Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl;

import edu.kit.lsdf.adalapi.AbstractFile;
import edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.exceptions.CommandLineHelpOnlyException;
import edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.exceptions.TransferClientInstatiationException;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.CLEANUP;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.EXTERNAL_PREPARATION_FAILED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.FAILED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.INTERNAL_PREPARATION_FAILED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.PREPARING;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.PRE_PROCESSING_FAILED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.RUNNING;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.SUCCEEDED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.TRANSFERRING;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.TRANSFER_FAILED;
import static edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.impl.AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS.TRANSFER_LOCKED;
import edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.interfaces.ITransferStatusListener;
import edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.interfaces.ITransferTaskListener;
import edu.kit.dama.transfer.client.util.TransferHelper;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.StagingProcessor;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.ingest.INGEST_STATUS;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.entities.ingest.IngestInformation;
import edu.kit.dama.commons.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import edu.kit.dama.staging.exceptions.ContainerInitializationException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Basic user client which is integrated into user interfaces. The
 * BaseUserClient takes care of the configuration of an appropriate
 * AbstractTransferClient. Furthermore, it wraps event listening and
 * communication with the Staging Service via a REST interface. The actual data
 * transfer is performed by the AbstractTransferClient in a multi threaded way.
 * @author jejkal
public class BaseUserClient {

     * The logger
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseUserClient.class);
     * Command line switch for the transfer ID.
    public static final String TRANSFER_ID = "i";
     * Command line switch for the local Url (source for ingest, target for
     * download).
    public static final String LOCAL_URL = "l";
     * Command line switch for defining the staging service URL.
    private static final String SERVICE_URL = "u";
     * Command line switch for defining the access key for the staging service.
    private static final String ACCESS_KEY = "k";
     * Command line switch for defining the access secret for the staging
     * service.
    private static final String ACCESS_SECRET = "s";
     * The command line switch for setting the 'force transfer' flag.
    private static final String FORCE = "f";
     * The command line switch for showing command line help.
    private static final String HELP = "h";

     * The command line switch for the local source/destination of the transfer.
    public static final String LOCAL = "l";
     * The command line options object.
    private static final Options OPTIONS = new Options();
     * The unique transfer ID provided by the caller.
    private Long transferId = null;
     * Flag which indicates to force the transfer (e.g. if the transfer is
     * locked).
    private boolean force = false;
     * The local URL of the transfer (source for ingest, target for download).
    private String localUrl = null;
     * The service Url to the remove staging service.
    private String serviceUrl = null;
     * The access key for accessing the staging service.
    private String serviceAccessKey = null;
     * The access secret for accessing the staging service.
    private String serviceAccessSecret = null;
     * Client for REST access.
    private StagingServiceRESTClient stagingServiceRESTClient = null;
    //private TransferTaskContainer container = null;
    private CommandLine processedCommandLineArgs = null;

    static {
        OPTIONS.addOption(TRANSFER_ID, "transferId", true, "The ID of the transfer.");
        OPTIONS.addOption(SERVICE_URL, "serviceUrl", true, "The staging service URL.");
        OPTIONS.addOption(ACCESS_KEY, "accessKey", true, "The user key for accessing the staging service.");
        OPTIONS.addOption(ACCESS_SECRET, "accessSecret", true,
                "The user secret for accessing the staging service.");
        OPTIONS.addOption(FORCE, "force", false, "Force the transfer.");
        OPTIONS.addOption(HELP, "help", false, "Print command line options.");
     * The transfer client instance responsible for all file transfer operations
    private AbstractTransferClient transferClient = null;
     * Registered transfer status listeners
    private final List<ITransferStatusListener> statusListeners = new LinkedList<ITransferStatusListener>();
     * Registered task listeners
    private final List<ITransferTaskListener> taskListeners = new LinkedList<ITransferTaskListener>();

     * Print the command line help.
    private void printParameterHelp() {
        new HelpFormatter().printHelp(getClass().getCanonicalName(), OPTIONS, true);

     * Get the defined command line options. Normally, default options are
     * returned. If addOption() was called, the returned object also contains
     * all added options.
     * @return The Options object.
    public static Options getOptions() {
        return OPTIONS;

     * Add the provided transfer status listener.
     * @param pListener The status listener to add.
    public final void addTransferStatusListener(ITransferStatusListener pListener) {
        if (!statusListeners.contains(pListener)) {

     * Remove the provided transfer status listener.
     * @param pListener The status listener to remove.
    public final void removeTransferStatusListener(ITransferStatusListener pListener) {

     * Add the provided transfer task listener.
     * @param pListener The task listener to add.
    public final void addTransferTaskListener(ITransferTaskListener pListener) {
        if (pListener != null && !taskListeners.contains(pListener)) {

