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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.giraph.graph;

import org.apache.giraph.bsp.BspInputFormat;
import org.apache.giraph.bsp.BspOutputFormat;
import org.apache.giraph.graph.partition.GraphPartitionerFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


 * Generates an appropriate internal {@link Job} for using Giraph in Hadoop.
 * Uses composition to avoid unwanted {@link Job} methods from exposure
 * to the user.
public class GiraphJob {
    static {

    /** Vertex class - required */
    public static final String VERTEX_CLASS = "giraph.vertexClass";
    /** VertexInputFormat class - required */
    public static final String VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS = "giraph.vertexInputFormatClass";

    /** Class for Master - optional */
    public static final String MASTER_COMPUTE_CLASS = "giraph.masterComputeClass";

    /** VertexOutputFormat class - optional */
    public static final String VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS = "giraph.vertexOutputFormatClass";
    /** Vertex combiner class - optional */
    public static final String VERTEX_COMBINER_CLASS = "giraph.combinerClass";
    /** Vertex resolver class - optional */
    public static final String VERTEX_RESOLVER_CLASS = "giraph.vertexResolverClass";
    /** Graph partitioner factory class - optional */
    public static final String GRAPH_PARTITIONER_FACTORY_CLASS = "giraph.graphPartitionerFactoryClass";

    /** Vertex index class */
    public static final String VERTEX_INDEX_CLASS = "giraph.vertexIndexClass";
    /** Vertex value class */
    public static final String VERTEX_VALUE_CLASS = "giraph.vertexValueClass";
    /** Edge value class */
    public static final String EDGE_VALUE_CLASS = "giraph.edgeValueClass";
    /** Message value class */
    public static final String MESSAGE_VALUE_CLASS = "giraph.messageValueClass";
    /** Worker context class */
    public static final String WORKER_CONTEXT_CLASS = "giraph.workerContextClass";
    /** AggregatorWriter class - optional */
    public static final String AGGREGATOR_WRITER_CLASS = "giraph.aggregatorWriterClass";

    //the following are defined for Giraph++
    /** SubGraphManagerClass */
    public static final String SUBGRAPH_MANAGER_CLASS = "giraph.SubGraphManagerClass";
    /** the number of substeps to run for each superstep*/
    public static final String NUM_SUB_STEPS_PER_ITERATION = "num.substeps.per.iteration";
    /** Repeat SuperStepcomputing as long as no local Messages are produced? */
    public static final String USE_SUPERSTEP_OPTIMIZATION = "giraph.useSuperStepOptimization";
    /** Default is not to use superstep optimization */
    public static final boolean USE_SUPERSTEP_OPTIMIZATION_DEFAULT = false;
    public static final String MSG_COUNTER_GROUP = "Message Stats";

     * Minimum number of simultaneous workers before this job can run (int)
    public static final String MIN_WORKERS = "giraph.minWorkers";
     * Maximum number of simultaneous worker tasks started by this job (int).
    public static final String MAX_WORKERS = "giraph.maxWorkers";

     * Separate the workers and the master tasks.  This is required
     * to support dynamic recovery. (boolean)
    public static final String SPLIT_MASTER_WORKER = "giraph.SplitMasterWorker";
     * Default on whether to separate the workers and the master tasks.
     * Needs to be "true" to support dynamic recovery.
    public static final boolean SPLIT_MASTER_WORKER_DEFAULT = true;

    /** Indicates whether this job is run in an internal unit test */
    public static final String LOCAL_TEST_MODE = "giraph.localTestMode";

    /** not in local test mode per default */
    public static final boolean LOCAL_TEST_MODE_DEFAULT = false;

     * Minimum percent of the maximum number of workers that have responded
     * in order to continue progressing. (float)
    public static final String MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED = "giraph.minPercentResponded";
    /** Default 100% response rate for workers */
    public static final float MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED_DEFAULT = 100.0f;

    /** Polling timeout to check on the number of responded tasks (int) */
    public static final String POLL_MSECS = "giraph.pollMsecs";
    /** Default poll msecs (30 seconds) */
    public static final int POLL_MSECS_DEFAULT = 30 * 1000;

     *  ZooKeeper comma-separated list (if not set,
     *  will start up ZooKeeper locally)
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_LIST = "giraph.zkList";

