Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2016 Jos Manuel Abun Mosquera <>
 * This file is part of SparkBWA.
 * SparkBWA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SparkBWA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with SparkBWA. If not, see <>.

import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
//import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Class to parse and set the Bwa options
 * @author Jos M. Abun
public class BwaOptions {

    private boolean useReducer = false;
    /**< The option to use the reduce phase */

    //Algorithms boolean variables
    private boolean memAlgorithm = true;
    /**< The option to use the MEM algorithm */
    private boolean alnAlgorithm = false;
    /**< The option to use the ALN algorithm */
    private boolean bwaswAlgorithm = false;
    /**< The option to use the BWASW algorithm */

    private String bwaArgs = "";
    /**< The arguments passed directly to BWA */

    //Paired or single reads
    private boolean pairedReads = true;
    /**< The option to use paired reads */
    private boolean singleReads = false;
    /**< The option to use single reads */

    //Index path
    private String indexPath = "";
    /**< The index path */

    private String outputHdfsDir = "";
    /**< The String containing the output path in HDFS */

    private String inputPath = "";
    /**< The first of the FASTQ files */
    private String inputPath2 = "";
    /**< The second of the FASTQ files */

    private boolean sortFastqReads = false;
    /**< Sort the input reads using Spark or not */
    private boolean sortFastqReadsHdfs = false;
    /**< Sort the input reads using HDFS or not*/

     * String with the correct use of the program
    private String correctUse = "spark-submit --class SparkBWA [Spark options] SparkBWA.jar [SparkBWA Options] Input.fastq [Input2.fastq] Output\n"
            + "\n\n" + "To set the Input.fastq - setInputPath(string)\n"
            + "To set the Input2.fastq - setInputPath2(string)\n" + "To set the Output - setOutputPath(string)\n"
            + "The available SparkBWA options are: \n\n";

     * Header to show when the program is not launched correctly
    private String header = "Performs genomic alignment using bwa in a Hadoop cluster\n\n";

     * Footer to show when the program is not launched correctly
    private String footer = "\nPlease report issues at";

    private String outputPath = "";
    /**< The output SAM file */

    private int partitionNumber = 0;
    /**< Number of partitions to parallelize */

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BwaOptions.class);

    /**< The Log */

     * Constructor to use from the Spark shell. No arguments are provided
    public BwaOptions() {

        Options options = this.initOptions();

        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(correctUse, header, options, footer, true);


     * Constructor to use from within SparkBWA from the Linux console
     * @param args The arguments that the user is going to provide from the Linux console
    public BwaOptions(String[] args) {

        //Parse arguments
        for (String argumento : args) {
  "JMAbuin:: Received argument: " + argumento);

        //Algorithm options
        Options options = this.initOptions();

        //To print the help
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        //formatter.printHelp( correctUse,header, options,footer , true);

        //Parse the given arguments
        CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
        CommandLine cmd;
        try {
            cmd = parser.parse(options, args);

            //We look for the algorithm
            if (cmd.hasOption("algorithm")) {

                if (cmd.getOptionValue("algorithm").equals("mem")) {
                    //Case of the mem algorithm
                    memAlgorithm = true;
                    alnAlgorithm = false;
                    bwaswAlgorithm = false;

                else if (cmd.getOptionValue("algorithm").equals("aln")) {
                    // Case of aln algorithm
                    alnAlgorithm = true;
                    memAlgorithm = false;
                    bwaswAlgorithm = false;

                else if (cmd.getOptionValue("algorithm").equals("bwasw")) {
                    // Case of bwasw algorithm
                    bwaswAlgorithm = true;
                    memAlgorithm = false;
                    alnAlgorithm = false;

                else {
                    LOG.warn("The algorithm " + cmd.getOptionValue("algorithm")
                            + " could not be found\nSetting to default mem algorithm\n");
                    memAlgorithm = true;
                    alnAlgorithm = false;
                    bwaswAlgorithm = false;



            //We look for the index
            if (cmd.hasOption("index")) {
                indexPath = cmd.getOptionValue("index");
            } else {
                LOG.error("No index has been found. Aborting.");
                formatter.printHelp(correctUse, header, options, footer, true);

            //Partition number
            if (cmd.hasOption("partitions")) {
                partitionNumber = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("partitions"));

            if (cmd.hasOption("bwaArgs")) {
                bwaArgs = cmd.getOptionValue("bwaArgs");

