Source code

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 * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2011 SRA International, Inc.
 * Copyright Notice.  The software subject to this notice and license includes both human
 * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG
 * Software").
 * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project.

package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * <b>IMPORTANT: Running this application will delete all data in a user's local (unit test) database.</b>
 * <p>This is the main utility class that can be executed via command line or within an IDE to generate and load QCLive test data into a user's 
 * local (unit test) database for a specific disease.
 * <p>Usage information if running from the command line:
 * <blockquote>
 * <pre>
 * usage: java -jar qclive-test-data-generator.jar -a [archive-name]
 * -?,--help                    Displays usage information.
 * -a,--archive_name <arg>      The name of the archive (without file
 *                              extension) to generate test data for.
 * -f,--sql_script_file <arg>   The absolute path to a SQL script file to
 *                              run. If used in conjunction with the -a
 *                              option, the provided script will run after
 *                              test data for an archive has been loaded.
 *                              The -s option denoting the databse schema to
 *                              run script file against is also required
 *                              when using this option
 * -s,--schema <arg>            The database schema to execute the SQL
 *                              script file against. Supported values are
 *                              local-common and local-disease
 * </pre>
 * </blockquote>
 * @author Matt Nicholls
 *         Last updated by: nichollsmc
 * @version 
public class QCLiveTestDataGenerator {

    /** Logger */
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QCLiveTestDataGenerator.class);

    /** Spring application context file */
    private static final String APP_CONTEXT_FILE_NAME = "applicationContext.xml";

    /** Control schema name */
    private static final String CONTROL_SCHEMA_NAME = "CNTL";

    /** Data sources that will be used to create the insert statements for the test data. */
    private JdbcTemplate dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate;
    private JdbcTemplate diseaseDevJdbcTemplate;

    /** Local data sources that will be used to load the test data */
    private JdbcTemplate dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate;
    private JdbcTemplate diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate;

    /** List of SQL scripts on the classpath used to initialize the local test database */
    private Map<String, SchemaType> initSQLScriptClassPathLocations;

    /** Locations of the SQL scripts used for generating insert statements for test data */
    private String dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName;
    private String diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName;
    private String diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName;
    private String barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName;
    private String cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    /** Regex pattern for validating the archive names */
    private final Pattern ARCHIVE_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern

    /** Regex pattern for matching SQL statements read from a file */
    private final String[] SQL_OPS = new String[] { "select", "insert", "update", "delete" };
    private final Pattern SQL_STMT_PATTERN = Pattern
            .compile(String.format("(%s).+;", StringUtils.join(SQL_OPS, "|")));
    private final String[] SQL_STMT_EXCLUSION_STRINGS = new String[] { "commit", "dual" };
    private final Pattern SQL_STMT_EXCLUSION_PATTERN = Pattern
            .compile(String.format(".*(%s).*;", StringUtils.join(SQL_STMT_EXCLUSION_STRINGS, "|")));

    /** Replacement strings for SQL statements */
    private final String CENTER_REPLACMENT_STRING = "replace_center";
    private final String DISEASE_ABBR_REPLACMENT_STRING = "replace_disease";
    private final String PLATFORM_REPLACMENT_STRING = "replace_platform";

    /** String array of known test database host names */
    private final String[] KNOWN_TEST_DB_HOSTNAMES = new String[] { "ncias-c406" };

    /** String array of known platforms associated with BCR archives **/
    private final String[] KNOWN_BCR_PLATFORMS = new String[] { "bio" };

     * Orchestrates the generation and loading of test data using the archive name for a disease.
     * @param archiveName - a string representing the archive name of a disease (without the extension)
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs when reading in the SQL scripts used to generate inserts for test data
     * @throws ParseException if an error occurs while parsing the archive name
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while executing arbitrary SQL scripts
    public void generateTestData(final String archiveName) throws ParseException, IOException, SQLException {

        String centerDomainName = null;
        String diseaseAbbr = null;
        String platformName = null;

        logger.debug("Parsing archive name '" + archiveName
                + "' for center name, disease abbreviation, and platform name...");

        // Assert that the archive name follows the correct pattern
        if (!(ARCHIVE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(archiveName)).matches())
            throw new ParseException("Archive name '" + archiveName
                    + "' does not match the pattern of '(center name)_(disease).(platform).(archivetype).(batch).(revision).(series)'");

