true);
                    if ((dm != null) && (debugLevel > 0)) {
                        System.out.println("Suggested motor positions: " + IJ.d2s(dm[0], 0) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dm[1], 0)
                                + ":" + IJ.d2s(dm[2], 0));

                    if (maxRMS > 0.0) {
                        if (currentRMSPure > maxRMS) {
                            if (debugLevel > 0)
                                        "RMS too high, " + IJ.d2s(currentRMSPure, 3) + " > " + IJ.d2s(maxRMS, 3));
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                        if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                            sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 3));
                    sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(currentRMSPure, 3));
                    if (zTilts != null) {
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[0] - best_qb_corr[0], 3));
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[1], 3));
                        sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[2], 3));
                        System.out.println("Z center=" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[0] - best_qb_corr[0], 3) + "um, TiltX="
                                + IJ.d2s(zTilts[1], 3) + "um/mm, TiltY=" + IJ.d2s(zTilts[2], 3) + "um/mm");
                    } else {
                    if (dmz != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < dmz.length; i++)
                            sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(dmz[i], 1));
                    } else {
                    if (dm != null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < dm.length; i++)
                            sb.append("\t" + IJ.d2s(dm[i], 1));
                    } else {
        if (!single) {
            //          if (path!=null) {
            //             CalibrationFileManagement.saveStringToFile (
            //                   path,
            //                   header+"\n"+sb.toString());
            //          } else {
            new TextWindow(title, header, sb.toString(), 800, 1000);
            //         }
        //       fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(0.0,0.0,0.0); // restore zeros to correctly find Z centers,
        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(false, null); // to correctly find Z centers,

    public String showSamples() {
        boolean[][] usedSamples = new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
        for (int chn = 0; chn < usedSamples.length; chn++)
            for (int sample = 0; sample < usedSamples[chn].length; sample++)
                usedSamples[chn][sample] = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataVector.length; i++)
            if (dataWeights[i] > 0.0) {
                usedSamples[dataVector[i].channel][dataVector[i].sampleIndex] = true;
        return showSamples(usedSamples);

    public String showSamples(boolean[][] usedSamples) {
        int height = sampleCoord.length;
        int width = sampleCoord[0].length;
        String s = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            for (int chn = 0; chn < usedSamples.length; chn++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                    s += usedSamples[chn][i * width + j] ? "+" : ".";
                    s += " ";
                if (chn < (usedSamples.length - 1))
                    s += "  ";
            s += "\n";
        return s;

    public double[][] getAllZTT( // z, tx, ty, temperature - skips bad measurements - no, some may be null; have NaN
            boolean noTiltScan, FocusingField ff, int tiltAdjustMode) {
        if (debugLevel > 0)
                    "getAllZTM(): Calculating optimal focal/tilt, qualBOptimizeMode=" + this.qualBOptimizeMode);
        testQualB(false); // optimize qualB, store results in this.qualBOptimizationResults
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("Optimal absolute Zc=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[0]);
            System.out.println("Optimal Tx=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[1]);
            System.out.println("Optimal Ty=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[2]);
        //      int [] zTxTyMode={1,tiltAdjustMode,tiltAdjustMode}; // all common parameters
        int[] zTxTyMode = { 2, tiltAdjustMode, tiltAdjustMode }; // z - individual, tilt - as specified
        double[][] results = matchSeriesAbsoluteLMA( // result absolute (not relative to optimal)
                zTxTyMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
                true, //boolean noTiltScan,
        if (results == null) {
            System.out.println("getAllZTM() FAILED");
            return null;
        double[][] result = new double[ff.measurements.size()][];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            result[i] = new double[results.length + 1];
            for (int j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
                result[i][j] = results[j][(i >= results[j].length) ? 0 : i] - this.qualBOptimizationResults[j];
            result[i][results.length] = ff.measurements.get(i).temperature;
            if ((result[i] != null) && Double.isNaN(result[i][0]))
                result[i] = null;
        return result; // may contain bad measurements (NaN for Z)

    public double[] averageZTM(// results relative to optimal
            boolean noTiltScan, FocusingField ff, int tiltAdjustMode) { // keep existent tilt
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("Calculating optimal focal/tilt, qualBOptimizeMode=" + this.qualBOptimizeMode);
        testQualB(false); // optimize qualB, store results in this.qualBOptimizationResults
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("Optimal absolute Zc=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[0]);
            System.out.println("Optimal Tx=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[1]);
            System.out.println("Optimal Ty=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[2]);
        int[] zTxTyMode = { 1, tiltAdjustMode, tiltAdjustMode }; // all common parameters
        double[][] results = matchSeriesAbsoluteLMA( // result absolute (not relative to optimal)
                zTxTyMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
                true, //boolean noTiltScan,
        // here results should not contain null - at least for z
        if (results == null) {
            System.out.println("averageZTM() FAILED");
            return null;

        double[] result = new double[results.length];
        for (int n = 0; n < result.length; n++) {
            result[n] = results[n][0] - this.qualBOptimizationResults[n];
        return result;

    public double[][] getZ0TxTyAbsRel() { // z0, not zc!??
        double[][] zTxTyAbsRel = new double[2][];
        zTxTyAbsRel[0] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
        zTxTyAbsRel[1] = zTxTyAbsRel[0].clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.qualBOptimizationResults.length; i++)
            zTxTyAbsRel[1][i] -= this.qualBOptimizationResults[i];
        return zTxTyAbsRel;

    public double[][] getZcZ0TxTy( // 0, zc, 1 - z0 abs, 2 - z0-rel
            ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements) {
        double[][] zcZ0TxTy = new double[2][];
        zcZ0TxTy[0] = getCenterZTxTy(measurements.get(0), -1);
        zcZ0TxTy[1] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
        //       zTxTyAbsRel[1]=zTxTyAbsRel[0].clone();
        //       for (int i=0;i<this.qualBOptimizationResults.length;i++) zTxTyAbsRel[1][i]-=this.qualBOptimizationResults[i];
        return zcZ0TxTy;

    public double[][] matchSeriesAbsoluteLMA( // result absolute (not relative to optimal)
            int[] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            boolean noTiltScan, ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements) {
        if (measurements.size() < 1)
            return null;
        if (!testMeasurement(zTxTyAdjustMode, measurements, zMin, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                zMax, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                zStep, (noTiltScan ? 0.0 : tMin), (noTiltScan ? 0.0 : tMax), tStep)) {
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("adjustLMA() failed");
            return null;
        double[] zTilts = getCenterZTxTy(measurements.get(0), -1); // common values
        double[][] zTiltsIndiv = null;
        boolean indiv = false;
        if (measurements.size() > 1) {
            for (int n = 0; n < zTilts.length; n++)
                if (zTxTyAdjustMode[n] > 1)
                    indiv = true;
        if (indiv) {
            zTiltsIndiv = new double[measurements.size()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < zTiltsIndiv.length; i++) {
                zTiltsIndiv[i] = getCenterZTxTy(measurements.get(0), i); // individual values // may be null
        // May contain NaN !!
        // TODO: change order to skip nulls (bad measurements), and also - invert indices?        

        double[][] result = new double[3][];
        for (int n = 0; n < result.length; n++) {
            if (zTxTyAdjustMode[n] <= 1) {
                result[n] = new double[1];
                result[n][0] = zTilts[n];
            } else {
                result[n] = new double[zTiltsIndiv.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < zTiltsIndiv.length; i++) {
                    if (zTiltsIndiv[i] != null)
                        result[n][i] = zTiltsIndiv[i][n];
                        result[n][i] = Double.NaN;
        return result;

    public double[] adjustLMA( // result relative to optimal
            int[] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            boolean noTiltScan, FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement, boolean parallelMove, boolean noQualB, // do not re-claculate testQualB 
            boolean noAdjust) { // do not calculate correction
        System.out.println("adjustLMA(): mode=" + zTxTyAdjustMode[0] + "/" + zTxTyAdjustMode[1] + "/"
                + zTxTyAdjustMode[2] + ", noTiltScan=" + noTiltScan + ", parallelMove=" + parallelMove
                + ", noQualB=" + noQualB + ", noAdjust=" + noAdjust);
        if (!noQualB) {
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("Calculating optimal focal/tilt, qualBOptimizeMode=" + this.qualBOptimizeMode);
            testQualB(false); // optimize qualB, store results in this.qualBOptimizationResults
            if (debugLevel > 0) {
                System.out.println("Optimal absolute Zc=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[0]);
                System.out.println("Optimal Tx=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[1]);
                System.out.println("Optimal Ty=" + this.qualBOptimizationResults[2]);
        if (!testMeasurement(zTxTyAdjustMode, singleMeasurement(measurement), zMin, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                zMax, //+best_qb_corr[0],
                zStep, (noTiltScan ? 0.0 : tMin), (noTiltScan ? 0.0 : tMax), tStep)) {
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("adjustLMA() failed");
            return null;
        double[] result = new double[noAdjust ? 3 : 6];

        double[] zTilts = getCenterZTxTy(measurement, -1);
        if (zTilts == null) {
            System.out.println("Failed to get getCenterZTxTy()");
            return null;
        if (this.qualBOptimizationResults == null) {
            System.out.println("this.qualBOptimizationResults is null (yet), absolute focal distance is wrong ");
            result[0] = zTilts[0]; // not calibrated
            result[1] = zTilts[1];
            result[2] = zTilts[2];
        } else {
            result[0] = zTilts[0] - this.qualBOptimizationResults[0]; //best_qb_corr[0];
            result[1] = zTilts[1] - this.qualBOptimizationResults[1];
            result[2] = zTilts[2] - this.qualBOptimizationResults[2];
        if (!noAdjust) {
            double[] zm = null;
            zm = new double[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < zm.length; i++)
                zm[i] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.mToZm(measurement.motors[i], i);
            if (this.debugLevel > 0) {
                System.out.println("Current linearized motor positions, center="
                        + (0.25 * zm[0] + 0.25 * zm[1] + 0.5 * zm[2]));
                for (int i = 0; i < zm.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + zm[i] + " um");
                double[] rzm = new double[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < zm.length; i++)
                    rzm[i] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.zmToM(zm[i], i);
                        "Checking back to motor positions, center=" + (0.25 * rzm[0] + 0.25 * rzm[1] + 0.5 * rzm[2])
                                + "steps (current=" + (0.25 * measurement.motors[0] + 0.25 * measurement.motors[1]
                                        + 0.5 * measurement.motors[2])
                                + " steps)");
                for (int i = 0; i < zm.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + rzm[i] + " steps (was " + measurement.motors[i] + " steps)");
            double[] dm = getAdjustedMotors(parallelMove ? zm : null,
                    this.targetRelFocalShift + this.qualBOptimizationResults[0], //targetRelFocalShift+best_qb_corr[0],
                    this.targetRelTiltX + this.qualBOptimizationResults[1], //0.0, // targetTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
                    this.targetRelTiltY + this.qualBOptimizationResults[2], //0.0, // targetTiltY,
                    true); // motor steps
            if ((dm != null) && (debugLevel > 1)) {
                System.out.println("Suggested motor positions: " + IJ.d2s(dm[0], 0) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dm[1], 0) + ":"
                        + IJ.d2s(dm[2], 0));
            if (dm != null) {
                result[3] = dm[0];
                result[4] = dm[1];
                result[5] = dm[2];
            } else {
                result[3] = Double.NaN;
                result[4] = Double.NaN;
                result[5] = Double.NaN;
        return result;

    // add tx, ty?
    public double[] getCenterZTxTy(FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement, int index) { // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty, >=0 - use individual if available
        double[] tilts = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getTilts(measurement.motors, index);
        if (tilts == null)
            return null;// bad measurement
        double[] result = { fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.calc_ZdZ(index, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                measurement.motors, currentPX0, //fieldFitting.getCenterXY()[0],
                currentPY0, //fieldFitting.getCenterXY()[1],
                null), tilts[0], tilts[1] };
        //       if (Double.isNaN(result[0])) return null;
        return result; // may contain Double.NaN - no, all null

    public double[] getAdjustedMotors( // Target - absolute Zc, axial tilts
            double[] zM0, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
            double targetRelFocalShift, double targetTiltX, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
            double targetTiltY, // for testing, normally should be 0 um/mm
            boolean motorSteps) {
        double[] zM = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZM(zM0, currentPX0, //fieldFitting.getCenterXY()[0],
                currentPY0, //fieldFitting.getCenterXY()[1],
                targetRelFocalShift, targetTiltX, targetTiltY);
        if (zM == null)
            return null; // not yet used
        if (!motorSteps)
            return zM;
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("getAdjustedMotors(): Suggested linearized motor positions, center="
                    + (0.25 * zM[0] + 0.25 * zM[1] + 0.5 * zM[2]));
            for (int i = 0; i < zM.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + zM[i] + " um");

        //      if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Suggested motor linearized positions: "+IJ.d2s(zM[0],2)+":"+IJ.d2s(zM[1],2)+":"+IJ.d2s(zM[2],2));
        double[] dm = new double[zM.length];
        for (int index = 0; index < dm.length; index++) {
            dm[index] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.zmToM(zM[index], index);
        if (debugLevel > 0) {
            System.out.println("getAdjustedMotors(): Suggested motor positions, center="
                    + (0.25 * dm[0] + 0.25 * dm[1] + 0.5 * dm[2]));
            for (int i = 0; i < dm.length; i++) {
                System.out.println(i + ": " + dm[i] + " steps");
        return dm;

    public boolean testMeasurement(int[] zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            //          FocusingFieldMeasurement measurement, // null in calibrate mode
            ArrayList<FocusingFieldMeasurement> measurements, double zMin, double zMax, double zStep, double tMin,
            double tMax, double tStep) {
        debugDerivativesFxDxDy = false;
        int retryLimit = 20;
        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(true, zTxTyAdjustMode);
        double[] zTxTy;
        if (zTxTyAdjustMode != null) {
            zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy(); // current values - will be ignored and overwritten
            //           if (zTxTyAdjustMode[1]==0)
            zTxTy[1] = avgTx;
            zTxTy[2] = avgTy;
            fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(zTxTy); // may be used in findAdjustZ()
        setDataVector(false, createDataVector(measurements)); //measurements.get(nMeas)));
        // TODO: Adjust by center samples  only?
        zTxTy = findAdjustZ(
                //             zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual (will ignore tilt Min/Max and use current if not adjusted)
                //             measurement,
                measurements, filterZ, //boolean filterZ,
                filterByScanValue, filterByValueScale, filterByNeib, zMin, zMax, zStep, tMin, tMax, tStep);
        if (Double.isNaN(zTxTy[0])) {
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("testMeasurement() failed: insufficient data to get z initial estimation");
            return false;
        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(zTxTy[0], zTxTy[1], zTxTy[2]); //z,0.0,0.0);// z,tx,ty
        boolean[] wasPrevEnable = null;
        for (int n = 0; n < retryLimit; n++) { // TODO: Watch for the mask remain stable
            zTxTy[0] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
            zTxTy[1] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getValue(MECH_PAR.tx);
            zTxTy[2] = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getValue(MECH_PAR.ty);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("testMeasurement(), run " + n + " (z=" + zTxTy[0] + " tx=" + zTxTy[1] + " ty="
                        + zTxTy[2] + ")");
            boolean[] was2PrevEnable = (wasPrevEnable == null) ? null : wasPrevEnable.clone();
            wasPrevEnable = (prevEnable == null) ? null : prevEnable.clone();
            this.lambda = this.adjustmentInitialLambda;
            boolean OK = LevenbergMarquardt(
                    //                measurement, 
                    zTxTyAdjustMode, // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
                    measurements, false, // true, // open dialog
                    true, // boolean autoSel,
            if (!OK) {
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println("testMeasurement() failed: LMA failed");
                return false;
                      for (int i=0;i<fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length;i++){
                         if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect==null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i] ) {
                  fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i)+": "+
                        IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i],3)+" "+
            if ((wasPrevEnable != null) && (prevEnable != null) && (wasPrevEnable.length == prevEnable.length)) {
                boolean changedEnable = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < prevEnable.length; i++)
                    if (prevEnable[i] != wasPrevEnable[i]) {
                        changedEnable = true;
                if (!changedEnable) {
                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                                "No filter cnange, finished in " + (n + 1) + " step" + ((n == 0) ? "" : "s"));
                    if (debugLevel > 1) {
                        System.out.println("=== Absolute shift/tilt from the measuremet ===");
                        for (int i = 0; i < fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                            if ((fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect == null) || fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                                System.out.println(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i) + ": "
                                        + IJ.d2s(fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 3) + " "
                                        + fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if ((was2PrevEnable != null) && (prevEnable != null)
                            && (was2PrevEnable.length == prevEnable.length)) {
                        changedEnable = false;
                        for (int i = 0; i < prevEnable.length; i++)
                            if (prevEnable[i] != was2PrevEnable[i]) {
                                changedEnable = true;
                        if (!changedEnable) {
                            if (debugLevel > 0)
                                        "Filter repeats one before previous, finished in " + (n + 1) + " steps");
                            return true;
        if (debugLevel > 0)
            System.out.println("Maximal retries exceeded in " + retryLimit + " steps");
        return true; //?

    public class FieldFitting {
        //      private Properties savedProperties=null;
        private int currentVectorLength = 0;
        private double[] pXY = null;
        private boolean[] centerSelect = null;
        private boolean[] centerSelectDefault = { true, true };
        public MechanicalFocusingModel mechanicalFocusingModel;
        private CurvatureModel[] curvatureModel = new CurvatureModel[6]; // 3 colors, sagittal+tangential each
        private boolean[] channelSelect = null;
        private boolean[] mechanicalSelect = null;
        private boolean[][] curvatureSelect = new boolean[6][];

        private boolean[][] sampleCorrSelect = new boolean[6][]; // enable individual (per sample coordinates) correction of parameters
        private double[][] sampleCorrCost = new double[6][]; // equivalent cost of one unit of parameter value (in result units, um)
        private double[][] sampleCorrSigma = new double[6][]; // sigma (in mm) for neighbors influence
        private double[][] sampleCorrPullZero = new double[6][]; // 1.0 - only difference from neighbors matters, 0.0 - only difference from 0
        //       private String strategyComment="";
        //       private boolean lastInSeries=true;
        //       private double lambda=0.001; // synchronize with top?
        public FieldStrategies fieldStrategies;

        //       private double [] sampleCorrRadius=null;
        private double[][] sampleCoordinates = null;
        private double[][][][] sampleCorrCrossWeights = new double[6][][][];
        private double[] sampleCorrVector = null; // currently adjusted per-sample parameters
        private double[][][] correctionParameters = new double[6][][]; // all
        public int numberOfLocations = 0;

        private int[][] sampleCorrChnParIndex = null;
        private boolean[] dflt_sampleCorrSelect = { false, false, false, false };
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {1.0,50.0,1.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.3,20.0,0.3,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.05,10.0,2.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.05,1.0,1.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.5,0.5,2.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.1,0.5,2.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.1,1.0,1.0,0.5};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.2,2.0,2.0,1.0,1.0};
        //       private double [] dflt_sampleCorrCost= {0.1,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
        private double[] dflt_sampleCorrCost = { 0.01, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
        private double dflt_sampleCorrSigma = 2.0; // mm
        private double dflt_sampleCorrPullZero = 0.75; // fraction
        // outer index - parameter [0..2], inner - number of measurement
        // element may be null if this parameter is not used or [num] - common parameter
        private int[][] zTMap = null;

        public final String[] channelDescriptions = { "Red, sagittal", "Red, tangential", "Green, sagittal",
                "Green, tangential", "Blue, sagittal", "Blue, tangential" };

        public int getCurrentVectorLength() {
            return this.currentVectorLength;

        public void setCurrentVectorLength(int vectorlength) {
            this.currentVectorLength = vectorlength;

        public void setZTMap(int[][] map) {
            this.zTMap = map;

        public int getZTMap(int meas, int parIndex) {
            try {
                if (meas >= this.zTMap[parIndex].length)
                    meas = 0; // common parameter, use spec ified for measurement 0
            } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                return this.zTMap[parIndex][meas];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return -1;

        public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel == null) {
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println("Mechanical properties not yet initialized, will save properties later");
            boolean select = (properties.getProperty("selected") != null);
            boolean select_mechanicalFocusingModel = !select;
            boolean select_curvatureModel = !select;
            boolean select_fieldStrategies = !select;
            boolean select_FieldFitting = !select;
            if (select) {
                GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Select FieldFitting parameters to save");
                gd.addCheckbox("MechanicalFocusingModel parameter class", select_mechanicalFocusingModel);
                gd.addCheckbox("CurvatureModel parameter classes", select_curvatureModel);
                gd.addCheckbox("FieldStrategies parameter classes", select_fieldStrategies);
                gd.addCheckbox("FieldFitting local parameters", select_FieldFitting);
                if (gd.wasCanceled())
                select_mechanicalFocusingModel = gd.getNextBoolean();
                select_curvatureModel = gd.getNextBoolean();
                select_fieldStrategies = gd.getNextBoolean();
                select_FieldFitting = gd.getNextBoolean();

            if (select_mechanicalFocusingModel)
                mechanicalFocusingModel.setProperties(prefix + "mechanicalFocusingModel.", properties);
            if (select_curvatureModel) {
                for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel.length; i++) {
                    if (curvatureModel[i] != null)
                        curvatureModel[i].setProperties(prefix + "curvatureModel_" + i + ".", properties);
            if (select_FieldFitting) {
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "numberOfLocations", numberOfLocations + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_X", centerSelect[0] + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_Y", centerSelect[1] + "");

                if (channelSelect != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++) {
                        properties.setProperty(prefix + "channelSelect_" + i, channelSelect[i] + "");
                if (mechanicalSelect != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalSelect.length; i++) {
                        properties.setProperty(prefix + "mechanicalSelect_" + i, mechanicalSelect[i] + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureSelect.length; chn++)
                    if (curvatureSelect[chn] != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect[chn].length; i++) {
                            properties.setProperty(prefix + "curvatureSelect_" + chn + "_" + i,
                                    curvatureSelect[chn][i] + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < sampleCorrSelect.length; chn++)
                    if (sampleCorrSelect[chn] != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect[chn].length; i++) {
                            properties.setProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSelect_" + chn + "_" + i,
                                    sampleCorrSelect[chn][i] + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < sampleCorrCost.length; chn++)
                    if (sampleCorrCost[chn] != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrCost[chn].length; i++) {
                            properties.setProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrCost_" + chn + "_" + i,
                                    sampleCorrCost[chn][i] + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < sampleCorrSigma.length; chn++)
                    if (sampleCorrSigma[chn] != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSigma[chn].length; i++) {
                            properties.setProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSigma_" + chn + "_" + i,
                                    sampleCorrSigma[chn][i] + "");
                for (int chn = 0; chn < sampleCorrPullZero.length; chn++)
                    if (sampleCorrPullZero[chn] != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrPullZero[chn].length; i++) {
                            properties.setProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrPullZero_" + chn + "_" + i,
                                    sampleCorrPullZero[chn][i] + "");
                // save correction parameters values
                //           private double [][][] correctionParameters=new double[6][][]; // all
                if (correctionParameters != null) {
                    for (int chn = 0; chn < correctionParameters.length; chn++)
                        if (correctionParameters[chn] != null) {
                            for (int np = 0; np < correctionParameters[chn].length; np++)
                                if (correctionParameters[chn][np] != null) {
                                    for (int i = 0; i < correctionParameters[chn][np].length; i++) {
                                                prefix + "correctionParameters_" + chn + "_" + np + "_" + i,
                                                correctionParameters[chn][np][i] + "");
            if (select_fieldStrategies)
                fieldStrategies.setProperties(prefix + "fieldStrategies.", properties);

        public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "numberOfLocations") != null)
                numberOfLocations = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "numberOfLocations"));

            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_X") != null)
                centerSelect[0] = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_X"));
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_Y") != null)
                centerSelect[1] = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "centerSelect_Y"));
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel == null) {
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println("Mechanical properties not yet initialized, will apply properties later");
            mechanicalFocusingModel.getProperties(prefix + "mechanicalFocusingModel.", properties);
            for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel.length; i++) {
                if (curvatureModel[i] != null)
                    curvatureModel[i].getProperties(prefix + "curvatureModel_" + i + ".", properties);
            if (channelSelect == null) {
                channelSelect = new boolean[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++)
                    channelSelect[i] = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++)
                if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "channelSelect_" + i) != null) {
                    channelSelect[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "channelSelect_" + i));
            if ((mechanicalSelect == null)
                    || (mechanicalSelect.length != mechanicalFocusingModel.getDefaultMask().length)) {
                mechanicalSelect = mechanicalFocusingModel.getDefaultMask();
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalSelect.length; i++)
                if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "mechanicalSelect_" + i) != null) {
                    mechanicalSelect[i] = Boolean
                            .parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix + "mechanicalSelect_" + i));
            // curvature parameter selection: first index : channel, inner index - parameter number (radial fast, z - outer)
            if (curvatureSelect == null) {
                curvatureSelect = new boolean[curvatureModel.length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect.length; i++)
                    curvatureSelect[i] = null;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < correctionParameters.length; chn++)
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    if ((curvatureSelect[chn] == null)
                            || (curvatureSelect[chn].length != curvatureModel[chn].getDefaultMask().length)) {
                        curvatureSelect[chn] = curvatureModel[chn].getDefaultMask();
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect[chn].length; i++)
                        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "curvatureSelect_" + chn + "_" + i) != null) {
                            curvatureSelect[chn][i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(
                                    properties.getProperty(prefix + "curvatureSelect_" + chn + "_" + i));

