Source code

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 * Copyright 2011-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;

import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.core.CollectionFactory;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBRef;

 * {@link MongoConverter} that uses a {@link MappingContext} to do sophisticated mapping of domain objects to
 * {@link Document}.
 * @author Oliver Gierke
 * @author Jon Brisbin
 * @author Patrik Wasik
 * @author Thomas Darimont
 * @author Christoph Strobl
 * @author Jordi Llach
 * @author Mark Paluch
public class MappingMongoConverter extends AbstractMongoConverter
        implements ApplicationContextAware, ValueResolver {

    private static final String INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES = "Cannot convert %1$s of type %2$s into an instance of %3$s! Implement a custom Converter<%2$s, %3$s> and register it with the CustomConversions. Parent object was: %4$s";
    private static final String INVALID_TYPE_TO_READ = "Expected to read Document %s into type %s but didn't find a PersistentEntity for the latter!";

    protected static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MappingMongoConverter.class);

    protected final MappingContext<? extends MongoPersistentEntity<?>, MongoPersistentProperty> mappingContext;
    protected final QueryMapper idMapper;
    protected final DbRefResolver dbRefResolver;
    protected final DefaultDbRefProxyHandler dbRefProxyHandler;

    protected @Nullable ApplicationContext applicationContext;
    protected MongoTypeMapper typeMapper;
    protected @Nullable String mapKeyDotReplacement = null;

    private SpELContext spELContext;

     * Creates a new {@link MappingMongoConverter} given the new {@link DbRefResolver} and {@link MappingContext}.
     * @param dbRefResolver must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param mappingContext must not be {@literal null}.
    public MappingMongoConverter(DbRefResolver dbRefResolver,
            MappingContext<? extends MongoPersistentEntity<?>, MongoPersistentProperty> mappingContext) {

        super(new DefaultConversionService());

        Assert.notNull(dbRefResolver, "DbRefResolver must not be null!");
        Assert.notNull(mappingContext, "MappingContext must not be null!");

        this.dbRefResolver = dbRefResolver;
        this.mappingContext = mappingContext;
        this.typeMapper = new DefaultMongoTypeMapper(DefaultMongoTypeMapper.DEFAULT_TYPE_KEY, mappingContext,
        this.idMapper = new QueryMapper(this);

        this.spELContext = new SpELContext(DocumentPropertyAccessor.INSTANCE);
        this.dbRefProxyHandler = new DefaultDbRefProxyHandler(spELContext, mappingContext,

     * Creates a new {@link MappingMongoConverter} given the new {@link MongoDbFactory} and {@link MappingContext}.
     * @deprecated use the constructor taking a {@link DbRefResolver} instead.
     * @param mongoDbFactory must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param mappingContext must not be {@literal null}.
    public MappingMongoConverter(MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory,
            MappingContext<? extends MongoPersistentEntity<?>, MongoPersistentProperty> mappingContext) {
        this(new DefaultDbRefResolver(mongoDbFactory), mappingContext);

     * Configures the {@link MongoTypeMapper} to be used to add type information to {@link Document}s created by the
     * converter and how to lookup type information from {@link Document}s when reading them. Uses a
     * {@link DefaultMongoTypeMapper} by default. Setting this to {@literal null} will reset the {@link TypeMapper} to the
     * default one.
     * @param typeMapper the typeMapper to set. Can be {@literal null}.
    public void setTypeMapper(@Nullable MongoTypeMapper typeMapper) {
        this.typeMapper = typeMapper == null
                ? new DefaultMongoTypeMapper(DefaultMongoTypeMapper.DEFAULT_TYPE_KEY, mappingContext)
                : typeMapper;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public MongoTypeMapper getTypeMapper() {
        return this.typeMapper;

     * Configure the characters dots potentially contained in a {@link Map} shall be replaced with. By default we don't do
     * any translation but rather reject a {@link Map} with keys containing dots causing the conversion for the entire
     * object to fail. If further customization of the translation is needed, have a look at
     * {@link #potentiallyEscapeMapKey(String)} as well as {@link #potentiallyUnescapeMapKey(String)}.
     * @param mapKeyDotReplacement the mapKeyDotReplacement to set. Can be {@literal null}.
    public void setMapKeyDotReplacement(@Nullable String mapKeyDotReplacement) {
        this.mapKeyDotReplacement = mapKeyDotReplacement;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
    public MappingContext<? extends MongoPersistentEntity<?>, MongoPersistentProperty> getMappingContext() {
        return mappingContext;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware#setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)
    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {

        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        this.spELContext = new SpELContext(this.spELContext, applicationContext);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see, com.mongodb.Document)
    public <S extends Object> S read(Class<S> clazz, final Bson bson) {
        return read(ClassTypeInformation.from(clazz), bson);

    protected <S extends Object> S read(TypeInformation<S> type, Bson bson) {
        return read(type, bson, ObjectPath.ROOT);

    private <S extends Object> S read(TypeInformation<S> type, @Nullable Bson bson, ObjectPath path) {

        if (null == bson) {
            return null;