     * Remove the provided transfer task listener.
     * @param pListener The task listener to remove.
    public final void removeTransferTaskListener(ITransferTaskListener pListener) {

     * Set the service access key.
     * @param pServiceAccessKey The access key.
    public final void setServiceAccessKey(String pServiceAccessKey) {
        this.serviceAccessKey = pServiceAccessKey;

     * Set the service access secret.
     * @param pServiceAccessSecret The access secret.
    public final void setServiceAccessSecret(String pServiceAccessSecret) {
        this.serviceAccessSecret = pServiceAccessSecret;

     * Get the context for accessing the staging REST service. The context
     * contains accessKey and accessSecret set via command line or the according
     * method.
     * @return The REST context.
    public SimpleRESTContext getContext() {
        if (serviceAccessKey == null || serviceAccessSecret == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either serviceAccessKey or serviceAccessSecret are not set.");

        return new SimpleRESTContext(serviceAccessKey, serviceAccessSecret);

     * Returns the REST client used to communicate with the Staging Service.
     * @return The REST client.
    public StagingServiceRESTClient getStagingServiceRESTClient() {
        if (stagingServiceRESTClient == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Creating instance of REST access client");
            stagingServiceRESTClient = new StagingServiceRESTClient(getServiceURL(), getContext());
            LOGGER.debug("REST client instance successfully created, testing connectivity...");
            IngestInformationWrapper result = stagingServiceRESTClient.getIngestCount(getContext());
            LOGGER.debug("Received number of registered ingests ({}) as result.", result.getEntities().size());
        return stagingServiceRESTClient;

     * Set the local URL programmatically. This value overrides any value
     * provided by command line options.
     * @param pLocalUrl The local URL.
    public final void setLocalUrl(String pLocalUrl) {
        if (pLocalUrl == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pLocalUrl must not be null");

        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Checking provided argument {} for local Url", pLocalUrl);
            URL local = new URL(pLocalUrl);
            localUrl = local.toString();
            LOGGER.debug("Local Url successfully set to {}", local.toString());
        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pLocalUrl must be a valid URL", ex);

     * Returns the source URL of this transfer.
     * @return The source URL.
    public final String getLocalUrl() {
        return localUrl;

     * Set the staging service URL programmatically. This value overrides any
     * value provided by command line options.
     * @param pServiceUrl The callback URL.
    public final void setServiceURL(String pServiceUrl) {
        serviceUrl = pServiceUrl;

     * Returns the source URL of this transfer.
     * @return The source URL.
    public final String getServiceURL() {
        return serviceUrl;

     * Returns the transfer id of this transfer.
     * @return The transfer.
    public final Long getTransferId() {
        return transferId;

     * Set the force transfer flag programmatically. This value overrides any
     * value provided by command line options.
     * @param pForce The force transfer flag.
    public final void setForceTransfer(boolean pForce) {
        force = pForce;

     * Adds a new option to the default command line options.
     * @param pOptionName The option and the short option character.
     * @param pDescription The plain text description of the option.
     * @param pArgCount The argument count.
     * @param pLongOption The long option string.
     * @param pMandatory TRUE = This option MUST be provided.
    public final void addOption(String pOptionName, String pDescription, int pArgCount, String pLongOption,
            boolean pMandatory) {
        if (pOptionName == null || pDescription == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither pOptionName nor pDescription must be 'null'");
        OptionBuilder b = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(pLongOption).withDescription(pDescription)
        if (pArgCount != 0) {
            if (pArgCount == 1) {
                b = b.hasArg();
            } else {
                b = b.hasArgs(pArgCount);

     * Get a additional option value for options added via addOption() before.
     * This method will return 'null' as long as configure(String[]) was not
     * called. Afterwards, it will return the value for the provided long option
     * or null, if the value was not found.
     * @param pOpt The option name used for addOption() before.
     * @return The value of the option or null.
    public final String getProcessedOptionValue(String pOpt) {
        if (processedCommandLineArgs == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Command line not processed, yet. Returning null.");
            return null;
        return processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(pOpt).trim();

     * Returns the current transfer client or 'null', if
     * initializeTransferClient() has not been called. The transfer client takes
     * care of the actual transfer.
     * @return The AbstractTransferClient object.
    public final AbstractTransferClient getTransferClient() {
        return transferClient;

     * Perform the upload by using the configured transfer client. Prior to the
     * upload, the following steps are performed:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Create an instance of an upload client. If there is no source URL
     * set, the upload is expected to be restored from a former checkpoint.</li>
     * <li>Reset the transfer if the 'force' flag is set and if a source URL is
     * provided</li>
     * <li>Add all registered transfer status listeners to the transfer
     * client.</li>
     * <li>Add all registered transfer task listeners to the transfer
     * client.</li>
     * <li>Add all registered transfer OPs to the transfer client.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @throws TransferClientInstatiationException If the instantiation was not
     * performed yet and fails
    public final void performUpload() throws TransferClientInstatiationException {
        /* IngestInformationWrapper result = getStagingServiceRESTClient().getIngestInformationById(getTransferId(), getContext());
         if (result.getEntities().isEmpty()) {
         throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to obtain ingest information for object '" + getTransferId() + "'. Service returned no result.");
         IngestInformation entity = result.getEntities().get(0);*/