            // get correction setup parameters:
            if (sampleCorrSelect == null) {
                sampleCorrSelect = new boolean[curvatureModel.length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect.length; i++)
                    sampleCorrSelect[i] = null;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    if ((sampleCorrSelect[chn] == null)
                            || (sampleCorrSelect[chn].length != getDefaultSampleCorrSelect().length)) {
                        sampleCorrSelect[chn] = getDefaultSampleCorrSelect();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect[chn].length; i++)
                        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSelect_" + chn + "_" + i) != null) {
                            sampleCorrSelect[chn][i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(
                                    properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSelect_" + chn + "_" + i));

            if (sampleCorrCost == null) {
                sampleCorrCost = new double[curvatureModel.length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrCost.length; i++)
                    sampleCorrCost[i] = null;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    if ((sampleCorrCost[chn] == null)
                            || (sampleCorrCost[chn].length != getDefaultSampleCorrCost().length)) {
                        sampleCorrCost[chn] = getDefaultSampleCorrCost();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrCost[chn].length; i++)
                        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrCost_" + chn + "_" + i) != null) {
                            sampleCorrCost[chn][i] = Double.parseDouble(
                                    properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrCost_" + chn + "_" + i));

            if (sampleCorrSigma == null) {
                sampleCorrSigma = new double[curvatureModel.length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSigma.length; i++)
                    sampleCorrSigma[i] = null;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    if ((sampleCorrSigma[chn] == null)
                            || (sampleCorrSigma[chn].length != getDefaultSampleCorrSigma().length)) {
                        sampleCorrSigma[chn] = getDefaultSampleCorrSigma();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSigma[chn].length; i++)
                        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSigma_" + chn + "_" + i) != null) {
                            sampleCorrSigma[chn][i] = Double.parseDouble(
                                    properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrSigma_" + chn + "_" + i));

            if (sampleCorrPullZero == null) {
                sampleCorrPullZero = new double[curvatureModel.length][];
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrPullZero.length; i++)
                    sampleCorrPullZero[i] = null;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    if ((sampleCorrPullZero[chn] == null)
                            || (sampleCorrPullZero[chn].length != getDefaultCorrPullZero().length)) {
                        sampleCorrPullZero[chn] = getDefaultCorrPullZero();
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrPullZero[chn].length; i++)
                        if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrPullZero_" + chn + "_" + i) != null) {
                            sampleCorrPullZero[chn][i] = Double.parseDouble(
                                    properties.getProperty(prefix + "sampleCorrPullZero_" + chn + "_" + i));

            //  read/restore correction parameters values
            if (correctionParameters == null) {
                correctionParameters = new double[6][][];
                for (int i = 0; i < correctionParameters.length; i++)
                    correctionParameters[i] = null;
            if (numberOfLocations > 0) {
                for (int chn = 0; chn < correctionParameters.length; chn++)
                    if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                        int numPars = curvatureModel[chn].getNumPars()[0]; // number of Z-parameters
                        if ((correctionParameters[chn] == null) || (correctionParameters[chn].length != numPars)) {
                            correctionParameters[chn] = new double[numPars][numberOfLocations]; // numberOfLocations==0 ?
                            for (int np = 0; np < numPars; np++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++)
                                    correctionParameters[chn][np][i] = 0.0;
                        for (int np = 0; np < numPars; np++) {
                            if ((correctionParameters[chn][np] == null)
                                    || (correctionParameters[chn][np].length != numberOfLocations)) {
                                correctionParameters[chn][np] = new double[numberOfLocations];
                                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++)
                                    correctionParameters[chn][np][i] = 0.0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++)
                                if (properties.getProperty(
                                        prefix + "correctionParameters_" + chn + "_" + np + "_" + i) != null) {
                                    correctionParameters[chn][np][i] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(
                                            prefix + "correctionParameters_" + chn + "_" + np + "_" + i));
            } else {
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println("numberOfLocations==0, can not restore");

            fieldStrategies = new FieldStrategies(); // reset old
            fieldStrategies.getProperties(prefix + "fieldStrategies.", properties);

        //        public double [] getSampleRadiuses(){ // distance from the current center to each each sample
        //            return sampleCorrRadius;
        //        }

        public double[] getSampleRadiuses() {
            double[] sampleCorrRadius = new double[numberOfLocations];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                double dx = sampleCoordinates[i][0] - pXY[0];
                double dy = sampleCoordinates[i][1] - pXY[1];
                sampleCorrRadius[i] = getPixelMM() * Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            return sampleCorrRadius;

        public double getSampleRadius(int sample) {
            double dx = sampleCoordinates[sample][0] - pXY[0];
            double dy = sampleCoordinates[sample][1] - pXY[1];
            return getPixelMM() * Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        public void showCurvCorr(String title) {
            int width = getSampleWidth();
            int numSamples = getNumSamples();
            String[] chnShortNames = { "RS", "RT", "GS", "GT", "BS", "BT" };
            int numCorrPar = 0;
            int maxNumPars = 0;
            for (int chn = 0; chn < correctionParameters.length; chn++)
                if (correctionParameters[chn] != null)
                    for (int np = 0; np < correctionParameters[chn].length; np++)
                        if (correctionParameters[chn][np] != null) {
                            if (np > maxNumPars)
                                maxNumPars = np;
            if (numCorrPar == 0) {
                String msg = "No correction parameters are enabled";
                if (debugLevel > 1)
            double[][] pixels = new double[numCorrPar][numSamples];
            String[] titles = new String[numCorrPar];
            int index = 0;
            for (int np = 0; np < maxNumPars; np++)
                for (int chn = 0; chn < correctionParameters.length; chn++)
                    if ((correctionParameters[chn] != null) && (correctionParameters[chn].length > np)
                            && (correctionParameters[chn][np] != null)) {
                        titles[index] = chnShortNames[chn] + "-" + curvatureModel[chn].getZName(np);
                        for (int nSample = 0; nSample < numSamples; nSample++) {
                            pixels[index][nSample] = correctionParameters[chn][np][nSample];
            (new showDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(pixels, width, numSamples / width, true, //boolean asStack,
                    title, titles);


        public double[] getCalcValuesForZ(double z, double r, double[] corrPars) {
            double[] result = new double[6];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < result.length; chn++) {
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    result[chn] = curvatureModel[chn].getFdF(corrPars, r, // in mm,
                            Double.NaN, // py,
                            z, //mot_z,
                            null); //deriv_curv[c]);
                } else {
                    result[chn] = Double.NaN;
            return result;

         * Calculate values (sagital and tangential PSF FWHM in um for each of color channels) for specified z
         * @param z distance from lens (from some zero point), image plane is perpendicular to the axis
         * @param corrected when false - provide averaged (axial model) for radius, if true - with individual correction applied
         * @param allChannels calculate for all (even disabled) channels, false - only for currently selected
         * @return outer dimension - number of channel, inner - number of sample (use getSampleRadiuses for radius of each)
        public double[][] getCalcValuesForZ(double z, boolean corrected, boolean allChannels) {
            double[] sampleCorrRadius = getSampleRadiuses();
            int numSamples = sampleCorrRadius.length;
            double[][] result = new double[6][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < result.length; chn++) {
                if ((curvatureModel[chn] != null) && (allChannels || channelSelect[chn])) {
                    result[chn] = new double[numSamples];
                    for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) {
                        //if ((chn==3) &&  (sampleIndex==23)){
                        //   System.out.println("getCalcValuesForZ(), chn="+chn+", sampleIndex="+sampleIndex);

                        result[chn][sampleIndex] = curvatureModel[chn].getFdF(
                                corrected ? getCorrPar(chn, sampleIndex) : null, sampleCorrRadius[sampleIndex], //px,
                                Double.NaN, // py,
                                z, //mot_z,
                                null); //deriv_curv[c]);
                } else {
                    result[chn] = null;
            return result;

        public double getChannelBestFWHM(int channel, int sampleIndex, // -1 for center
                boolean corrected // 
        ) {
            int r0Index = 2; // index of "r0" parameter (fwhm is twice that)
            double[] corrPars = corrected ? getCorrPar(channel, sampleIndex) : null;
            double r = (sampleIndex >= 0) ? getSampleRadius(sampleIndex) : 0.0;
            //           double fwhm=2.0 * curvatureModel[channel].getAr( r, corrPars)[r0Index];
            double fwhm = Math.exp(curvatureModel[channel].getAr(r, corrPars)[r0Index]);
            return fwhm;

        public double[] getCalcZ(double r, boolean solve // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 
        ) {
            double[] result = new double[6];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < result.length; chn++) {
                if (curvatureModel[chn] != null) {
                    //                    result[chn]=curvatureModel[chn].getAr(r, null)[0];
                    result[chn] = findBestZ(chn, -1, false, solve);
                } else {
                    result[chn] = Double.NaN;
            return result;

        public double findBestZ(int channel, int sampleIndex, // -1 for center
                boolean corrected, boolean solve // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 
        ) {
            return findBestZ(channel, sampleIndex, // -1 for center
                    corrected, //
                    solve, // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 
                    1.0, // double iniStep,
                    0.0001); //double precision)

        public double findBestZ(int channel, int sampleIndex, // -1 for center
                boolean corrected, // 
                boolean solve, // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 
                double iniStep, double precision) {
            int maxSteps = 100;
            double[] corrPars = corrected ? getCorrPar(channel, sampleIndex) : null;
            double r = (sampleIndex >= 0) ? getSampleRadius(sampleIndex) : 0.0;
            double z0 = curvatureModel[channel].getAr(r, corrPars)[0];
            if (!solve)
                return z0;
            if (Double.isNaN(z0))
                return z0;
            double f0 = getCalcValuesForZ(z0, r, corrPars)[channel];
            double z1 = z0 + iniStep;
            double f1 = getCalcValuesForZ(z1, r, corrPars)[channel];
            double dir = (f1 < f0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
            double z_prev, f_prev;
            if (dir > 0) {
                z_prev = z0;
                f_prev = f0;
                z0 = z1;
                f0 = f1;
            } else {
                z_prev = z1;
                f_prev = f1;
            int step;
            for (step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++) {
                z1 = z0 + dir * iniStep;
                f1 = getCalcValuesForZ(z1, r, corrPars)[channel];
                if (f1 > f0)
                z_prev = z0;
                f_prev = f0;
                z0 = z1;
                f0 = f1;
            if (step >= maxSteps) {
                System.out.println("Failed to find minimum in " + maxSteps + " steps");
                return Double.NaN;
            // now dividing z_prev - z0 - z1 range
            for (step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++) {
                if (f_prev > f1) {
                    z_prev = z0;
                    f_prev = f0;
                } else {
                    z1 = z0;
                    f1 = f0;
                z0 = (z_prev + z1) / 2;
                //                f0=getCalcValuesForZ(z1,r)[channel]; // ????
                f0 = getCalcValuesForZ(z0, r, corrPars)[channel];
                if (Math.abs(z0 - z_prev) < precision)
            return z0;

         * calculate distance to "best focus" for each channel (color and S/T) for each sample
         * @param corrected when false - provide averaged (axial model) for radius, if true - with individual correction applied
         * @param allChannels calculate for all (even disabled) channels, false - only for currently selected
         * @return outer dimension - number of channel, inner - number of sample (use getSampleRadiuses for radius of each)
        public double[][] getCalcZ(boolean corrected, boolean allChannels, boolean solve // currently if not using z^(>=2) no numeric solution is required - z0 is the minimum 
        ) {
            double[] sampleCorrRadius = getSampleRadiuses();
            int numSamples = sampleCorrRadius.length;
            //            boolean [][] goodSamples=new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
            //            for (int i=0;i<goodSamples.length;i++) for (int j=0;j<goodSamples[0].length;j++) goodSamples[i][j]=false;
            //            for (int n=0;n<dataVector.length;n++) if (dataWeights[n]>0.0){
            //               goodSamples[dataVector[n].channel][dataVector[n].sampleIndex]=true;
            //            }
            double[][] result = new double[6][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < result.length; chn++) {
                if ((curvatureModel[chn] != null) && (allChannels || channelSelect[chn])) {
                    result[chn] = new double[numSamples];
                    for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) {
                        if ((goodCalibratedSamples == null) || ((goodCalibratedSamples[chn] != null)
                                && goodCalibratedSamples[chn][sampleIndex])) {
                            //                       if (goodSamples[chn][sampleIndex]) {
                            //That was just the initial estimation, true only if z^1... are all 0                        

                            result[chn][sampleIndex] = findBestZ(chn, // int channel,
                                    sampleIndex, // int sampleIndex,
                                    corrected, //boolean corrected,
                        } else {
                            result[chn][sampleIndex] = Double.NaN;
                } else {
                    result[chn] = null;
            return result;

         * calculate FWHM of the  "best focus" for each channel (color and S/T) for each sample
         * @param corrected when false - provide averaged (axial model) for radius, if true - with individual correction applied
         * @param allChannels calculate for all (even disabled) channels, false - only for currently selected
         * @return outer dimension - number of channel, inner - number of sample (use getSampleRadiuses for radius of each)
        public double[][] getFWHM(boolean corrected, boolean allChannels) {
            double[] sampleCorrRadius = getSampleRadiuses();
            int numSamples = sampleCorrRadius.length;
                        boolean [][] goodSamples=new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
                        for (int i=0;i<goodSamples.length;i++) for (int j=0;j<goodSamples[0].length;j++) goodSamples[i][j]=false;
                        for (int n=0;n<dataVector.length;n++) if (dataWeights[n]>0.0){
            double[][] result = new double[6][];
            for (int chn = 0; chn < result.length; chn++) {
                if ((curvatureModel[chn] != null) && (allChannels || channelSelect[chn])) {
                    result[chn] = new double[numSamples];
                    for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) {
                        if ((goodCalibratedSamples == null) || ((goodCalibratedSamples[chn] != null)
                                && goodCalibratedSamples[chn][sampleIndex])) {
                            //                       if (goodSamples[chn][sampleIndex]) {
                            result[chn][sampleIndex] = getChannelBestFWHM(chn, // int channel,
                                    sampleIndex, // int sampleIndex,
                                    corrected); //boolean corrected,
                        } else {
                            result[chn][sampleIndex] = Double.NaN;
                } else {
                    result[chn] = null;
            return result;

        public double getGreenZCenter() {
            int chn = 3; // Green, Tangential
            return curvatureModel[chn].getCenterVector()[0];

        public double[] getZCenters(boolean solve) {
            //            int chn=3; // Green, Tangential
            double[] result = { curvatureModel[1].getCenterVector()[0], // Red, Tangential
                    curvatureModel[3].getCenterVector()[0], // Green, Tangential
                    curvatureModel[5].getCenterVector()[0] }; // Blue, Tangential
            if (solve) {
                double[] result_1 = { findBestZ(1, -1, false, true), findBestZ(3, -1, false, true),
                        findBestZ(5, -1, false, true), };
                return solve ? result_1 : result;
            return result;

        public double[] getQualB(double z, boolean corrected) {
            double[][] data = getCalcValuesForZ(z, corrected, true);
            double[] qualB = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            double[] sampleCorrRadius = getSampleRadiuses();
            int numSamples = sampleCorrRadius.length;
            if (goodCalibratedSamples == null)
                        boolean [][] goodSamples=new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
                        for (int i=0;i<goodSamples.length;i++) for (int j=0;j<goodSamples[0].length;j++) goodSamples[i][j]=false;
                        for (int n=0;n<dataVector.length;n++) if (dataWeights[n]>0.0){
            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                if ((data[2 * c] != null) && (data[2 * c + 1] != null)) {
                    int nSamp = 0;
                    qualB[c] = 0.0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
                        for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
                            //                           if (goodSamples[2*c+dir][i]){
                            int chn = 2 * c + dir;
                            if ((goodCalibratedSamples[chn] != null) && goodCalibratedSamples[chn][i]) {
                                qualB[c] += data[2 * c + dir][i] * data[2 * c + dir][i] * data[2 * c + dir][i]
                                        * data[2 * c + dir][i];
                    if (nSamp > 0) {
                        qualB[c] /= nSamp;
                    qualB[c] = Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(qualB[c]));
                } else {
                    qualB[c] = Double.NaN;
            //TODO: Move to a separate function
            int[] numBad = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            boolean hasBad = false;
            //            for (int i=0;i<goodSamples.length;i++) for (int j=0;j<goodSamples[0].length;j++) if (!goodSamples[i][j]){
            for (int i = 0; i < goodCalibratedSamples.length; i++) {
                if (goodCalibratedSamples[i] == null) {
                    numBad[i] += getNumSamples();
                    hasBad = true;
                } else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < goodCalibratedSamples[i].length; j++)
                        if (!goodCalibratedSamples[i][j]) {
                            hasBad = true;
            if ((debugLevel > 1) && hasBad) { // was 0
                for (int i = 0; i < numBad.length; i++)
                    if (numBad[i] > 0) {
                        System.out.println(numBad[i] + " sample locations are missing data for "
                                + fieldFitting.getDescription(i));
            return qualB;

        public double getQualB(double z, double kr, double kb, boolean corrected) {
            double[] k = { kr, 1.0, kb };
            double[] qualB = getQualB(z, corrected);
            for (int i = 0; i < qualB.length; i++)
                if (Double.isNaN(qualB[i])) {
                    qualB[i] = 0.0;
                    k[i] = 0.0;
            return Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt((k[0] * qualB[0] * qualB[0] * qualB[0] * qualB[0]
                    + k[1] * qualB[1] * qualB[1] * qualB[1] * qualB[1]
                    + k[2] * qualB[2] * qualB[2] * qualB[2] * qualB[2]) / (k[0] + k[1] + k[2])));

        public double[] getBestQualB(double kr, double kb, boolean corrected) {
            return getBestQualB(kr, kb, corrected, 1.0, 0.001);


        public double[] getBestQualB( // find minimum
                double kr, double kb, boolean corrected, double iniStep, double precision) {
            int maxSteps = 100;
            double z0 = getGreenZCenter();
            double qb0 = getQualB(z0, kr, kb, corrected);
            double z1 = z0 + iniStep;
            double qb1 = getQualB(z1, kr, kb, corrected);
            double dir = (qb1 < qb0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
            double z_prev, qb_prev;
            double[] result = { Double.NaN, Double.NaN };
            if (dir > 0) {
                z_prev = z0;
                qb_prev = qb0;
                z0 = z1;
                qb0 = qb1;
            } else {
                z_prev = z1;
                qb_prev = qb1;
            int step;
            for (step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++) {
                z1 = z0 + dir * iniStep;
                qb1 = getQualB(z1, kr, kb, corrected);
                if (qb1 > qb0)
                z_prev = z0;
                qb_prev = qb0;
                z0 = z1;
                qb0 = qb1;
            if (step >= maxSteps) {
                System.out.println("Failed to find minimum in " + maxSteps + " steps");
                return result;
            // now dividing z_prev - z0 - z1 range
            for (step = 0; step < maxSteps; step++) {
                if (qb_prev > qb1) {
                    z_prev = z0;
                    qb_prev = qb0;
                } else {
                    z1 = z0;
                    qb1 = qb0;
                z0 = (z_prev + z1) / 2;
                //               qb0=getQualB(z1,kr,kb,corrected); // ???????????????????
                qb0 = getQualB(z0, kr, kb, corrected);
                if (Math.abs(z0 - z_prev) < precision)
            result[0] = z0;
            result[1] = qb0;
            return result; // z0;

        public String getDescription(int i) {
            return channelDescriptions[i];

        public boolean[] getCenterSelect() {
            return centerSelect;

        public double[] getCenterXY() {
            return pXY;

        public void setCenterXY(double px, double py) {
            pXY[0] = px;
            pXY[1] = py;

        public void resetSFEVariables() {
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel == null)
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("---Resetting lens-specific variable parameters---");
            mechanicalFocusingModel.setZTxTy(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++) {
            resetSampleCorr(); // correction parameters should also be reset

        public void setDefaultSampleCorr() {
            //            int numPars= getNumCurvars()[0]; // number of Z parameters ( [1] - numbnr of radial parameters).
            for (int n = 0; n < channelDescriptions.length; n++) {
                sampleCorrSelect[n] = getDefaultSampleCorrSelect(); //new boolean[numPars];
                sampleCorrCost[n] = getDefaultSampleCorrCost(); // new double [numPars];
                sampleCorrSigma[n] = getDefaultSampleCorrSigma(); //new double [numPars];
                sampleCorrPullZero[n] = getDefaultCorrPullZero(); //new double [numPars];
                //                for (int i=0;i<numPars;i++){
                //                    sampleCorrSelect[n][i]=(i<dflt_sampleCorrSelect.length)?dflt_sampleCorrSelect[i]:false;
                //                    sampleCorrCost[n][i]=(i<dflt_sampleCorrCost.length)?dflt_sampleCorrCost[i]:1.0;
                //                    sampleCorrSigma[n][i]=dflt_sampleCorrSigma;
                //                    sampleCorrPullZero[n][i]=dflt_sampleCorrPullZero;
                //                }

        public boolean[] getDefaultSampleCorrSelect() {
            boolean[] dflt = new boolean[getNumCurvars()[0]]; // number of Z parameters ( [1] - numbnr of radial parameters).
            for (int i = 0; i < dflt.length; i++) {
                dflt[i] = (i < dflt_sampleCorrSelect.length) ? dflt_sampleCorrSelect[i] : false;
            return dflt;

        public double[] getDefaultSampleCorrCost() {
            double[] dflt = new double[getNumCurvars()[0]]; // number of Z parameters ( [1] - numbnr of radial parameters).
            for (int i = 0; i < dflt.length; i++) {
                dflt[i] = (i < dflt_sampleCorrCost.length) ? dflt_sampleCorrCost[i] : 1.0;
            return dflt;

        public double[] getDefaultSampleCorrSigma() {
            double[] dflt = new double[getNumCurvars()[0]]; // number of Z parameters ( [1] - numbnr of radial parameters).
            for (int i = 0; i < dflt.length; i++) {
                dflt[i] = dflt_sampleCorrSigma;
            return dflt;

        public double[] getDefaultCorrPullZero() {
            double[] dflt = new double[getNumCurvars()[0]]; // number of Z parameters ( [1] - numbnr of radial parameters).
            for (int i = 0; i < dflt.length; i++) {
                dflt[i] = dflt_sampleCorrPullZero;
            return dflt;

                 * Dialog to setup per-sample (coordinate) corrections
                 * @param title Dialog title
                 * @param individualChannels configure each of the six color/dir channels separately (false - apply to all)
                 * @param disabledPars enable use of the parameters that are currently disabled from fitting
                 * @return true if OK was pressed, false - if cancel
        public boolean setupSampleCorr(String title, boolean individualChannels, boolean disabledPars) {
            int firstChn = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++)
                if (channelSelect[i]) {
                    firstChn = i;
            if (!channelSelect[firstChn]) {
                String msg = "No channels selected, please select at least one";
            int fromChn = individualChannels ? 0 : firstChn;
            int toChn = individualChannels ? channelSelect.length : (firstChn + 1);
            boolean resetCorrections = false;
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            gd.addCheckbox("Reset all per-sample corrections to zero", resetCorrections);

            int numParsZR[] = getNumCurvars(); // [0] - Z, [1] - r,
            for (int nChn = fromChn; nChn < toChn; nChn++)
                if (channelSelect[nChn]) {

                    String chnName = individualChannels ? channelDescriptions[nChn] : "All selected Channels";
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect[nChn].length; i++)
                        if (disabledPars || curvatureSelect[nChn][i * numParsZR[1]]) {
                                    "===== " + chnName + ", " + curvatureModel[nChn].getZDescription(i) + " =====");
                            gd.addCheckbox("Enable per-sample correction for \""
                                    + curvatureModel[nChn].getZDescription(i) + "\"", sampleCorrSelect[nChn][i]);
                            gd.addNumericField("Correction cost", sampleCorrCost[nChn][i], 5, 8, "um");
                            gd.addNumericField("Correction sigma", sampleCorrSigma[nChn][i], 5, 8, "mm");
                            gd.addNumericField("Pull to zero fraction", 100 * sampleCorrPullZero[nChn][i], 4, 8,
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected non-default "Apply"
                resetCorrections = gd.getNextBoolean();
                for (int nChn = fromChn; nChn < toChn; nChn++)
                    if (channelSelect[nChn]) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect[nChn].length; i++)
                            if (disabledPars || curvatureSelect[nChn][i * numParsZR[1]]) {
                                sampleCorrSelect[nChn][i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
                                sampleCorrCost[nChn][i] = gd.getNextNumber();
                                sampleCorrSigma[nChn][i] = gd.getNextNumber();
                                sampleCorrPullZero[nChn][i] = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
                            } else {
                                sampleCorrSelect[nChn][i] = false;
                if (!individualChannels) { // copy settings to other channels
                    for (int nChn = 0; nChn < channelSelect.length; nChn++)
                        if (channelSelect[nChn] && (nChn != fromChn)) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect[nChn].length; i++) {
                                sampleCorrSelect[nChn][i] = sampleCorrSelect[fromChn][i];
                                sampleCorrCost[nChn][i] = sampleCorrCost[fromChn][i];
                                sampleCorrSigma[nChn][i] = sampleCorrSigma[fromChn][i];
                                sampleCorrPullZero[nChn][i] = sampleCorrPullZero[fromChn][i];
            if (resetCorrections)
            return true;