        // Parse the archive name for the center
        String[] parsedForCenter = archiveName.split("_", 2);
        centerDomainName = parsedForCenter[0];

        // Parse for the disease abbreviation and platform name
        String[] parsedForDiseaseAndPlatform = parsedForCenter[1].split("\\.");
        diseaseAbbr = parsedForDiseaseAndPlatform[0];
        platformName = parsedForDiseaseAndPlatform[1];

        // Check to ensure that the center domain name, disease abbreviation and platform name parsed from the provided archive name have 
        // have associated data in the dev common database schema. If they do, load the test data, otherwise log an error
        if (recordsExist("center", "domain_name", centerDomainName, dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate)
                && recordsExist("disease", "disease_abbreviation", diseaseAbbr.toUpperCase(),
                && recordsExist("platform", "platform_name", platformName, dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate)) {

  "Initializing local database schemas...");

            // Initialize local database

  "Generating and loading test data...");

            // Generate the insert statements for all required test data and execute them against the users local test DB

            // Only load barcode test data for non-BCR archives
            if (!isPlatformForBCR(platformName))
                generateAndLoadBarcodeTestData(centerDomainName, diseaseAbbr, platformName);
                logger.warn("Archive was identified as a BCR archive, barcode test data will not be loaded.");


            // Load control specific test data only when the archive is not a CNTL archive.
            // The reason is that when the disease archive is CNTL, then all the data needed will be pulled from the CNTL schema
            // but when a non-CNTL archive is loaded the control data has to be inserted manually as it does not come from other disease schemas
            // (CNTL data might be needed if a non-CNTL archive contains control data).
            if (!CONTROL_SCHEMA_NAME.equals(diseaseAbbr)) {
        } else
            throw new ParseException("No information exists for archive name '" + archiveName + "'.");"Test data generation and load completed successfully.");

    * Utility method for checking whether or not records exist for specific column within a table of a given database.
    * @param tableName - the table name to query
    * @param columnName - the column name to query
    * @param columnValue - the column value to query
    * @param jdbcTemplate - the data source that defines the database to run the query against
    * @return true if records exist, false if not records are found
    private boolean recordsExist(final String tableName, final String columnName, final String columnValue,
            JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {

        logger.debug("Checking if records exist in table '" + tableName + "' for column '" + columnName
                + "' with value '" + columnValue + "'");

        // Query for the number records that exist using the provided parameters
        final int results = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(
                "select count(0) from " + tableName + " where " + columnName + " = '" + columnValue + "'");

        // If the result from the query is greater than 0, return true, otherwise return false
        if (results > 0) {
            logger.debug("Query returned '" + results + "' result(s), returning true...");
            return true;
        } else {
            logger.debug("Query did not return any results, returning false...");
            return false;

     * Initializes a local database using the SQL scripts set within {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#initSQLScriptClassPathLocations}.
     * <p>Typically, SQL scripts will be set within the Spring configuration file (e.g. applicationContext.xml), however they can
     * also be set programatically via the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#setInitSQLScriptClassPathLocations(Map)} method.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while processing a SQL script file resource
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while executing a SQL script
    private void initializeLocalDatabase() throws IOException, SQLException {

        Resource sqlScriptFileResource = null;
        SchemaType schemaType = null;

        // Iterate through each entry in the map and execute the initialization scripts
        for (String scriptLocation : initSQLScriptClassPathLocations.keySet()) {

            // Get classpath resource reference to the SQL script file
            sqlScriptFileResource = new ClassPathResource(scriptLocation);

            // Get the schema type value keyed by the SQL script file
            schemaType = initSQLScriptClassPathLocations.get(scriptLocation);

            // Execute the SQL script based on its schema type
            executeSQLScriptFile(schemaType, sqlScriptFileResource);

     * Checks the provided platform name associated with an archive and determines whether or not it is a
     * BCR archive.
     * @param platformName - archive platform name
     * @return true if the platform name is associated with BCR archive, otherwise false
    private boolean isPlatformForBCR(String platformName) {
        for (String knownBCRPlatform : KNOWN_BCR_PLATFORMS)
            if (platformName.equalsIgnoreCase(knownBCRPlatform))
                return true;

        return false;