    /** ZooKeeper session millisecond timeout */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT = "giraph.zkSessionMsecTimeout";
    /** Default Zookeeper session millisecond timeout */
    public static final int ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 60 * 1000;

    /** Polling interval to check for the final ZooKeeper server data */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SERVERLIST_POLL_MSECS = "giraph.zkServerlistPollMsecs";
    /** Default polling interval to check for the final ZooKeeper server data */
    public static final int ZOOKEEPER_SERVERLIST_POLL_MSECS_DEFAULT = 3 * 1000;

    /** Number of nodes (not tasks) to run Zookeeper on */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_COUNT = "giraph.zkServerCount";
    /** Default number of nodes to run Zookeeper on */
    public static final int ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_COUNT_DEFAULT = 1;

    /** ZooKeeper port to use */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_PORT = "giraph.zkServerPort";
    /** Default ZooKeeper port to use */
    public static final int ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT = 22181;

    /** Location of the ZooKeeper jar - Used internally, not meant for users */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_JAR = "giraph.zkJar";

    /** Local ZooKeeper directory to use */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_DIR = "giraph.zkDir";

    /** Use the RPC communication or netty communication */
    public static final String USE_NETTY = "giraph.useNetty";
    /** Default is to use RPC, not netty */
    public static final boolean USE_NETTY_DEFAULT = false;

    /** Initial port to start using for the RPC communication */
    public static final String RPC_INITIAL_PORT = "giraph.rpcInitialPort";
    /** Default port to start using for the RPC communication */
    public static final int RPC_INITIAL_PORT_DEFAULT = 30000;

    /** Maximum bind attempts for different RPC ports */
    public static final String MAX_RPC_PORT_BIND_ATTEMPTS = "giraph.maxRpcPortBindAttempts";
    /** Default maximum bind attempts for different RPC ports */
    public static final int MAX_RPC_PORT_BIND_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 20;
     * Fail first RPC port binding attempt, simulate binding failure
     * on real grid testing
    public static final String FAIL_FIRST_RPC_PORT_BIND_ATTEMPT = "giraph.failFirstRpcPortBindAttempt";
    /** Default fail first RPC port binding attempt flag */
    public static final boolean FAIL_FIRST_RPC_PORT_BIND_ATTEMPT_DEFAULT = false;

    /** Maximum number of RPC handlers */
    public static final String RPC_NUM_HANDLERS = "giraph.rpcNumHandlers";
    /** Default maximum number of RPC handlers */
    public static final int RPC_NUM_HANDLERS_DEFAULT = 100;

     *  Maximum number of vertices per partition before sending.
     *  (input superstep only).
    public static final String MAX_VERTICES_PER_PARTITION = "giraph.maxVerticesPerPartition";
    /** Default maximum number of vertices per partition before sending. */
    public static final int MAX_VERTICES_PER_PARTITION_DEFAULT = 10000;

    /** Maximum number of messages per peer before flush */
    public static final String MSG_SIZE = "giraph.msgSize";
    /** Default maximum number of messages per peer before flush */
    public static final int MSG_SIZE_DEFAULT = 2000;

    /** Maximum number of mutations per partition before flush */
    public static final String MAX_MUTATIONS_PER_REQUEST = "giraph.maxMutationsPerRequest";
    /** Default maximum number of mutations per partition before flush */
    public static final int MAX_MUTATIONS_PER_REQUEST_DEFAULT = 100;

    /** Maximum number of messages that can be bulk sent during a flush */
    public static final String MAX_MESSAGES_PER_FLUSH_PUT = "giraph.maxMessagesPerFlushPut";
    /** Default number of messages that can be bulk sent during a flush */
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGES_PER_FLUSH_PUT = 2000;

    /** Number of flush threads per peer */
    public static final String MSG_NUM_FLUSH_THREADS = "giraph.msgNumFlushThreads";

    /** Number of poll attempts prior to failing the job (int) */
    public static final String POLL_ATTEMPTS = "giraph.pollAttempts";
    /** Default poll attempts */
    public static final int POLL_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 10;

    /** Number of minimum vertices in each vertex range */
    public static final String MIN_VERTICES_PER_RANGE = "giraph.minVerticesPerRange";
    /** Default number of minimum vertices in each vertex range */
    public static final long MIN_VERTICES_PER_RANGE_DEFAULT = 3;