        // once per data set
        public void resetSampleCorr() {
            if (debugLevel > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < correctionParameters.length; i++)
                correctionParameters[i] = null;

        public double[] getCorrVector() {
            int numPars = 0;
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; nChn++) {
                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] != null) {
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] >= 0) {
                            numPars += numberOfLocations;
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("getCorrVector 1");
            sampleCorrVector = new double[numPars];
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; nChn++) {
                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] != null) {
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] >= 0) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                                if ((correctionParameters[nChn] != null)
                                        && (correctionParameters[nChn][nPar] != null)
                                        && (correctionParameters[nChn][nPar].length > i))
                                            + i] = correctionParameters[nChn][nPar][i];
                                else {
                                    sampleCorrVector[sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] + i] = 0.0;
                                    if ((correctionParameters[nChn] != null)
                                            && (correctionParameters[nChn][nPar] != null)
                                            && (correctionParameters[nChn][nPar].length < i)) {
                                        if (debugLevel > 1)
                                            System.out.println("correctionParameters[" + nChn + "][" + nPar
                                                    + "].length < " + i);
            return sampleCorrVector;

        public String[] getCorrNames() {
            int numPars = 0;
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; nChn++) {
                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] != null) {
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] >= 0) {
                            numPars += numberOfLocations;
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("getCorrVector 1");
            String[] corrNames = new String[numPars];
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; nChn++) {
                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] != null) {
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] >= 0) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                                corrNames[sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] + i] = "chn" + nChn + ":" + nPar + "-"
                                        + i;
            return corrNames;

        public void commitCorrVector() {
            if (debugLevel > 1)

        public void commitCorrVector(double[] vector) {
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; nChn++) {
                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] != null) {
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] >= 0) {
                            if (correctionParameters[nChn] == null)
                                correctionParameters[nChn] = new double[sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length][];
                            if ((correctionParameters[nChn][nPar] == null)
                                    || (correctionParameters[nChn][nPar].length != numberOfLocations)) {
                                if (debugLevel > 1)
                                    System.out.println("commitCorrVector(): correctionParameters[" + nChn + "]["
                                            + nPar + "].length < " + numberOfLocations);

                                correctionParameters[nChn][nPar] = new double[numberOfLocations];
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                                correctionParameters[nChn][nPar][i] = vector[sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] + i];

        public void setEstimatedZ0( // needs filterConcave() to work
                double[] z0, boolean force) {
            if (curvatureModel == null)
            if (z0 == null) {
                // verify that curvature model has non-NaN, set to zero if it does not
                for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                    if (channelSelect[chn]) {
                        if (!curvatureModel[chn].z0IsValid()) {
                            if (debugLevel > 0)
                                        "*** Missing initial estimations for best focal positions,  setting " + chn
                                                + " to 0.0");
                return; // no estimation available
            for (int chn = 0; chn < curvatureModel.length; chn++)
                if (channelSelect[chn]) {
                    if (!Double.isNaN(z0[chn]) && (!curvatureModel[chn].z0IsValid() || force)) {
                        if (debugLevel > 1)
                            System.out.println("Setting initial (estimated) best focal position for channel " + chn
                                    + " = " + z0[chn]);
                    } else if (!curvatureModel[chn].z0IsValid()) {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("*** Missing initial estimation for best focal position for channel "
                                    + chn + ", setting to 0.0");

         * create matrix of weights of the other parameters influence
         * @param sampleCoordinates [sample number]{x,y} - flattened array of sample coordinates
         * Run in the beginning of fitting series (zeroes the values)
        // once per fitting series (or parameter change
        public void initSampleCorrVector(double[][] sampleCoordinates, double[][] sampleSeriesWeights) {
            if (debugLevel > 1)
            numberOfLocations = sampleCoordinates.length;
            this.sampleCoordinates = new double[sampleCoordinates.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoordinates.length; i++)
                this.sampleCoordinates[i] = sampleCoordinates[i].clone();
            //            int numSamples=sampleCoordinates.length;
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrSelect.length; nChn++) {
                if (channelSelect[nChn]) {
                    int numPars = sampleCorrSelect[nChn].length;
                    sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn] = new double[numPars][][];
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < numPars; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrSelect[nChn][nPar]) {
                            sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn][nPar] = new double[numberOfLocations][numberOfLocations];
                            double k = -getPixelMM() * getPixelMM()
                                    / (sampleCorrSigma[nChn][nPar] * sampleCorrSigma[nChn][nPar]);
                            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                                double sw = 0.0;
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfLocations; j++) {
                                    if (i != j) {
                                        double dx = sampleCoordinates[i][0] - sampleCoordinates[i][0];
                                        double dy = sampleCoordinates[i][1] - sampleCoordinates[i][1];
                                        double a = Math.exp(k * (dx * dx + dy * dy));
                                        if (a < 0.01)
                                            a = 0.0; // reduce numbner of non-zero matrix elements
                                        sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn][nPar][i][j] = a;
                                        sw += a;
                                double normalizedCost = sampleCorrCost[nChn][nPar];
                                if ((sampleSeriesWeights != null) && ((sampleSeriesWeights[nChn][i] != 0.0)))
                                    normalizedCost *= sampleSeriesWeights[nChn][i];
                                if ((sampleCorrPullZero[nChn][nPar] == 0) || (sampleCorrCost[nChn][nPar] == 0))
                                    sw = 0.0;
                                else if (sw != 0.0)
                                    sw = -normalizedCost * sampleCorrPullZero[nChn][nPar] / sw;
                                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfLocations; j++) {
                                    if (i != j) {
                                        sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn][nPar][i][j] *= sw;
                                    } else {
                                        sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn][nPar][i][j] = normalizedCost;
                        } else {
                            sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn][nPar] = null;
                } else {
                    sampleCorrCrossWeights[nChn] = null;

        public void initSampleCorrChnParIndex(double[][] sampleCoordinates) {
            numberOfLocations = sampleCoordinates.length;
            this.sampleCoordinates = new double[sampleCoordinates.length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoordinates.length; i++)
                this.sampleCoordinates[i] = sampleCoordinates[i].clone();
            sampleCorrChnParIndex = new int[sampleCorrSelect.length][];
            int numPars = 0;
            for (int nChn = 0; nChn < sampleCorrSelect.length; nChn++) {
                if (channelSelect[nChn]) {
                    sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] = new int[sampleCorrSelect[nChn].length];
                    for (int nPar = 0; nPar < sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn].length; nPar++) {
                        if (sampleCorrSelect[nChn][nPar]) {
                            sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] = numPars; // pointer to the first sample
                            numPars += numberOfLocations;
                        } else {
                            sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn][nPar] = -1;
                } else {
                    sampleCorrChnParIndex[nChn] = null;
            if (debugLevel > 1)
            // currently all correction parameters are initialized as zeros.

        public double[][] getSampleCoordinates() {
            return sampleCoordinates;

        public double[] getCorrPar(int chn, int sampleIndex) {
            if (correctionParameters[chn] == null)
                return null;
            double[] corr = new double[correctionParameters[chn].length];
            for (int i = 0; i < corr.length; i++) {
                if ((correctionParameters[chn][i] != null) && (correctionParameters[chn][i].length <= i)) {
                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                        System.out.println("getCorrPar(): correctionParameters[" + chn + "][" + i + "].length="
                                + correctionParameters[chn][i].length);
                if ((correctionParameters[chn][i] != null) && (correctionParameters[chn][i].length > i))
                    corr[i] = correctionParameters[chn][i][sampleIndex];
                    corr[i] = 0.0;

            return corr;

        public double[][] getCorrPar(int sampleIndex) {
            if (sampleCorrChnParIndex == null)
                return null;
            double[][] result = new double[sampleCorrChnParIndex.length][];
            boolean non_null = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrChnParIndex.length; i++) {
                result[i] = getCorrPar(i, sampleIndex);
                non_null |= (result[i] != null);
            return non_null ? result : null;

         * Generate correction parameter arrays for each sample
         * @return array of [chn][parameter] arrays or nulls when the particualr sample does not have corrections
        public double[][][] getCorrPar() {
            double[][][] result = new double[getNumSamples()][][];
            for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < result.length; sampleIndex++)
                result[sampleIndex] = getCorrPar(sampleIndex);
            return result;

        public boolean[] getDefaultMask() {
            boolean[] mask = { true, true, true, true, true, true };
            return mask;

        public FieldFitting() {
        } // just to get descriptions

        public FieldFitting(double pX0, double pY0, int distanceParametersNumber, int radialParametersNumber) {
            fieldStrategies = new FieldStrategies();
            pXY = new double[2];
            pXY[0] = pX0;
            pXY[1] = pY0;
            channelSelect = getDefaultMask();
            mechanicalFocusingModel = new MechanicalFocusingModel();
            mechanicalSelect = mechanicalFocusingModel.getDefaultMask();
            centerSelect = centerSelectDefault.clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel.length; i++) {
                curvatureModel[i] = new CurvatureModel(pX0, pY0, distanceParametersNumber, radialParametersNumber);
                curvatureSelect[i] = curvatureModel[i].getDefaultMask();
            setDefaultSampleCorr(); // should be after curvatureModel

        public boolean[] getSelectedChannels() {
            return this.channelSelect;

        public int[] getNumCurvars() {
            try {
                return curvatureModel[0].getNumPars();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                int[] dflt_numPars = { CurvatureModel.dflt_distanceParametersNumber,
                        CurvatureModel.dflt_radialParametersNumber };
                return dflt_numPars;


        public boolean maskSetDialog(String title//,
        ) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            boolean editMechMask = false;
            boolean editCurvMask = false;
            boolean commonCurvMask = true;
            boolean detailedCurvMask = false;
            boolean setupCorrectionPars = false;
            boolean commonCorrectionPars = true;
            boolean disabledCorrectionPars = false;
            gd.addCheckbox("Only use measurements acquired during parallel moves (false - use all)", parallelOnly); //parallelOnly - parent class 
            if (centerSelect == null)
                centerSelect = centerSelectDefault.clone();
            gd.addCheckbox("Adjust aberration center (pX0)", centerSelect[0]);
            gd.addCheckbox("Adjust aberration center (pY0)", centerSelect[1]);

            if (channelSelect == null)
                channelSelect = getDefaultMask();
            for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++) {
                gd.addCheckbox(getDescription(i), channelSelect[i]);
            gd.addCheckbox("Edit mechanical parameters masks", editMechMask);
            gd.addCheckbox("Edit curvature model parameters mask(s)", editCurvMask);
            gd.addCheckbox("Apply same curvature model parameters mask to all channels", commonCurvMask);
            gd.addCheckbox("Edit full matrix of the curvature model parameters masks", detailedCurvMask);
            gd.addCheckbox("Setup per-sample correction", setupCorrectionPars);
            gd.addCheckbox("Apply same per-sample corrections to all channels", commonCorrectionPars);
            gd.addCheckbox("Setup correction parameters when the parameter itself is disabled",

            gd.addStringField("Strategy comment", strategyComment, 60);
            gd.addNumericField("Initial LMA lambda", lambda, 3, 5, "");
            gd.addCheckbox("Reset optical center to distortions center", resetCenter);
            gd.addCheckbox("Reset correction parameters before this LMA step", !keepCorrectionParameters);
            gd.addCheckbox("Reset All SFE-specific parameters before this LMA step", resetVariableParameters);
            gd.addCheckbox("Stop after this LMA step", lastInSeries);

            //         gd.enableYesNoCancel("Keep","Apply"); // default OK (on enter) - "Keep"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            parallelOnly = gd.getNextBoolean();
            centerSelect[0] = gd.getNextBoolean();
            centerSelect[1] = gd.getNextBoolean();
            for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++) {
                channelSelect[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
            editMechMask = gd.getNextBoolean();
            editCurvMask = gd.getNextBoolean();
            commonCurvMask = gd.getNextBoolean();
            detailedCurvMask = gd.getNextBoolean();
            setupCorrectionPars = gd.getNextBoolean();
            commonCorrectionPars = gd.getNextBoolean();
            disabledCorrectionPars = gd.getNextBoolean();

            strategyComment = gd.getNextString();
            lambda = gd.getNextNumber();
            resetCenter = gd.getNextBoolean();
            keepCorrectionParameters = !gd.getNextBoolean();
            resetVariableParameters = gd.getNextBoolean();
            lastInSeries = gd.getNextBoolean();
            //         boolean OK;
            if (editMechMask) {
                boolean[] mask = mechanicalFocusingModel.maskSetDialog("Focusing mechanical parameters mask",
                if (mask != null)
                    mechanicalSelect = mask;
                    return false; // canceled
            if (editCurvMask) {
                if (commonCurvMask) {
                    boolean[] mask = new boolean[curvatureSelect[0].length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
                        mask[i] = curvatureSelect[0][i];
                        for (int j = 1; j < curvatureSelect.length; j++) {
                            mask[i] |= curvatureSelect[j][i];
                    mask = curvatureModel[0].maskSetDialog(
                            "All channels mask for all curvature models (colors,S/T)", detailedCurvMask, mask);
                    if (mask == null)
                        return false; // canceled
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect.length; i++) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < mask.length; j++) {
                            curvatureSelect[i][j] = mask[j];
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++)
                        if (channelSelect[i]) {
                            boolean[] mask = curvatureSelect[i];
                            mask = curvatureModel[0].maskSetDialog(
                                    //                          "Parameter mask for curvature model, channel \""+getDescription(i)+"\"",
                                    "Channel \"" + getDescription(i) + "\" parameter mask for curvature model",
                                    detailedCurvMask, mask);
                            if (mask == null)
                                return false; // canceled
                            curvatureSelect[i] = mask;
            if (setupCorrectionPars) {
                if (!setupSampleCorr("Setup per-sample correction parameters", !commonCorrectionPars,
                    return false;
                //             initSampleCorr(flattenSampleCoord());
            // will modify
            initSampleCorrChnParIndex(flattenSampleCoord()); // run always regardless of configured or not (to create zero-length array of corr)
            return true;

        public void selectZTilt(boolean allChannels, int[] zTxTyAdjustMode) { // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            mechanicalSelect = mechanicalFocusingModel.maskSetZTxTy(zTxTyAdjustMode); // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(true, zTxTyAdjustMode);
            // enable all color/dir channels (add separate selection dialog?)
            for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++) {
                if (allChannels)
                    channelSelect[i] = true;
                curvatureSelect[i] = curvatureModel[0].maskAllDisabled();
            if (sampleCorrSelect != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect.length; i++)
                    if (sampleCorrSelect[i] != null) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < sampleCorrSelect[i].length; j++)
                            sampleCorrSelect[i][j] = false;

        ArrayList<String> getParameterValueStrings(boolean showDisabled, boolean showCorrection) {
            ArrayList<String> parList = new ArrayList<String>();
            parList.add("\t ===== Aberrations center =====\t\t");
            String[] centerDescriptions = { "Aberrations center X", "Aberrations center Y" };
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (centerSelect[i]) {
                    parList.add("\t" + centerDescriptions[i] + ":\t" + pXY[i] + "\tpix");
                } else if (showDisabled) {
                    parList.add("(disabled)\t" + centerDescriptions[i] + ":\t" + pXY[i] + "\tpix");
            parList.add("\t ===== Mechanical model parameters =====\t\t");
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                    parList.add("\t" + mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i) + ":\t"
                            + mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i] + "\t" + mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
                } else if (showDisabled) {
                    parList.add("(disabled)\t" + mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i) + ":\t"
                            + mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i] + "\t" + mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    parList.add("\t ===== Curvature model parameters for \"" + getDescription(n) + "\"=====\t\t");
                    int n1 = n ^ 1;
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            String name = curvatureModel[n].getZDescription(i) + ", "
                                    + curvatureModel[n].getRadialDecription(j);
                            if ((j == 0) && !isMasterDir) { // dependent, copy center coefficients from the master
                                if ((curvatureSelect[n1] == null) || curvatureSelect[n1][index]) {
                                    parList.add("(master)\t" + name + ":\t" + curvatureModel[n1].modelParams[i][j]
                                            + "\t");
                                    // debugging
                                            "(this)\t" + name + ":\t" + curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j] + "\t");
                                } else if (showDisabled) {
                                    parList.add("(master_disabled)\t" + name + ":\t"
                                            + curvatureModel[n1].modelParams[i][j] + "\t");
                                    // debugging
                                    parList.add("(this_disabled)\t" + name + ":\t"
                                            + curvatureModel[n1].modelParams[i][j] + "\t");
                            } else {
                                if ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index]) {
                                    parList.add("\t" + name + ":\t" + curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j] + "\t");
                                } else if (showDisabled) {
                                    parList.add("(disabled)\t" + name + ":\t" + curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j]
                                            + "\t");
            //            if (showCorrection && (getNumberOfCorrParameters()>0)){
            if (showCorrection) {
                parList.add("\t ===== Per-sample correction parameters =====\t\t");
                for (int n = 0; n < correctionParameters.length; n++)
                    if (correctionParameters[n] != null) {
                        for (int np = 0; np < correctionParameters[n].length; np++)
                            if ((correctionParameters[n][np] != null)
                                    && (correctionParameters[n][np].length == numberOfLocations)) {
                                //                        int numSamples=sampleCorrCrossWeights[n][np].length;
                                parList.add("\t ----- correction parameters for \"" + getDescription(n) + " "
                                        + curvatureModel[n].getZDescription(np) + "\" -----\t\t");
                                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLocations; i++) {
                                    parList.add(i + "\t" + curvatureModel[n].getZDescription(np) + ":\t"
                                            + correctionParameters[n][np][i] + "\t");
                            } else {
                                if ((correctionParameters[n][np] != null)
                                        && (correctionParameters[n][np].length != numberOfLocations)) {
                                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                                        System.out.println("getParameterValueStrings(): correctionParameters[" + n
                                                + "][" + np + "].length=" + correctionParameters[n][np].length);
            return parList;

        // Show/modify all parameters in a single window.
        public boolean showModifyParameterValues(String title, boolean showDisabled) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            gd.addMessage("===== Aberrations center =====");
            String[] centerDescriptions = { "Aberrations center X", "Aberrations center Y" };
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                double distXY = (i == 0) ? pX0_distortions : pY0_distortions;
                if (centerSelect[i]) {
                    gd.addNumericField(centerDescriptions[i], pXY[i], 5, 10, "pix (" + IJ.d2s(distXY, 1) + ")");
                } else if (showDisabled) {
                    gd.addNumericField("(disabled) " + centerDescriptions[i], pXY[i], 5, 10,
                            "pix (" + IJ.d2s(distXY, 1) + ")");

            gd.addMessage("===== Mechanical model parameters =====");
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                            mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 5, 8, mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
                } else if (showDisabled) {
                    gd.addNumericField("(disabled) " + mechanicalFocusingModel.getDescription(i),
                            mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i], 5, 8, mechanicalFocusingModel.getUnits(i));
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    int n1 = n ^ 1;

                    gd.addMessage("===== Curvature model parameters for \"" + getDescription(n) + "\"=====");
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            String name = curvatureModel[n].getZDescription(i) + ", "
                                    + curvatureModel[n].getRadialDecription(j);
                            if ((j == 0) && !isMasterDir) { // dependent, copy center coefficients from the master
                                if ((curvatureSelect[n1] == null) || curvatureSelect[n1][index]) {
                                    gd.addNumericField("(copied from master) " + name,
                                            curvatureModel[n1].modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                                } else if (showDisabled) {
                                    gd.addNumericField("(copied from disabled master) " + name,
                                            curvatureModel[n1].modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                            } else {
                                if ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index]) {
                                    gd.addNumericField(name, curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                                } else if (showDisabled) {
                                    gd.addNumericField("(disabled) " + name, curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j], 5,
                                            8, "");

            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected default "Apply"
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    if (centerSelect[i] || showDisabled) {
                        pXY[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
                for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                    if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i] || showDisabled) {
                        mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
                for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                    if (channelSelect[n]) {
                        int index = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                                if ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index] || showDisabled) {
                                    curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j] = gd.getNextNumber();
            return true;

        public int getNumberOfCorrParameters() { // selected for fitting
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null)
                return 0;
            return ((sampleCorrVector != null) && (mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() == null))
                    ? sampleCorrVector.length
                    : 0;

        public int getNumberOfParameters(boolean sagittalMaster) {
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null)
                return currentVectorLength;
            return getNumberOfRegularParameters(sagittalMaster) + getNumberOfCorrParameters();

         * @return number of selected parameters (including center, mechanical and each selected - up to 6 - curvature)
        public int getNumberOfRegularParameters(boolean sagittalMaster) {
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null)
                return currentVectorLength;
            int np = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (centerSelect[i])
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i])
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            if ((isMasterDir || (j != 0))
                                    && ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index]))
            return np;

         * @return number of selected channels (up to 6 - colors and S/T)
        public int getNumberOfChannels() {
            int nc = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n])
            return nc;

         * @return vector of the current selected parameters values
        public double[] createParameterVector(boolean sagittalMaster) {
            int debugThreshold = 0;
            int[] zTxTyMode = mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode();

            if (zTxTyMode != null)
                return createParameterVectorZTxTy(zTxTyMode);

            double[] pars = new double[getNumberOfParameters(sagittalMaster)];
            int np = 0;
            if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                debugParameterNames = new String[pars.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (centerSelect[i]) {
                    if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                        debugParameterNames[np] = "pXY" + i;
                    pars[np++] = pXY[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                    if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                        debugParameterNames[np] = mechanicalFocusingModel.getName(i);
                    pars[np++] = mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i];
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            if ((isMasterDir || (j != 0))
                                    && ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index])) {
                                if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                                    debugParameterNames[np] = "chn" + n + "-" + curvatureModel[n].getZName(i) + ":"
                                            + curvatureModel[n].getRadialName(j);
                                pars[np++] = curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j];
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                        "createParameterVector(): using sampleCorrVector - do we need to create it first?");
            getCorrVector(); // do we need that?            
            int nCorrPars = getNumberOfCorrParameters();
            String[] corrNames = (debugLevel > debugThreshold) ? getCorrNames() : null;
            for (int i = 0; i < nCorrPars; i++) {
                if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                    debugParameterNames[np] = "corr_par-" + corrNames[i];
                pars[np++] = sampleCorrVector[i];
            if (debugLevel > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < pars.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + " " + debugParameterNames[i] + " = " + pars[i]);
            fieldFitting.setCurrentVectorLength(pars.length); // maybe not needed
            return pars;

        private int[] getNumSubPars(int[] zTxTyMode, int numMeas) {
            //          Integer [] indices=getSetIndices().toArray(new Integer[0]); // uses dataVector;
            int[] numSubPars = new int[zTxTyMode.length];
            for (int n = 0; n < zTxTyMode.length; n++) {
                if (zTxTyMode[n] == 2)
                    numSubPars[n] = numMeas; // indices.length;
                else if (zTxTyMode[n] == 1)
                    numSubPars[n] = 1;
                    numSubPars[n] = 0;
            return numSubPars;

        //TODO: create mask for measurements        
        public double[] createParameterVectorZTxTy(
                //              double [] zTxTy,
                int[] zTxTyMode) { //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
            //         int numMeas=0;
            boolean needMask = false; // shortcut if there are no individual parameters at all
            boolean[] measMask = null;
            for (int m : zTxTyMode)
                if (m > 1) {
                    needMask = true;
            if (needMask) {
                measMask = getMeasurementsMask();
                //              for (boolean b:measMask) if (b) numMeas++;
            int[][] map = new int[zTxTyMode.length][];
            for (int n = 0; n < map.length; n++) {
                if (zTxTyMode[n] < 1) {
                    map[n] = null;
                } else {
                    map[n] = new int[(zTxTyMode[n] > 1) ? measMask.length : 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i < map[n].length; i++)
                        map[n][i] = -1;
            int debugThreshold = 0;
            String[] dbgParNames = { "Z", "tX", "tY" };

