Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 TermMed SA * Organization * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ /** * Author: Alejandro Rodriguez */ package com.termmed.statistics; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import com.termmed.fileprovider.CurrentFile; import com.termmed.statistics.db.importer.ImportManager; import com.termmed.statistics.model.AdditionalList; import com.termmed.statistics.model.IReportDetail; import com.termmed.statistics.model.OutputDetailFile; import com.termmed.statistics.model.OutputFileTableMap; import com.termmed.statistics.model.OutputInfoFactory; import com.termmed.statistics.model.ReportConfig; import com.termmed.statistics.model.ReportInfo; import com.termmed.statistics.model.ReportListenerDescriptor; import com.termmed.statistics.model.ReportListeners; import com.termmed.statistics.model.SelectTableMap; import com.termmed.statistics.model.StoredProcedure; import com.termmed.statistics.reportlisteners.IReportListener; import com.termmed.statistics.runner.ProcessLogger; import com.termmed.utils.FileHelper; import com.termmed.utils.I_Constants; import com.termmed.utils.ResourceUtils; import com.termmed.utils.SQLStatementExecutor; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class Processor. */ public class Processor { /** The connection. */ private Connection connection; /** The config file. */ private File configFile; /** The create details. */ private String createDetails; /** The logger. */ private ProcessLogger logger; private TreeMap<Integer, IReportDetail> mapExcluyentListFile; private boolean enableListeners; /** * Instantiates a new processor. * * @param con the con * @param file the file */ public Processor(Connection con, File file) { this.connection = con; this.configFile = file; logger = new ProcessLogger(); } /** * Execute. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws Exception the exception */ public void execute() throws IOException, Exception { logger.logInfo("Starting report execution"); createFolders(); XMLConfiguration xmlConfig; try { xmlConfig = new XMLConfiguration(configFile); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.logInfo("ClassificationRunner - Error happened getting params configFile." + e.getMessage()); throw e; } createDetails = xmlConfig.getString("createDetailReports"); String dependentRelease = xmlConfig.getString("dependentReleaseFullFolder"); enableListeners = true; if (dependentRelease == null || dependentRelease.trim().equals("")) { enableListeners = false; } List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors = xmlConfig .configurationsAt("interestConceptLists.conceptListDescriptor"); List<HierarchicalConfiguration> fields = xmlConfig.configurationsAt("reports.reportDescriptor"); String excList = xmlConfig.getString("createExcluyentDetailLists"); boolean createExcluyentDetailLists = false; if (excList != null && excList.equals("true")) { createExcluyentDetailLists = true; } mapExcluyentListFile = new TreeMap<Integer, IReportDetail>(); for (HierarchicalConfiguration sub : fields) { String report = sub.getString("filename"); String value = sub.getString("execute"); if (value.toLowerCase().equals("true")) { logger.logInfo("Getting report config for " + report); ReportConfig reportCfg = ResourceUtils.getReportConfig(report); logger.logInfo("Executing report " + report); long start = logger.startTime(); executeReport(reportCfg); logger.logInfo("Writing report " + report); writeReports(reportCfg, report, listDescriptors); String msg = logger.endTime(start); int posIni = msg.indexOf("ProcessingTime:") + 16; ReportInfo rInfo = new ReportInfo(); rInfo.setName(reportCfg.getName()); if (reportCfg.getOutputFile() != null) { for (OutputFileTableMap file : reportCfg.getOutputFile()) { rInfo.getOutputFiles().add(file.getFile()); } } if (reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile() != null) { for (OutputDetailFile file : reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile()) { rInfo.getOutputDetailFiles().add(file.getFile()); } } rInfo.setTimeTaken(msg.substring(posIni)); OutputInfoFactory.get().getStatisticProcess().getReports().add(rInfo); if (createExcluyentDetailLists) { if (reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile() != null) { for (OutputDetailFile file : reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile()) { Integer priority = file.getExcluyentListPriority(); if (priority != null) { mapExcluyentListFile.put(priority, file); } } } } } // System.out.println(report + " " + value); } if (createExcluyentDetailLists) { File outputFold = createOutputExcluyentListFolder(); createExcluyentList(outputFold, listDescriptors); } } private File createOutputExcluyentListFolder() { File outputFolder = new File(I_Constants.EXCLUYENT_OUTPUT_FOLDER); if (!outputFolder.exists()) { outputFolder.mkdirs(); } else { FileHelper.emptyFolder(outputFolder); } return outputFolder; } private void createExcluyentList(File outputFold, List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors) throws IOException { HashSet<Long> conceptList = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Integer order : mapExcluyentListFile.keySet()) { IReportDetail file = mapExcluyentListFile.get(order); if (file.getPriorityListColumnIndex() == null) { printExcluyentList(file, conceptList, outputFold); } else { printInternPriorityList(file, conceptList, outputFold); } } } private void printInternPriorityList(IReportDetail file, HashSet<Long> conceptList, File outputFold) throws IOException { File exclFile = new File(I_Constants.EXCLUYENT_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + file.getFile() + (file.