        TransferTaskContainer container;
        try {
            container = TransferTaskContainer.factoryIngestContainer(getTransferId(), getServiceURL(),
                    serviceAccessKey, serviceAccessSecret);
            container.addDataFile(new File(new URL(getLocalUrl()).toURI()));
            transferClient = TransferHelper.factoryTransferClient(container);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to initialize transfer container", ex);

        LOGGER.debug(" * Instance successfully created.");
        if (force) {
  " * Resetting transfer due to 'force' argument");
        } else {
  " * Checking for restorable transfer.");
            if (transferClient.restoreTransfer(getContext())) {
      "Transfer successfully restored from disk.");

        LOGGER.debug(" * Adding {} transfer status listener(s)", taskListeners.size());
        for (ITransferStatusListener listener : statusListeners
                .toArray(new ITransferStatusListener[statusListeners.size()])) {
        LOGGER.debug(" * Adding {} transfer task listener(s)", taskListeners.size());
        for (ITransferTaskListener listener : taskListeners
                .toArray(new ITransferTaskListener[statusListeners.size()])) {

        IngestInformation entity = (IngestInformation) container.getTransferInformation();
        LOGGER.debug(" * Adding {} client-side staging processors", entity.getStagingProcessors().size());
        for (StagingProcessor processor : entity.getStagingProcessors()) {
            try {
                LOGGER.debug(" - Try to add processor {} ({})",
                        new Object[] { processor.getName(), processor.getUniqueIdentifier() });
                LOGGER.debug(" - Processor successfully added");
            } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
                throw new TransferClientInstatiationException(
                        "Failed to add staging processor '" + processor.getName() + "'", ex);

        LOGGER.debug("Transfer client ready. Starting transfer...");

     * Perform the download by using the configured transfer client. Prior to
     * the download, the following steps are performed:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Create an instance of an download client. If there is no source URL
     * set, the download is expected to be restored from a former
     * checkpoint.</li>
     * <li>Reset the transfer if the 'force' flag is set and if a source URL is
     * provided</li>
     * <li>Add all registered transfer status listeners to the transfer
     * client.</li>
     * <li>Add all registered transfer task listeners to the transfer
     * client.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @throws TransferClientInstatiationException If the instantiation was not
     * performed yet and fails.
    public final void performDownload() throws TransferClientInstatiationException {
        //create client
        LOGGER.debug("Creating download client instance");

        LOGGER.debug(" - Checking local target URL");
        try {
            if (!new AbstractFile(new URL(getLocalUrl())).isLocal()) {
                throw new TransferClientInstatiationException(
                        "Target URL must be local but is '" + getLocalUrl() + "'");
        } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Target URL '" + getLocalUrl() + "' is invalid", mue);

        LOGGER.debug(" - Obtaining download information");
        //get download information for provided object id
        DownloadInformationWrapper result = getStagingServiceRESTClient().getDownloadById(getTransferId(),
        if (result.getEntities().isEmpty()) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to obtain download information for object '"
                    + getTransferId() + "'. Service returned no result.");
        DownloadInformation entity = result.getEntities().get(0);

        if (entity.getStagingUrl() == null) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Download not prepared yet, please try again later.");

        LOGGER.debug(" - Obtaining and intializing transfer container");
        TransferTaskContainer container = getStagingServiceRESTClient()
                .getTransferTaskContainerById(getTransferId(), getContext());
        try {
            container.initialize(getContext().getAccessKey(), getContext().getAccessSecret());
        } catch (ContainerInitializationException ex) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to initialized transfer container", ex);

        LOGGER.debug(" - Instantiating transfer client");
        try {
            transferClient = TransferHelper.factoryTransferClient(container,
                    new AbstractFile(new URL(getLocalUrl())));
        } catch (MalformedURLException | TransferClientInstatiationException ex) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to initialize transfer container", ex);

        LOGGER.debug(" * Instance successfully created.");
        if (force) {
  " * Resetting transfer due to 'force' argument");
        } else {
  " * Checking for restorable transfer.");
            if (transferClient.restoreTransfer(getContext())) {
      "Transfer successfully restored from disk.");