            //We look if we want the paired or single algorithm
            if (cmd.hasOption("reads")) {
                if (cmd.getOptionValue("reads").equals("single")) {
                    pairedReads = false;
                    singleReads = true;

                else if (cmd.getOptionValue("reads").equals("paired")) {
                    pairedReads = true;
                    singleReads = false;

                else {
                    LOG.warn("Reads argument could not be found\nSetting it to default paired reads\n");
                    pairedReads = true;
                    singleReads = false;

            //We look if the user wants to use a reducer or not
            if (cmd.hasOption("r")) {
                useReducer = true;
            } else {
                useReducer = false;

            //Sorting input reads
            if (cmd.hasOption("sorting")) {
                if (cmd.getOptionValue("sorting").equals("hdfs")) {
                    this.sortFastqReadsHdfs = true;
                    this.sortFastqReads = false;
                } else if (cmd.getOptionValue("sorting").equals("spark")) {
                    this.sortFastqReadsHdfs = false;
                    this.sortFastqReads = true;

            //Input and output paths
            String otherArguments[] = cmd.getArgs(); //With this we get the rest of the arguments

            if ((otherArguments.length != 2) && (otherArguments.length != 3)) {
                LOG.error("No input and output has been found. Aborting.");

                for (String tmpString : otherArguments) {
                    LOG.error("Other args:: " + tmpString);

                formatter.printHelp(correctUse, header, options, footer, true);

            else if (otherArguments.length == 2) {
                inputPath = otherArguments[0];
                outputPath = otherArguments[1];
            } else if (otherArguments.length == 3) {
                inputPath = otherArguments[0];
                inputPath2 = otherArguments[1];
                outputPath = otherArguments[2];

        } catch (UnrecognizedOptionException e) {
            formatter.printHelp(correctUse, header, options, footer, true);

        } catch (ParseException e) {
            //formatter.printHelp( correctUse,header, options,footer , true);


     * Function to init the SparkBWA available options
     * @return An Options object containing the available options
    public Options initOptions() {

        Options options = new Options();

        //Algorithm options
        Option algorithm = new Option("algorithm", true, "Specify the algorithm to use during the alignment");


        //Paired or single reads
        Option reads = new Option("reads", true, "Type of reads to use during alignment");


        // Options to BWA
        Option bwaArgs = new Option("bwaArgs", true, "Arguments passed directly to BWA");
        bwaArgs.setArgName("\"BWA arguments\"");

        //Reducer option
        Option reducer = new Option("r", false, "Enables the reducer phase - setUseReducer(boolean)");

        Option index = new Option("index", true,
                "Prefix for the index created by bwa to use - setIndexPath(string)");
        index.setArgName("Index prefix");


        //Partition number
        Option partitions = new Option("partitions", true,
                "Number of partitions to divide input reads - setPartitionNumber(int)");
        partitions.setArgName("Number of partitions");


        Option sorting = new Option("sorting", true, "Type of algorithm used to sort input FASTQ reads");


        return options;

    public String getBwaArgs() {
        return bwaArgs;

    public void setBwaArgs(String bwaArgs) {
        this.bwaArgs = bwaArgs;

     * Setter for the output directory in HDFS
     * @param outputHdfsDir String containing the path in HDFS where results are going to be stored
    public void setOutputHdfsDir(String outputHdfsDir) {
        this.outputHdfsDir = outputHdfsDir;

     * Getter for the output directory in HDFS
     * @return A string containing the output directory in HDFS
    public String getOutputHdfsDir() {
        return outputHdfsDir;

     * Getter to know if a reducer is going to be used or not
     * @return A boolean value that is true if a reducer is used or not
    public boolean isUseReducer() {
        return useReducer;

     * Setter for the option of using a reducer
     * @param useReducer A boolean value that is true ir a reducer is going to be used or false otherwise
    public void setUseReducer(boolean useReducer) {
        this.useReducer = useReducer;

     * Getter for the option of the "mem" algorithm
     * @return A boolean value that is true if the "mem" algorithm is going to be used
    public boolean isMemAlgorithm() {
        return memAlgorithm;

     * Setter for the option of the "mem" algorithm
     * @param memAlgorithm A boolean value that is true if the "mem" algorithm is going to be used
    public void setMemAlgorithm(boolean memAlgorithm) {
        this.memAlgorithm = memAlgorithm;

        if (memAlgorithm) {


     * Getter for the option of the "aln" algorithm
     * @return A boolean value that is true if the "aln" algorithm is going to be used
    public boolean isAlnAlgorithm() {
        return alnAlgorithm;