            //           int [] numSubPars=getNumSubPars(zTxTyMode, numMeas);
            int numPars = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < zTxTyMode.length; n++) {
                //              numPars+=numSubPars[n];
                switch (zTxTyMode[n]) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    for (int i = 0; i < measMask.length; i++) {
                        if (measMask[i])
            double[] pars = new double[numPars];
            if (debugLevel > debugThreshold)
                debugParameterNames = new String[pars.length];
            double[] zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
            int index = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < zTxTyMode.length; n++) {
                switch (zTxTyMode[n]) {
                case 1:
                    if (debugLevel > debugThreshold) {
                        debugParameterNames[index] = dbgParNames[n];
                    map[n][0] = index;
                    pars[index++] = zTxTy[n];
                case 2:
                    for (int i = 0; i < measMask.length; i++) {
                        if (measMask[i]) {
                            if (debugLevel > debugThreshold) {
                                debugParameterNames[index] = dbgParNames[n] + "-" + i;
                            map[n][i] = index;
                            pars[index++] = zTxTy[n];
                        } else {
                            map[n][i] = -1;
                //              for (int i=0;i<numSubPars[n];i++){
                //                 if (debugLevel>debugThreshold){
                //                    debugParameterNames[index]=dbgParNames[n]+((numSubPars[n]>1)?("-"+i):"");
                //                 }
                //                 pars[index++]=zTxTy[n];
                //             }
            // create parameter map here           
            return pars;

        public void commitParameterVectorZTxTy(double[] vector) { //
            //              int [] zTxTyMode){ //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
            //           fieldFitting.commitParameterVector(vector, sagittalMaster); // Hereit does not matter ???
            int[] zTxTyMode = mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode(); // Probably is not needed - already set
            int numMeas = 0;
            int[] numSubParsAll = null;
            boolean[] measMask = null;
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel.isNeededMask()) {
                measMask = getMeasurementsMask();
                for (boolean b : measMask)
                    if (b)
                numSubParsAll = getNumSubPars(zTxTyMode, measMask.length);
            int[] numSubPars = getNumSubPars(zTxTyMode, numMeas);
            if (numSubParsAll == null)
                numSubParsAll = numSubPars;
            double[] zTxTy = mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
            int parIndex = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < zTxTyMode.length; n++) {
                //              if (numSubPars[n]>1){
                if (zTxTyMode[n] > 1) {
                    double v = 0; // not used?
                    double[] pars = new double[numSubParsAll[n]];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pars.length; i++) {
                        if (measMask[i]) {
                            v += vector[parIndex]; // not used? 
                            pars[i] = vector[parIndex++];
                        } else {
                            pars[i] = Double.NaN;
                    zTxTy[n] = v / numSubPars[n]; // not used?
                    mechanicalFocusingModel.setReplaceParam(pars, n);
                } else {
                    if (numSubPars[n] == 1) {
                        zTxTy[n] = vector[parIndex++];
                    mechanicalFocusingModel.setReplaceParam(null, n); // use common parameter (z0,tx,ty) from mechanicalFocusingModel

         * Apply (modified) parameter values to selected ones
         * @param pars vector corresponding to selected parameters
        public void commitParameterVector(double[] pars, boolean sagittalMaster) {
            if (mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyMode() != null) {
            int np = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (centerSelect[i])
                    pXY[i] = pars[np++];
            for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i])
                    mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues[i] = pars[np++];
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureModel[n].modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < curvatureModel[n].modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            if ((isMasterDir || (j != 0))
                                    && ((curvatureSelect[n] == null) || curvatureSelect[n][index])) {
                                curvatureModel[n].modelParams[i][j] = pars[np++];
            // copy correction parameters
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("commitParameterVector():  Creating and committing sampleCorrVector");
            int nCorrPars = getNumberOfCorrParameters();
            for (int i = 0; i < nCorrPars; i++)
                sampleCorrVector[i] = pars[np++];

            // copy center parameters to dependent
            // copy if master is selected, regardless of is dependent selected or not            
            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                if (channelSelect[n]) {
                    boolean isMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                    if (isMasterDir) {
                        curvatureModel[n ^ 1].setCenterVector(curvatureModel[n].getCenterVector());
            // propagate pXY to each channel (even disabled)            
            for (int n = 0; n < curvatureModel.length; n++) {
                curvatureModel[n].setCenter(pXY[0], pXY[1]);

        public double getMotorsZ(int[] motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                double px, // pixel x
                double py) {// pixel y
            return mechanicalFocusingModel.calc_ZdZ(-1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                    motors, px, py, null);


        public double getRadiusMM(double px, // pixel x
                double py) {// pixel y
            double pd = Math.sqrt((px - currentPX0) * (px - currentPX0) + (py - currentPY0) * (py - currentPY0));
            return pd * getPixelMM();


        public double getRadiusMM_distortions(double px, // pixel x
                double py) {// pixel y
            double pd = Math.sqrt((px - pX0_distortions) * (px - pX0_distortions)
                    + (py - pY0_distortions) * (py - pY0_distortions));
            return pd * getPixelMM();

         * Generate vector of function values (up to 6 - 1 per selected channel), corresponding to motor positions and pixel
         * coordinates, optionally generate partial derivatives for each channel and parameter
         * //@param zTxTy  - optional z0, tx, ty instead of mechanical model parameters (used when null)  
         * @param measurementIndex  - <0 -use mechanical model regular parameters, >=0 - overwrite with per-measurement parameters  
         * @param motors array of 3 motors positions
         * @param px pixel X-coordinate of the sample center
         * @param py pixel Y-coordinate of the sample center
         * @param deriv 2d array with outer dimension correspond to number of selected channels (getNumberOfChannels())
         * or null if derivatives are not needed, just values
         * @return array of [getNumberOfChannels()] calculated function values
        public double[] getValsDerivatives(
                //              int measurementIndex,  // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                int sampleIndex, // double [][] corrPars, // [6][nParZ]
                boolean sagittalMaster, // false - tangential master, true - sagittal master (for center coefficients)
                int[] motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                double px, // pixel x
                double py, // pixel y
                double[][] deriv // array of (1..6][], matching getNumberOfChannels) or null if derivatives are not required
        ) {
            double[][] corrPars = getCorrPar(sampleIndex);

            double[] motorDerivs = (deriv == null) ? null : (new double[mechanicalFocusingModel.getNumPars()]);
            double[] chnValues = new double[getNumberOfChannels()];
            double mot_z = mechanicalFocusingModel.calc_ZdZ(-1, // measurementIndex,
                    motors, px, py, motorDerivs);
            int nChn = 0;
            double[][] deriv_curv = new double[channelSelect.length][];
            for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                deriv_curv[c] = null;
            for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                if (channelSelect[c]) {
                    deriv_curv[c] = (deriv == null) ? null : (new double[curvatureModel[c].getSize()]); // nr*nz+1
                    chnValues[nChn++] = curvatureModel[c].getFdF((corrPars == null) ? null : corrPars[c], // param_corr
                            px, py, mot_z, deriv_curv[c]);
            if (deriv != null) {
                double dX = px - pXY[0];
                double dY = py - pXY[1];
                double r = Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
                double[] dr_dxy = { 1.0, 1.0 };
                if (r > 0.0) {
                    dr_dxy[0] = -dX / r;
                    dr_dxy[1] = -dY / r;
                nChn = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    dr_dxy[i] *= getPixelMM(); // radius in mm, dx, dy - in pixels
                for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                    if (channelSelect[c]) { // c -full, nChn - disabled skipped - dependent COMPONET 
                        boolean isMasterDir = (c % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1);
                        int otherChannel = c ^ 1;
                        //                    deriv[nChn]=new double [getNumberOfRegularParameters(sagittalMaster)]; //???????????
                        deriv[nChn] = new double[getNumberOfParameters(sagittalMaster)]; //???????????
                        int np = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                            if (centerSelect[i]) {
                                deriv[nChn][np++] = dr_dxy[i] * deriv_curv[c][deriv_curv[c].length - 1]; // needs correction from measurement conversion
                        // For dependent/master channels no difference for mechanical parameters
                        // TODO: verify they are the same?
                        // calculate derivatives for the center variations (/dXc, /dYc). Will need to be modified for Y vector too as
                        // Y-vector two values (S,T) are calculated from 3 (X2,Y2,XY) and depend on the center position.

                        for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalFocusingModel.paramValues.length; i++) {
                            if ((mechanicalSelect == null) || mechanicalSelect[i]) {
                                deriv[nChn][np++] = -motorDerivs[i] * deriv_curv[c][0]; // minus d/dz0 const part
                        // other parameters - for dependent - skip center (j==0), for master add dependent
                        for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                            if (channelSelect[n]) { // n - group of channel parameters
                                int[] ncp = curvatureModel[n].getNumPars(); // {(z),(r)}
                                boolean isDependMasterDir = (n % 2) == (sagittalMaster ? 0 : 1); // n is master
                                for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect[n].length; i++)
                                    if (curvatureSelect[n][i]) { // i - parameter number
                                        if (((i % ncp[1]) != 0) || isDependMasterDir) { // non center or master
                                            int dependOnChannel = (((i % ncp[1]) == 0) && !isMasterDir)
                                                    ? otherChannel
                                                    : c;
                                            deriv[nChn][np++] = (n == dependOnChannel) ? (deriv_curv[c][i]) : 0.0; // deriv[nChn][np++]=(n==dependOnChannel)?(deriv_curv[n][i]):0.0;

                        if (debugLevel == 10) {
                                    .println("getValsDerivatives(), #=" + np + " (of " + deriv[nChn].length + ")");
                            for (int ii = 0; ii < np; ii++)
                                if (deriv[nChn][ii] != 0.0) {
                                            .println("getValsDerivatives(), #=" + ii + " (of " + deriv[nChn].length
                                                    + ") c=" + c + " nChn=" + nChn + " deriv=" + deriv[nChn][ii]);
                        // add correction parameters?
                        // now np points to the first correction parameter
                        // correction parameters do not depend on sagittalMaster - each mayy have own shift
                        if ((corrPars != null) && (sampleCorrChnParIndex != null)) {
                            for (int n = 0; n < channelSelect.length; n++)
                                if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[n] != null) {
                                    int[] ncp = curvatureModel[n].getNumPars(); // {(z),(r)}
                                    for (int i = 0; i < ncp[0]; i++)
                                        if (sampleCorrChnParIndex[n][i] >= 0) {
                                            // np now points to the first corr parameter
                                            deriv[nChn][np + sampleCorrChnParIndex[n][i]
                                                    + sampleIndex] = (nChn == n) ? deriv_curv[n][i * ncp[1]] : 0.0;
            return chnValues;

        public double[] getValsDerivativesZTxTy( // Version for adjustment mode - returns fixed width (3)
                int measurementIndex, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                int sampleIndex, // double [][] corrPars, // [6][nParZ]
                int[] motors, // 3 motor coordinates
                double px, // pixel x
                double py, // pixel y
                double[][] deriv // array of (1..6][], matching getNumberOfChannels) or null if derivatives are not required
        ) {
            double[][] corrPars = getCorrPar(sampleIndex);

            double[] motorDerivs = (deriv == null) ? null : (new double[mechanicalFocusingModel.getNumPars()]);
            double[] chnValues = new double[getNumberOfChannels()];
            double mot_z = mechanicalFocusingModel.calc_ZdZ(measurementIndex, motors, px, py, motorDerivs);
            int nChn = 0;
            double[][] deriv_curv = new double[channelSelect.length][];
            for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                deriv_curv[c] = null;
            for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                if (channelSelect[c]) {
                    deriv_curv[c] = (deriv == null) ? null : (new double[curvatureModel[c].getSize()]); // nr*nz+1
                    chnValues[nChn++] = curvatureModel[c].getFdF((corrPars == null) ? null : corrPars[c], // param_corr
                            px, py, mot_z, deriv_curv[c]);
            if (deriv != null) {
                double dX = px - pXY[0];
                double dY = py - pXY[1];
                double r = Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
                double[] dr_dxy = { 1.0, 1.0 };
                if (r > 0.0) {
                    dr_dxy[0] = -dX / r;
                    dr_dxy[1] = -dY / r;
                nChn = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    dr_dxy[i] *= getPixelMM(); // radius in mm, dx, dy - in pixels
                for (int c = 0; c < channelSelect.length; c++)
                    if (channelSelect[c]) { // c -full, nChn - disabled skipped - dependent COMPONET 
                        deriv[nChn] = new double[3];
                        deriv[nChn][0] = -motorDerivs[mechanicalFocusingModel.getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)]
                                * deriv_curv[c][0]; // minus d/dz0 const part
                        deriv[nChn][1] = -motorDerivs[mechanicalFocusingModel.getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)]
                                * deriv_curv[c][0]; // minus d/dz0 const part
                        deriv[nChn][2] = -motorDerivs[mechanicalFocusingModel.getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)]
                                * deriv_curv[c][0]; // minus d/dz0 const part
            return chnValues;


    public class MechanicalFocusingModel {

        public final String[][] descriptions = { { "K0", "Average motor center travel", "um/step", "0.0124" },
                { "KD1", "M1 and M2 travel disbalance", "um/step", "0.0" },
                { "KD3", "M3 to average of M1 and M2 travel disbalance", "um/step", "0.0" },
                { "sM1", "M1: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "cM1", "M1: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "sM2", "M2: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "cM2", "M2: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "sM3", "M3: sin component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "cM3", "M3: cos component amplitude, relative to tread pitch", "", "0.0" },
                { "Lx", "Half horizontal distance between M3 and and M2 supports", "mm", "21.0" },
                { "Ly", "Half vertical distance between M1 and M2 supports", "mm", "10.0" },
                { "mpX0", "pixel X coordinate of mechanical center", "px", "1296.0" },
                { "mpY0", "pixel Y coordinate of mechanical center", "px", "968.0" },
                { "z0", "center shift, positive away from the lens", "um", "0.0" },
                { "tx", "horizontal tilt", "um/mm", "0.0" }, { "ty", "vertical tilt", "um/mm", "0.0" } };
        public double PERIOD = 3584.0; // steps/revolution
        //        public double PIXEL_SIZE=0.0022; // mm
        public double[] paramValues = new double[descriptions.length];
        public double[] paramValuesCalibrate = null; // save calibration mode parameters while adjusting
        public boolean adjustMode = false;
        private int[] zTxTyMode = null;
        public double[][] replaceZTxTy = { null, null, null };
        private boolean needMask = false;

        public void setReplaceParam(double[] pars, int index) {
            replaceZTxTy[index] = pars;

        public double[] getReplaceParam(int index) {
            return replaceZTxTy[index];

        public double[][] getReplaceParam() {
            return replaceZTxTy;

        public void setZTxTyMode(int[] zTxTyMode) {
            if (zTxTyMode == null)
                this.zTxTyMode = null;
                this.zTxTyMode = zTxTyMode.clone(); // clone() needed?
            needMask = false; // shortcut if there are no individual parameters at all
            for (int m : zTxTyMode)
                if (m > 1) {
                    needMask = true;

        public boolean isNeededMask() {
            return needMask;

        public int[] getZTxTyMode() {
            return adjustMode ? this.zTxTyMode : null;

        public MechanicalFocusingModel() { // add arguments?

        public void setAdjustMode(boolean mode, int[] zTxTyMode) { //0 - do not adjust, 1 - commonn adjust, 2 - individual adjust
            if (mode && (zTxTyMode != null))
            if (mode == adjustMode)
            if (adjustMode)
            adjustMode = mode;

        private void saveCalibration(boolean force) { // do not save if in adjust mode
            if (force)
                adjustMode = false;

        private void saveCalibration() { // do not save if in adjust mode
            if (paramValues != null) {
                if (!adjustMode)
                    paramValuesCalibrate = paramValues.clone();
                    System.out.println("Possible BUG - tried to save mechanical parameters while in adjust mode");

        private void restoreCalibration() {
            if (paramValuesCalibrate != null)
                paramValues = paramValuesCalibrate.clone();
            adjustMode = false;

        public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            setAdjustMode(false, null); // restore if needed
            if (paramValues != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length; i++) {
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + descriptions[i][0], paramValues[i] + "");

        public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            if ((paramValues == null) || (paramValues.length != descriptions.length))
            for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length; i++) {
                if (properties.getProperty(prefix + descriptions[i][0]) != null)
                    paramValues[i] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + descriptions[i][0]));

        public void initDefaults() {
            paramValues = new double[descriptions.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++)
                paramValues[i] = Double.parseDouble(descriptions[i][3]);

        public void setVector(double[] vector) {
            paramValues = new double[descriptions.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
                paramValues[i] = vector[i];

        public void setZTxTy(double z, double tx, double ty) {
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = z;
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = tx;
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = ty;

        public void setZTxTy(double[] zTxTy) {
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = zTxTy[0];
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = zTxTy[1];
            paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = zTxTy[2];

        public double[] getZTxTy() {
            double[] vector = { paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)], paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)],
                    paramValues[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] };
            return vector;

        public String[] getZTxTyDescriptions() {
            String[] descriptions = { getDescription(getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)), getDescription(getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)),
                    getDescription(getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)) };
            return descriptions;

        public String[] getZTxTyNames() {
            String[] names = { getName(getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)), getName(getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)),
                    getName(getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)) };
            return names;

        public void setVector(double[] vector, boolean[] mask) {
            for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
                if (mask[i])
                    paramValues[i] = vector[i];

        public double[] getVector() {
            return paramValues;

        public int getNumPars() {
            return descriptions.length;

        public int getIndex(String parName) {
            for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++)
                if (descriptions[i].equals(parName))
                    return i;
            return -1;

        public int getIndex(MECH_PAR mech_par) {
            return mech_par.ordinal();

        public String getDescription(int i) {
            return descriptions[i][1];

        public String getName(int i) {
            return descriptions[i][0];

        public String getDescription(MECH_PAR mech_par) {
            return descriptions[mech_par.ordinal()][1];

        public String getUnits(int i) {
            return descriptions[i][2];

        public String getUnits(MECH_PAR mech_par) {
            return descriptions[mech_par.ordinal()][2];

        public Double getValue(int i) {
            return paramValues[i];

        public Double getValue(MECH_PAR mech_par) {
            return paramValues[mech_par.ordinal()];

        public double[] debugDeriv_ZdZ(double scale, int[] motors, double px, double py) {
            double[] derivSteps = { 0.001, // [0]   K0 843.6001052876973   
                    0.001, // [1]   KD1 1600.0723700390713   
                    0.001, // [2]   KD3 -2428.8998947123027   
                    0.1, // [3]   sM1 -1.1720600074585734   
                    0.1, // [4]   cM1 0.6081060292866338   
                    0.1, // [5]   sM2 -2.3717384278673035   
                    0.1, // [6]   cM2 1.2305414643438266   
                    0.1, // [7]   sM3 2.7345656468251707   
                    0.1, // [8]   cM3 1.4187890097199358   
                    1.0, // [9]   Lx -0.535718420298317   
                    1.0, // [10]  Ly    0.0   
                    10.0, // [11]  mpX0   -2.816702366108815E-5   
                    10.0, // [12]  mpY0   -8.351458550253758E-5   
                    1.0, // [13]  z0    1.0   
                    0.1, // [14]  tx -2.5168000000000004   
                    0.1 // [15]  ty -1.76   
            double[] initialVector = paramValues.clone();
            double[] derivs = new double[paramValues.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < derivs.length; i++) {
                paramValues[i] = initialVector[i] - scale * derivSteps[i];
                double zm = calc_ZdZ(
                        //                   null, //double [] zTxTy, // null - old way
                        -1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                        motors, px, py, null);
                paramValues[i] = initialVector[i] + scale * derivSteps[i];
                double zp = calc_ZdZ(
                        //                   null, //double [] zTxTy, // null - old way
                        -1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                        motors, px, py, null);
                paramValues[i] = initialVector[i];
                derivs[i] = (zp - zm) / (2.0 * scale * derivSteps[i]);
            return derivs;


         * return Z for specified pixel coordinates (assuming all motors at zero) and optionally calculate its derivatives for Zcf, Tx, Ty
         * @param px pixel X
         * @param py pixel Y
         * @param calDerivs true if derivatives are needed
         * @return either a single element array {z} or a 4-element one {z, dz/dz0, dz/dtx, dz/dty}
        public double[] getZdZ3(double px, double py, boolean calDerivs) {
            double[] result = new double[calDerivs ? 4 : 1];
            double[] derivs = (calDerivs) ? (new double[getNumPars()]) : null;
            //          int [] zeroMot={0,0,0};
            result[0] = calc_ZdZ(
                    //               null, //double [] zTxTy, // null - old way
                    -1, // <0 - use mechanicalFocusingModel z, tx, ty
                    null, //zeroMot,
                    px, py, derivs);
            if (calDerivs) {
                result[1] = derivs[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)];
                result[2] = derivs[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)];
                result[3] = derivs[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)];
            return result;

         * Calculate distance from the selected sensor pixel to the common "focal" plane
         * and optionally partial derivatives of the pixel distance from the focal plane by selected parameters
         * @param motors array of 3 motor positions
         * @param px horizontal sensor position
         * @param py vertical sensor pixel position
         * @param deriv returns partial derivatives if array is provided. If null - does not calculate derivatives
         * @return array of partial derivatives
        public double calc_ZdZ_old(int[] motors, double px, double py, double[] deriv) {
            //             double[][] adjData){
            double debugMot = 6545;
            int debugThreshold = 2;
            boolean dbg = (debugLevel > debugThreshold);
               K0 may be fixed (overall scale), kM1, kM2 - variable
              dZc(m1)= 0.25* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P))
              dZc(m2)= 0.25* kM2 * (m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P))
              dZc(m3)= 0.5 * kM3 *( m3 + sM3*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m3/P) + cM3*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m3/P))
              Assuming X - towards M3, Y - towards M1
              d2Z/dX/dm1=-ps/(4*Lx)* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P))
              d2Z/dX/dm2=-ps/(4*Lx)* kM2 *( m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P))
              d2Z/dX/dm3= ps/(2*Lx)* kM3 * (m3 + sM3*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m3/P) + cM3*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m3/P))
              d2Z/dY/dm1= -ps/(2*Ly)* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P)) //!
              d2Z/dY/dm2= +ps/(2*Ly)* kM2 * (m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P)) //!
              d2Z/dY/dm3= 0
            //            double [] deriv=new double [paramValues.length];
            double kM1 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM2 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM3 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double m1 = motors[0], m2 = motors[1], m3 = motors[2];
            double aM1 = (m1 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1) * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1) * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi));
            double aM2 = (m2 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2) * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2) * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi));
            double aM3 = (m3 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3) * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3) * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi));
            double zM1 = kM1 * aM1;
            double zM2 = kM2 * aM2;
            double zM3 = kM3 * aM3;

            double zc = 0.25 * zM1 + 0.25 * zM2 + 0.5 * zM3 + getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (px - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (py - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            double zx = dx * (getValue(MECH_PAR.tx) + (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)));
            //            double zy=dy*(getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM1-zM2)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))); //!
            double zy = dy * (getValue(MECH_PAR.ty) - (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))); //!
            double z = zc + zx + zy;
            if (dbg)
                if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                    System.out.print("M: " + ((int) m1) + ":" + ((int) m2) + ":" + ((int) m3) + " dxy="
                            + IJ.d2s(dx, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dy, 3) + " zcxy=" + IJ.d2s(zc, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zx, 3)
                            + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy, 3) + " zxy(t)=" + IJ.d2s(dx * getValue(MECH_PAR.tx), 3) + ":"
                            + IJ.d2s(dy * getValue(MECH_PAR.ty), 3));
            if (deriv == null) {
                if (dbg)
                    if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                return z;
            for (int i = 0; i < deriv.length; i++)
                deriv[i] = 0.0;
            // Above same as calc_Z
            double dx_mpX0 = -PIXEL_SIZE;
            double dy_mpY0 = -PIXEL_SIZE;
            double zM1_K0 = aM1;
            double zM1_KD1 = aM1;
            double zM1_KD3 = -aM1;
            double zM2_K0 = aM2;
            double zM2_KD1 = -aM2;
            double zM2_KD3 = -aM2;
            double zM3_K0 = aM3;
            //            double zM3_KD1=-aM3;
            //            double zM3_KD3= 0.0;
            double zM3_KD1 = 0.0;
            double zM3_KD3 = aM3;
            double zM1_sM1 = kM1 * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi);
            double zM1_cM1 = kM1 * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi);
            double zM2_sM2 = kM2 * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi);
            double zM2_cM2 = kM2 * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi);
            double zM3_sM3 = kM3 * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi);
            double zM3_cM3 = kM3 * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi);

            double zc_K0 = 0.25 * zM1_K0 + 0.25 * zM2_K0 + 0.5 * zM3_K0;
            double zc_KD1 = 0.25 * zM1_KD1 + 0.25 * zM2_KD1 + 0.5 * zM3_KD1;
            double zc_KD3 = 0.25 * zM1_KD3 + 0.25 * zM2_KD3 + 0.5 * zM3_KD3;
            double zc_sM1 = 0.25 * zM1_sM1;
            double zc_cM1 = 0.25 * zM1_cM1;
            double zc_sM2 = 0.25 * zM2_sM2;
            double zc_cM2 = 0.25 * zM2_cM2;
            double zc_sM3 = 0.5 * zM3_sM3;
            double zc_cM3 = 0.5 * zM3_cM3;

            //            double zx_K0=(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)* dx/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_a = dx / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_K0 = (2 * zM3_K0 - zM1_K0 - zM2_K0) * zx_a;
            double zx_KD1 = (2 * zM3_KD1 - zM1_KD1 - zM2_KD1) * zx_a;
            double zx_KD3 = (2 * zM3_KD3 - zM1_KD3 - zM2_KD3) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM1 = (-zM1_sM1) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM1 = (-zM1_cM1) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM2 = (-zM2_sM2) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM2 = (-zM2_cM2) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM3 = (2 * zM3_sM3) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM3 = (2 * zM3_cM3) * zx_a;
            double zx_mpX0 = dx_mpX0
                    * (getValue(MECH_PAR.tx) + (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx))); //  double zx_mpX0=dx_mpX0/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_tx = dx;
            double zx_Lx = -dx * (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx) * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            //          double zy=dy*(getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))); //!
            double zy_a = -dy / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!
            double zy_K0 = (zM2_K0 - zM1_K0) * zy_a;
            double zy_KD1 = (zM2_KD1 - zM1_KD1) * zy_a;
            double zy_KD3 = (zM2_KD3 - zM1_KD3) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM1 = (-zM1_sM1) * zy_a;
            double zy_cM1 = (-zM1_cM1) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM2 = (zM2_sM2) * zy_a;
            double zy_cM2 = (zM2_cM2) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM3 = 0.0;
            double zy_cM3 = 0.0;
            double zy_mpY0 = dy_mpY0 * (getValue(MECH_PAR.ty) - (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)));//! // double zy_mpY0=-dy_mpY0/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly));//!
            double zy_ty = dy;
            //            double zy_Ly= dy*(zM1-zM2)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!
            //          double zy_Ly= -dy*(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!
            double zy_Ly = dy * (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly) * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!