     * Executes an arbitrary SQL script file for a specific database schema.
     * <p>The first parameter for this method must be one of the supported {@link SchemaType}s.
     * <p>The second parameter is a {@link Resource} that points to a SQL script file resource (e.g. {@link FileSystemResource}). 
     * @param schemaType - a {@link SchemaType} representing the database schema to run a SQL script file against
     * @param sqlScriptFileResource - the SQL script file resource to be executed
     * @throws IOException if the SQL script file resource is not readable
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while executing a SQL script
    public void executeSQLScriptFile(final SchemaType schemaType, final Resource sqlScriptFileResource)
            throws IOException, SQLException {"Executing SQL script file '" + sqlScriptFileResource + "' for schema '" + schemaType + "'");

        List<String> sqlStmts = null;

        // Check the provided parameters to ensure that they are not null, otherwise throw an exception
        if (schemaType != null && sqlScriptFileResource != null) {

            // If the SQL script file resource is not readable, throw an exception
            if (!sqlScriptFileResource.isReadable())
                throw new IOException("SQL script file resource '" + sqlScriptFileResource + "' is not readable.");

            // Get the SQL statements from the SQL file
            sqlStmts = getSQLStmtsToLowerCaseFromFile(sqlScriptFileResource.getURL());
            for (String sql : sqlStmts) {
                System.out.println(sql + ";");
            try {
                if (schemaType.equals(SchemaType.LOCAL_COMMON))
                    dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlStmts.toArray(new String[] {}));
                else if (schemaType.equals(SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE))
                    diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlStmts.toArray(new String[] {}));
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot execute SQL script file for schema '" + schemaType
                    + "' and file '" + sqlScriptFileResource + "'.");"Done executing SQL script file.");

     * Populates a local unit test database with common test data for testing QCLive.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the SQL script file that contains the insert generation statements
    private void generateAndLoadCommonTestData() throws IOException {"Loading common test data...");

        // Get reference to SQL script file used to create the insert statements for common test data
        final URL sqlScriptFileNameURL = new ClassPathResource(dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName).getURL();

        // Generate the insert statements using the data source referenced by dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate and the SQL script above
        final List<String> insertsForCommonTestData = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> sqlInsertGenStmts = getSQLStmtsToLowerCaseFromFile(sqlScriptFileNameURL);
        for (String insertGenStmt : sqlInsertGenStmts) {
            insertsForCommonTestData.addAll(dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate.queryForList(insertGenStmt, String.class));

        // Log the generated common test data insert statements if debug is enabled
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logGenSQLStmtsToDebug("common", insertsForCommonTestData);

        // If the list of generated SQL statements is not empty execute the insert statements against the users local common test 
        // schema referenced by dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate, otherwise do nothing and log a warning statement
        for (String sql : insertsForCommonTestData) {
        if (insertsForCommonTestData.isEmpty())
            logger.warn("No insert statements were generated using SQL script file '" + sqlScriptFileNameURL + "'. "
                    + "Common test data will not be loaded.");
        else {
                    stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(insertsForCommonTestData).toArray(new String[] {}));
  "Common test data loaded successfully.");

     * Populates a local unit test database with disease reference test data for testing QCLive.
     * @param diseaseAbbr - a string representing the abbreviated disease name
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the SQL script file that contains the insert generation statements
    private void generateAndLoadDiseaseRefTestData(final String diseaseAbbr) throws IOException {"Loading disease reference test data...");

        // Get reference to SQL script file used to create the insert statements for disease reference test data
        final URL sqlScriptFileNameURL = new ClassPathResource(diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName).getURL();

        // Create the map of replacement strings that will be replaced for each statement read from the script file
        final Map<String, String> replacementStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();
        replacementStrings.put(DISEASE_ABBR_REPLACMENT_STRING, diseaseAbbr);

        // Generate the insert statements using the data source referenced by dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate and the SQL script above
        final List<String> insertsForDiseaseRefTestData = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> sqlInsertGenStmts = replaceStringsForStmts(replacementStrings,
        for (String insertGenStmt : sqlInsertGenStmts) {
            insertsForDiseaseRefTestData.addAll(dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate.queryForList(insertGenStmt, String.class));