        TypeInformation<? extends S> typeToUse = typeMapper.readType(bson, type);
        Class<? extends S> rawType = typeToUse.getType();

        if (conversions.hasCustomReadTarget(bson.getClass(), rawType)) {
            return conversionService.convert(bson, rawType);

        if (DBObject.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return (S) bson;

        if (Document.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
            return (S) bson;

        if (typeToUse.isCollectionLike() && bson instanceof List) {
            return (S) readCollectionOrArray(typeToUse, (List<?>) bson, path);

        if (typeToUse.isMap()) {
            return (S) readMap(typeToUse, bson, path);

        if (bson instanceof Collection) {
            throw new MappingException(
                    String.format(INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, bson, BasicDBList.class, typeToUse.getType(), path));

        if (typeToUse.equals(ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT)) {
            return (S) bson;
        // Retrieve persistent entity info

        Document target = bson instanceof BasicDBObject ? new Document((BasicDBObject) bson) : (Document) bson;

        MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(typeToUse);

        if (entity == null) {
            throw new MappingException(String.format(INVALID_TYPE_TO_READ, target, typeToUse.getType()));

        return read((MongoPersistentEntity<S>) entity, target, path);

    private ParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> getParameterProvider(MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity,
            DocumentAccessor source, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator, ObjectPath path) {

        AssociationAwareMongoDbPropertyValueProvider provider = new AssociationAwareMongoDbPropertyValueProvider(
                source, evaluator, path);
        PersistentEntityParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> parameterProvider = new PersistentEntityParameterValueProvider<>(
                entity, provider, path.getCurrentObject());

        return new ConverterAwareSpELExpressionParameterValueProvider(evaluator, conversionService,
                parameterProvider, path);

    private <S extends Object> S read(final MongoPersistentEntity<S> entity, final Document bson,
            final ObjectPath path) {

        SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator = new DefaultSpELExpressionEvaluator(bson, spELContext);
        DocumentAccessor documentAccessor = new DocumentAccessor(bson);

        PreferredConstructor<S, MongoPersistentProperty> persistenceConstructor = entity

        ParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> provider = persistenceConstructor != null
                && persistenceConstructor.hasParameters()
                        ? getParameterProvider(entity, documentAccessor, evaluator, path)
                        : NoOpParameterValueProvider.INSTANCE;

        EntityInstantiator instantiator = instantiators.getInstantiatorFor(entity);
        S instance = instantiator.createInstance(entity, provider);

        if (entity.requiresPropertyPopulation()) {
            return populateProperties(entity, documentAccessor, path, evaluator, instance);

        return instance;

    private <S> S populateProperties(MongoPersistentEntity<S> entity, DocumentAccessor documentAccessor,
            ObjectPath path, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator, S instance) {

        PersistentPropertyAccessor<S> accessor = new ConvertingPropertyAccessor<>(
                entity.getPropertyAccessor(instance), conversionService);

        // Make sure id property is set before all other properties

        Object rawId = readAndPopulateIdentifier(accessor, documentAccessor, entity, path, evaluator);
        ObjectPath currentPath = path.push(accessor.getBean(), entity, rawId);

        MongoDbPropertyValueProvider valueProvider = new MongoDbPropertyValueProvider(documentAccessor, evaluator,

        readProperties(entity, accessor, documentAccessor, valueProvider, currentPath, evaluator);

        return accessor.getBean();

     * Reads the identifier from either the bean backing the {@link PersistentPropertyAccessor} or the source document in
     * case the identifier has not be populated yet. In this case the identifier is set on the bean for further reference.
     * @param accessor must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param document must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param entity must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param path
     * @param evaluator
     * @return
    private Object readAndPopulateIdentifier(PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor, DocumentAccessor document,
            MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity, ObjectPath path, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator) {

        Object rawId = document.getRawId(entity);

        if (!entity.hasIdProperty() || rawId == null) {
            return rawId;

        MongoPersistentProperty idProperty = entity.getRequiredIdProperty();

        if (idProperty.isImmutable() && entity.isConstructorArgument(idProperty)) {
            return rawId;

        accessor.setProperty(idProperty, readIdValue(path, evaluator, idProperty, rawId));

        return rawId;

    private Object readIdValue(ObjectPath path, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator,
            MongoPersistentProperty idProperty, Object rawId) {

        String expression = idProperty.getSpelExpression();
        Object resolvedValue = expression != null ? evaluator.evaluate(expression) : rawId;

        return resolvedValue != null ? readValue(resolvedValue, idProperty.getTypeInformation(), path) : null;

    private void readProperties(MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity, PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor,
            DocumentAccessor documentAccessor, MongoDbPropertyValueProvider valueProvider, ObjectPath currentPath,
            SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator) {

        DbRefResolverCallback callback = null;

        for (MongoPersistentProperty prop : entity) {

            if (prop.isAssociation() && !entity.isConstructorArgument(prop)) {

                if (callback == null) {
                    callback = getDbRefResolverCallback(documentAccessor, currentPath, evaluator);

                readAssociation(prop.getRequiredAssociation(), accessor, documentAccessor, dbRefProxyHandler,