            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.K0)] = zc_K0 + zx_K0 + zy_K0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD1)] = zc_KD1 + zx_KD1 + zy_KD1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD3)] = zc_KD3 + zx_KD3 + zy_KD3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM1)] = zc_sM1 + zx_sM1 + zy_sM1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM1)] = zc_cM1 + zx_cM1 + zy_cM1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM2)] = zc_sM2 + zx_sM2 + zy_sM2;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM2)] = zc_cM2 + zx_cM2 + zy_cM2;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM3)] = zc_sM3 + zx_sM3 + zy_sM3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM3)] = zc_cM3 + zx_cM3 + zy_cM3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Lx)] = zx_Lx;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Ly)] = zy_Ly;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpX0)] = zx_mpX0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpY0)] = zy_mpY0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = 1.0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = zx_tx;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = zy_ty;
            if (dbg)
                if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                    if (m1 * m2 > 0) {
                        System.out.println("same sign");
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("opposite sign");
                    System.out.println(" zxy_txy=" + IJ.d2s(zx_tx, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy_ty, 3) + " zxy_Lxy="
                            + IJ.d2s(zx_Lx, 5) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy_Ly, 5));
                    double[] dbg_derivs = debugDeriv_ZdZ(0.1, //scale,
                            motors, px, py);
                    for (int i = 0; i < deriv.length; i++) {
                        System.out.println(i + ": " + descriptions[i][0] + " deriv=" + deriv[i] + ", dbg_derivs="
                                + dbg_derivs[i]);
            return z;

         * Calculate focal shift of the specified pixel location and optionally derivatives by parameters
         * @param measIndex measurement index to replace z0,tx,ty with individual values, or -1 to use model parameters
         * @param motors 3 motor steps
         * @param px absolute position of the pixel, X
         * @param py absolute position of the pixel, Y
         * @param deriv null or the proper length array to accommodate derivatives calculated here
         * @return focal shift of the specified pixel
        public double calc_ZdZ(int measIndex, // only used in adjustment mode
                int[] motors, double px, double py, double[] deriv) {
            int[] zeroMot = { 0, 0, 0 };
            if (motors == null)
                motors = zeroMot.clone();
            double[] zTxTy = getZTxTy();
            if (adjustMode && (measIndex >= 0)) {
                for (int n = 0; n < zTxTy.length; n++)
                    if (replaceZTxTy[n] != null) {
                        if (measIndex < replaceZTxTy[n].length)
                            zTxTy[n] = replaceZTxTy[n][measIndex];
                            zTxTy[n] = replaceZTxTy[n][0]; // maybe not needed - common parameter
                        if (Double.isNaN(zTxTy[n])) {
                            zTxTy[n] = getZTxTy()[0]; // use common parameter?
                            //                  return Double.NaN;// bad measurement, no derivatives calculated
            double debugMot = 6545;
            int debugThreshold = 2;
            boolean dbg = (debugLevel > debugThreshold);
               K0 may be fixed (overall scale), kM1, kM2 - variable
              dZc(m1)= 0.25* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P))
              dZc(m2)= 0.25* kM2 * (m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P))
              dZc(m3)= 0.5 * kM3 *( m3 + sM3*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m3/P) + cM3*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m3/P))
              Assuming X - towards M3, Y - towards M1
              d2Z/dX/dm1=-ps/(4*Lx)* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P))
              d2Z/dX/dm2=-ps/(4*Lx)* kM2 *( m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P))
              d2Z/dX/dm3= ps/(2*Lx)* kM3 * (m3 + sM3*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m3/P) + cM3*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m3/P))
              d2Z/dY/dm1= -ps/(2*Ly)* kM1 * (m1 + sM1*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m1/P) + cM1*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m1/P)) //!
              d2Z/dY/dm2= +ps/(2*Ly)* kM2 * (m2 + sM2*P/(2*pi)*sin(2pi*m2/P) + cM2*P/(2*pi)*cos(2pi*m2/P)) //!
              d2Z/dY/dm3= 0
            //            double [] deriv=new double [paramValues.length];
            double kM1 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM2 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM3 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double m1 = motors[0], m2 = motors[1], m3 = motors[2];
            double aM1 = (m1 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1) * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1) * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi));
            double aM2 = (m2 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2) * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2) * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi));
            double aM3 = (m3 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3) * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3) * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi));
            double zM1 = kM1 * aM1;
            double zM2 = kM2 * aM2;
            double zM3 = kM3 * aM3;

            double zc = 0.25 * zM1 + 0.25 * zM2 + 0.5 * zM3 + zTxTy[0]; // getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (px - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (py - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            //          double zx=dx*(getValue(MECH_PAR.tx)+(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx))) ;
            //          double zy=dy*(getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))); //!
            double zx = dx * (zTxTy[1] + (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)));
            double zy = dy * (zTxTy[2] - (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))); //!
            double z = zc + zx + zy;
            if (dbg)
                if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                    System.out.print("M: " + ((int) m1) + ":" + ((int) m2) + ":" + ((int) m3) + " dxy="
                            + IJ.d2s(dx, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(dy, 3) + " zcxy=" + IJ.d2s(zc, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zx, 3)
                            + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy, 3) + " zxy(t)=" + IJ.d2s(dx * zTxTy[1], 3) + ":"
                            + IJ.d2s(dy * zTxTy[2], 3));
            if (deriv == null) {
                if (dbg)
                    if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                return z;
            for (int i = 0; i < deriv.length; i++)
                deriv[i] = 0.0;
            // Above same as calc_Z
            double dx_mpX0 = -PIXEL_SIZE;
            double dy_mpY0 = -PIXEL_SIZE;
            double zM1_K0 = aM1;
            double zM1_KD1 = aM1;
            double zM1_KD3 = -aM1;
            double zM2_K0 = aM2;
            double zM2_KD1 = -aM2;
            double zM2_KD3 = -aM2;
            double zM3_K0 = aM3;
            //            double zM3_KD1=-aM3;
            //            double zM3_KD3= 0.0;
            double zM3_KD1 = 0.0;
            double zM3_KD3 = aM3;
            double zM1_sM1 = kM1 * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi);
            double zM1_cM1 = kM1 * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi);
            double zM2_sM2 = kM2 * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi);
            double zM2_cM2 = kM2 * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi);
            double zM3_sM3 = kM3 * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi);
            double zM3_cM3 = kM3 * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi);

            double zc_K0 = 0.25 * zM1_K0 + 0.25 * zM2_K0 + 0.5 * zM3_K0;
            double zc_KD1 = 0.25 * zM1_KD1 + 0.25 * zM2_KD1 + 0.5 * zM3_KD1;
            double zc_KD3 = 0.25 * zM1_KD3 + 0.25 * zM2_KD3 + 0.5 * zM3_KD3;
            double zc_sM1 = 0.25 * zM1_sM1;
            double zc_cM1 = 0.25 * zM1_cM1;
            double zc_sM2 = 0.25 * zM2_sM2;
            double zc_cM2 = 0.25 * zM2_cM2;
            double zc_sM3 = 0.5 * zM3_sM3;
            double zc_cM3 = 0.5 * zM3_cM3;

            //            double zx_K0=(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)* dx/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_a = dx / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_K0 = (2 * zM3_K0 - zM1_K0 - zM2_K0) * zx_a;
            double zx_KD1 = (2 * zM3_KD1 - zM1_KD1 - zM2_KD1) * zx_a;
            double zx_KD3 = (2 * zM3_KD3 - zM1_KD3 - zM2_KD3) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM1 = (-zM1_sM1) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM1 = (-zM1_cM1) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM2 = (-zM2_sM2) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM2 = (-zM2_cM2) * zx_a;
            double zx_sM3 = (2 * zM3_sM3) * zx_a;
            double zx_cM3 = (2 * zM3_cM3) * zx_a;
            //          double zx_mpX0=dx_mpX0*(getValue(MECH_PAR.tx)+(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx))); //  double zx_mpX0=dx_mpX0/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_mpX0 = dx_mpX0 * (zTxTy[1] + (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx))); //  double zx_mpX0=dx_mpX0/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zx_tx = dx;
            double zx_Lx = -dx * (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx) * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double zy_a = -dy / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!
            double zy_K0 = (zM2_K0 - zM1_K0) * zy_a;
            double zy_KD1 = (zM2_KD1 - zM1_KD1) * zy_a;
            double zy_KD3 = (zM2_KD3 - zM1_KD3) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM1 = (-zM1_sM1) * zy_a;
            double zy_cM1 = (-zM1_cM1) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM2 = (zM2_sM2) * zy_a;
            double zy_cM2 = (zM2_cM2) * zy_a;
            double zy_sM3 = 0.0;
            double zy_cM3 = 0.0;
            //          double zy_mpY0=dy_mpY0*(getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)));//! // double zy_mpY0=-dy_mpY0/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly));//!
            double zy_mpY0 = dy_mpY0 * (zTxTy[2] - (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)));//! // double zy_mpY0=-dy_mpY0/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly));//!
            double zy_ty = dy;
            double zy_Ly = dy * (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly) * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)); //!

            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.K0)] = zc_K0 + zx_K0 + zy_K0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD1)] = zc_KD1 + zx_KD1 + zy_KD1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD3)] = zc_KD3 + zx_KD3 + zy_KD3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM1)] = zc_sM1 + zx_sM1 + zy_sM1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM1)] = zc_cM1 + zx_cM1 + zy_cM1;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM2)] = zc_sM2 + zx_sM2 + zy_sM2;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM2)] = zc_cM2 + zx_cM2 + zy_cM2;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM3)] = zc_sM3 + zx_sM3 + zy_sM3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM3)] = zc_cM3 + zx_cM3 + zy_cM3;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Lx)] = zx_Lx;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Ly)] = zy_Ly;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpX0)] = zx_mpX0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpY0)] = zy_mpY0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = 1.0;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = zx_tx;
            deriv[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = zy_ty;
            if (dbg)
                if ((Math.abs(m1) == debugMot) && (Math.abs(m2) == debugMot)) {
                    if (m1 * m2 > 0) {
                        System.out.println("same sign");
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("opposite sign");
                    System.out.println(" zxy_txy=" + IJ.d2s(zx_tx, 3) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy_ty, 3) + " zxy_Lxy="
                            + IJ.d2s(zx_Lx, 5) + ":" + IJ.d2s(zy_Ly, 5));
                    double[] dbg_derivs = debugDeriv_ZdZ(0.1, //scale,
                            motors, px, py);
                    for (int i = 0; i < deriv.length; i++) {
                        System.out.println(i + ": " + descriptions[i][0] + " deriv=" + deriv[i] + ", dbg_derivs="
                                + dbg_derivs[i]);
            return z;

        public double[] getTilts(int[] motors, int measIndex) {
            double[] zTxTy = getZTxTy();
            if (adjustMode && (measIndex >= 0)) {
                for (int n = 0; n < zTxTy.length; n++)
                    if (replaceZTxTy[n] != null) {
                        if (measIndex < replaceZTxTy[n].length)
                            zTxTy[n] = replaceZTxTy[n][measIndex];
                            zTxTy[n] = replaceZTxTy[n][0]; // maybe not needed - common parameter
                        if (Double.isNaN(zTxTy[n]))
                            return null;// bad measurement
            double kM1 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM2 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM3 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double m1 = motors[0], m2 = motors[1], m3 = motors[2];
            double aM1 = (m1 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1) * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1) * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi));
            double aM2 = (m2 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2) * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2) * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi));
            double aM3 = (m3 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3) * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3) * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi));
            double zM1 = kM1 * aM1;
            double zM2 = kM2 * aM2;
            double zM3 = kM3 * aM3;
            double[] result = {
                    //                 getValue(MECH_PAR.tx)+(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)),
                    //                 getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly))};
                    zTxTy[1] + (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)),
                    zTxTy[2] - (zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)) };
            return result;

         * Correction for z0,tx,ty to zc, tilt X (axial), tilt Y (axial) for the specified pixel (optical center)
         * and current parameters (including z0,tx,ty), motors are assumed all 0
        * @param centerPx optical center X (mechanical parameters are referenced to mechanical only)
        * @param centerPy optical center Y
         * @return 3-element array to add to z0,tx,ty to get zc, tx axial, ty axial
        public double[] getZTxTyCorr(double centerPx, // optical center X
                double centerPy) {
            double kM1 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM2 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double kM3 = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double m1 = 0.0, m2 = 0.0, m3 = 0.0;
            double aM1 = (m1 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1) * p2pi * Math.sin(m1 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1) * p2pi * Math.cos(m1 / p2pi));
            double aM2 = (m2 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2) * p2pi * Math.sin(m2 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2) * p2pi * Math.cos(m2 / p2pi));
            double aM3 = (m3 + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3) * p2pi * Math.sin(m3 / p2pi)
                    + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3) * p2pi * Math.cos(m3 / p2pi));
            double zM1 = kM1 * aM1;
            double zM2 = kM2 * aM2;
            double zM3 = kM3 * aM3;
            double diff_zc = 0.25 * zM1 + 0.25 * zM2 + 0.5 * zM3;
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPx - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPy - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            double diff_tx = (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double diff_ty = -(zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly));
            double zx = dx * (getValue(MECH_PAR.tx) + diff_tx);
            double zy = dy * (getValue(MECH_PAR.ty) + diff_ty);
            double diff_z = diff_zc + zx + zy;
            double[] result = { diff_z, diff_tx, diff_ty };
            return result;

         * Correction for z0,tx,ty to zc, tilt X (axial), tilt Y (axial) for the specified pixel (optical center)
         * and current parameters (including z0,tx,ty), motors are assumed all 0
        * @param zM - 3 linearized (in linear um, thread waves removed) motor positions
        * @param centerPx optical center X (mechanical parameters are referenced to mechanical only)
        * @param centerPy optical center Y
         * @return 3-element array to add to z0,tx,ty to get zc, tx axial, ty axial
        public double[] getZTxTyCorr(double[] zM, // linearized motor coordinates
                double centerPx, // optical center X
                double centerPy) {
            double zM1 = zM[0];
            double zM2 = zM[1];
            double zM3 = zM[2];
            double diff_zc = 0.25 * zM1 + 0.25 * zM2 + 0.5 * zM3;
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPx - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPy - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            double diff_tx = (2 * zM3 - zM1 - zM2) / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx));
            double diff_ty = -(zM2 - zM1) / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly));
            double zx = dx * (getValue(MECH_PAR.tx) + diff_tx);
            double zy = dy * (getValue(MECH_PAR.ty) + diff_ty);
            double diff_z = diff_zc + zx + zy;
            double[] result = { diff_z, diff_tx, diff_ty };
            return result;

         * Correction for z0 to zc for the specified pixel (optical center)
         * and current parameters (including z0,tx,ty), for all linearized
         * (in linear um, thread waves removed) mounts positions set to 0.
         * No correction for tilts is needed, only for z.
        * @param centerPx optical center X (mechanical parameters are referenced to mechanical only)
        * @param centerPy optical center Y
         * @return 3-element array to add to z0,tx,ty to get zc, tx axial, ty axial
        public double getZCorr(double centerPx, // optical center X
                double centerPy) {
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPx - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (centerPy - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            double zx = dx * getValue(MECH_PAR.tx);
            double zy = dy * getValue(MECH_PAR.ty);
            return zx + zy;

         * Calculate linearized mount (motor) displacement from motor position in steps
         * @param m motor position in steps
         * @param index motor number (0..2)
         * @return mount displacement (in microns)
        public double mToZm(double m, int index) {
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double kM = Double.NaN, aM = Double.NaN;
            switch (index) {
            case 0:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                aM = (m + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1) * p2pi * Math.sin(m / p2pi)
                        + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1) * p2pi * Math.cos(m / p2pi));
            case 1:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                aM = (m + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2) * p2pi * Math.sin(m / p2pi)
                        + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2) * p2pi * Math.cos(m / p2pi));
            case 2:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                aM = (m + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3) * p2pi * Math.sin(m / p2pi)
                        + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3) * p2pi * Math.cos(m / p2pi));
            return kM * aM;

        private double getDzmDm(double m, double kM, double s, double c) {
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            return kM * (1.0 + s * Math.cos(m / p2pi) - c * Math.sin(m / p2pi));


         * Convert linearized motor position to motor steps using current mechanical parameter values
         * @param zm linear motor position
         * @param index motor index (0..2)
         * @return motor position in steps
        public double zmToM(double zm, int index) {
            double p2pi = PERIOD / 2 / Math.PI;
            double kM = Double.NaN, m = 0, s = 0.0, c = 1.0;
            switch (index) {
            case 0:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                s = getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1);
                c = getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1);
            case 1:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD1) - getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                s = getValue(MECH_PAR.sM2);
                c = getValue(MECH_PAR.cM2);
            case 2:
                kM = getValue(MECH_PAR.K0) + getValue(MECH_PAR.KD3);
                s = getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3);
                c = getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3);
            m = zm / kM; // without thread sin/cos
            double eps = 0.000001;
            int maxRetries = 100;
            //           aM=(m + getValue(MECH_PAR.sM3)*p2pi*Math.sin(m/p2pi) + getValue(MECH_PAR.cM3)*p2pi*Math.cos(m/p2pi));
            //   double dzM1_dm1=kM1*(1.0+getValue(MECH_PAR.sM1)*Math.cos(m1/p2pi)-getValue(MECH_PAR.cM1)*Math.sin(m1/p2pi));
            double a = Math.sqrt(s * s + c * c);
            double phase = 0.0;
            double extrenPhase = 0.0;
            if (a > 1.0) {
                phase = Math.atan2(s, c);
                //             double rd=1.0+ s*Math.cos(m/p2pi)-c*Math.sin(m/p2pi);
                //             double rd=1.0+ a*Math.cos((m+p2pi*phase)/p2pi);
                // rd==0 => Math.cos((m+p2pi*phase)/p2pi)=-1.0/a
                extrenPhase = phase - Math.asin(1.0 / a);
                //             minPhase-=(2*Math.PI)*Math.floor(minPhase/(2*Math.PI));
                extrenPhase -= Math.PI * Math.floor(extrenPhase / Math.PI); // min/max 0<=hase<PI of the min/max zm(m)
            for (int retry = 0; retry < maxRetries; retry++) {
                double zm1 = mToZm(m, index);
                if (Math.abs(zm1 - zm) < eps)
                double dzm_dm = getDzmDm(m, kM, s, c);
                if (dzm_dm <= 0.0) {
                    if (debugLevel > 0)
                        System.out.println("Negative derivative dzm_dm");
                    double mPhase = m / p2pi;
                    double halfPeriods = Math.floor(mPhase / Math.PI);
                    double fractPhase = mPhase - Math.PI * halfPeriods;
                    double mirrExtrenFractPhase = extrenPhase;
                    if (mirrExtrenFractPhase < fractPhase)
                        mirrExtrenFractPhase += Math.PI;
                    if (zm1 > zm)
                        mirrExtrenFractPhase -= Math.PI;
                    double mirrPhase = Math.PI * halfPeriods + mirrExtrenFractPhase;
                    double mirrM = p2pi * mirrPhase;
                    m = 2 * mirrM - m; // symmetrical aqround extrenum, up if needed more, down - if needed less
                double l = 1.0;
                double m2 = m;
                for (int retry2 = 0; retry2 < maxRetries; retry2++) {
                    m2 = m + l * ((zm - zm1) / dzm_dm);
                    double zm2 = mToZm(m2, index);
                    if (Math.abs(zm2 - zm) < Math.abs(zm1 - zm))
                    l *= 0.5;
                m = m2;
            return m;

         * Calculate manual screw adjustments for focus/tilt to reduce amount of motor travel (when it is out of limits)
         * @param zErr  current focal distance error in microns, positive - away from lens
         * @param tXErr current horizontal tilt in microns/mm , positive - 1,2 away from lens, 3 - to the lens
         * @param tYErr current vertical tilt in microns/mm , positive - 2 away from lens, 1 - to the lens
         * @return array of optimal CW rotations of each screw (1.0 == 360 deg)
         * Screw locations:
         *       5    2
         *  3    +
         *       4    1
         * + - center      
         * 1,2 M2x0.4 set screws (push)
         * 3 - M2x0.4 socket screw (push)
         * 4 - M2x0.4 socket screw (pull)
         * 5 - M2.5x0.45 screw (pull)
        public double[] getManualScrews(double zErr, // positive - away from lens
                double tXErr, // positive - 1,2 away from lens, 3 - to the lens
                double tYErr) {// positive - 2 away from lens
            double[][] screws = { // right, down, thread pitch (pull) !!! Inverting Y!
                    { 20.5, -17.5, -0.4 }, { 20.5, 17.5, -0.4 }, { -20.5, 0.0, -0.4 }, { 0.0, -17.5, 0.4 },
                    { 0.0, 17.5, 0.45 } };
            double[] moveDownUm = new double[screws.length];
            double[] turnCW = new double[screws.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < screws.length; i++) {
                moveDownUm[i] = zErr + screws[i][0] * tXErr + screws[i][1] * tYErr;
                turnCW[i] = 0.001 * moveDownUm[i] / screws[i][2];
            return turnCW;