    /** Minimum stragglers of the superstep before printing them out */
    public static final String PARTITION_LONG_TAIL_MIN_PRINT = "giraph.partitionLongTailMinPrint";
    /** Only print stragglers with one as a default */
    public static final int PARTITION_LONG_TAIL_MIN_PRINT_DEFAULT = 1;

    /** Use superstep counters? (boolean) */
    public static final String USE_SUPERSTEP_COUNTERS = "giraph.useSuperstepCounters";
    /** Default is to use the superstep counters */
    public static final boolean USE_SUPERSTEP_COUNTERS_DEFAULT = true;

     * Set the multiplicative factor of how many partitions to create from
     * a single InputSplit based on the number of total InputSplits.  For
     * example, if there are 10 total InputSplits and this is set to 0.5, then
     * you will get 0.5 * 10 = 5 partitions for every InputSplit (given that the
     * minimum size is met).
    public static final String TOTAL_INPUT_SPLIT_MULTIPLIER = "giraph.totalInputSplitMultiplier";
    /** Default total input split multiplier */
    public static final float TOTAL_INPUT_SPLIT_MULTIPLIER_DEFAULT = 0.5f;

     * Input split sample percent - Used only for sampling and testing, rather
     * than an actual job.  The idea is that to test, you might only want a
     * fraction of the actual input splits from your VertexInputFormat to
     * load (values should be [0, 100]).
    public static final String INPUT_SPLIT_SAMPLE_PERCENT = "giraph.inputSplitSamplePercent";
    /** Default is to use all the input splits */
    public static final float INPUT_SPLIT_SAMPLE_PERCENT_DEFAULT = 100f;

     * To limit outlier input splits from producing too many vertices or to
     * help with testing, the number of vertices loaded from an input split can
     * be limited.  By default, everything is loaded.
    public static final String INPUT_SPLIT_MAX_VERTICES = "giraph.InputSplitMaxVertices";
     * Default is that all the vertices are to be loaded from the input
     * split
    public static final long INPUT_SPLIT_MAX_VERTICES_DEFAULT = -1;

    /** Java opts passed to ZooKeeper startup */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_JAVA_OPTS = "giraph.zkJavaOpts";
    /** Default java opts passed to ZooKeeper startup */
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_JAVA_OPTS_DEFAULT = "-Xmx512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC "
            + "-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100";

     *  How often to checkpoint (i.e. 0, means no checkpoint,
     *  1 means every superstep, 2 is every two supersteps, etc.).
    public static final String CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY = "giraph.checkpointFrequency";

    /** Default checkpointing frequency of none. */
    public static final int CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT = 0;

     * Delete checkpoints after a successful job run?
    public static final String CLEANUP_CHECKPOINTS_AFTER_SUCCESS = "giraph.cleanupCheckpointsAfterSuccess";
    /** Default is to clean up the checkponts after a successful job */
    public static final boolean CLEANUP_CHECKPOINTS_AFTER_SUCCESS_DEFAULT = true;

     * An application can be restarted manually by selecting a superstep.  The
     * corresponding checkpoint must exist for this to work.  The user should
     * set a long value.  Default is start from scratch.
    public static final String RESTART_SUPERSTEP = "giraph.restartSuperstep";

     * Base ZNode for Giraph's state in the ZooKeeper cluster.  Must be a root
     * znode on the cluster beginning with "/"
    public static final String BASE_ZNODE_KEY = "giraph.zkBaseZNode";

     * If ZOOKEEPER_LIST is not set, then use this directory to manage
     * ZooKeeper
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_MANAGER_DIRECTORY = "giraph.zkManagerDirectory";
     * Default ZooKeeper manager directory (where determining the servers in
     * HDFS files will go).  Final directory path will also have job number
     * for uniqueness.
    public static final String ZOOKEEPER_MANAGER_DIR_DEFAULT = "_bsp/_defaultZkManagerDir";

    /** This directory has/stores the available checkpoint files in HDFS. */
    public static final String CHECKPOINT_DIRECTORY = "giraph.checkpointDirectory";
     * Default checkpoint directory (where checkpoing files go in HDFS).  Final
     * directory path will also have the job number for uniqueness
    public static final String CHECKPOINT_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT = "_bsp/_checkpoints/";