            // We skip the id property since it was already set

            if (entity.isIdProperty(prop)) {

            if (entity.isConstructorArgument(prop) || !documentAccessor.hasValue(prop)) {

            if (prop.isAssociation()) {

                if (callback == null) {
                    callback = getDbRefResolverCallback(documentAccessor, currentPath, evaluator);

                readAssociation(prop.getRequiredAssociation(), accessor, documentAccessor, dbRefProxyHandler,

            accessor.setProperty(prop, valueProvider.getPropertyValue(prop));

    private DbRefResolverCallback getDbRefResolverCallback(DocumentAccessor documentAccessor,
            ObjectPath currentPath, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator) {

        return new DefaultDbRefResolverCallback(documentAccessor.getDocument(), currentPath, evaluator,

    private void readAssociation(Association<MongoPersistentProperty> association,
            PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor, DocumentAccessor documentAccessor, DbRefProxyHandler handler,
            DbRefResolverCallback callback) {

        MongoPersistentProperty property = association.getInverse();
        Object value = documentAccessor.get(property);

        if (value == null) {

        DBRef dbref = value instanceof DBRef ? (DBRef) value : null;
        accessor.setProperty(property, dbRefResolver.resolveDbRef(property, dbref, callback, handler));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see,
    public DBRef toDBRef(Object object, @Nullable MongoPersistentProperty referringProperty) { annotation;

        if (referringProperty != null) {
            annotation = referringProperty.getDBRef();
            Assert.isTrue(annotation != null, "The referenced property has to be mapped with @DBRef!");

        // DATAMONGO-913
        if (object instanceof LazyLoadingProxy) {
            return ((LazyLoadingProxy) object).toDBRef();

        return createDBRef(object, referringProperty);

     * Root entry method into write conversion. Adds a type discriminator to the {@link Document}. Shouldn't be called for
     * nested conversions.
     * @see, com.mongodb.Document)
    public void write(Object obj, Bson bson) {

        if (null == obj) {

        Class<?> entityType = ClassUtils.getUserClass(obj.getClass());
        TypeInformation<? extends Object> type = ClassTypeInformation.from(entityType);

        Object target = obj instanceof LazyLoadingProxy ? ((LazyLoadingProxy) obj).getTarget() : obj;

        writeInternal(target, bson, type);
        if (asMap(bson).containsKey("_id") && asMap(bson).get("_id") == null) {
            removeFromMap(bson, "_id");

        if (requiresTypeHint(entityType)) {
            typeMapper.writeType(type, bson);

     * Check if a given type requires a type hint (aka {@literal _class} attribute) when writing to the document.
     * @param type must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal true} if not a simple type, {@link Collection} or type with custom write target.
    private boolean requiresTypeHint(Class<?> type) {

        return !conversions.isSimpleType(type) && !ClassUtils.isAssignable(Collection.class, type)
                && !conversions.hasCustomWriteTarget(type, Document.class);

     * Internal write conversion method which should be used for nested invocations.
     * @param obj
     * @param bson
     * @param typeHint
    protected void writeInternal(@Nullable Object obj, Bson bson, @Nullable TypeInformation<?> typeHint) {

        if (null == obj) {

        Class<?> entityType = obj.getClass();
        Optional<Class<?>> customTarget = conversions.getCustomWriteTarget(entityType, Document.class);

        if (customTarget.isPresent()) {
            Document result = conversionService.convert(obj, Document.class);
            addAllToMap(bson, result);

        if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(entityType)) {
            writeMapInternal((Map<Object, Object>) obj, bson, ClassTypeInformation.MAP);

        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(entityType)) {
            writeCollectionInternal((Collection<?>) obj, ClassTypeInformation.LIST, (Collection<?>) bson);

        MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = mappingContext.getRequiredPersistentEntity(entityType);
        writeInternal(obj, bson, entity);
        addCustomTypeKeyIfNecessary(typeHint, obj, bson);

    protected void writeInternal(@Nullable Object obj, Bson bson, @Nullable MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity) {

        if (obj == null) {

        if (null == entity) {
            throw new MappingException("No mapping metadata found for entity of type " + obj.getClass().getName());

        PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor = entity.getPropertyAccessor(obj);
        DocumentAccessor dbObjectAccessor = new DocumentAccessor(bson);
        MongoPersistentProperty idProperty = entity.getIdProperty();

        if (idProperty != null && !dbObjectAccessor.hasValue(idProperty)) {

            Object value = idMapper.convertId(accessor.getProperty(idProperty), idProperty.getFieldType());

            if (value != null) {
                dbObjectAccessor.put(idProperty, value);

        writeProperties(bson, entity, accessor, dbObjectAccessor, idProperty);

    private void writeProperties(Bson bson, MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity, PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor,
            DocumentAccessor dbObjectAccessor, @Nullable MongoPersistentProperty idProperty) {

        // Write the properties
        for (MongoPersistentProperty prop : entity) {

            if (prop.equals(idProperty) || !prop.isWritable()) {
            if (prop.isAssociation()) {
                writeAssociation(prop.getRequiredAssociation(), accessor, dbObjectAccessor);

            Object value = accessor.getProperty(prop);

            if (value == null) {

            if (!conversions.isSimpleType(value.getClass())) {
                writePropertyInternal(value, dbObjectAccessor, prop);
            } else {
                writeSimpleInternal(value, bson, prop);

    private void writeAssociation(Association<MongoPersistentProperty> association,
            PersistentPropertyAccessor<?> accessor, DocumentAccessor dbObjectAccessor) {

        MongoPersistentProperty inverseProp = association.getInverse();

        writePropertyInternal(accessor.getProperty(inverseProp), dbObjectAccessor, inverseProp);