        LOGGER.debug(" - Adding {} transfer status listener(s)", taskListeners.size());
        for (ITransferStatusListener listener : statusListeners
                .toArray(new ITransferStatusListener[statusListeners.size()])) {
        LOGGER.debug(" - Adding {} transfer task listener(s)", taskListeners.size());
        for (ITransferTaskListener listener : taskListeners
                .toArray(new ITransferTaskListener[statusListeners.size()])) {

        //@TODO Add StagingProcessors here, if needed
        LOGGER.debug("Transfer client ready. Starting transfer...");

     * Cancel the transfer.
    public final void cancelTransfer() {
        if (transferClient != null) {

     * Configures this client using the agument array obtained from a command
     * line call. All arguments are only set, if there are no values assigned to
     * the according fields. Each field but the transferID can be still
     * overwritten programmatically after configuration.
     * @param pArgs Command line arguments obtained from the main method.
     * @throws TransferClientInstatiationException If pArgs is invalid.
     * @throws CommandLineHelpOnlyException If printing the command line help
     * was requested via command line args.
    public final void configure(String[] pArgs)
            throws TransferClientInstatiationException, CommandLineHelpOnlyException {
        LOGGER.debug("Disabling ADALAPI overwrite checks");
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
        if (pArgs != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Configuring transfer client using argument array {}", Arrays.asList(pArgs));
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("No argument array provided for configuration. Transfer won't be performed.");

        processedCommandLineArgs = null;
        try {
            processedCommandLineArgs = parser.parse(getOptions(), pArgs);
        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException("Failed to parse arguments", pe);
        if (processedCommandLineArgs.hasOption(HELP)) {//print help and exit
            throw new CommandLineHelpOnlyException();

        //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Handle command line parsing and transfer client initialization ">
        String sTransferId = (transferId == null) ? processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(TRANSFER_ID).trim()
                : Long.toString(transferId);
        try {
            transferId = Long.parseLong(sTransferId);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new TransferClientInstatiationException(
                    "Failed to parse transferId argument " + sTransferId + ". Long value expected.", ex);

        serviceUrl = (serviceUrl == null) ? processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(SERVICE_URL).trim()
                : serviceUrl;
        serviceAccessKey = (serviceAccessKey == null) ? processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(ACCESS_KEY).trim()
                : serviceAccessKey;
        serviceAccessSecret = (serviceAccessSecret == null)
                ? processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(ACCESS_SECRET).trim()
                : serviceAccessSecret;

        force = (!force) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(processedCommandLineArgs.getOptionValue(FORCE)) : force;

        LOGGER.debug("Intitialization finished");

     * Update the status of an ingest via the REST service. This method is only
     * be used for ingests. The status of the associated ingest will be updated
     * on the server side. Depending on the status, server-side actions will be
     * triggered, e.g. the actual ingest to an archive.
     * @param pNewStatus The new status obtained from the transfer client. This
     * status will be mapped to INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_RUNNING,
     * @return TRUE if the status was updated successfully.
    public final boolean publishStatusChange(AbstractTransferClient.TRANSFER_STATUS pNewStatus) {
        INGEST_STATUS newStatus = null;
        switch (pNewStatus) {
        case PREPARING:
            //do nothing
        case RUNNING:
        case TRANSFERRING:
        case CLEANUP:
        case SUCCEEDED:
        case TRANSFER_FAILED:
        case TRANSFER_LOCKED:
        case FAILED:
            newStatus = INGEST_STATUS.PRE_INGEST_FAILED;
            //do nothing
        boolean result;

        if (newStatus == null) {
  "No status obtained for input {}. Returning FALSE.", pNewStatus);
            return false;
        LOGGER.debug("Update status for id {} to new status {}", new Object[] { getTransferId(), newStatus });
        result = getStagingServiceRESTClient().updateIngest(getTransferId(), null, newStatus.getId(), getContext())
                .getStatus() == 200;
        if (result) {
            LOGGER.debug("Status update successful");
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("Status update failed");

        return result;

     * Send a heartbeat (a null-update) via the REST service. This method must
     * only be used for ingests. The associated ingest entity if obtained and
     * its status and error message are submitted unchanged. On the server side
     * this will lead to an extended expire-timestamp and the lastAccess value
     * will change.
     * @return TRUE if the heartbeat could be sent.
    public final boolean sendHeartbeat() {
        boolean result = false;
        IngestInformationWrapper serviceResult = getStagingServiceRESTClient().getIngestById(getTransferId(),
        if (!serviceResult.getEntities().isEmpty()) {
            IngestInformation entity = serviceResult.getEntities().get(0);
            result = getStagingServiceRESTClient()
                    .updateIngest(getTransferId(), entity.getErrorMessage(), entity.getStatus(), getContext())
                    .getStatus() == 200;
            LOGGER.debug("Sent heartbeat to ingest #{}. Success: {}" + getTransferId(), result);
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("No entity found for id {}. Skip sending heartbeat.", getTransferId());
        return result;