     * Setter for the option of the "aln" algorithm
     * @param alnAlgorithm A boolean value that is true if the "aln" algorithm is going to be used
    public void setAlnAlgorithm(boolean alnAlgorithm) {
        this.alnAlgorithm = alnAlgorithm;

        if (alnAlgorithm) {

     * Getter for the option of the "bwasw" algorithm
     * @return A boolean value that is true if the "bwasw" algorithm is going to be used
    public boolean isBwaswAlgorithm() {
        return bwaswAlgorithm;

     * Setter for the option of the "bwasw" algorithm
     * @param bwaswAlgorithm A boolean value that is true if the "bwasw" algorithm is going to be used
    public void setBwaswAlgorithm(boolean bwaswAlgorithm) {
        this.bwaswAlgorithm = bwaswAlgorithm;

        if (bwaswAlgorithm) {

     * Getter to know if the paired reads are going to be used
     * @return A boolean value that indicates if paired reads are used
    public boolean isPairedReads() {
        return pairedReads;

     * Setter for the option of paired reads
     * @param pairedReads Boolean value that indicates if the paired reads are going to be used or not
    public void setPairedReads(boolean pairedReads) {
        this.pairedReads = pairedReads;

     * Getter to know if the single reads are going to be used
     * @return A boolean value that indicates if single reads are used
    public boolean isSingleReads() {
        return singleReads;

     * Setter for the option of single reads
     * @param singleReads Boolean value that indicates if the single reads are going to be used or not
    public void setSingleReads(boolean singleReads) {
        this.singleReads = singleReads;

     * Getter for the index path
     * @return A String containing the path for the index
    public String getIndexPath() {
        return indexPath;

     * Setter for the index path
     * @param indexPath A String containing the path where the index is stored
    public void setIndexPath(String indexPath) {
        this.indexPath = indexPath;

     * Getter for the first of the FASTQ files
     * @return A String with the path of the first of the FASTQ files
    public String getInputPath() {
        return inputPath;

     * Setter for the first of the FASTQ files
     * @param inputPath A String containing the path of the first of the FASTQ files
    public void setInputPath(String inputPath) {
        this.inputPath = inputPath;

     * Getter for the output path
     * @return A String containing the location where the output files are going to be stored
    public String getOutputPath() {
        return outputPath;

     * Setter for the output path
     * @param outputPath A String containing the location where the output files are going to be stored
    public void setOutputPath(String outputPath) {
        this.outputPath = outputPath;

     * Getter for the number of partitions to use
     * @return An integer that represents the number of partitions to use
    public int getPartitionNumber() {
        return partitionNumber;

     * Setter for the number of partitions to use
     * @param partitionNumber An integer that represents the number of partitions to use
    public void setPartitionNumber(int partitionNumber) {
        this.partitionNumber = partitionNumber;

     * Getter for the second of the FASTQ files
     * @return A String with the path of the second of the FASTQ files
    public String getInputPath2() {
        return inputPath2;

     * Setter for the second of the FASTQ files
     * @param inputPath2 A String with the path of the second of the FASTQ files
    public void setInputPath2(String inputPath2) {
        this.inputPath2 = inputPath2;

     * Getter for the option to sort the input reads using Spark
     * @return A boolean value that represents if the sorting method using Spark is going to be used
    public boolean isSortFastqReads() {
        return sortFastqReads;

     * Setter for the option to sort the input reads using Spark
     * @param sortFastqReads A boolean value that represents if the sorting method using Spark is going to be used
    public void setSortFastqReads(boolean sortFastqReads) {
        this.sortFastqReads = sortFastqReads;

     * Getter for the option to sort the input reads using HDFS
     * @return A boolean value that represents if the sorting method using HDFS is going to be used
    public boolean isSortFastqReadsHdfs() {
        return sortFastqReadsHdfs;

     * Setter for the option to sort the input reads using HDFS
     * @param sortFastqReadsHdfs A boolean value that represents if the sorting method using HDFS is going to be used
    public void setSortFastqReadsHdfs(boolean sortFastqReadsHdfs) {
        this.sortFastqReadsHdfs = sortFastqReadsHdfs;