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    protected void writePropertyInternal(@Nullable Object obj, DocumentAccessor accessor,
            MongoPersistentProperty prop) {

        if (obj == null) {

        TypeInformation<?> valueType = ClassTypeInformation.from(obj.getClass());
        TypeInformation<?> type = prop.getTypeInformation();

        if (valueType.isCollectionLike()) {
            List<Object> collectionInternal = createCollection(asCollection(obj), prop);
            accessor.put(prop, collectionInternal);

        if (valueType.isMap()) {
            Bson mapDbObj = createMap((Map<Object, Object>) obj, prop);
            accessor.put(prop, mapDbObj);

        if (prop.isDbReference()) {

            DBRef dbRefObj = null;

             * If we already have a LazyLoadingProxy, we use it's cached DBRef value instead of
             * unnecessarily initializing it only to convert it to a DBRef a few instructions later.
            if (obj instanceof LazyLoadingProxy) {
                dbRefObj = ((LazyLoadingProxy) obj).toDBRef();

            dbRefObj = dbRefObj != null ? dbRefObj : createDBRef(obj, prop);

            if (null != dbRefObj) {
                accessor.put(prop, dbRefObj);

         * If we have a LazyLoadingProxy we make sure it is initialized first.
        if (obj instanceof LazyLoadingProxy) {
            obj = ((LazyLoadingProxy) obj).getTarget();

        // Lookup potential custom target type
        Optional<Class<?>> basicTargetType = conversions.getCustomWriteTarget(obj.getClass());

        if (basicTargetType.isPresent()) {

            accessor.put(prop, conversionService.convert(obj, basicTargetType.get()));

        MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = valueType.isSubTypeOf(prop.getType())
                ? mappingContext.getRequiredPersistentEntity(obj.getClass())
                : mappingContext.getRequiredPersistentEntity(type);

        Object existingValue = accessor.get(prop);
        Document document = existingValue instanceof Document ? (Document) existingValue : new Document();

        writeInternal(obj, document, entity);
        addCustomTypeKeyIfNecessary(ClassTypeInformation.from(prop.getRawType()), obj, document);
        accessor.put(prop, document);

     * Returns given object as {@link Collection}. Will return the {@link Collection} as is if the source is a
     * {@link Collection} already, will convert an array into a {@link Collection} or simply create a single element
     * collection for everything else.
     * @param source
     * @return
    private static Collection<?> asCollection(Object source) {

        if (source instanceof Collection) {
            return (Collection<?>) source;

        return source.getClass().isArray() ? CollectionUtils.arrayToList(source) : Collections.singleton(source);

     * Writes the given {@link Collection} using the given {@link MongoPersistentProperty} information.
     * @param collection must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param property must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    protected List<Object> createCollection(Collection<?> collection, MongoPersistentProperty property) {

        if (!property.isDbReference()) {

            if (property.hasExplicitWriteTarget()) {
                return writeCollectionInternal(collection, new TypeInformationWrapper<>(property),
                        new ArrayList<>());
            return writeCollectionInternal(collection, property.getTypeInformation(), new BasicDBList());

        List<Object> dbList = new ArrayList<>(collection.size());

        for (Object element : collection) {

            if (element == null) {

            DBRef dbRef = createDBRef(element, property);

        return dbList;

     * Writes the given {@link Map} using the given {@link MongoPersistentProperty} information.
     * @param map must not {@literal null}.
     * @param property must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    protected Bson createMap(Map<Object, Object> map, MongoPersistentProperty property) {

        Assert.notNull(map, "Given map must not be null!");
        Assert.notNull(property, "PersistentProperty must not be null!");

        if (!property.isDbReference()) {
            return writeMapInternal(map, new Document(), property.getTypeInformation());

        Document document = new Document();

        for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {

            Object key = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();

            if (conversions.isSimpleType(key.getClass())) {

                String simpleKey = prepareMapKey(key.toString());
                document.put(simpleKey, value != null ? createDBRef(value, property) : null);

            } else {
                throw new MappingException("Cannot use a complex object as a key value.");

        return document;

     * Populates the given {@link Collection sink} with converted values from the given {@link Collection source}.
     * @param source the collection to create a {@link Collection} for, must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param type the {@link TypeInformation} to consider or {@literal null} if unknown.
     * @param sink the {@link Collection} to write to.
     * @return
    private List<Object> writeCollectionInternal(Collection<?> source, @Nullable TypeInformation<?> type,
            Collection<?> sink) {

        TypeInformation<?> componentType = null;

        List<Object> collection = sink instanceof List ? (List<Object>) sink : new ArrayList<>(sink);

        if (type != null) {
            componentType = type.getComponentType();

        for (Object element : source) {

            Class<?> elementType = element == null ? null : element.getClass();

            if (elementType == null || conversions.isSimpleType(elementType)) {
                        componentType != null ? componentType.getType() : Object.class));
            } else if (element instanceof Collection || elementType.isArray()) {
                collection.add(writeCollectionInternal(asCollection(element), componentType, new BasicDBList()));
            } else {
                Document document = new Document();
                writeInternal(element, document, componentType);

        return collection;

