Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package edu.kit.dama.mdm.core;

import edu.kit.dama.commons.exceptions.InitializationError;
import edu.kit.dama.util.DataManagerSettings;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubnodeConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Interface for the MetaDataManagement. Implementation as abstract factory.
 * Class is implemented as a singleton.
 * @author hartmann-v
public final class MetaDataManagement {

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Declaration of attributes">
     * For logging purposes.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaDataManagement.class);
     * Implementation of the MetaDataManagement. There should be only one
     * instance available (singleton).
    private final static MetaDataManagement SINGLETON = new MetaDataManagement();
     * Constants for the config files: filename.
    //private static final String CONFIG_FILE = "datamanager.xml";
     * Constants for the config files: root of MDM configuration.
    private static final String CONFIG_ROOT = DataManagerSettings.METADATA_MANAGEMENT_CONFIG_ROOT;
     * Constants for the config files: subpath to persistence implementations.
    private static final String CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_IMPL = "persistenceImplementations.persistenceImplementation";
     * Constants for the config files: subpath to persistence units.
    private static final String CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "persistenceUnits.persistenceUnit";
     * Constants for the config files: key for name of persistence
     * implementation.
    private static final String CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_NAME = "name";
     * Constants for the config files: key for class of persistence
     * implementation.
    private static final String CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_CLASS = "class";
     * Constants for the config files: key for default persistence
     * implementation.
    private static final String CONFIG_DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE = "default";
     * Map of the persistenceImplementation names and their persistence units.
    private volatile Map<String, List<String>> persistenceUnitMap = null;
     * Map of the persistenceImplementation names and their default persistence
     * units.
    private volatile Map<String, String> persistenceUnitDefaultMap = null;
     * Map of the persistenceImplementation names and their implementation
     * classes.
    private volatile Map<String, IPersistenceFactory> persistenceClassMap = null;
     * Name of the default implementation.
    private volatile String defaultImplementation = null;

    // </editor-fold>
     * Private Constructor.
    private MetaDataManagement() {"Initializing MetaDataManagement");

        if (getDefaultImplementation() == null) {
            throw new InitializationError(
                    "Failed to configure metdatata management. Default persistence implementation is not provided. Please check datamanger.xml");

        if (getDefaultPersistenceUnit() == null) {
            throw new InitializationError(
                    "Failed to configure metdatata management. Default persistence unit is not provided. Please check datamanger.xml");

     * Get single instance of MetaDataManagement (singleton).
     * @return instance of MetaDataManagement (singleton).
    public static MetaDataManagement getMetaDataManagement() {
        return SINGLETON;

     * Get single instance for manage queries of meta data. throws
     * IllegalArgumentException if implementation/unit is not defined in
     * configuration.
     * @param persistenceImplementation Label of the implementation which should
     * be used
     * @return Instance for managing the associated objects.
    private synchronized IPersistenceFactory getPersistenceFactory(final String persistenceImplementation) {
        IPersistenceFactory returnValue;
        // Test for existence of implementation
        if (!persistenceUnitMap.containsKey(persistenceImplementation)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Persistence implementation '" + persistenceImplementation + "' doesn't exist!");
        // Create instance of IPersistenceFactory
        returnValue = persistenceClassMap.get(persistenceImplementation);

        return returnValue;

     * Get single instance for manage queries of meta data. Throws an
     * IllegalArgumentException if implementation/unit is not defined in
     * configuration.
     * @param persistenceUnit Label of the persistence unit to use.
     * @return Instance for managing the associated objects.
    public synchronized IMetaDataManager getMetaDataManager(final String persistenceUnit) {
        return getMetaDataManager(getDefaultImplementation(), persistenceUnit);

     * Get a single instance for manage queries of meta data. Throws an
     * IllegalArgumentException if implementation/unit is not defined in
     * configuration.
     * @return Instance for managing the associated objects.
    public synchronized IMetaDataManager getMetaDataManager() {
        return getMetaDataManager(getDefaultImplementation(), getDefaultPersistenceUnit());