        // Log the generated disease reference test data insert statements if debug is enabled
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logGenSQLStmtsToDebug("disease reference", insertsForDiseaseRefTestData);

        // If the list of generated SQL statements is not empty execute the insert statements against the users local common test 
        // schema referenced by diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate, otherwise do nothing and log a warning statement
        if (insertsForDiseaseRefTestData.isEmpty())
            logger.warn("No insert statements were generated using SQL script file '" + sqlScriptFileNameURL + "'. "
                    + "Disease reference test data will not be loaded.");
        else {
                    stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(insertsForDiseaseRefTestData).toArray(new String[] {}));
  "Disease reference test data loaded successfully.");

     * Populates a local unit test database with barcode test data for testing QCLive.
     * @param centerDomainName - a string representing the center domain name
     * @param diseaseAbbr - a string representing the abbreviated disease name
     * @param platformName - a string representing the platform name
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the SQL script file that contains the insert generation statements
    private void generateAndLoadBarcodeTestData(final String centerDomainName, final String diseaseAbbr,
            final String platformName) throws IOException {"Loading barcode test data for center '" + centerDomainName + "', disease abbreviation '"
                + diseaseAbbr + "', and platform '" + platformName + "'...");

        // Get reference to SQL script file used to create the insert statements for barcode test data
        final URL sqlScriptFileNameURL = new ClassPathResource(barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName).getURL();

        // Create the map of replacement strings that will be replaced for each statement read from the script file
        final Map<String, String> replacementStrings = new HashMap<String, String>();
        replacementStrings.put(CENTER_REPLACMENT_STRING, centerDomainName);
        replacementStrings.put(DISEASE_ABBR_REPLACMENT_STRING, diseaseAbbr);
        replacementStrings.put(PLATFORM_REPLACMENT_STRING, platformName);

        // Generate the insert statements using the data source referenced by dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate and the SQL script above
        final List<String> insertsForBarcodeTestData = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> sqlInsertGenStmts = replaceStringsForStmts(replacementStrings,
        for (String insertGenStmt : sqlInsertGenStmts) {
            insertsForBarcodeTestData.addAll(dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate.queryForList(insertGenStmt, String.class));

        // Log the generated barcode test data insert statements if debug is enabled
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logGenSQLStmtsToDebug("barcode", insertsForBarcodeTestData);

        // If the list of generated SQL statements is not empty execute the insert statements against the users local common test 
        // schema referenced by diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate, otherwise do nothing and log a warning statement
        if (insertsForBarcodeTestData.isEmpty())
            logger.warn("No insert statements were generated using SQL script file '" + sqlScriptFileNameURL + "'. "
                    + "Barcode test data will not be loaded.");
        else {
                    stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(insertsForBarcodeTestData).toArray(new String[] {}));
  "Barcode test data loaded successfully.");

     * Populates a local unit test database with specific disease test data for testing QCLive.
     * @param diseaseAbbr - a string representing the abbreviated disease name
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the SQL script file that contains the insert generation statements
    private void generateAndLoadDiseaseTestData(final String diseaseAbbr) throws IOException {"Loading disease specific test data for disease abbreviation '" + diseaseAbbr + "'...");

        // Get reference to SQL script file used to create the insert statements for disease test data
        final URL sqlScriptFileNameURL = new ClassPathResource(diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName).getURL();

        // Generate the insert statements using the data source referenced by dieseaseDevJdbcTemplate and the SQL script above
        final List<String> insertsForDiseaseTestData = new ArrayList<String>();
        final List<String> sqlInsertGenStmts = getSQLStmtsToLowerCaseFromFile(sqlScriptFileNameURL);
        final String replaceFromString = "from ";
        final String fromStringReplacement = "from tcga" + diseaseAbbr + ".";
        for (String insertGenStmt : sqlInsertGenStmts) {
            // Modify the ending "from " string for each insert statement to specify the appropriate disease schema before executing a query
            StringBuilder diseaseInsertGenStmt = new StringBuilder(insertGenStmt);
            int fromStringIndex = insertGenStmt.lastIndexOf(replaceFromString);
            diseaseInsertGenStmt.replace(fromStringIndex, fromStringIndex + replaceFromString.length(),
                    .addAll(diseaseDevJdbcTemplate.queryForList(diseaseInsertGenStmt.toString(), String.class));