         * Calculate three linearized values of motor positions for current parameters, target center focal
         * shift and tilt (from the optic axis)
         * Use current values of MECH_PAR.z0, MECH_PAR.tx,MECH_PAR.ty
         * @param zM0 current linearized position (for parallel adjustment) or null for full adjustment
         * @param px lens center X (pixels)
         * @param py lens center Y (pixels)
         * @param targetZ target focal shift in the center, microns, positive - away
         * @param targetTx target horizontal tilt from the optical axis
         * @param targetTy target vertical tilt  from the optical axis 
         * @return array of 3 linearized motor positions (microns) 
        public double[] getZM(double[] zMCurrent, //  current linearized motors (or null for full adjustment) 
                double px, double py, double targetZ, double targetTx, double targetTy) {
            double dx = PIXEL_SIZE * (px - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpX0));
            double dy = PIXEL_SIZE * (py - getValue(MECH_PAR.mpY0));
            if (zMCurrent != null) {
                //          0.25* zM1+ 0.25* zM2+ 0.5 * zM3 = targetZ-getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
                //          0.25* (zM1+dzM)+ 0.25* (zM2+dzM)+ 0.5 * (zM3+dzM) = targetZ-getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
                //          0.25* (dzM+ 0.25* dzM+ 0.5 * dzM = targetZ-getValue(MECH_PAR.z0) - (0.25* zM1+ 0.25* zM2+ 0.5 * zM3 );
                //          dzM = targetZ-getValue(MECH_PAR.z0) - (0.25* zM1+ 0.25* zM2+ 0.5 * zM3 );
                double dZM = targetZ - getValue(MECH_PAR.z0)
                        - (0.25 * zMCurrent[0] + 0.25 * zMCurrent[1] + 0.5 * zMCurrent[2]);
                double[] zM = zMCurrent.clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < zM.length; i++)
                    zM[i] += dZM;
                return zM;
            //          double zc= 0.25* zM1+ 0.25* zM2+ 0.5 * zM3+getValue(MECH_PAR.z0);
            //          double zx=dx*(getValue(MECH_PAR.tx)+(2*zM3-zM1-zM2)/(4*getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx))) ;
            //          double zy=dy*(getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)-(zM2-zM1)/(2*getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)));//!
            //          double z=zc+zx+zy          
            //         A*{zM1,zM2,zM3}={targetZ,targetTx,targetTy}
            //          A*{zM1,zM2,zM3}={targetZ-getValue(MECH_PAR.z0),targetTx-dx*getValue(MECH_PAR.tx),targetTy-dy*getValue(MECH_PAR.ty)}
            double[][] A = { { 0.25 - dx / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)) + dy / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)), //!
                    0.25 - dx / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)) - dy / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)), //!
                    0.5 + dx / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)) },
                    { -1.0 / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)), -1.0 / (4 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)),
                            1.0 / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Lx)) },
                    { 1.0 / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)), //!
                            -1.0 / (2 * getValue(MECH_PAR.Ly)), //!
                            0.0 } };
            double zCenterCorr = getZCorr(px, py);// optical center X
            System.out.println("Correcting Z_center by " + zCenterCorr
                    + " um (caused by Tx, Ty and difference between mechanical and optical centers");
            double[][] B = { { targetZ - getValue(MECH_PAR.z0) - zCenterCorr }, // calc_ZdZ()?
                    { targetTx - getValue(MECH_PAR.tx) }, { targetTy - getValue(MECH_PAR.ty) } };
            Matrix MA = new Matrix(A);
            Matrix MB = new Matrix(B);
            Matrix S = MA.solve(MB);
            return S.getColumnPackedCopy();

        public boolean[] getDefaultMask() {
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.paramValues.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++)
                mask[i] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.K0)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD1)] = false; //true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.KD3)] = false; //true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM1)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM1)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM2)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM2)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.sM3)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.cM3)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Lx)] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.Ly)] = false; //true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpX0)] = false; //true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.mpY0)] = false; //true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = true;
            return mask;

        public boolean[] maskSetDialog(String title, boolean[] currentMask) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.paramValues.length];
            if (currentMask == null)
                currentMask = getDefaultMask();
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
                mask[i] = currentMask[i];
                gd.addCheckbox(getDescription(i), mask[i]);
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return null;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected default "Apply"
                for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
                    mask[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
            return mask;

        public boolean[] maskSetZTxTy(int[] zTxTyAdjustMode) { // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.paramValues.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++)
                mask[i] = false;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = true;
            mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = true;
            if (zTxTyAdjustMode != null) { // z, tx, ty - 0 - fixed, 1 - common, 2 - individual
                if (zTxTyAdjustMode[0] <= 0)
                    mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.z0)] = false;
                if (zTxTyAdjustMode[1] <= 0)
                    mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.tx)] = false;
                if (zTxTyAdjustMode[2] <= 0)
                    mask[getIndex(MECH_PAR.ty)] = false;
            return mask;

        public boolean showModifyParameterValues(String title, boolean showDisabled, boolean[] mask) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            for (int i = 0; i < this.paramValues.length; i++) {
                if ((mask == null) || mask[i]) {
                    gd.addNumericField(getDescription(i), this.paramValues[i], 5, 8, getUnits(i));
                } else if (showDisabled) {
                    //                    gd.addMessage(getDescription(i) +": "+this.paramValues[i]+" ("+getUnits(i)+")");
                    gd.addNumericField("(disabled) " + getDescription(i), this.paramValues[i], 5, 8, getUnits(i));
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected default "Apply"
                for (int i = 0; i < this.paramValues.length; i++) {
                    if ((mask == null) || mask[i] || showDisabled) {
                        this.paramValues[i] = gd.getNextNumber();
            return true;

    public class CurvatureModel {
        private double dflt_na = Math.log(0.15); // um/um
        private double dflt_r0 = Math.log(4.0); //3.3; // um (1.5 pix)
        private double[][] modelParams = null;
        public static final int dflt_distanceParametersNumber = 5;
        public static final int dflt_radialParametersNumber = 4;
        private static final int min_distanceParametersNumber = 4;
        private static final int min_radialParametersNumber = 1;
        private double pX0, pY0;

        public CurvatureModel(double pX0, double pY0, int distanceParametersNumber, int radialParametersNumber) {
            this.pX0 = pX0;
            this.pY0 = pY0;
            if (distanceParametersNumber < min_distanceParametersNumber)
                distanceParametersNumber = min_distanceParametersNumber;
            if (radialParametersNumber < min_radialParametersNumber)
                radialParametersNumber = min_radialParametersNumber;
            this.modelParams = new double[distanceParametersNumber][radialParametersNumber];

        public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "distanceParametersNumber", modelParams.length + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "radialParametersNumber", modelParams[0].length + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "pX0", pX0 + "");
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "pY0", pY0 + "");
            for (int i = 0; i < modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < modelParams[i].length; j++) {
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + "modelParams" + i + "_" + j, modelParams[i][j] + "");

        public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            int numZPars, numRPars;
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "pX0") != null)
                pX0 = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "pX0"));
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "pY0") != null)
                pX0 = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "pY0"));
            if (modelParams != null) {
                numZPars = modelParams.length;
                numRPars = modelParams[0].length;
            } else {
                numZPars = dflt_distanceParametersNumber;
                numRPars = dflt_radialParametersNumber;
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "distanceParametersNumber") != null)
                numZPars = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "distanceParametersNumber"));
            if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "radialParametersNumber") != null)
                numRPars = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix + "radialParametersNumber"));
            if ((modelParams != null) || (modelParams.length != numZPars) || (modelParams[0].length != numRPars)) {
                modelParams = new double[numZPars][numRPars];

            for (int i = 0; i < modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < modelParams[i].length; j++) {
                    if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "modelParams" + i + "_" + j) != null) {
                        modelParams[i][j] = Double
                                .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix + "modelParams" + i + "_" + j));

        public void setCenter(double pX, double pY) {
            pX0 = pX;
            pY0 = pY;

        public int[] getNumPars() {
            if (modelParams == null)
                return null;
            int[] numPars = { modelParams.length, modelParams[0].length };
            return numPars;

        public void setDefaults() {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    this.modelParams[i][j] = 0.0;
            this.modelParams[1][0] = dflt_na;
            this.modelParams[2][0] = dflt_r0;
            this.modelParams[0][0] = Double.NaN;

        public boolean z0IsValid() {
            return !Double.isNaN(this.modelParams[0][0]);

        public void set_z0(double z0) {
            this.modelParams[0][0] = z0;

        public double[] getCenterVector() {
            double[] vector = new double[this.modelParams.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                vector[i] = this.modelParams[i][0];
            return vector;

        public void setCenterVector(double[] vector) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                this.modelParams[i][0] = vector[i];

        public double[] getVector() {
            double[] vector = new double[this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    vector[index++] = this.modelParams[i][j];
            return vector;

        public void setVector(double[] vector, boolean[] mask) { // mask may be null
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++)
                    if ((mask == null) || mask[index]) {
                        this.modelParams[i][j] = vector[index++];

        public int getSize() {
            try {
                return this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length + 1; // last element df/dr
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return 0;

        double[] getAr(double r, double[] param_corr) {
            double[] ar = new double[this.modelParams.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                ar[i] = this.modelParams[i][0];
                if (param_corr != null)
                    ar[i] += param_corr[i];
                //                double rp=1.0;
                double rp = r;
                for (int j = 1; j < this.modelParams[i].length; j++) {
                    //                    rp*=r2;
                    rp *= r;
                    ar[i] += this.modelParams[i][j] * rp;
            return ar;

         * Calculate function value and (optionally) partial derivatives over all parameters as 1d array
         * inner scanning by radial coefficient (for even powers of radius), outer - for f(z) parameters
         * first parameter - z0 (shift), then scale (related to numeric aperture), then r0 (related to minimal PSF radius),
         * other parameters - just polynomial coefficients for (z_in-z0)^n
         * @param param_corr - per-sample corrections, added to this.modelParams[i][0] - or null
         * @param pX - sample pixel x coordinate (currently just for radius calculation) or radius in mm (if pY is NaN)
         * @param pY - sample pixel y coordinate (currently just for radius calculation) or NaN, then pX - radius in mm
         * @param z_in - z (from mechanical) before subtracting of z0
         * @param deriv array to accommodate all partial derivatives or null (should have modelParams.length*modelParams[0].length+1
         * @return function value
        public double getFdF(double[] param_corr, double pX, // if isNaN(pY), then pX is radius in mm
                double pY, double z_in, double[] deriv) {
            f=sqrt(( a*(zin-z0))^2 + r0^2)+a0+ a1*(zin-z0)+...aN*(zin-z0)^N
            each of the z0,z0,a,a[i] is polynomial of even powers of r (r^0, r^2, r^4...)
            modified parameters, r0 - PSF FWHM at z=0, k (instead of a0), so that old r0 now reff=
            r0*exp(-k), old a0= r0*(1-exp(-k)).
            f=sqrt((a*(zin-z0))^2 + (r0*(exp(-k))^2)+r0*(1-exp(-k))+ a1*(zin-z0)+...aN*(zin-z0)^N
            z0 - ar[0]
            a - ar[1]
            r0 - ar[2]
            k - ar[3]
            ar1 - ar[4]
            modified to avoid zero-crossing for a and r0:
            z0    - ar[0]
            ln_a  - ar[1]
            ln_r0 - ar[2]
            k     - ar[3]
            ar1   - ar[4]
            f'(x)=0 -> x=sqrt(1/r^2-a^2)
            f_corr=sqrt((a*z_corr)^2+r_eff^2)-kx*(z_corr)  r_eff
            k=a*func(tilt]), func(-inf)=-1, func(0)=0, func(+inf)=1 
            d_k/d_tilt = 2/pi*(1/tilt^2)
            Ideally I should match second derivative near minimum to isolate tilt from ar[3] - adjust r_eff and then shift
            Maybe not, just keep iot as it is (matching f" at minimum while tilting will cause a sharp turn nearby)
            z0    - ar[0]
            ln_a  - ar[1]
            ln_r0 - ar[2]
            k     - ar[3]
            a1    - ar[4]
            f_corr=sqrt((a*z_corr)^2+r_eff^2)-kx*(z_corr)  r_eff
            f=sqrt((a*(zin-z0-z_corr))^2 + (r0*(exp(-k))^2)+r0*(1-exp(-k))+ kx*(zin-z0-z_corr) {+...aN*(zin-z0-z_corr)^N} - {} are not likely to be ever used 
            kx: a,a1 (ar[1], ar[4]
            z_corr: kx,r_eff,a - ar[1], ar[4], ar[2], ar[3]
            f_corr: d_fcorr/d_zcorr=0, other: a, reff, kx ->  ar[1], ar[2], ar[3],  ar[4]
            double r = Double.isNaN(pY) ? pX
                    : Math.sqrt((pX - pX0) * (pX - pX0) + (pY - pY0) * (pY - pY0)) * PIXEL_SIZE; // in mm
            double[] ar = new double[this.modelParams.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                ar[i] = this.modelParams[i][0];
                if (param_corr != null)
                    ar[i] += param_corr[i];
                double rp = r;
                for (int j = 1; j < this.modelParams[i].length; j++) {
                    rp *= r;
                    ar[i] += this.modelParams[i][j] * rp;
            double exp_a = Math.exp(ar[1]);
            double exp_r = Math.exp(ar[2]);
            double exp_mk = Math.exp(-ar[3]);
            double reff = exp_r * exp_mk;
            double reff2 = reff * reff;
            double exp_a2 = exp_a * exp_a;
            double a1 = ar[4];
            //            kx=a*2/pi*atan(a1);
            double kx = exp_a * 2.0 / Math.PI * Math.atan(a1);
            //            z_corr=(kx*rc/a)/*sqrt(a^2-kx^2)
            double z_corr = (kx * reff / exp_a) / Math.sqrt(exp_a2 - kx * kx);
            double z_corr2 = z_corr * z_corr;
            //          f_corr=sqrt((a*z_corr)^2+r_eff^2)-kx*(z_corr)  r_eff
            double f_corr = Math.sqrt(exp_a2 * z_corr2 + reff2) - kx * z_corr - reff;
            double z = z_in - ar[0] - z_corr;
            double sqrt = Math.sqrt(exp_a2 * z * z + reff2);
            //            f=sqrt((a*(zin-z0-z_corr))^2 + (r0*(exp(-k))^2)+r0*(1-exp(-k))+ kx*(zin-z0-z_corr)-f_corr {+...aN*(zin-z0-z_corr)^N} - {} are not likely to be ever used 
            double f = sqrt + exp_r * (1 - exp_mk) + kx * z - f_corr;
            double zp = z;
            for (int i = 5; i < ar.length; i++) {
                zp *= z;
                f += ar[i] * zp;

            if (deriv == null)
                return f; // only value, no derivatives

            // derivatives calculation independent of z - move to a separate function that can be called once for channel/sample, stored asnd then applied to multiple z measurements        
            //  double kx=exp_a*2.0/Math.PI*Math.atan(a1);
            double dkx_dar1 = kx; // exp_a*2.0/Math.PI*Math.atan(a1);
            double dkx_dar4 = exp_a * 2.0 / Math.PI / (1.0 + a1 * a1);
            // z_corr=(kx*reff/exp_a)/Math.sqrt(exp_a*exp_a - kx*kx)  //kx,r_eff,a - ar[1], ar[4], ar[2], ar[3]
            double kx2 = kx * kx;
            double exp_a2_kx2 = exp_a2 - kx2;
            double sqrt_exp_a2_kx2 = Math.sqrt(exp_a2_kx2);

            double dzcorr_dkx = reff * exp_a / (exp_a2_kx2 * sqrt_exp_a2_kx2); //(exp_a2-kx2)/Math.sqrt(exp_a2-kx2);
            double dzcorr_dar4 = dzcorr_dkx * dkx_dar4; // d_tilt
            double dzcorr_dar1 = -z_corr; // Nice!
            // d_reff/dar2==reff; d_reff/dar3=-reff   
            // d_zcorr/dar2=z_corr d_zcorr/dar3=-z_corr verified
            //z_corr: kx,r_eff,a - ar[1], ar[4], ar[2], ar[3]
            double sqr_azr = Math.sqrt(exp_a2 * z_corr2 + reff2);

            //            double dfcorr_da=exp_a*z_corr2/sqr_azr;
            double dfcorr_dreff = reff / sqr_azr - 1;
            double dfcorr_dkx = -z_corr;
            // dfcorr_dar1==0
            double dfcorr_dar2 = dfcorr_dreff * exp_r * exp_mk;
            //                 dfcorr_dar3=dfcorr_dar2
            double dfcorr_dar4 = dfcorr_dkx * dkx_dar4;

            //            double z=z_in-ar[0]-z_corr;
            //            double sqrt=Math.sqrt(exp_a2*z*z + reff2);
            //            f=sqrt((a*(zin-z0-z_corr))^2 + (r0*(exp(-k))^2)+r0*(1-exp(-k))+ kx*(zin-z0-z_corr) -f_corr {+...aN*(zin-z0-z_corr)^N} - {} are not likely to be ever used 

            // Dependent on z:
            double z2 = z * z;
            double[] df_da = new double[this.modelParams.length]; // last element - derivative for dz
            // derivative for z0 (shift) - ar[0]
            df_da[0] = -1.0 / sqrt * exp_a2 * z;
            df_da[0] -= kx;
            zp = z;
            for (int i = 5; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                df_da[0] -= ar[i] * (i - 3) * zp; // ar[i] calculated coefficients for current radius
                zp *= z;
            double df_dz_corr = df_da[0];
            //            double df_df_corr=-1;//, so subtract each of dfcorr_dar* from df_dar*

            //          double z=z_in-ar[0]-z_corr;
            //          double sqrt=Math.sqrt(exp_a2*z*z + reff2);
            //          f=sqrt((a*(zin-z0-z_corr))^2 + (r0*(exp(-k))^2) +r0*(1-exp(-k)) + kx*(zin-z0-z_corr) -f_corr{+...aN*(zin-z0-z_corr)^N} - {} are not likely to be ever used 

            // derivative for a (related to numeric aperture) - ar[1]
            //            df_da[1]=1.0/sqrt*exp_a*z*z  *exp_a; // d(f)/d(exp_a) *exp_a
            // first - calculate derivatives w/O f_corr, z_corr - then apply them            
            df_da[1] = 1.0 / sqrt * exp_a2 * z2; // d(f)/d(exp_a) *exp_a
            // derivative for a (related to lowest PSF radius) - ar[2]
            df_da[2] = (1.0 / sqrt * reff * exp_mk + (1 - exp_mk)) * exp_r; // d(f)/d(exp_r) *exp_r
            // derivative for k (ar[3]
            df_da[3] = 1.0 / sqrt * reff * exp_r * exp_mk * (-1) + exp_r * exp_mk;
            // derivative for tilt (ar[4])
            df_da[4] = z * dkx_dar4;
            // derivatives for rest (polynomial) coefficients, probably not ever needed
            zp = z;
            for (int i = 5; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                zp *= z;
                df_da[i] = zp;
            // new extra term dependent on ar[1] f=...+ kx*(zin-z0-z_corr) +...            
            df_da[1] += dkx_dar1 * z;
            // now apply corrections for z_corr and f_corr
            df_da[1] += df_dz_corr * dzcorr_dar1; // bad 
            df_da[2] += df_dz_corr * z_corr; // good
            df_da[3] += df_dz_corr * (-z_corr); // good 
            df_da[4] += df_dz_corr * dzcorr_dar4; // good

            df_da[2] -= dfcorr_dar2; // good
            df_da[3] += dfcorr_dar2; // good
            df_da[4] -= dfcorr_dar4; // good

            // derivative for z (to be combined with mechanical is just negative of derivative for z0, no need to calcualate separately
            // calculate even powers of radius
            double[] dar = new double[this.modelParams[0].length];
            dar[0] = 1;
            for (int j = 1; j < dar.length; j++) {
                dar[j] = dar[j - 1] * r;
                if (j == 1)
                    dar[j] *= r; // 0,2,3,4,5...
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    deriv[index++] = df_da[i] * dar[j];
            //            calculate d(f)/d(r)
            double df_dr = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                double da_dr = 0.0;
                double rp = 1.0;
                for (int j = 1; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    rp *= r;
                    da_dr += this.modelParams[i][j] * (j + 1) * rp;
                df_dr += df_da[i] * da_dr;
            deriv[this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length] = df_dr; // last element
            return f; // function value

        public String getRadialName(int i) {
            return "ar_" + (i + 1); //TODO: chnage ar_1-> ar_0 (or ar_c),but that will break configuration files

        public String getRadialDecription(int i) {
            if (i == 0)
                return "Radial constant coefficient";
            return "Radial polynomial coefficient for r^" + (i + 1);

        public String getZName(int i) {
            if (i == 0)
                return "z0";
            if (i == 1)
                return "ln(na)";
            if (i == 2)
                return "ln(r0)";
            if (i == 3)
                return "ln(k)";
            if (i == 4)
                return "tilt";
                return "az_" + (i - 3);

        public String getZDescription(int i) {
            if (i == 0)
                return "Focal shift";
            if (i == 1)
                return "Defocus/focus shift (~NA), ln()";
            if (i == 2)
                return "Best PSF radius, ln()";
            if (i == 3)
                return "Cross shift, ln()";
            if (i == 4)
                return "Tilt (asymmetry)";
                return "Polynomial coefficient for z^" + (i - 3);

        public boolean[] getDefaultMask() {
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    mask[index++] = (i < 4) && (j < 2);
            return mask;

        public boolean[] maskAllDisabled() {
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++)
                mask[i] = false;
            return mask;

        public boolean[] maskSetDialog(String title, boolean detailed, boolean[] currentMask) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            boolean[] mask = new boolean[this.modelParams.length * this.modelParams[0].length];
            if (currentMask == null)
                currentMask = getDefaultMask();
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
                mask[i] = currentMask[i];
            boolean[] zMask = new boolean[this.modelParams.length];
            boolean[] rMask = new boolean[this.modelParams[0].length];
            for (int i = 0; i < zMask.length; i++)
                zMask[i] = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < rMask.length; i++)
                rMask[i] = false;

            if (detailed) {
                int index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                        gd.addCheckbox(getZDescription(i) + ", " + getRadialDecription(j), mask[index++]);
            } else {
                int index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                        zMask[i] |= mask[index];
                        rMask[j] |= mask[index];

                gd.addMessage("===== Focal parameters =====");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++) {
                    gd.addCheckbox(getZDescription(i), zMask[i]);
                gd.addMessage("===== Radial dependence parameters =====");
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    gd.addCheckbox(getRadialDecription(j), rMask[j]);

            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return null;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected non-default "Apply"
                if (detailed) {
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            mask[index++] = gd.getNextBoolean();
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < zMask.length; i++) {
                        zMask[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
                    for (int i = 0; i < rMask.length; i++) {
                        rMask[i] = gd.getNextBoolean();
                    int index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                            mask[index++] = zMask[i] && rMask[j];
            return mask;

        public boolean showModifyParameterValues(String title, boolean showDisabled, boolean[] mask,
                boolean isMaster) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                    String name = getZDescription(i) + ", " + getRadialDecription(j);
                    boolean dependent = !isMaster && (j == 0);
                    if (((mask == null) || mask[index]) && !dependent) {
                        gd.addNumericField(name, this.modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                    } else if (showDisabled) {
                        if (dependent) {
                            gd.addNumericField("(from master) " + name, this.modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                        } else {
                            gd.addNumericField("(disabled) " + name, this.modelParams[i][j], 5, 8, "");
                        //                    gd.addMessage(name +": "+this.modelParams[i][j]);
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Apply", "Keep"); // default OK (on enter) - "Apply"
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            if (gd.wasOKed()) { // selected default "Apply"
                index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.modelParams.length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.modelParams[0].length; j++) {
                        if ((mask == null) || mask[index] || showDisabled) {
                            this.modelParams[i][j] = gd.getNextNumber();
            return true;

    public boolean getStrategy(int strategyIndex) {
        FieldStrategies fs = fieldFitting.fieldStrategies;
        if ((strategyIndex >= 0) && (strategyIndex < fs.getNumStrategies())) {
            fs.getFromStrategy(strategyIndex, fieldFitting);
            this.strategyComment = fs.getComment(strategyIndex);
            this.lambda = fs.getInitialLambda(strategyIndex);
            this.lastInSeries = fs.isStopAfterThis(strategyIndex);
            this.keepCorrectionParameters = !fs.isResetCorrection(strategyIndex);
            this.resetVariableParameters = fs.isResetVariables(strategyIndex);
            this.resetCenter = fs.isResetCenter(strategyIndex);
            this.parallelOnly = fs.isParallelOnly(strategyIndex);
            return true;
        } else
            return false;

    public int organizeStrategies(String title) {
        String[] actions = { "<select action>", // 0
                "Restore strategy", // 1
                "Save (replace) strategy", // 2
                "Save (insert before/append) strategy", // 3
                "Remove strategy", // 4
                "Edit strategy (restore-edit-save)" }; // 5
        FieldStrategies fs = fieldFitting.fieldStrategies;
        int selectedActionIndex = 0;
        int selectedStrategyIndex = fs.getNumStrategies();
        boolean editStrategy = false;
        GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title);
        gd.addMessage("Current strategies:");
        String[] indices = new String[fs.getNumStrategies() + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < fs.getNumStrategies(); i++) {
            indices[i] = i + ": " + fs.getComment(i) + " (" + (fs.isStopAfterThis(i) ? "STOP" : "CONTINUE")
                    + (fs.isResetCenter(i) ? ", RESET CENTER" : "")
                    + (fs.isResetCorrection(i) ? ", RESET CORRECTIONS" : "") + ")";
        indices[fs.getNumStrategies()] = "very end";
        for (int i = 0; i < fs.getNumStrategies(); i++) {
            gd.addMessage(i + ": " + fs.getComment(i) + " (" + (fs.isStopAfterThis(i) ? "STOP" : "CONTINUE")
                    + (fs.isResetCenter(i) ? ", RESET CENTER" : "")
                    + (fs.isResetCorrection(i) ? ", RESET CORRECTIONS" : "") + ")");
        gd.addChoice("Action", actions, actions[selectedActionIndex]);
        gd.addChoice("Index", indices, indices[selectedStrategyIndex]);
        gd.addCheckbox("Edit strategy", editStrategy);

        gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Done");
        if (gd.wasCanceled())
            return -1;
        selectedActionIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
        selectedStrategyIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
        editStrategy = gd.getNextBoolean();
        if ((selectedActionIndex != 3) && (selectedStrategyIndex >= fs.getNumStrategies())) {
            selectedStrategyIndex = fs.getNumStrategies() - 1; // last
        if (selectedStrategyIndex >= 0) {
            switch (selectedActionIndex) {
            case 1:
                if (editStrategy) {
                    if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Setup restored strategy " + selectedStrategyIndex))
            case 3:
                if (editStrategy) {
                    if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Setup strategy " + selectedStrategyIndex))
                if (selectedStrategyIndex >= fs.getNumStrategies())
                // fall through to the next case
            case 2:
                if ((selectedActionIndex != 3) && editStrategy) {
                    if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Setup strategy " + selectedStrategyIndex))
                fs.setStrategy(selectedStrategyIndex, fieldFitting);
                fs.setComment(selectedStrategyIndex, this.strategyComment);
                fs.setInitialLambda(selectedStrategyIndex, this.lambda);
                fs.setStopAfterThis(selectedStrategyIndex, this.lastInSeries);
                fs.setResetCorrection(selectedStrategyIndex, !this.keepCorrectionParameters);
                fs.setResetVariables(selectedStrategyIndex, this.resetVariableParameters);
                fs.setResetCenter(selectedStrategyIndex, this.resetCenter);
                fs.setParallelOnly(selectedStrategyIndex, this.parallelOnly);
            case 4:
            case 0:
                if (editStrategy) {
                    if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Setup current strategy"))
            case 5:
                if (!fieldFitting.maskSetDialog("Edit strategy " + selectedStrategyIndex))
                fs.setStrategy(selectedStrategyIndex, fieldFitting);
                fs.setComment(selectedStrategyIndex, this.strategyComment);
                fs.setInitialLambda(selectedStrategyIndex, this.lambda);
                fs.setStopAfterThis(selectedStrategyIndex, this.lastInSeries);
                fs.setResetCorrection(selectedStrategyIndex, !this.keepCorrectionParameters);
                fs.setResetVariables(selectedStrategyIndex, this.resetVariableParameters);
                fs.setResetCenter(selectedStrategyIndex, this.resetCenter);
                fs.setParallelOnly(selectedStrategyIndex, this.parallelOnly);

        if (gd.wasOKed())
            return 0;
        return 1; // "Done" selected

    public class FieldStrategies {
        ArrayList<FieldSrategy> strategies = new ArrayList<FieldSrategy>();