     * Get single instance for manage queries of meta data. Throws an
     * IllegalArgumentException if implementation/unit is not defined in
     * configuration.
     * @param persistenceImplementation Label of the implementation which should
     * be used
     * @param persistenceUnit Label of the persistence unit to use.
     * @return Instance for managing the associated objects.
    public synchronized IMetaDataManager getMetaDataManager(final String persistenceImplementation,
            final String persistenceUnit) {
        IPersistenceFactory persistenceFactory;

        // Test for existence of persistence unit
        if (!persistenceUnitMap.get(persistenceImplementation).contains(persistenceUnit)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Persistence unit '" + persistenceUnit + "' for implementation '"
                    + persistenceImplementation + "' doesn't exist!");

        persistenceFactory = getPersistenceFactory(persistenceImplementation);

        return persistenceFactory.getMetaDataManager(persistenceUnit);

     * Get labels of all configured implementations.
     * @return list with all implementation labels.
    public List<String> getAllImplementations() {
        return new ArrayList<>(persistenceClassMap.keySet());

     * Get labels of all configured persistence units for the given
     * implementation. Return 'null' if implementation doesn't exist.
     * @param persistenceImplementation label of the persistence implementation.
     * @return list with all persistence units.
    public List<String> getAllPersistenceUnits(final String persistenceImplementation) {
        return persistenceUnitMap.get(persistenceImplementation);

     * Get label of the persistence unit defined as default for the given
     * implementation. Return 'null' if implementation doesn't exist.
     * @param persistenceImplementation label of the persistence implementation.
     * @return default persistence unit.
    public String getDefaultPersistenceUnit(final String persistenceImplementation) {
        return persistenceUnitDefaultMap.get(persistenceImplementation);

     * Get labels of all configured persistence units for the default
     * implementation.
     * @return list with all persistence units.
    public List<String> getAllPersistenceUnits() {
        return persistenceUnitMap.get(getDefaultImplementation());

     * Get label of the persistence unit defined as default of the default
     * implementation. Return 'null' if implementation doesn't exist.
     * @return default persistence unit.
    public String getDefaultPersistenceUnit() {
        return persistenceUnitDefaultMap.get(getDefaultImplementation());

     * Warning: This method is only for testing purposes. Reseting during run
     * time will possibly loss data base informations.
    static void reset() {
        LOGGER.warn("Resetting configuration. This is intended to be done only in TEST MODE!");
        SINGLETON.defaultImplementation = null;

     * Get default implementation.
     * @return default implementation.
    public String getDefaultImplementation() {
        return defaultImplementation;

     * Load configuration from XML-File
    private void loadConfiguration() {
        String firstImplementation = null;
        String firstPersistenceUnit = null;
        HierarchicalConfiguration hc = null;
        List<String> persistenceUnits = null;
        URL configURL = null;
        try {
            configURL = DataManagerSettings.getConfigurationURL();
            LOGGER.debug("Loading configuration from {}", configURL);
            hc = new HierarchicalConfiguration(new XMLConfiguration(configURL));
            LOGGER.debug("Configuration successfully loaded");
        } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
            // error in configuration
            // reason see debug log message:
            LOGGER.error("Failed to load configuration.", ex);
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        SubnodeConfiguration configurationAt = hc.configurationAt(CONFIG_ROOT);
        List fields = configurationAt.configurationsAt(CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_IMPL);
        LOGGER.debug("Found {} configured persistence implementations", fields.size());
        persistenceUnitMap = new HashMap<>();
        persistenceClassMap = new HashMap<>();
        persistenceUnitDefaultMap = new HashMap<>();

        String implementationName;
        IPersistenceFactory iPersistenceFactory = null;
        for (Iterator it = fields.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            HierarchicalConfiguration sub = (HierarchicalConfiguration);
            LOGGER.debug("Reading sub-configuration");
            // First get all persistence units.
            persistenceUnits = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                List<HierarchicalConfiguration> persistenceUnitsList = sub
                if (persistenceUnitsList == null) {
                    persistenceUnitsList = new LinkedList<>();
                LOGGER.debug("Configuration contains {} persistence units.", persistenceUnitsList.size());
                firstPersistenceUnit = null;
                for (HierarchicalConfiguration item : persistenceUnitsList) {
                    String value = item.getString(".");
                    String defaultAttribute = item.getString("[@default]");