     * Writes the given {@link Map} to the given {@link Document} considering the given {@link TypeInformation}.
     * @param obj must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param bson must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param propertyType must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    protected Bson writeMapInternal(Map<Object, Object> obj, Bson bson, TypeInformation<?> propertyType) {

        for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : obj.entrySet()) {

            Object key = entry.getKey();
            Object val = entry.getValue();

            if (conversions.isSimpleType(key.getClass())) {

                String simpleKey = prepareMapKey(key);
                if (val == null || conversions.isSimpleType(val.getClass())) {
                    writeSimpleInternal(val, bson, simpleKey);
                } else if (val instanceof Collection || val.getClass().isArray()) {
                    addToMap(bson, simpleKey, writeCollectionInternal(asCollection(val),
                            propertyType.getMapValueType(), new BasicDBList()));
                } else {
                    Document document = new Document();
                    TypeInformation<?> valueTypeInfo = propertyType.isMap() ? propertyType.getMapValueType()
                            : ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT;
                    writeInternal(val, document, valueTypeInfo);
                    addToMap(bson, simpleKey, document);
            } else {
                throw new MappingException("Cannot use a complex object as a key value.");

        return bson;

     * Prepares the given {@link Map} key to be converted into a {@link String}. Will invoke potentially registered custom
     * conversions and escape dots from the result as they're not supported as {@link Map} key in MongoDB.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    private String prepareMapKey(Object key) {

        Assert.notNull(key, "Map key must not be null!");

        String convertedKey = potentiallyConvertMapKey(key);
        return potentiallyEscapeMapKey(convertedKey);

     * Potentially replaces dots in the given map key with the configured map key replacement if configured or aborts
     * conversion if none is configured.
     * @see #setMapKeyDotReplacement(String)
     * @param source
     * @return
    protected String potentiallyEscapeMapKey(String source) {

        if (!source.contains(".")) {
            return source;

        if (mapKeyDotReplacement == null) {
            throw new MappingException(String.format(
                    "Map key %s contains dots but no replacement was configured! Make "
                            + "sure map keys don't contain dots in the first place or configure an appropriate replacement!",

        return source.replaceAll("\\.", mapKeyDotReplacement);

     * Returns a {@link String} representation of the given {@link Map} key
     * @param key
     * @return
    private String potentiallyConvertMapKey(Object key) {

        if (key instanceof String) {
            return (String) key;

        return conversions.hasCustomWriteTarget(key.getClass(), String.class)
                ? (String) getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleWrite(key, Object.class)
                : key.toString();

     * Translates the map key replacements in the given key just read with a dot in case a map key replacement has been
     * configured.
     * @param source
     * @return
    protected String potentiallyUnescapeMapKey(String source) {
        return mapKeyDotReplacement == null ? source : source.replaceAll(mapKeyDotReplacement, "\\.");

     * Adds custom type information to the given {@link Document} if necessary. That is if the value is not the same as
     * the one given. This is usually the case if you store a subtype of the actual declared type of the property.
     * @param type
     * @param value must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param bson must not be {@literal null}.
    protected void addCustomTypeKeyIfNecessary(@Nullable TypeInformation<?> type, Object value, Bson bson) {

        Class<?> reference = type != null ? type.getActualType().getType() : Object.class;
        Class<?> valueType = ClassUtils.getUserClass(value.getClass());

        boolean notTheSameClass = !valueType.equals(reference);
        if (notTheSameClass) {
            typeMapper.writeType(valueType, bson);

     * Writes the given simple value to the given {@link Document}. Will store enum names for enum values.
     * @param value
     * @param bson must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
    private void writeSimpleInternal(Object value, Bson bson, String key) {
        addToMap(bson, key, getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleWrite(value, Object.class));

    private void writeSimpleInternal(Object value, Bson bson, MongoPersistentProperty property) {
        DocumentAccessor accessor = new DocumentAccessor(bson);
        accessor.put(property, getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleWrite(value,
                property.hasExplicitWriteTarget() ? property.getFieldType() : Object.class));

     * Checks whether we have a custom conversion registered for the given value into an arbitrary simple Mongo type.
     * Returns the converted value if so. If not, we perform special enum handling or simply return the value as is.
     * @param value
     * @return
    private Object getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleWrite(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Class<?> typeHint) {

        if (value == null) {
            return null;

        if (typeHint != null && Object.class != typeHint) {

            if (conversionService.canConvert(value.getClass(), typeHint)) {
                value = conversionService.convert(value, typeHint);

        Optional<Class<?>> customTarget = conversions.getCustomWriteTarget(value.getClass());

        if (customTarget.isPresent()) {
            return conversionService.convert(value, customTarget.get());

        if (ObjectUtils.isArray(value)) {

            if (value instanceof byte[]) {
                return value;
            return asCollection(value);

        return Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) ? ((Enum<?>) value).name() : value;

     * Checks whether we have a custom conversion for the given simple object. Converts the given value if so, applies
     * {@link Enum} handling or returns the value as is.
     * @param value
     * @param target must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    private Object getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Class<?> target) {

        if (value == null || target == null || ClassUtils.isAssignableValue(target, value)) {
            return value;

        if (conversions.hasCustomReadTarget(value.getClass(), target)) {
            return conversionService.convert(value, target);

        if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(target)) {
            return Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) target, value.toString());

        return conversionService.convert(value, target);

    protected DBRef createDBRef(Object target, MongoPersistentProperty property) {

        Assert.notNull(target, "Target object must not be null!");

        if (target instanceof DBRef) {
            return (DBRef) target;