    /** Keep the zookeeper output for debugging? Default is to remove it. */
    public static final String KEEP_ZOOKEEPER_DATA = "giraph.keepZooKeeperData";
    /** Default is to remove ZooKeeper data. */
    public static final Boolean KEEP_ZOOKEEPER_DATA_DEFAULT = false;

    /** Default ZooKeeper tick time. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_TICK_TIME = 6000;
    /** Default ZooKeeper init limit (in ticks). */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_INIT_LIMIT = 10;
    /** Default ZooKeeper sync limit (in ticks). */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_SYNC_LIMIT = 5;
    /** Default ZooKeeper snap count. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_SNAP_COUNT = 50000;
    /** Default ZooKeeper maximum client connections. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS = 10000;
    /** Default ZooKeeper minimum session timeout of 5 minutes (in msecs). */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_MIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 300 * 1000;
    /** Default ZooKeeper maximum session timeout of 10 minutes (in msecs). */
    public static final int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 600 * 1000;

    /** Class logger */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GiraphJob.class);

    /** Internal job that actually is submitted */
    private final Job job;
    /** Helper configuration from the job */
    private final Configuration conf;

     * Constructor that will instantiate the configuration
     * @param jobName User-defined job name
     * @throws IOException
    public GiraphJob(String jobName) throws IOException {
        this(new Configuration(), jobName);

     * Constructor.
     * @param conf User-defined configuration
     * @param jobName User-defined job name
     * @throws IOException
    public GiraphJob(Configuration conf, String jobName) throws IOException {
        job = new Job(conf, jobName);
        this.conf = job.getConfiguration();

     * Get the configuration from the internal job.
     * @return Configuration used by the job.
    public Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return conf;

     * Be very cautious when using this method as it returns the internal job
     * of {@link GiraphJob}.  This should only be used for methods that require
     * access to the actual {@link Job}, i.e. FileInputFormat#addInputPath().
     * @return Internal job that will actually be submitted to Hadoop.
    public Job getInternalJob() {
        return job;

     * Make sure the configuration is set properly by the user prior to
     * submitting the job.
    private void checkConfiguration() {
        if (conf.getInt(MAX_WORKERS, -1) < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No valid " + MAX_WORKERS);
                || conf.getFloat(MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED, MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED_DEFAULT) > 100.0f) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid " + conf.getFloat(MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED, MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED_DEFAULT) + " for "
                            + MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED);
        if (conf.getInt(MIN_WORKERS, -1) < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid " + MIN_WORKERS);
        if (BspUtils.getVertexClass(getConfiguration()) == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("GiraphJob: Null VERTEX_CLASS");
        if (BspUtils.getVertexInputFormatClass(getConfiguration()) == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("GiraphJob: Null VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS");
        if (BspUtils.getVertexResolverClass(getConfiguration()) == null) {
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "GiraphJob: No class found for " + VERTEX_RESOLVER_CLASS + ", defaulting to "
                        + VertexResolver.class.getCanonicalName());

     * Set the vertex class (required)
     * @param vertexClass Runs vertex computation
    public final void setVertexClass(Class<?> vertexClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(VERTEX_CLASS, vertexClass, BasicVertex.class);

     * Set the vertex input format class (required)
     * @param vertexInputFormatClass Determines how graph is input
    public final void setVertexInputFormatClass(Class<?> vertexInputFormatClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(VERTEX_INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS, vertexInputFormatClass, VertexInputFormat.class);

     * Set the master class (optional)
     * @param masterComputeClass Runs master computation
    public final void setMasterComputeClass(Class<?> masterComputeClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(MASTER_COMPUTE_CLASS, masterComputeClass, MasterCompute.class);

     * Set the vertex output format class (optional)
     * @param vertexOutputFormatClass Determines how graph is output
    public final void setVertexOutputFormatClass(Class<?> vertexOutputFormatClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(VERTEX_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CLASS, vertexOutputFormatClass, VertexOutputFormat.class);

     * Set the vertex combiner class (optional)
     * @param vertexCombinerClass Determines how vertex messages are combined
    public final void setVertexCombinerClass(Class<?> vertexCombinerClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(VERTEX_COMBINER_CLASS, vertexCombinerClass, VertexCombiner.class);