                    LOGGER.debug("PersistenceUnit found: " + value);
                    LOGGER.debug("@default = {}", defaultAttribute);

                    if (Boolean.parseBoolean(defaultAttribute)) {
                        if (firstPersistenceUnit == null) {
                            LOGGER.debug("{} is used as default persistence unit.", value);
                            firstPersistenceUnit = value;
                        } else {
                                    "{} is an additional persistence unit defined as default. We'll ignore this.",

                    LOGGER.debug("Adding persistence unit to list of units.");

            } catch (Exception any) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to read persistence units.", any);
            LOGGER.debug("firstPersistenceUnit: " + firstPersistenceUnit);
            if ((persistenceUnits.size() > 0) && (firstPersistenceUnit == null)) {
                LOGGER.debug("No default persistence unit defined. Using first entry ({})",
                firstPersistenceUnit = persistenceUnits.get(0);
            LOGGER.debug("Getting implementation name.");
            implementationName = sub.getString(CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_NAME);
            LOGGER.debug("Implementation name '{}' found.", implementationName);
            if (firstImplementation == null) {
                LOGGER.debug("Using implementation '{}' as first implementation.", implementationName);
                firstImplementation = implementationName;
            LOGGER.debug("Testing implementation '{}'", implementationName);
            if (sub.containsKey(CONFIG_DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE)) {
                LOGGER.debug("'{}' is configured as default implementation.", implementationName);
                if (defaultImplementation != null) {
                    LOGGER.warn("{} is an additional implementation defined as default. We'll ignore this.",
                } else {
                    defaultImplementation = implementationName;
            Class<?> loadClass;
            boolean success = false;
            String persistenceClass = sub.getString(CONFIG_PERSISTENCE_CLASS);
            try {

                LOGGER.debug("Loading class '{}': ", persistenceClass);
                loadClass = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(persistenceClass);
                LOGGER.debug("Checking IPersistenceFactory.class.assignableFrom({})", persistenceClass);
                success = IPersistenceFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(loadClass);
                iPersistenceFactory = null;
                if (success) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Creating instance of class {}", persistenceClass);
                    iPersistenceFactory = (IPersistenceFactory) loadClass.newInstance();
                    LOGGER.debug("Persistence factory successfully instantiated.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("IPersistenceFactory seems not to be assignable from class {}", persistenceClass);
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                LOGGER.error("Failed to create instance of persistence implementation " + persistenceClass, ex);
                success = false;
            if (success) {
                persistenceUnitMap.put(implementationName, persistenceUnits);
                persistenceClassMap.put(implementationName, iPersistenceFactory);
                persistenceUnitDefaultMap.put(implementationName, firstPersistenceUnit);
            } else {
                throw new edu.kit.dama.mdm.core.exception.ConfigurationException(
                        "Failed to initialize persistence factory from URL '" + configURL
                                + "'. See logfile for details.");
        if (defaultImplementation == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Default implementation not set, yet. Using first one ({}) as default.",
            defaultImplementation = firstImplementation;

     * Destroy all persistence factories. This method is intended to be used in
     * situations, e.g. redeploying a web application, where the runtime is
     * terminated without terminating the actual virtual machine. In order to
     * avoid stale connections, it is recommended to destroy the
     * MetaDataManagement as soon as the web application context is destroyed.
     * This method should not be called automatically, e.g. in a finalize block,
     * as this would influence situations where the MetaDataManagement is used
     * by multiple threads, e.g. during testing.
    public final void destroy() {
        Set<Entry<String, IPersistenceFactory>> entries = persistenceClassMap.entrySet();
        for (Entry<String, IPersistenceFactory> e : entries) {