        public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            properties.setProperty(prefix + "strategies_length", strategies.size() + "");
            for (int i = 0; i < strategies.size(); i++) {
                FieldSrategy strategy = strategies.get(i);
                if (strategy != null)
                    strategy.setProperties(prefix + "strategy_" + i + "_", properties);

        public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
            strategies = new ArrayList<FieldSrategy>();
            String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "strategies_length");
            if (s != null) {
                int len = Integer.parseInt(s);
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    FieldSrategy strategy = new FieldSrategy();
                    // compatibility with old version
                    if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "strategy_" + i + "_" + "centerSelect") != null) {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("Restoring new format strategy #" + i);
                        strategy.getProperties(prefix + "strategy_" + i + "_", properties);
                    } else if (properties.getProperty(prefix + "_" + i + "_" + "centerSelect") != null) {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("Restoring old format strategy #" + i);
                        strategy.getProperties(prefix + "_" + i + "_", properties);
                    } else {
                        if (debugLevel > 0)
                            System.out.println("No info for the field LMA strategy #" + i);

        public int getNumStrategies() {
            return strategies.size();

        public void getFromStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                int strategyIndex, FieldFitting fieldFitting) {
            strategies.get(strategyIndex).getFromStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                    fieldFitting.centerSelect, fieldFitting.channelSelect, fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect,
                    fieldFitting.curvatureSelect, fieldFitting.sampleCorrSelect, fieldFitting.sampleCorrCost,
                    fieldFitting.sampleCorrSigma, fieldFitting.sampleCorrPullZero);

        public void setStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                int strategyIndex, FieldFitting fieldFitting) {
            strategies.get(strategyIndex).setStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                    fieldFitting.centerSelect, fieldFitting.channelSelect, fieldFitting.mechanicalSelect,
                    fieldFitting.curvatureSelect, fieldFitting.sampleCorrSelect, fieldFitting.sampleCorrCost,
                    fieldFitting.sampleCorrSigma, fieldFitting.sampleCorrPullZero);

        public double getInitialLambda(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).getInitialLambda();

        public void setInitialLambda(int strategyIndex, double initialLambda) {

        public boolean isStopAfterThis(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).isStopAfterThis();

        public boolean isResetCorrection(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).isResetCorrection();

        public boolean isResetVariables(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).isResetVariables();

        public boolean isResetCenter(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).isResetCenter();

        public boolean isParallelOnly(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).isParallelOnly();

        public boolean isLast(int strategyIndex) {
            if (strategyIndex < 0)
                return true;
            if (strategyIndex >= (getNumStrategies() - 1))
                return true;// last
            return isStopAfterThis(strategyIndex);

        public void setStopAfterThis(int strategyIndex, boolean stopAfterThis) {

        public void setResetCorrection(int strategyIndex, boolean resetCorrection) {

        public void setResetVariables(int strategyIndex, boolean resetVariables) {

        public void setResetCenter(int strategyIndex, boolean resetCenter) {

        public void setParallelOnly(int strategyIndex, boolean parallelOnly) {

        public String getComment(int strategyIndex) {
            return strategies.get(strategyIndex).getComment();

        public void setComment(int strategyIndex, String comment) {

        public void insertStrategy(int strategyIndex) {
            strategies.add(strategyIndex, new FieldSrategy());

        public void removeStrategy(int strategyIndex) {

        public void addStrategy() {
            strategies.add(new FieldSrategy());

        public void saveStrategies(String path, // full path w/o extension or null
                String directory) {
            String[] patterns = { ".fstg-xml", ".xml" };
            if (path == null) {
                path = CalibrationFileManagement.selectFile(true, // save  
                        "Save Field LMA Strategy selection", // title
                        "Select Field LMA Strategy file", // button
                        new CalibrationFileManagement.MultipleExtensionsFileFilter(patterns,
                                "Strategy files (*.fstg-xml)"), // filter
                        directory); // may be ""
            } else
                path += patterns[0];
            if (path == null)
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            setProperties("", properties); // no prefix
            OutputStream os;
            try {
                os = new FileOutputStream(path);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
                IJ.showMessage("Error", "Failed to open field LMA strategy file for writing: " + path);
            try {
                properties.storeToXML(os, "last updated " + new java.util.Date(), "UTF8");

            } catch (IOException e) {
                IJ.showMessage("Error", "Failed to write XML configuration file: " + path);
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("Field LMA strategy parameters are saved to " + path);

        public void loadStrategies(String path, // full path w/o extension or null
                String directory) {
            String[] patterns = { ".fstg-xml", ".xml" };
            if (path == null) {
                path = CalibrationFileManagement.selectFile(false, // save  
                        "Field LMA Strategy selection", // title
                        "Select Field LMA Strategy file", // button
                        new CalibrationFileManagement.MultipleExtensionsFileFilter(patterns,
                                "Strategy files (*.fstg-xml)"), // filter
                        directory); // may be ""
            } else {
                // do not add extension if it already exists
                if ((path.length() < patterns[0].length())
                        || (!path.substring(path.length() - patterns[0].length()).equals(patterns[0]))) {
                    path += patterns[0];
            if (path == null)
            InputStream is;
            try {
                is = new FileInputStream(path);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                IJ.showMessage("Error", "Failed to open field LMA strategy file: " + path);
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            try {

            } catch (IOException e) {
                IJ.showMessage("Error", "Failed to read field LMA strategy file: " + path);
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            getProperties("", properties); // no prefix
            if (debugLevel > 0)
                System.out.println("Field LMA strategy parameters are restored from " + path);

        class FieldSrategy {
            private boolean[] centerSelect = null;
            private boolean[] channelSelect = null;
            private boolean[] mechanicalSelect = null;
            private boolean[][] curvatureSelect = new boolean[6][];
            private boolean[][] sampleCorrSelect = new boolean[6][]; // enable individual (per sample coordinates) correction of parameters
            private double[][] sampleCorrCost = new double[6][]; // equivalent cost of one unit of parameter value (in result units, um)
            private double[][] sampleCorrSigma = new double[6][]; // sigma (in mm) for neighbors influence
            private double[][] sampleCorrPullZero = new double[6][]; // 1.0 - only difference from neighbors matters, 0.0 - only difference from 0
            // TODO: add LMA-specific (initial lambda, stop after this
            private double initialLambda = 0.001;
            private boolean stopAfterThis = true;
            private boolean resetCorrection = false;
            private boolean resetVariables = false; // reset all but mechanical parameters of the fixture (resets correction too)
            private boolean resetCenter = false;
            private boolean parallelOnly = true;
            private String strategyComment = "";
            private Properties properties = null;
            private String prefix = null;

            public FieldSrategy() {

            public FieldSrategy(String strategyComment, double lambda, boolean lastInSeries,
                    boolean resetCorrection, boolean resetVariables, boolean resetCenter, boolean parallelOnly) {
                this.strategyComment = strategyComment;
                initialLambda = lambda;
                stopAfterThis = lastInSeries;
                this.resetCorrection = resetCorrection;
                this.resetVariables = resetVariables;
                this.resetCenter = resetCenter;
                this.parallelOnly = parallelOnly;

            private void setDefaults() {
                boolean[][] booleanNull6 = { null, null, null, null, null, null };
                double[][] doubleNull6 = { null, null, null, null, null, null };
                curvatureSelect = booleanNull6.clone();
                sampleCorrSelect = booleanNull6.clone();
                sampleCorrCost = doubleNull6.clone();
                sampleCorrSigma = doubleNull6.clone();
                sampleCorrPullZero = doubleNull6.clone();

            private String boolToStr(boolean[] ba) {
                if (ba == null)
                    return "";
                String result = "";
                for (boolean b : ba)
                    result += b ? "+" : "-";
                return result;

            private void setPropBool(boolean[] arr, String name) {
                if (arr != null)
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + name, boolToStr(arr));

            private void setPropBool(boolean[][] arr, String name) {
                if (arr != null) {
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + name + "_length", arr.length + "");
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                        setPropBool(arr[i], name + "_" + i);

            private void setPropDouble(double[] arr, String name) {
                if (arr != null)
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + name, doubleToStr(arr));

            private void setPropDouble(double[][] arr, String name) {
                if (arr != null) {
                    properties.setProperty(prefix + name + "_length", arr.length + "");
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                        setPropDouble(arr[i], name + "_" + i);

            private boolean[] strToBool(String s) {
                if (s == null)
                    return new boolean[0];
                boolean[] result = new boolean[s.length()];
                for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
                    result[i] = (s.charAt(i) == '+');
                return result;

            private String doubleToStr(double[] da) {
                if (da == null)
                    return "";
                String result = "";
                for (double d : da)
                    result += "," + d;
                if (result.length() > 0)
                    result = result.substring(1);
                return result;

            private double[] strToDouble(String s) {
                if (s == null)
                    return new double[0];
                String[] sa = s.split(",");
                double[] result = new double[sa.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
                    result[i] = Double.parseDouble(sa[i]);
                return result;

            private boolean[] getPropBool(boolean[] arr, String name) {
                String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + name);
                if (s != null)
                    return strToBool(s);
                    return arr;

            private boolean[][] getPropBool(boolean[][] arr, String name) {
                if (arr == null) {
                    String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + name + "_length");
                    if (s == null)
                        return null;
                    arr = new boolean[Integer.parseInt(s)][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
                        arr[i] = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    boolean[] a = getPropBool((boolean[]) null, name + "_" + i);
                    if (a != null)
                        arr[i] = a;
                return arr;

            private double[] getPropDouble(double[] arr, String name) {
                String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + name);
                if (s != null)
                    return strToDouble(s);
                    return arr;

            private double[][] getPropDouble(double[][] arr, String name) {
                if (arr == null) {
                    String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + name + "_length");
                    if (s == null)
                        return null;
                    arr = new double[Integer.parseInt(s)][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
                        arr[i] = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                    double[] a = getPropDouble((double[]) null, name + "_" + i);
                    if (a != null)
                        arr[i] = a;
                return arr;

            public String getComment() {
                return strategyComment;

            public void setComment(String comment) {
                strategyComment = comment;

            public double getInitialLambda() {
                return initialLambda;

            public void setInitialLambda(double initialLambda) {
                this.initialLambda = initialLambda;

            public boolean isStopAfterThis() {
                return stopAfterThis;

            public void setStopAfterThis(boolean stopAfterThis) {
                this.stopAfterThis = stopAfterThis;

            public boolean isResetCorrection() {
                return resetCorrection;

            public void setResetCorrection(boolean resetCorrection) {
                this.resetCorrection = resetCorrection;

            public boolean isResetVariables() {
                return resetVariables;

            public void setResetVariables(boolean resetVariables) {
                this.resetVariables = resetVariables;

            public boolean isResetCenter() {
                return resetCenter;

            public void setResetCenter(boolean resetCenter) {
                this.resetCenter = resetCenter;

            public boolean isParallelOnly() {
                return parallelOnly;

            public void setParallelOnly(boolean parallelOnly) {
                this.parallelOnly = parallelOnly;

            public void setStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                    boolean[] centerSelect, boolean[] channelSelect, boolean[] mechanicalSelect,
                    boolean[][] curvatureSelect, boolean[][] sampleCorrSelect, double[][] sampleCorrCost,
                    double[][] sampleCorrSigma, double[][] sampleCorrPullZero) {
                if (centerSelect != null)
                    this.centerSelect = centerSelect.clone();
                if (channelSelect != null)
                    this.channelSelect = channelSelect.clone();
                if (mechanicalSelect != null)
                    this.mechanicalSelect = mechanicalSelect.clone();
                if (curvatureSelect != null) {
                    this.curvatureSelect = new boolean[curvatureSelect.length][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect.length; i++)
                        this.curvatureSelect[i] = curvatureSelect[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrSelect != null) {
                    this.sampleCorrSelect = new boolean[sampleCorrSelect.length][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect.length; i++)
                        this.sampleCorrSelect[i] = sampleCorrSelect[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrCost != null) {
                    this.sampleCorrCost = new double[sampleCorrCost.length][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrCost.length; i++)
                        this.sampleCorrCost[i] = sampleCorrCost[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrSigma != null) {
                    this.sampleCorrSigma = new double[sampleCorrSigma.length][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSigma.length; i++)
                        this.sampleCorrSigma[i] = sampleCorrSigma[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrPullZero != null) {
                    this.sampleCorrPullZero = new double[sampleCorrPullZero.length][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrPullZero.length; i++)
                        this.sampleCorrPullZero[i] = sampleCorrPullZero[i].clone();

            public void getFromStrategy( // any of the arguments can be null - do not set this array
                    boolean[] centerSelect, boolean[] channelSelect, boolean[] mechanicalSelect,
                    boolean[][] curvatureSelect, boolean[][] sampleCorrSelect, double[][] sampleCorrCost,
                    double[][] sampleCorrSigma, double[][] sampleCorrPullZero) {
                if (centerSelect != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < centerSelect.length; i++)
                        centerSelect[i] = this.centerSelect[i];
                if (channelSelect != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < channelSelect.length; i++)
                        channelSelect[i] = this.channelSelect[i];
                if (mechanicalSelect != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < mechanicalSelect.length; i++)
                        mechanicalSelect[i] = this.mechanicalSelect[i];
                if (curvatureSelect != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < curvatureSelect.length; i++)
                        curvatureSelect[i] = this.curvatureSelect[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrSelect != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSelect.length; i++)
                        sampleCorrSelect[i] = this.sampleCorrSelect[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrCost != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrCost.length; i++)
                        sampleCorrCost[i] = this.sampleCorrCost[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrSigma != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrSigma.length; i++)
                        sampleCorrSigma[i] = this.sampleCorrSigma[i].clone();
                if (sampleCorrPullZero != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < sampleCorrPullZero.length; i++)
                        sampleCorrPullZero[i] = this.sampleCorrPullZero[i].clone();

            public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
                this.prefix = prefix;
       = properties;
                setPropBool(centerSelect, "centerSelect");
                setPropBool(channelSelect, "channelSelect");
                setPropBool(mechanicalSelect, "mechanicalSelect");
                setPropBool(curvatureSelect, "curvatureSelect");
                setPropBool(sampleCorrSelect, "sampleCorrSelect");
                setPropDouble(sampleCorrCost, "sampleCorrCost");
                setPropDouble(sampleCorrSigma, "sampleCorrSigma");
                setPropDouble(sampleCorrPullZero, "sampleCorrPullZero");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "initialLambda", getInitialLambda() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "stopAfterThis", isStopAfterThis() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "resetCorrection", isResetCorrection() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "resetVariables", isResetVariables() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "resetCenter", isResetCenter() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "parallelOnly", isParallelOnly() + "");
                properties.setProperty(prefix + "strategyComment", "<![CDATA[" + strategyComment + "]]>");

            public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) {
                this.prefix = prefix;
       = properties;
                centerSelect = getPropBool(centerSelect, "centerSelect");
                channelSelect = getPropBool(channelSelect, "channelSelect");
                mechanicalSelect = getPropBool(mechanicalSelect, "mechanicalSelect");
                curvatureSelect = getPropBool(curvatureSelect, "curvatureSelect");
                sampleCorrSelect = getPropBool(sampleCorrSelect, "sampleCorrSelect");
                sampleCorrCost = getPropDouble(sampleCorrCost, "sampleCorrCost");
                sampleCorrSigma = getPropDouble(sampleCorrSigma, "sampleCorrSigma");
                sampleCorrPullZero = getPropDouble(sampleCorrPullZero, "sampleCorrPullZero");
                String s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "initialLambda");
                if (s != null)
                    initialLambda = Double.parseDouble(s);
                s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "stopAfterThis");
                if (s != null)
                    stopAfterThis = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
                s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "resetVariables");
                if (s != null)
                    resetVariables = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
                s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "resetCenter");
                if (s != null)
                    resetCenter = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
                s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "parallelOnly");
                if (s != null)
                    parallelOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
                s = properties.getProperty(prefix + "strategyComment");
                if (s != null) {
                    strategyComment = s;
                    if ((strategyComment.length() > 10) && strategyComment.substring(0, 9).equals("<![CDATA[")) {
                        strategyComment = strategyComment.substring(9, strategyComment.length() - 3);
    //      qualBOptimizeMode; // 0 - none, +1 - optimize Zc, +2 - optimize Tx, +4 - optimize Ty

    public double[] testQualB(boolean interactive) {
        double[] targetZTxTy = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        boolean debugScan = false;
        if (interactive) {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Calculate optimal focus/tilt");
            gd.addNumericField("Initial focus (relative to best composirte)", targetZTxTy[0], 2, 5, "um");
            gd.addNumericField("Initial tiltX", targetZTxTy[1], 2, 5, "um/mm");
            gd.addNumericField("Initial tiltY", targetZTxTy[2], 2, 5, "um/mm");
            //          gd.addCheckbox("Optimize focal distance",selectQualBPars[0]);
            //          gd.addCheckbox("Optimize tiltX",         selectQualBPars[1]);
            //          gd.addCheckbox("Optimize tiltY",         selectQualBPars[2]);
            gd.addCheckbox("Optimize focal distance", (this.qualBOptimizeMode & 1) != 0);
            gd.addCheckbox("Optimize tiltX", (this.qualBOptimizeMode & 2) != 0);
            gd.addCheckbox("Optimize tiltY", (this.qualBOptimizeMode & 4) != 0);

            gd.addNumericField("Relative (to green) weight of red channels", 100 * this.k_red, 1, 7, "%");
            gd.addNumericField("Relative (to green) weight of blue channels", 100 * this.k_blue, 1, 7, "%");
            gd.addNumericField("weight of sagittal channels", this.k_sag, 3, 7, "");
            gd.addNumericField("weight of tangential channels", this.k_tan, 3, 7, "");
            gd.addCheckbox("Remove channels with no data", this.qualBRemoveBadSamples);
            gd.addNumericField("Relative weight of peripheral areas", 100 * this.k_qualBFractionPeripheral, 1, 7,
                    "Reduce weight of peripheral areas outside of this fraction, linear, large sensor dimension",
                    100 * this.k_qualBFractionHor, 1, 5, "%");
                    "Reduce weight of peripheral areas outside of this fraction, linear, small sensor dimension",
                    100 * this.k_qualBFractionVert, 1, 5, "%");
            gd.addCheckbox("Debug scan", debugScan);
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return null;
            targetZTxTy[0] = gd.getNextNumber();
            targetZTxTy[1] = gd.getNextNumber();
            targetZTxTy[2] = gd.getNextNumber();
            //          selectQualBPars[0]= gd.getNextBoolean();
            //          selectQualBPars[1]= gd.getNextBoolean();
            //          selectQualBPars[2]= gd.getNextBoolean();
            //          this.qualBOptimizeMode=(selectQualBPars[0]?1:0)+(selectQualBPars[1]?2:0)+(selectQualBPars[2]?4:0);
            this.qualBOptimizeMode = 0;
            this.qualBOptimizeMode += gd.getNextBoolean() ? 1 : 0;
            this.qualBOptimizeMode += gd.getNextBoolean() ? 2 : 0;
            this.qualBOptimizeMode += gd.getNextBoolean() ? 4 : 0;
            this.k_red = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
            this.k_blue = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
            this.k_sag = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.k_tan = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qualBRemoveBadSamples = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.k_qualBFractionPeripheral = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
            this.k_qualBFractionHor = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
            this.k_qualBFractionVert = 0.01 * gd.getNextNumber();
            debugScan = gd.getNextBoolean();
        boolean[] selectQualBPars = { ((this.qualBOptimizeMode & 1) != 0), ((this.qualBOptimizeMode & 2) != 0),
                ((this.qualBOptimizeMode & 4) != 0) };

        double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(this.k_red, this.k_blue, true);
        double[] zTxTy = { targetZTxTy[0] + best_qb_corr[0], targetZTxTy[1], targetZTxTy[2] };
        if (!selectQualBPars[0] && !selectQualBPars[1] && !selectQualBPars[2]) {
            this.qualBOptimizationResults = zTxTy;
            return zTxTy; // no LMA, return zc for optimal  qualB, zero tilts

        fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.setAdjustMode(true, null);

        double[][] sampleCoord = flattenSampleCoord();
        double[] sampleWeights = new double[sampleCoord.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++) {
            double fractHor = Math
                    .abs((2 * sampleCoord[i][0] - (this.sensorWidth - 1.0)) / (this.sensorWidth - 1.0));
            double fractVert = Math
                    .abs((2 * sampleCoord[i][1] - (this.sensorHeight - 1.0)) / (this.sensorHeight - 1.0));
            if (interactive && (debugLevel > 2))
                System.out.println(i + ": " + sampleCoord[i][0] + ":" + sampleCoord[i][1] + " fractHor=" + fractHor
                        + " fractVert=" + fractVert);
            sampleWeights[i] = 1.0;
            if (fractHor > this.k_qualBFractionHor) {
                double w = (this.k_qualBFractionPeripheral * (fractHor - this.k_qualBFractionHor)
                        + 1.0 * (1.0 - fractHor)) / (1.0 - this.k_qualBFractionHor);
                if (w < sampleWeights[i])
                    sampleWeights[i] = w;
                if (interactive && (debugLevel > 2))
                    System.out.println("fractHor>this.k_qualBFractionHor, w=" + w);
            if (fractVert > this.k_qualBFractionVert) {
                double w = (this.k_qualBFractionPeripheral * (fractVert - this.k_qualBFractionVert)
                        + 1.0 * (1.0 - fractVert)) / (1.0 - this.k_qualBFractionVert);
                if (w < sampleWeights[i])
                    sampleWeights[i] = w;
                if (interactive && (debugLevel > 2))
                    System.out.println("fractVert>this.k_qualBFractionVert, w=" + w);
        if (interactive && (debugLevel > 1)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCoord.length; i++) {
                System.out.print(" " + IJ.d2s(sampleWeights[i], 3));
                if (((i + 1) % this.sampleCoord[0].length) == 0)

        boolean[][] goodSamples = null;
        if (this.qualBRemoveBadSamples) {
            goodSamples = new boolean[getNumChannels()][getNumSamples()];
            for (int i = 0; i < goodSamples.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < goodSamples[0].length; j++)
                    goodSamples[i][j] = false;
            for (int n = 0; n < dataVector.length; n++)
                if (dataWeights[n] > 0.0) {
                    goodSamples[dataVector[n].channel][dataVector[n].sampleIndex] = true;
        qualBOptimize.initWeights(flattenSampleCoord(), //double [][] sampleCoord,
                this.k_red, this.k_blue, this.k_sag, this.k_tan,
                this.qualBRemoveBadSamples ? this.goodCalibratedSamples : null, //goodSamples,
        qualBOptimize.initQPars(zTxTy, selectQualBPars);
        // Set all 3 parameter values, even if some are not selected       
        if (debugScan) {
            qualBOptimize.runDebugScan(-20.0, 20.0, 1.0);
        boolean OK = qualBOptimize.qLevenbergMarquardt(interactive, // boolean openDialog,
                debugLevel + (interactive ? 1 : 0));
        if (OK) {
            zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
            System.out.println("qualBOptimize returned:\n" + "z0=" + IJ.d2s((zTxTy[0]), 3) + "um ("
                    + IJ.d2s((zTxTy[0] - best_qb_corr[0]), 3) + "um from best_qb_corr)\n" + "tX="
                    + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[1], 3) + "um/mm\n" + "tY=" + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[2], 3) + "um/mm");
            double[] zTxTyCorr = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyCorr(currentPX0, // optical center X
                    currentPY0); // optical center Y
            for (int i = 0; i < zTxTyCorr.length; i++) {
                zTxTy[i] += zTxTyCorr[i];
                    "qualBOptimize corrected to Zc, tx axial, ty axial:\n" + "zc=" + IJ.d2s((zTxTy[0]), 3) + "um ("
                            + IJ.d2s((zTxTy[0] - best_qb_corr[0]), 3) + "um from best_qb_corr)\n" + "tX axial="
                            + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[1], 3) + "um/mm\n" + "tY axial=" + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[2], 3) + "um/mm");

        } else {
            System.out.println("qualBOptimize LMA failed");
        //       zTxTy[0]-=best_qb_corr[0]; - absolute, no need to calculate best_qb_corr;
        this.qualBOptimizationResults = zTxTy.clone();
        return zTxTy;

    public class QualBOptimize {
        public double[] qCurrentVector = null; // vector of 1..3 elements - parameters used in fitting (of Zc, Tx, Ty)
        public int[] qIndices = null; // parameter index for each of qCurrentVector elements (0 - Zc, 1 - Tx, 2 - Ty)
        public double[] qSavedVector;
        public double[] qWeights = null;
        double[][] sampleCoord;
        double[][] qJacobian = null; // rows - parameters, columns - samples
        public double[][][] corrPars = null;
        int debugLevel = 0;
        private double qLambdaStepUp = 8.0; // multiply lambda by this if result is worse
        private double qLambdaStepDown = 0.5; // multiply lambda by this if result is better
        public double qInitialLambda = 1.0; //0.001;
        public double qThresholdFinish = 0.001;
        public int qNumIterations = 100; // maximal number of iterations
        public double qMaxLambda = 100.0; // max lambda to fail

        public double qLambda;
        int iterationStepNumber = 0;
        double currentQualB = -1.0;
        double nextQualB = -1.0;
        double firstQualB = -1.0;
        double[] qCurrentfX = null;
        double[] qNextfX = null;
        public double[] qNextVector = null;
        private LMAArrays qLMAArrays = null;
        private LMAArrays savedQLMAArrays = null;
        private double[] qLastImprovements = { -1.0, -1.0 }; // {last improvement, previous improvement}. If both >0 and < thresholdFinish - done

        private boolean showQParams = true;
        private boolean showDisabledQParams = true;
        private boolean qSaveSeries = false; // just for the dialog
        private boolean qStopEachStep = false; // stop after each series
        private boolean qStopOnFailure = true; // open dialog when fitting series failed

        private boolean debugQDerivatives = false;
        private int debugQPoint = -1;
        private int debugQParameter = -1;
        public long qStartTime = 0;

        public void initCorrPars() { // double [][][] corrPars){ // use getCorrPar() to provide corrPars
            this.corrPars = fieldFitting.getCorrPar();