        // Log the generated disease test data insert statements if debug is enabled
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logGenSQLStmtsToDebug("disease specific", insertsForDiseaseTestData);

        // If the list of generated SQL statements is not empty execute the insert statements against the users local disease test
        // schema referenced by diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate, otherwise do nothing and log a warning statement
        if (insertsForDiseaseTestData.isEmpty())
            logger.warn("No insert statements were generated using SQL script file '" + sqlScriptFileNameURL + "'. "
                    + "Disease specific test data will not be loaded.");
        else {
                    stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(insertsForDiseaseTestData).toArray(new String[] {}));
  "Disease specific test data loaded successfully.");

     * Load data specific to CNTL schema
    private void loadCNTLTestData() throws IOException {"Loading CNTL specific test data...");

        // Get reference to SQL script file used to create the insert statements for CNTL reference test data
        final URL sqlScriptFileNameURL = new ClassPathResource(getCntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName()).getURL();
        final List<String> sqlInsertGenStmts = getSQLStmtsFromFile(sqlScriptFileNameURL, false);

        if (!sqlInsertGenStmts.isEmpty()) {
            diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsertGenStmts.toArray(new String[] {}));
        }"CNTL specific test data loaded successfully.");

     * Loads SQL statements from a SQL script file and returns a list containing strings for each statement. 
     * <p>This method also runs the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(List)} method 
     * on the returned list.
     * <p>All statements included in the returned list are lower case.
     * @param sqlScriptFileURL - the SQL script file to retrieve SQL statements from
     * @return a list containing strings that represent each SQL statement in the provided SQL script file
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading a SQL script file
    private List<String> getSQLStmtsToLowerCaseFromFile(final URL sqlScriptFileURL) throws IOException {
        return getSQLStmtsFromFile(sqlScriptFileURL, true);

     * Loads SQL statements from a SQL script file and returns a list containing strings for each statement.
     * <p>This method also runs the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator#stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(List)} method
     * on the returned list.
     * @param sqlScriptFileURL - the SQL script file to retrieve SQL statements from
     * @param toLowerCase wether to convert the SQL statements to lower case
     * @return a list containing strings that represent each SQL statement in the provided SQL script file
     * @throws IOException
    private List<String> getSQLStmtsFromFile(final URL sqlScriptFileURL, final boolean toLowerCase)
            throws IOException {

        logger.debug("Retrieving SQL statements from file '" + sqlScriptFileURL + "'");

        InputStream inputStream = sqlScriptFileURL.openStream();
        try {
            // Read in all the lines from the SQL script file and remove all lines that do begin with "select", "delete", or "truncate" and end with ";", and
            // do not include commit.

            List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<String> sqlStatementsFromFile = IOUtils.readLines(inputStream);
            String trimmedStatement, trimmedStatementToLowerCase;
            for (String statement : sqlStatementsFromFile) {
                trimmedStatement = statement.trim();
                trimmedStatementToLowerCase = trimmedStatement.toLowerCase();
                if (SQL_STMT_PATTERN.matcher(trimmedStatementToLowerCase).matches()
                        && !SQL_STMT_EXCLUSION_PATTERN.matcher(trimmedStatementToLowerCase).matches()) {
                    sqlStatements.add(toLowerCase ? trimmedStatementToLowerCase : trimmedStatement);

            return stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(sqlStatements);
        } finally {

    * Utility method that iterates through <code>java.util.List</code> of <code>java.lang.String</code> SQL statements
    * and replaces each string with the value from the provided <code>java.util.Map<String, String></code>. 
    * <p>The replacement strings within statement should match the keys within the provided map.
    * @param replaceStrings - a map that contains the replacement strings, where the keys are the replacement strings 
    * and the values are the new strings for replacing
    * @param statements - a list of SQL statements
    * @return a new list of SQL statements with all the replacement strings replaced for each statement
    private List<String> replaceStringsForStmts(final Map<String, String> replaceStrings,
            final List<String> statements) {

        final List<String> stmtsWithReplacedStrings = new ArrayList<String>();