        MongoPersistentEntity<?> targetEntity = mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(target.getClass());
        targetEntity = targetEntity != null ? targetEntity : mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(property);

        if (null == targetEntity) {
            throw new MappingException("No mapping metadata found for " + target.getClass());

        MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = targetEntity;

        MongoPersistentProperty idProperty = entity.getIdProperty();

        if (idProperty != null) {

            Object id = target.getClass().equals(idProperty.getType()) ? target
                    : entity.getPropertyAccessor(target).getProperty(idProperty);

            if (null == id) {
                throw new MappingException("Cannot create a reference to an object with a NULL id.");

            return dbRefResolver.createDbRef(property == null ? null : property.getDBRef(), entity,
                    idMapper.convertId(id, idProperty != null ? idProperty.getFieldType() : ObjectId.class));

        throw new MappingException("No id property found on class " + entity.getType());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see, com.mongodb.Document,, java.lang.Object)
    public Object getValueInternal(MongoPersistentProperty prop, Bson bson, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator,
            ObjectPath path) {
        return new MongoDbPropertyValueProvider(bson, evaluator, path).getPropertyValue(prop);

     * Reads the given {@link BasicDBList} into a collection of the given {@link TypeInformation}.
     * @param targetType must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param source must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param path must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the converted {@link Collection} or array, will never be {@literal null}.
    private Object readCollectionOrArray(TypeInformation<?> targetType, Collection<?> source, ObjectPath path) {

        Assert.notNull(targetType, "Target type must not be null!");
        Assert.notNull(path, "Object path must not be null!");

        Class<?> collectionType = targetType.isSubTypeOf(Collection.class) //
                ? targetType.getType() //
                : List.class;

        TypeInformation<?> componentType = targetType.getComponentType() != null //
                ? targetType.getComponentType() //
                : ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT;
        Class<?> rawComponentType = componentType.getType();

        Collection<Object> items = targetType.getType().isArray() //
                ? new ArrayList<>(source.size()) //
                : CollectionFactory.createCollection(collectionType, rawComponentType, source.size());

        if (source.isEmpty()) {
            return getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(items, targetType.getType());

        if (!DBRef.class.equals(rawComponentType) && isCollectionOfDbRefWhereBulkFetchIsPossible(source)) {

            List<Object> objects = bulkReadAndConvertDBRefs((List<DBRef>) source, componentType, path,
            return getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(objects, targetType.getType());

        for (Object element : source) {

            if (element instanceof DBRef) {
                items.add(DBRef.class.equals(rawComponentType) ? element
                        : readAndConvertDBRef((DBRef) element, componentType, path, rawComponentType));
            } else if (element instanceof Document) {
                items.add(read(componentType, (Document) element, path));
            } else if (element instanceof BasicDBObject) {
                items.add(read(componentType, (BasicDBObject) element, path));
            } else {

                if (!Object.class.equals(rawComponentType) && element instanceof Collection) {
                    if (!rawComponentType.isArray() && !ClassUtils.isAssignable(Iterable.class, rawComponentType)) {
                        throw new MappingException(String.format(INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, element, element.getClass(),
                                rawComponentType, path));
                if (element instanceof List) {
                    items.add(readCollectionOrArray(componentType, (Collection<Object>) element, path));
                } else {
                    items.add(getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(element, rawComponentType));

        return getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(items, targetType.getType());

     * Reads the given {@link Document} into a {@link Map}. will recursively resolve nested {@link Map}s as well.
     * @param type the {@link Map} {@link TypeInformation} to be used to unmarshall this {@link Document}.
     * @param bson must not be {@literal null}
     * @param path must not be {@literal null}
     * @return
    protected Map<Object, Object> readMap(TypeInformation<?> type, Bson bson, ObjectPath path) {

        Assert.notNull(bson, "Document must not be null!");
        Assert.notNull(path, "Object path must not be null!");

        Class<?> mapType = typeMapper.readType(bson, type).getType();

        TypeInformation<?> keyType = type.getComponentType();
        TypeInformation<?> valueType = type.getMapValueType();

        Class<?> rawKeyType = keyType != null ? keyType.getType() : null;
        Class<?> rawValueType = valueType != null ? valueType.getType() : null;

        Map<String, Object> sourceMap = asMap(bson);
        Map<Object, Object> map = CollectionFactory.createMap(mapType, rawKeyType, sourceMap.keySet().size());

        if (!DBRef.class.equals(rawValueType) && isCollectionOfDbRefWhereBulkFetchIsPossible(sourceMap.values())) {
            bulkReadAndConvertDBRefMapIntoTarget(valueType, rawValueType, sourceMap, map);
            return map;

        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : sourceMap.entrySet()) {

            if (typeMapper.isTypeKey(entry.getKey())) {

            Object key = potentiallyUnescapeMapKey(entry.getKey());

            if (rawKeyType != null && !rawKeyType.isAssignableFrom(key.getClass())) {
                key = conversionService.convert(key, rawKeyType);