     * Set the graph partitioner class (optional)
     * @param graphPartitionerFactoryClass Determines how the graph is partitioned
    public final void setGraphPartitionerFactoryClass(Class<?> graphPartitionerFactoryClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(GRAPH_PARTITIONER_FACTORY_CLASS, graphPartitionerFactoryClass,

     * Set the vertex resolver class (optional)
     * @param vertexResolverClass Determines how vertex mutations are resolved
    public final void setVertexResolverClass(Class<?> vertexResolverClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(VERTEX_RESOLVER_CLASS, vertexResolverClass, VertexResolver.class);

     * Set the worker context class (optional)
     * @param workerContextClass Determines what code is executed on a each
     *        worker before and after each superstep and computation
    public final void setWorkerContextClass(Class<?> workerContextClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(WORKER_CONTEXT_CLASS, workerContextClass, WorkerContext.class);

     * Set the aggregator writer class (optional)
     * @param aggregatorWriterClass Determines how the aggregators are
     *        written to file at the end of the job
    public final void setAggregatorWriterClass(Class<?> aggregatorWriterClass) {
        getConfiguration().setClass(AGGREGATOR_WRITER_CLASS, aggregatorWriterClass, AggregatorWriter.class);

     * Set worker configuration for determining what is required for
     * a superstep.
     * @param minWorkers Minimum workers to do a superstep
     * @param maxWorkers Maximum workers to do a superstep
     *        (max map tasks in job)
     * @param minPercentResponded 0 - 100 % of the workers required to
     *        have responded before continuing the superstep
    public final void setWorkerConfiguration(int minWorkers, int maxWorkers, float minPercentResponded) {
        conf.setInt(MIN_WORKERS, minWorkers);
        conf.setInt(MAX_WORKERS, maxWorkers);
        conf.setFloat(MIN_PERCENT_RESPONDED, minPercentResponded);

     * Utilize an existing ZooKeeper service.  If this is not set, ZooKeeper
     * will be dynamically started by Giraph for this job.
     * @param serverList Comma separated list of servers and ports
     *        (i.e. zk1:2221,zk2:2221)
    public final void setZooKeeperConfiguration(String serverList) {
        conf.set(ZOOKEEPER_LIST, serverList);

     * Check if the configuration is local.  If it is local, do additional
     * checks due to the restrictions of LocalJobRunner.
     * @param conf Configuration
    private static void checkLocalJobRunnerConfiguration(Configuration conf) {
        String jobTracker = conf.get("mapred.job.tracker", null);
        if (!jobTracker.equals("local")) {
            // Nothing to check

        int maxWorkers = conf.getInt(MAX_WORKERS, -1);
        if (maxWorkers != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("checkLocalJobRunnerConfiguration: When using "
                    + "LocalJobRunner, must have only one worker since " + "only 1 task at a time!");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("checkLocalJobRunnerConfiguration: When using "
                    + "LocalJobRunner, you cannot run in split master / worker "
                    + "mode since there is only 1 task at a time!");

     * Check whether a specified int conf value is set and if not, set it.
     * @param param Conf value to check
     * @param defaultValue Assign to value if not set
    private void setIntConfIfDefault(String param, int defaultValue) {
        if (conf.getInt(param, Integer.MIN_VALUE) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
            conf.setInt(param, defaultValue);

     * Runs the actual graph application through Hadoop Map-Reduce.
     * @param verbose If true, provide verbose output, false otherwise
     * @return True if success, false otherwise
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * @throws IOException
    public final boolean run(boolean verbose) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
        // Most users won't hit this hopefully and can set it higher if desired
        setIntConfIfDefault("mapreduce.job.counters.limit", 512);

        // Capacity scheduler-specific settings.  These should be enough for
        // a reasonable Giraph job
        setIntConfIfDefault("", 1024);
        setIntConfIfDefault("mapred.job.reduce.memory.mb", 1024);

        // Speculative execution doesn't make sense for Giraph
        conf.setBoolean("", false);

        // Set the ping interval to 5 minutes instead of one minute
        Client.setPingInterval(conf, 60000 * 5);

        if (job.getJar() == null) {
        // Should work in MAPREDUCE-1938 to let the user jars/classes
        // get loaded first
        conf.setBoolean("mapreduce.user.classpath.first", true);

        return job.waitForCompletion(verbose);