        // For each replacement entry in the map, replace the corresponding value(s) for each statement in the list
        for (String statement : statements) {
            String stmt = new String(statement);
            for (String replaceStringKey : replaceStrings.keySet()) {
                stmt = stmt.replaceAll(replaceStringKey.toLowerCase(),
                        "'" + replaceStrings.get(replaceStringKey) + "'");

        return stmtsWithReplacedStrings;

     * Utility method that iterates through a <code>java.util.List</code> of <code>java.lang.String</code> SQL statements 
     * (e.g. retrieved from a SQL script file) and strips off the ending semicolon. This is necessary when using JdbcTemplate 
     * for queries since it adds them automatically.
     * @param statements - list of SQL statements
     * @return a new list of SQL statements with the ending semicolon stripped off each statement
    private List<String> stripEndingSemicolonFromSQLStmts(final List<String> statements) {

        List<String> statementsWithoutEndingSemiColons = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String statement : statements) {
            StringBuilder stmt = new StringBuilder(statement);
            stmt.setCharAt(statement.lastIndexOf(';'), ' ');

        return statementsWithoutEndingSemiColons;

     * Convenience method for logging generated SQL statements to the debug log.
     * @param qualifier - the qualifier that specifies what the statements being logged belong to 
     * @param statements - a list of statements to write to the debug log
    private void logGenSQLStmtsToDebug(final String qualifier, final List<String> statements) {
        StringBuilder generatedInserts = new StringBuilder();
        generatedInserts.append("\n\nExecuting '" + statements.size() + "' " + qualifier
                + " test data insert statements against local database\n");
        generatedInserts.append("\n---- Generated " + qualifier + " test data insert statements ----\n");
        for (String insertStatement : statements)
            generatedInserts.append(insertStatement + "\n");

     * Static utility method to print the usage information to Standard.out for the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator}.
    public static void displayHelp() {
        new HelpFormatter().printHelp("java -jar qclive-test-data-generator.jar -a [archive-name]",

     * Utility method for checking the user name provided as part of the database connection
     * credentials to assert whether it is a test account or not.
     * @param username - the user name to check
     * @return true if the user name is associated with a known test account, false otherwise
    private boolean isTestAccount(String username) {
        if (username.toLowerCase().contains("test"))
            return true;
            return false;

     * Utility method for checking the database connection URL provided as part of the database connection
     * credentials to assert whether it points to a test database host name or not.
     * @param url - the URL connection string to check
     * @return true if the URL contains a host name that is associated with a known test database, false otherwise
    private boolean isTestDBHost(String url) {
        for (String hostName : KNOWN_TEST_DB_HOSTNAMES)
            if (url.toLowerCase().contains(hostName))
                return true;

        // Return false if no match is found
        return false;

     * Convenience method for retrieving the list of known test database host names as comma delimited string.
     * @return a comma delimited string of known test database host names
    public String getTestDBHostNames() {
        StringBuilder hostNamesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        String hostNames = null;

        for (String hostName : KNOWN_TEST_DB_HOSTNAMES)
            hostNamesBuilder.append(hostName + ',');

        // Strip off the ending comma and return the result
        hostNames = hostNamesBuilder.toString();
        return hostNames.substring(0, hostNames.lastIndexOf(',') - 1);

    public void setDccCommonDevJdbcTemplate(final JdbcTemplate dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate) {

        final DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate
        final String username = dataSource.getUsername();
        if (isTestAccount(username))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test account '" + username
                    + "' is not permitted for database connection property 'dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate'");

        this.dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate = dccCommonDevJdbcTemplate;

    public void setDiseaseDevJdbcTemplate(final JdbcTemplate diseaseDevJdbcTemplate) {

        final DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) diseaseDevJdbcTemplate.getDataSource();
        final String username = dataSource.getUsername();
        if (isTestAccount(username))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test account '" + username
                    + "' is not permitted for database connection property 'diseaseDevJdbcTemplate'");

        this.diseaseDevJdbcTemplate = diseaseDevJdbcTemplate;

    public void setDccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate(final JdbcTemplate dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate) {

        final DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate
        final String url = dataSource.getUrl();
        if (!isTestDBHost(url))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection URL '" + url
                    + "' for datasource defined by 'dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate' does not point to a "
                    + "known test database host. Expected one of [" + getTestDBHostNames() + "]");