            Object value = entry.getValue();
            TypeInformation<?> defaultedValueType = valueType != null ? valueType : ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT;

            if (value instanceof Document) {
                map.put(key, read(defaultedValueType, (Document) value, path));
            } else if (value instanceof BasicDBObject) {
                map.put(key, read(defaultedValueType, (BasicDBObject) value, path));
            } else if (value instanceof DBRef) {
                map.put(key, DBRef.class.equals(rawValueType) ? value
                        : readAndConvertDBRef((DBRef) value, defaultedValueType, ObjectPath.ROOT, rawValueType));
            } else if (value instanceof List) {
                map.put(key, readCollectionOrArray(valueType != null ? valueType : ClassTypeInformation.LIST,
                        (List<Object>) value, path));
            } else {
                map.put(key, getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(value, rawValueType));

        return map;

    private static Map<String, Object> asMap(Bson bson) {

        if (bson instanceof Document) {
            return (Document) bson;

        if (bson instanceof DBObject) {
            return ((DBObject) bson).toMap();

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String
                .format("Cannot read %s. as map. Given Bson must be a Document or DBObject!", bson.getClass()));

    private static void addToMap(Bson bson, String key, @Nullable Object value) {

        if (bson instanceof Document) {
            ((Document) bson).put(key, value);
        if (bson instanceof DBObject) {
            ((DBObject) bson).put(key, value);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("Cannot add key/value pair to %s. as map. Given Bson must be a Document or DBObject!",

    private static void addAllToMap(Bson bson, Map<String, ?> value) {

        if (bson instanceof Document) {
            ((Document) bson).putAll(value);

        if (bson instanceof DBObject) {
            ((DBObject) bson).putAll(value);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("Cannot add all to %s. Given Bson must be a Document or DBObject.", bson.getClass()));

    private static void removeFromMap(Bson bson, String key) {

        if (bson instanceof Document) {
            ((Document) bson).remove(key);

        if (bson instanceof DBObject) {
            ((DBObject) bson).removeField(key);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String
                .format("Cannot remove from %s. Given Bson must be a Document or DBObject.", bson.getClass()));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see,
    public Object convertToMongoType(@Nullable Object obj, TypeInformation<?> typeInformation) {

        if (obj == null) {
            return null;

        Optional<Class<?>> target = conversions.getCustomWriteTarget(obj.getClass());
        if (target.isPresent()) {
            return conversionService.convert(obj, target.get());

        if (conversions.isSimpleType(obj.getClass())) {
            // Doesn't need conversion
            return getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleWrite(obj,
                    typeInformation != null ? typeInformation.getType() : Object.class);

        if (obj instanceof List) {
            return maybeConvertList((List<Object>) obj, typeInformation);

        if (obj instanceof Document) {

            Document newValueDocument = new Document();
            for (String vk : ((Document) obj).keySet()) {
                Object o = ((Document) obj).get(vk);
                newValueDocument.put(vk, convertToMongoType(o, typeInformation));
            return newValueDocument;

        if (obj instanceof DBObject) {

            Document newValueDbo = new Document();
            for (String vk : ((DBObject) obj).keySet()) {

                Object o = ((DBObject) obj).get(vk);
                newValueDbo.put(vk, convertToMongoType(o, typeInformation));

            return newValueDbo;

        if (obj instanceof Map) {

            Document result = new Document();

            for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : ((Map<Object, Object>) obj).entrySet()) {
                result.put(entry.getKey().toString(), convertToMongoType(entry.getValue(), typeInformation));

            return result;

        if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
            return maybeConvertList(Arrays.asList((Object[]) obj), typeInformation);

        if (obj instanceof Collection) {
            return maybeConvertList((Collection<?>) obj, typeInformation);

        Document newDocument = new Document();
        this.write(obj, newDocument);

        if (typeInformation == null) {
            return removeTypeInfo(newDocument, true);

        if (typeInformation.getType().equals(NestedDocument.class)) {
            return removeTypeInfo(newDocument, false);

        return !obj.getClass().equals(typeInformation.getType()) ? newDocument : removeTypeInfo(newDocument, true);

    public List<Object> maybeConvertList(Iterable<?> source, TypeInformation<?> typeInformation) {

        List<Object> newDbl = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Object element : source) {
            newDbl.add(convertToMongoType(element, typeInformation));

        return newDbl;

     * Removes the type information from the entire conversion result.
     * @param object
     * @param recursively whether to apply the removal recursively
     * @return
    private Object removeTypeInfo(Object object, boolean recursively) {

        if (!(object instanceof Document)) {
            return object;

        Document document = (Document) object;
        String keyToRemove = null;

        for (String key : document.keySet()) {

            if (recursively) {

                Object value = document.get(key);

                if (value instanceof BasicDBList) {
                    for (Object element : (BasicDBList) value) {
                        removeTypeInfo(element, recursively);
                } else if (value instanceof List) {
                    for (Object element : (List<Object>) value) {
                        removeTypeInfo(element, recursively);
                } else {
                    removeTypeInfo(value, recursively);

            if (typeMapper.isTypeKey(key)) {

                keyToRemove = key;

                if (!recursively) {

        if (keyToRemove != null) {

        return document;

     * {@link PropertyValueProvider} to evaluate a SpEL expression if present on the property or simply accesses the field
     * of the configured source {@link Document}.
     * @author Oliver Gierke
     * @author Mark Paluch
     * @author Christoph Strobl
    class MongoDbPropertyValueProvider implements PropertyValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> {

        final DocumentAccessor accessor;
        final SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator;
        final ObjectPath path;