         * Generate weighs array for samples
         * @param sampleCoord
         * @param kr weight of red components (relative to green)
         * @param kb weight of blue components (relative to green)
         * @param ks weight of sagittal components
         * @param kt weight of tangential components
         * @param goodSamples array [channel][sample] of all samples taken into account, or null to use all
        public void initWeights(double[][] sampleCoord, double kr, double kb, double ks, double kt,
                boolean[][] goodSamples, double[] sampleWeights) {
            int numSamples = sampleCoord.length;
            this.sampleCoord = new double[numSamples][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                this.sampleCoord[i] = sampleCoord[i].clone();
            int numChannels = 3 * 2;
            double[] colorWeights = { kr, 1.0, kb };
            double[] dirWeights = { ks, kt };
            qWeights = new double[numChannels * sampleCoord.length];
            double sumWeights = 0.0;
            for (int c = 0; c < colorWeights.length; c++)
                for (int d = 0; d < dirWeights.length; d++) {
                    int chn = c * dirWeights.length + d;
                    for (int sample = 0; sample < numSamples; sample++) {
                        double w = 0.0;
                        if ((goodSamples == null) || ((goodSamples[chn] != null) && goodSamples[chn][sample])) {
                            w = colorWeights[c] * dirWeights[d];
                        if (sampleWeights != null) {
                            w *= sampleWeights[sample];
                        qWeights[chn + sample * numChannels] = w;
                        sumWeights += w;
            if (sumWeights > 0.0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < qWeights.length; i++)
                    qWeights[i] /= sumWeights;

         * Init parameter vectr (subset of Zc, Tx, Ty) using provided mask and values
         * @param vector parameter vector {zc,tx,ty} or null to use current values
         * @param selectedPars boolean array of selected parameters {select_zc, select_tx, select_ty} or null for all
         * @return vector of 1..3 elements of selected parameter values
        public double[] initQPars(double[] vector, boolean[] selectedPars) {
            if (vector == null)
                vector = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
            int numPars = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
                if ((selectedPars == null) || selectedPars[i])
            qIndices = new int[numPars];
            qCurrentVector = new double[numPars];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
                if ((selectedPars == null) || selectedPars[i]) {
                    qIndices[index] = i;
                    qCurrentVector[index++] = vector[i];
            return qCurrentVector;

        public double[] initQPars(double zc, double tx, double ty) {
            double[] vector = { zc, tx, ty };
            boolean[] selectedPars = { true, true, true };
            for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++)
                if (Double.isNaN(vector[i]))
                    selectedPars[i] = false;
            return initQPars(vector, selectedPars);

        public void commitQPars(double[] vector) { // should not modify qCurrentVector
            //          if (vector!=null) qCurrentVector=vector.clone();
            if (vector == null)
                vector = qCurrentVector.clone();
            double[] zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy(); // current values
            for (int i = 0; i < qIndices.length; i++) {
                zTxTy[qIndices[i]] = vector[i]; // overwrite selected


        public void saveQPars() { // may need to call  
            qSavedVector = qCurrentVector.clone();

        public void restoreQPars() { // may need to call  
            qCurrentVector = qSavedVector.clone();

        // fX here - FWHM^2, then instaed of rms will be weighted average qualB
        public double[] createFXandJacobian(double[] vector, boolean createJacobian) {
            return createFXandJacobian(createJacobian);


        public double[] createFXandJacobian(boolean createJacobian) {
            int numSamples = sampleCoord.length;
            int numChannels = qWeights.length / numSamples;
            double[] fX = new double[qWeights.length];
            if (createJacobian)
                this.qJacobian = new double[qIndices.length][qWeights.length];
            for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; sampleIndex++) {
                double[] zdZ = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZdZ3(sampleCoord[sampleIndex][0], //double px,
                        sampleCoord[sampleIndex][1], //double py,
                        createJacobian); //boolean calDerivs)
                double[][] deriv_curv = createJacobian ? (new double[numChannels][]) : null;

                double[] chnValues = new double[numChannels];
                for (int chn = 0; chn < numChannels; chn++) {
                    if (createJacobian) {
                        deriv_curv[chn] = new double[fieldFitting.curvatureModel[chn].getSize()]; // nr*nz+1
                    chnValues[chn] = fieldFitting.curvatureModel[chn].getFdF(
                            ((corrPars == null) ? null
                                    : ((corrPars[sampleIndex] == null) ? null : corrPars[sampleIndex][chn])), // (corrPars==null)?null:corrPars[c], // param_corr
                            sampleCoord[sampleIndex][0], //px,
                            sampleCoord[sampleIndex][1], //py,
                            zdZ[0], // mot_z,
                            createJacobian ? deriv_curv[chn] : null);
                    fX[chn + sampleIndex * numChannels] = chnValues[chn] * chnValues[chn]; // squared FWHM value for qualB
                    if (createJacobian) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < qIndices.length; i++) {
                            // "-" because mot Z is opposite to z0,
                            // 2*chnValues[chn] - because fX= chnValues ^ 2 
                            this.qJacobian[i][chn + sampleIndex * numChannels] = -2 * chnValues[chn]
                                    * zdZ[qIndices[i] + 1] * deriv_curv[chn][0];
            return fX;

        public double getQualB() {
            return getQualB(createFXandJacobian(false));

        public double getQualB(double[] fX) {
            double q = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < fX.length; i++) {
                q += qWeights[i] * fX[i] * fX[i];
            return Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(q));

        public LMAArrays calculateJacobianArrays(double[] fX) {
            // calculate JtJ
            // here Y is zero vector, so just usxe -fX[i] instead of diff[i]
            //          double [] diff=calcYminusFx(fX);
            int numPars = this.qJacobian.length; // number of parameters to be adjusted
            int length = fX.length; // should be the same as this.jacobian[0].length
            double[][] JtByJmod = new double[numPars][numPars]; //Transposed Jacobian multiplied by Jacobian
            double[] JtByDiff = new double[numPars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++)
                for (int j = i; j < numPars; j++) {
                    JtByJmod[i][j] = 0.0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                        JtByJmod[i][j] += this.qJacobian[i][k] * this.qJacobian[j][k] * this.qWeights[k];
            for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) { // subtract lambda*diagonal , fill the symmetrical half below the diagonal
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    JtByJmod[i][j] = JtByJmod[j][i]; // it is symmetrical matrix, just copy
            for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
                JtByDiff[i] = 0.0;
                //             for (int k=0;k<length;k++) JtByDiff[i]+=this.jacobian[i][k]*diff[k]*this.qWeights[k];
                for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
                    JtByDiff[i] -= this.qJacobian[i][k] * fX[k] * this.qWeights[k];// here Y is zero vector, so just usxe -fX[i] instead of diff[i]

            LMAArrays lMAArrays = new LMAArrays();
            lMAArrays.jTByJ = JtByJmod;
            lMAArrays.jTByDiff = JtByDiff;
            return lMAArrays;

        public double[] solveLMA(LMAArrays lMAArrays, double lambda, int debugLevel) {
            this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
            double[][] JtByJmod = lMAArrays.jTByJ.clone();
            int numPars = JtByJmod.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < numPars; i++) {
                JtByJmod[i] = lMAArrays.jTByJ[i].clone();
                JtByJmod[i][i] += lambda * JtByJmod[i][i]; //Marquardt mod
            //         M*Ma=Mb
            Matrix M = new Matrix(JtByJmod);
            if (debugLevel > 2) {
                System.out.println("qLMA Jt*J -lambda* diag(Jt*J), lambda=" + lambda + ":");
                M.print(10, 5);

            Matrix Mb = new Matrix(lMAArrays.jTByDiff, numPars); // single column
            if (!(new LUDecomposition(M)).isNonsingular()) {
                double[][] arr = M.getArray();
                System.out.println("qLMA Singular Matrix " + arr.length + "x" + arr[0].length);
                // any rowsx off all 0.0?
                for (int n = 0; n < arr.length; n++) {
                    boolean zeroRow = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < arr[n].length; i++)
                        if (arr[n][i] != 0.0) {
                            zeroRow = false;
                    if (zeroRow) {
                        System.out.println("qLMA Row of all zeros: " + n);
                //                M.print(10, 5);
                return null;
            Matrix Ma = M.solve(Mb); // singular
            return Ma.getColumnPackedCopy();

        public void qStepLevenbergMarquardtAction(int debugLevel) {//
            // apply/revert,modify lambda 
            String msg = "currentQualB=" + this.currentQualB + ", nextQualB=" + this.nextQualB + ", delta="
                    + (this.currentQualB - this.nextQualB) + ", lambda=" + this.qLambda;
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() " + msg);
            //           if (this.updateStatus) IJ.showStatus(msg);
            if (this.nextQualB < this.currentQualB) { //improved
                this.qLambda *= this.qLambdaStepDown;
                this.currentQualB = this.nextQualB;
                this.qCurrentfX = this.qNextfX;
                this.qCurrentVector = this.qNextVector;
            } else {
                this.qLambda *= this.qLambdaStepUp;
                this.qLMAArrays = this.savedQLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff
                //              restoreQPars();

         * Calculates next parameters vector, holds some arrays
         * @param numSeries
         * @return array of two booleans: { improved, finished}
        public boolean[] stepQLevenbergMarquardtFirst(int debugLevel) {
            double[] deltas = null;
            if (this.qCurrentVector == null) {
                this.qCurrentVector = this.qSavedVector.clone();
                this.currentQualB = -1;
                this.qCurrentfX = null; // invalidate
                this.qJacobian = null; // invalidate
                this.qLMAArrays = null;
                this.qLastImprovements[0] = -1.0;
                this.qLastImprovements[1] = -1.0;
            this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
            // calculate this.currentfX, this.jacobian if needed
            if (debugLevel > 2) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.qCurrentVector.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + this.qCurrentVector[i]);
            //     if ((this.currentfX==null)|| ((this.jacobian==null) && !this.threadedLMA )) {
            if ((this.qCurrentfX == null) || (this.qLMAArrays == null)) {
                String msg = "qLMA: initial Jacobian matrix calculation. Points:" + this.qWeights.length
                        + " Parameters:" + this.qCurrentVector.length;
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                if (updateStatus)
                this.qCurrentfX = createFXandJacobian(this.qCurrentVector, true); // is it always true here (this.jacobian==null)
                this.qLMAArrays = calculateJacobianArrays(this.qCurrentfX);
                this.currentQualB = getQualB(this.qCurrentfX);
                msg = "qLMA: initial qualB=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentQualB, 8) + ". Calculating next Jacobian. Points:"
                        + this.qWeights.length + " Parameters:" + this.qCurrentVector.length;
                if (debugLevel > 1)
                if (updateStatus)
            if (this.firstQualB < 0) {
                this.firstQualB = this.currentQualB;
            deltas = solveLMA(this.qLMAArrays, this.qLambda, debugLevel);

            boolean matrixNonSingular = true;
            if (deltas == null) {
                deltas = new double[this.qCurrentVector.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++)
                    deltas[i] = 0.0;
                matrixNonSingular = false;
            if (debugLevel > 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + deltas[i]);
            // apply deltas     
            this.qNextVector = this.qCurrentVector.clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < this.qNextVector.length; i++)
                this.qNextVector[i] += deltas[i];
            // another option - do not calculate J now, just fX. and late - calculate both if it was improvement     
            //         save current Jacobian

            if (debugLevel > 1) {
                System.out.println("qLMA: this.qNextVector");
                for (int i = 0; i < this.qNextVector.length; i++) {
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + this.qNextVector[i]);
            // this.savedJacobian=this.jacobian;
            this.savedQLMAArrays = this.qLMAArrays.clone();
            this.qJacobian = null; // not needed, just to catch bugs
            this.qNextfX = createFXandJacobian(this.qNextVector, true);
            this.qLMAArrays = calculateJacobianArrays(this.qNextfX);
            this.nextQualB = getQualB(this.qNextfX);
            this.qLastImprovements[1] = this.qLastImprovements[0];
            this.qLastImprovements[0] = this.currentQualB - this.nextQualB;
            String msg = "currentQualB=" + this.currentQualB + ", nextQualB=" + this.nextQualB + ", delta="
                    + (this.currentQualB - this.nextQualB);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("qLMA: stepLMA " + msg);
            if (updateStatus)
            boolean[] status = { matrixNonSingular && (this.nextQualB <= this.currentQualB), !matrixNonSingular };
            // additional test if "worse" but the difference is too small, it was be caused by computation error, like here:
            //stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() step=27, this.currentRMS=0.17068403807026408, this.nextRMS=0.1706840380702647
            if (!status[0] && matrixNonSingular) {
                if (this.nextQualB < (this.currentQualB + this.currentQualB * this.qThresholdFinish * 0.01)) {
                    this.nextQualB = this.currentQualB;
                    status[0] = true;
                    status[1] = true;
                    this.qLastImprovements[0] = 0.0;
                    if (debugLevel > 1) {
                                "qLMA: New RMS error is larger than the old one, but the difference is too small to be trusted ");
                        System.out.println("stepQLMA this.currentQualB=" + this.currentQualB + ", this.nextQualB="
                                + this.nextQualB + ", delta=" + (this.currentQualB - this.nextQualB));

            if (status[0] && matrixNonSingular) { //improved
                status[1] = (this.iterationStepNumber > this.qNumIterations) || ( // done
                (this.qLastImprovements[0] >= 0.0)
                        && (this.qLastImprovements[0] < this.qThresholdFinish * this.currentQualB)
                        && (this.qLastImprovements[1] >= 0.0)
                        && (this.qLastImprovements[1] < this.qThresholdFinish * this.currentQualB));
            } else if (matrixNonSingular) {
                //             this.jacobian=this.savedJacobian;// restore saved Jacobian
                this.qLMAArrays = this.savedQLMAArrays; // restore Jt*J and Jt*diff

                status[1] = (this.iterationStepNumber > this.qNumIterations) || // failed
                        ((this.qLambda * this.qLambdaStepUp) > this.qMaxLambda);
            //TODO: add other failures leading to result failure?     
            if (debugLevel > 2) {
                        "qLMA: stepLevenbergMarquardtFirst(" + debugLevel + ")=>" + status[0] + "," + status[1]);
            return status;

        public boolean dialogQLMAStep(boolean[] state) {
            String[] states = { "Worse, increase lambda", "Better, decrease lambda", "Failed to fit",
                    "Fitting Successful" };
            String[] descriptions = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTyDescriptions();
            double[] zTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy(); // current values
            boolean[] paramSelect = { false, false, false };
            for (int i : qIndices)
                paramSelect[i] = true;
            int iState = (state[0] ? 1 : 0) + (state[1] ? 2 : 0);
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("(qualB) Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm step");
            gd.addMessage("Current state=" + states[iState]);
            gd.addMessage("Iteration step=" + this.iterationStepNumber);
            gd.addMessage("Initial qualB=" + IJ.d2s(this.firstQualB, 6) + ", Current qualB="
                    + IJ.d2s(this.currentQualB, 6) + ", new qualB=" + IJ.d2s(this.nextQualB, 6));
            if (this.showQParams) {
                gd.addMessage("==== Current parameter values ===");
                for (int i = 0; i < zTxTy.length; i++)
                    if (this.showDisabledQParams || paramSelect[i]) {
                                (paramSelect[i] ? "(+) " : "(-) ") + descriptions[i] + ": " + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[i], 6));
                gd.addMessage("Lambda=" + this.qLambda);
            gd.addNumericField("Lambda ", this.qLambda, 5);
            gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on success", this.qLambdaStepDown, 10);
            gd.addNumericField("Threshold RMS to exit LMA", this.qThresholdFinish, 7, 9, "pix");
            gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on failure", this.qLambdaStepUp, 10);
            gd.addNumericField("Threshold lambda to fail", this.qMaxLambda, 10);
            gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of iterations", this.qNumIterations, 0);
            gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration step", this.qStopEachStep);
            gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each failure", this.qStopOnFailure);
            gd.addCheckbox("Show modified parameters", this.showQParams);
            gd.addCheckbox("Show disabled parameters", this.showDisabledQParams);
                    "Done will save the current (not new!) state and exit, Continue will proceed according to LMA");
            gd.enableYesNoCancel("Continue", "Done");
            if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
                this.qSaveSeries = false;
                return false;
            this.qLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qLambdaStepDown = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qThresholdFinish = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qLambdaStepUp = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qMaxLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qNumIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qStopEachStep = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.qStopOnFailure = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.showQParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.showDisabledQParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.qSaveSeries = true;
            return gd.wasOKed();

        public boolean selectQLMAParameters() {
            GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(
                    "Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm parameters for finding the optimal tilt/distance");
            gd.addCheckbox("Debug derivatives", false);
            gd.addNumericField("Debug Jacobian for point number", this.debugQPoint, 0, 5, "(-1 - none)");
            gd.addNumericField("Debug Jacobian for parameter number", this.debugQParameter, 0, 5, "(-1 - none)");
            gd.addNumericField("Initial LMA Lambda ", this.qInitialLambda, 5, 8, " last was " + this.qLambda);
            gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on success", this.qLambdaStepDown, 5);
            gd.addNumericField("Threshold RMS to exit LMA", this.qThresholdFinish, 7, 9, "pix");
            gd.addNumericField("Multiply lambda on failure", this.qLambdaStepUp, 5);
            gd.addNumericField("Threshold lambda to fail", this.qMaxLambda, 5);
            gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of iterations", this.qNumIterations, 0);

            gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each iteration step", this.qStopEachStep);
            gd.addCheckbox("Dialog after each failure", this.qStopOnFailure);
            gd.addCheckbox("Show modified parameters", this.showQParams);
            gd.addCheckbox("Show disabled parameters", this.showDisabledQParams);
            if (gd.wasCanceled())
                return false;
            this.debugQDerivatives = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.debugQPoint = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            this.debugQParameter = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qInitialLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qLambdaStepDown = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qThresholdFinish = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qLambdaStepUp = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qMaxLambda = gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qNumIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
            this.qStopEachStep = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.qStopOnFailure = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.showQParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
            this.showDisabledQParams = gd.getNextBoolean();
            return true;

        public void runDebugScan(double low, double high, double step) {
            double[] best_qb_corr = fieldFitting.getBestQualB(k_red, k_blue, true);

            double[] saveZTxTy = fieldFitting.mechanicalFocusingModel.getZTxTy();
            double[] zTxTy = saveZTxTy.clone();
            String header = "Z absolute\tZ relative\tqualB";
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

            for (double dz = low; dz <= high; dz += step) {
                zTxTy[0] = best_qb_corr[0] + dz;
                double qualB = getQualB();
                sb.append(IJ.d2s(zTxTy[0], 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(dz, 3) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(qualB, 5) + "\n");

            new TextWindow("qualB scan, Tx=" + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[1], 3) + " Ty=" + IJ.d2s(zTxTy[1], 3), header,
                    sb.toString(), 800, 1000);

        public boolean qLevenbergMarquardt(boolean openDialog, int debugLevel) {
            double savedLambda = this.qLambda;
            this.debugLevel = debugLevel;
            if (openDialog && !selectQLMAParameters())
                return false;
            this.qLambda = this.qInitialLambda;
            this.qStartTime = System.nanoTime();
            // TODO: ASet ZTxTy, mask, 
            //initCorrPars(double [][][] corrPars)
            // initWeights...           
            if (!openDialog)
                stopEachStep = false;
            this.iterationStepNumber = 0;
            this.firstQualB = -1; //undefined
            if (debugQDerivatives) {
            this.qCurrentVector = null; // invalidate for the new series
            int saveStopRequested = stopRequested.get(); // preserve from caller stop requested (like temp. scan)
            stopRequested.set(0); // remove caller stop request
            while (true) { // loop for the same series
                boolean[] state = stepQLevenbergMarquardtFirst(debugLevel);
                if (state == null) {
                    String msg = "Calculation aborted by user request, restoring saved parameter vector";
                    //                    commitParameterVector(this.savedVector);
                    this.qLambda = savedLambda;
                    stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request                 
                    return false;

                if (debugLevel > 1)
                    System.out.println(this.iterationStepNumber + ": stepQLevenbergMarquardtFirst(" + debugLevel
                            + ")==>" + state[1] + ":" + state[0]);
                boolean cont = true;
                // Make it success if this.currentRMS<this.firstRMS even if LMA failed to converge
                if (state[1] && !state[0] && (this.firstQualB > this.currentQualB)) {
                    if (debugLevel > 1)
                        System.out.println("qLMA failed to converge, but RMS improved from the initial value ("
                                + this.currentQualB + " < " + this.firstQualB + ")");
                    state[0] = true;
                if ((stopRequested.get() > 0) || // graceful stop requested
                        (this.qStopEachStep) ||
                        //                       (this.stopEachSeries && state[1]) ||
                        (this.qStopOnFailure && state[1] && !state[0])) {
                    //                    if (state[1] && !state[0] && !calibrate){
                    //                       return false;
                    //                    }

                    if (debugLevel > 0) {
                        if (stopRequested.get() > 0)
                            System.out.println("User requested stop");
                        System.out.println("qLevenbergMarquardt(): step =" + this.iterationStepNumber + ", QualB="
                                + IJ.d2s(this.currentQualB, 8) + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstQualB, 8) + ") " + ") at "
                                + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.qStartTime), 3));
                    long startDialogTime = System.nanoTime();
                    cont = dialogQLMAStep(state);
                    stopRequested.set(0); // Will not stop each run
                    this.qStartTime += (System.nanoTime() - startDialogTime); // do not count time used by the User.
                qStepLevenbergMarquardtAction(debugLevel); // apply step - in any case?
                if (updateStatus) {
                    IJ.showStatus("Step #" + this.iterationStepNumber + " QualB=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentQualB, 8)
                            + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstQualB, 8) + ")" + " ");
                if (!cont) {
                    if (this.qSaveSeries) {
                        savedLambda = this.qLambda;
                        //                       this.qSavedVector=this.qCurrentVector.clone();
                    // if RMS was decreased. this.saveSeries==false after dialogQLMAStep(state) only if "cancel" was pressed
                    //                    commitParameterVector(this.savedVector); // either new or original
                    this.qLambda = savedLambda;
                    stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request                 
                    return this.qSaveSeries; // TODO: Maybe change result?
                if (state[1]) {
                    if (!state[0]) {
                        //                       commitParameterVector(this.savedVector);
                        this.qLambda = savedLambda;
                        stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request                    
                        return false; // sequence failed
                    //                    this.savedVector=this.currentVector.clone();
                    break; // while (true), proceed to the next series
            } // while true - same series

            String msg = "QualB=" + this.currentQualB + " (" + this.firstQualB + ") " + " at "
                    + IJ.d2s(0.000000001 * (System.nanoTime() - this.qStartTime), 3);
            if (debugLevel > 1)
                System.out.println("qStepLevenbergMarquardtAction() " + msg);
            //       if (this.updateStatus) IJ.showStatus(msg);
            if (updateStatus) {
                IJ.showStatus("Done: Step #" + this.iterationStepNumber + " QualB=" + IJ.d2s(this.currentQualB, 8)
                        + " (" + IJ.d2s(this.firstQualB, 8) + ")" + " ");
            //           this.savedVector=this.currentVector.clone();
            //           commitParameterVector(this.savedVector);
            stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request           
            return true; // all series done

        public void qCompareDrDerivatives(double[] vector) {
            double delta = 0.00010; // make configurable
            if (this.debugQParameter >= 0) {
                String parName = "";
                //              if ((debugParameterNames!=null) && (debugParameterNames.length>debugParameter)) parName=debugParameterNames[debugParameter];
                        "Debugging derivatives for parameter #" + this.debugQParameter + " (" + parName + ")");
                double[] vector_dp = vector.clone();
                vector_dp[this.debugQParameter] += delta;
                double[] fx_dp = createFXandJacobian(vector_dp, false);
                double[] fx = createFXandJacobian(vector, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < fx.length; i++) {
                    if ((this.debugQPoint >= 0) && (this.debugQPoint != i))
                        continue; // debug only single point
                    int sample = i / 6;
                    int chn = i % 6;
                    String pointName = "";
                    pointName = "chn" + chn + ":" + sample;
                    System.out.println(i + ": " + pointName + " fx= " + fx[i] + " delta_fx= "
                            + ((fx_dp[i] - fx[i]) / delta) + " df/dp= " + this.qJacobian[this.debugQParameter][i]);