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); File completeDetailFile = new File(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + file.getFile() + (file.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); TreeSet<Long> order = getOrder(file, completeDetailFile); BufferedWriter bw = FileHelper.getWriter(exclFile); Integer sctIdIndex = file.getSctIdIndex(); if (sctIdIndex == null) { sctIdIndex = 1; } Integer priorityIndex = file.getPriorityListColumnIndex(); if (priorityIndex == null) { priorityIndex = 5; } boolean first = true; String line; String[] spl; for (Long ord : order) { BufferedReader br = FileHelper.getReader(completeDetailFile); if (first) { bw.append(br.readLine()); bw.append("\r\n"); first = false; } else { br.readLine(); } while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { spl = line.split(",", -1); Long prior = Long.parseLong(spl[priorityIndex]); if (!prior.equals(ord)) { continue; } Long cid = Long.parseLong(spl[sctIdIndex]); if (conceptList.contains(cid)) { continue; } bw.append(line); bw.append("\r\n"); conceptList.add(cid); } br.close(); } bw.close(); } private TreeSet<Long> getOrder(IReportDetail file, File completeDetailFile) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = FileHelper.getReader(completeDetailFile); TreeSet<Long> ret = new TreeSet<Long>(); Integer priorityIndex = file.getPriorityListColumnIndex(); if (priorityIndex == null) { priorityIndex = 5; } br.readLine(); String line; String[] spl; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { spl = line.split(",", -1); ret.add(Long.parseLong(spl[priorityIndex])); } br.close(); return ret; } private void printExcluyentList(IReportDetail file, HashSet<Long> conceptList, File outputFold) throws IOException { File exclFile = new File(I_Constants.EXCLUYENT_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + file.getFile() + (file.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); File completeDetailFile = new File(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + file.getFile() + (file.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); BufferedReader br = FileHelper.getReader(completeDetailFile); BufferedWriter bw = FileHelper.getWriter(exclFile); Integer sctIdIndex = file.getSctIdIndex(); if (sctIdIndex == null) { sctIdIndex = 1; } bw.append(br.readLine()); bw.append("\r\n"); String line; String[] spl; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { spl = line.split(",", -1); Long cid = Long.parseLong(spl[sctIdIndex]); if (conceptList.contains(cid)) { continue; } bw.append(line); bw.append("\r\n"); conceptList.add(cid); } br.close(); bw.close(); } /** * Creates the folders. */ private void createFolders() { File outputFolder = new File(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER); if (!outputFolder.exists()) { outputFolder.mkdirs(); } else { FileHelper.emptyFolder(outputFolder); } } /** * Write reports. * * @param reportCfg the report cfg * @param report the report * @param listDescriptors * @throws Exception the exception */ private void writeReports(ReportConfig reportCfg, String report, List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors) throws Exception { if (reportCfg.getOutputFile() != null) { for (OutputFileTableMap tableMap : reportCfg.getOutputFile()) { BufferedWriter bw = FileHelper.getWriter(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + tableMap.getFile() + (tableMap.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); addHeader(bw, tableMap); printReport(bw, tableMap); bw.close(); bw = null; } } if (createDetails.toLowerCase().equals("true")) { if (reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile() != null) { for (OutputDetailFile detail : reportCfg.getOutputDetailFile()) { File tmp = new File(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + detail.getFile() + (detail.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv")); BufferedWriter bw = FileHelper.getWriter(tmp); addHeader(bw, detail, listDescriptors); printReport(bw, detail, listDescriptors); bw.close(); bw = null; if (report.toLowerCase().indexOf("new_concepts") > -1) { CurrentFile.get().setNewConceptFile(tmp); } else if (report.toLowerCase().indexOf("changed_concept_definition") > -1) { CurrentFile.get().setChangedConceptFile(tmp); } } } } } /** * Prints the report. * * @param bw the bw * @param detail the detail * @param listDescriptors * @throws Exception the exception */ private void printReport(BufferedWriter bw, OutputDetailFile detail, List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors) throws Exception { SQLStatementExecutor executor = new SQLStatementExecutor(connection); AdditionalList[] additionalList = null; if (listDescriptors != null) { additionalList = getAdditionalList(listDescriptors); } Integer ixSctIdInReport = detail.getSctIdIndex(); if (ixSctIdInReport == null) { ixSctIdInReport = 1; } List<IReportListener> dependentReports = null; if (enableListeners) { ReportListeners reportListenersDescriptors = detail.getReportListeners(); if (reportListenersDescriptors != null) { dependentReports = initListeners(reportListenersDescriptors, detail); } } for (StoredProcedure sProc : detail.getStoredProcedure()) { executor.executeStoredProcedure(sProc, ImportManager.params, null); ResultSet rs = executor.getResultSet(); if (rs != null) { ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); String fieldValue; String sctId = ""; String line; while ( { line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rs.getObject(i + 1) != null) { fieldValue = rs.getObject(i + 1).toString().replaceAll(",", ",").trim(); if (ixSctIdInReport.intValue() == i) { sctId = fieldValue; } } else { fieldValue = ""; if (ixSctIdInReport.intValue() == i) { sctId = "0"; } } line += fieldValue; // bw.append(fieldValue); if (i + 1 < meta.getColumnCount()) { line += ","; // bw.append(","); } else { if (additionalList != null && detail.getCreateInterestConceptList()) { for (int ix = 0; i < additionalList.length; ix++) { line += ","; // bw.append(","); if (additionalList[ix].getIds().contains(sctId)) { line += "1"; // bw.append("1"); } else { line += "0"; // bw.append("0"); } } } bw.append(line); bw.append("\r\n"); if (dependentReports != null) { for (IReportListener dependentReport : dependentReports) { dependentReport.actionPerform(line); } } } } } meta = null; rs.close(); } } executor = null; if (dependentReports != null) { for (IReportListener dependentReport : dependentReports) { dependentReport.finalizeListener(); } } } private List<IReportListener> initListeners(ReportListeners reportListeners, OutputDetailFile detail) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { List<IReportListener> retReports = null; if (reportListeners.getReportListenerDescriptor() != null) { retReports = new ArrayList<IReportListener>(); for (ReportListenerDescriptor reportListenerDescriptor : reportListeners .getReportListenerDescriptor()) { reportListenerDescriptor.getExecutionClass(); IReportListener report = (IReportListener) Class .forName(reportListenerDescriptor.getExecutionClass()).newInstance(); report.setReportFile(new File(I_Constants.STATS_OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + reportListenerDescriptor.getFile() + (reportListenerDescriptor.getFile().toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv") ? "" : ".csv"))); report.setReportFilter(reportListenerDescriptor.getFilter()); retReports.add(report); Integer priority = reportListenerDescriptor.getExcluyentListPriority(); if (priority != null) { mapExcluyentListFile.put(priority, reportListenerDescriptor); } } } return retReports; } private AdditionalList[] getAdditionalList(List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors) throws IOException { AdditionalList[] additionalList = new AdditionalList[listDescriptors.size()]; int cont = 0; for (HierarchicalConfiguration additional : listDescriptors) { AdditionalList addList = new AdditionalList(); String ix = additional.getString("conceptIdColumnIndex"); int colIndex = 0; if (ix != null) { try { colIndex = Integer.parseInt(ix); } catch (Exception e) { } } String file = additional.getString("filePath"); if (file == null || file.trim().equals("")) { continue; } addList.setFilePath(file); String listTitle = additional.getString("listTitle"); if (listTitle == null || listTitle.trim().equals("")) { listTitle = "list " + cont; } addList.setListTitle(listTitle); addList.setConceptIdColumnIndex(String.valueOf(colIndex)); HashSet<String> idList = getIdList(file, colIndex); addList.setIds(idList); additionalList[cont] = addList; cont++; } return additionalList; } private HashSet<String> getIdList(String file, int colIndex) throws IOException { HashSet<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); BufferedReader br = FileHelper.getReader(file); br.readLine(); String line; String[] spl; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { spl = line.split("\t", -1); ret.add(spl[colIndex]); } return ret; } /** * Adds the header. * * @param bw the bw * @param detail the detail * @param listDescriptors * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void addHeader(BufferedWriter bw, OutputDetailFile detail, List<HierarchicalConfiguration> listDescriptors) throws IOException { bw.append(detail.getReportHeader()); if (listDescriptors != null) { for (HierarchicalConfiguration additionalList : listDescriptors) { bw.append(","); bw.append(additionalList.getString("listTitle")); } } bw.append("\r\n"); } /** * Adds the header. * * @param bw the bw * @param tableMap the table map * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void addHeader(BufferedWriter bw, OutputFileTableMap tableMap) throws IOException { bw.append(tableMap.getReportHeader()); bw.append("\r\n"); } /** * Prints the report. * * @param bw the bw * @param tableMap the table map * @throws Exception the exception */ private void printReport(BufferedWriter bw, OutputFileTableMap tableMap) throws Exception { SQLStatementExecutor executor = new SQLStatementExecutor(connection); for (SelectTableMap select : tableMap.getSelect()) { String query = "Select * from " + select.getTableName(); if (executor.executeQuery(query, null)) { ResultSet rs = executor.getResultSet(); if (rs != null) { ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { for (int i = 0; i < meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (rs.getObject(i + 1) != null) { bw.append(rs.getObject(i + 1).toString()); } else { bw.append(""); } if (i + 1 < meta.getColumnCount()) { bw.append(","); } else { bw.append("\r\n"); } } } meta = null; rs.close(); } } } executor = null; } /** * Execute report. * * @param reportCfg the report cfg * @throws Exception the exception */ private void executeReport(ReportConfig reportCfg) throws Exception { SQLStatementExecutor executor = new SQLStatementExecutor(connection); executor.executeStoredProcedure(reportCfg.getStoredProcedure(), ImportManager.params, null); executor = null; } }