        this.dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate = dccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate;

    public void setDiseaseLocalJdbcTemplate(final JdbcTemplate diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate) {

        final DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate
        final String url = dataSource.getUrl();
        if (!isTestDBHost(url))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection URL '" + url
                    + "' for datasource defined by 'diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate' does not point to a "
                    + "known test database host. Expected one of [" + getTestDBHostNames() + "]");

        this.diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate = diseaseLocalJdbcTemplate;

    public void setDccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName(
            @Qualifier(value = "dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName") final String dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName) {
        this.dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName = dccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    public void setDiseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName(
            @Qualifier(value = "diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName") final String diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName) {
        this.diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName = diseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    public void setDiseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName(
            @Qualifier(value = "diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName") final String diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName) {
        this.diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName = diseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    public void setBarcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName(
            @Qualifier(value = "barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName") final String barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName) {
        this.barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName = barcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "initSQLScriptClassPathLocations")
    public void setInitSQLScriptClassPathLocations(final Map<String, String> initSQLScriptClassPathLocations) {
        this.initSQLScriptClassPathLocations = new HashMap<String, SchemaType>();
        for (String sqlScriptLocation : initSQLScriptClassPathLocations.keySet()) {

    public String getCntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName() {
        return cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName;

    public void setCntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName(
            @Qualifier(value = "cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName") final String cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName) {
        this.cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName = cntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName;

     * Main entry point for the application. Configures the Spring context and calls the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator}
     * bean to load and generate test data for a specific archive name.
     * @param args - list of arguments to be passed to the {@link QCLiveTestDataGenerator} bean
    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        // Display help if no arguments are provided, otherwise parse the arguments
        if (args.length == 0)
        else {
            try {
                // Parse the command line arguments 
                final CommandLine commandLine = new GnuParser().parse(CommandLineOptionType.getOptions(), args);

                // If the command line instance contains the -? (--help) option display help, otherwise call the QCLiveTestDataGenerator
                // to process the command line arguments
                if (commandLine.hasOption( {
                } else {
                    final String archiveNameOption = CommandLineOptionType.ARCHIVE_NAME.getOptionValue().getOpt();
                    final String sqlScriptFileOption = CommandLineOptionType.SQL_SCRIPT_FILE.getOptionValue()
                    final String schemaOption = CommandLineOptionType.SCHEMA.getOptionValue().getOpt();

                    // Initialize the Spring context
                    final ApplicationContext appCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(APP_CONTEXT_FILE_NAME);

                    // Retrieve the QCLiveTestDataGenerator from the Spring context
                    final QCLiveTestDataGenerator qcLiveTestDataGenerator = (QCLiveTestDataGenerator) appCtx

                    // Get the archive name from the command line argument(s) (if provided) and generate the test data
                    if (commandLine.hasOption(archiveNameOption)) {

                    // If the SQL script file and schema options are provided, execute the script
                    if (commandLine.hasOption(sqlScriptFileOption)) {
                        if (commandLine.hasOption(schemaOption)) {
                            // Try to resolve the schema type from the provided schema name. If it cannot be resolved, throw an exception that
                            // indicates the supported schema types
                            final String schemaOptionValue = commandLine.getOptionValue(schemaOption);
                            SchemaType schemaTpye = null;
                            try {
                                schemaTpye = SchemaType.valueOf(schemaOptionValue.toUpperCase());
                            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                                throw new ParseException("Could not resolve schema name '" + schemaOptionValue
                                        + "' to a supported schema type "
                                        + "when attempting to execute SQL script file '"
                                        + commandLine.getOptionValue(sqlScriptFileOption) + "'. "
                                        + "Supported types are '" + SchemaType.getSupportedSchemaTypes() + "'");

                                    new FileSystemResource(commandLine.getOptionValue(sqlScriptFileOption)));
                        } else
                            throw new ParseException(
                                    "Setting the -f (or -sql_script_file) option also requires the -s (or -schema) to be set.");
            } catch (ParseException pe) {
                System.err.println("\nParsing failed. Reason: " + pe.getMessage());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
            } catch (SQLException sqle) {