         * Creates a new {@link MongoDbPropertyValueProvider} for the given source, {@link SpELExpressionEvaluator} and
         * {@link ObjectPath}.
         * @param source must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param evaluator must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param path must not be {@literal null}.
        MongoDbPropertyValueProvider(Bson source, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator, ObjectPath path) {
            this(new DocumentAccessor(source), evaluator, path);

         * Creates a new {@link MongoDbPropertyValueProvider} for the given source, {@link SpELExpressionEvaluator} and
         * {@link ObjectPath}.
         * @param accessor must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param evaluator must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param path must not be {@literal null}.
        MongoDbPropertyValueProvider(DocumentAccessor accessor, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator,
                ObjectPath path) {

            Assert.notNull(accessor, "DocumentAccessor must no be null!");
            Assert.notNull(evaluator, "SpELExpressionEvaluator must not be null!");
            Assert.notNull(path, "ObjectPath must not be null!");

            this.accessor = accessor;
            this.evaluator = evaluator;
            this.path = path;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public <T> T getPropertyValue(MongoPersistentProperty property) {

            String expression = property.getSpelExpression();
            Object value = expression != null ? evaluator.evaluate(expression) : accessor.get(property);

            if (value == null) {
                return null;

            return readValue(value, property.getTypeInformation(), path);

     * {@link PropertyValueProvider} that is aware of {@link MongoPersistentProperty#isAssociation()} and that delegates
     * resolution to {@link DbRefResolver}.
     * @author Mark Paluch
     * @author Christoph Strobl
     * @since 2.1
    class AssociationAwareMongoDbPropertyValueProvider extends MongoDbPropertyValueProvider {

         * Creates a new {@link AssociationAwareMongoDbPropertyValueProvider} for the given source,
         * {@link SpELExpressionEvaluator} and {@link ObjectPath}.
         * @param source must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param evaluator must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param path must not be {@literal null}.
        AssociationAwareMongoDbPropertyValueProvider(DocumentAccessor source, SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator,
                ObjectPath path) {
            super(source, evaluator, path);

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see
        public <T> T getPropertyValue(MongoPersistentProperty property) {

            if (property.isDbReference() && property.getDBRef().lazy()) {

                Object rawRefValue = accessor.get(property);
                if (rawRefValue == null) {
                    return null;

                DbRefResolverCallback callback = new DefaultDbRefResolverCallback(accessor.getDocument(), path,
                        evaluator, MappingMongoConverter.this);

                DBRef dbref = rawRefValue instanceof DBRef ? (DBRef) rawRefValue : null;
                return (T) dbRefResolver.resolveDbRef(property, dbref, callback, dbRefProxyHandler);

            return super.getPropertyValue(property);

     * Extension of {@link SpELExpressionParameterValueProvider} to recursively trigger value conversion on the raw
     * resolved SpEL value.
     * @author Oliver Gierke
    private class ConverterAwareSpELExpressionParameterValueProvider
            extends SpELExpressionParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> {

        private final ObjectPath path;

         * Creates a new {@link ConverterAwareSpELExpressionParameterValueProvider}.
         * @param evaluator must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param conversionService must not be {@literal null}.
         * @param delegate must not be {@literal null}.
        public ConverterAwareSpELExpressionParameterValueProvider(SpELExpressionEvaluator evaluator,
                ConversionService conversionService, ParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> delegate,
                ObjectPath path) {

            super(evaluator, conversionService, delegate);
            this.path = path;

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see,
        protected <T> T potentiallyConvertSpelValue(Object object,
                Parameter<T, MongoPersistentProperty> parameter) {
            return readValue(object, parameter.getType(), path);

    <T> T readValue(Object value, TypeInformation<?> type, ObjectPath path) {

        Class<?> rawType = type.getType();

        if (conversions.hasCustomReadTarget(value.getClass(), rawType)) {
            return (T) conversionService.convert(value, rawType);
        } else if (value instanceof DBRef) {
            return potentiallyReadOrResolveDbRef((DBRef) value, type, path, rawType);
        } else if (value instanceof List) {
            return (T) readCollectionOrArray(type, (List<Object>) value, path);
        } else if (value instanceof Document) {
            return (T) read(type, (Document) value, path);
        } else if (value instanceof DBObject) {
            return (T) read(type, (BasicDBObject) value, path);
        } else {
            return (T) getPotentiallyConvertedSimpleRead(value, rawType);

    private <T> T potentiallyReadOrResolveDbRef(@Nullable DBRef dbref, TypeInformation<?> type, ObjectPath path,
            Class<?> rawType) {

        if (rawType.equals(DBRef.class)) {
            return (T) dbref;

        T object = dbref == null ? null
                : path.getPathItem(dbref.getId(), dbref.getCollectionName(), (Class<T>) rawType);
        return object != null ? object : readAndConvertDBRef(dbref, type, path, rawType);

    private <T> T readAndConvertDBRef(@Nullable DBRef dbref, TypeInformation<?> type, ObjectPath path,
            final Class<?> rawType) {

        List<T> result = bulkReadAndConvertDBRefs(Collections.singletonList(dbref), type, path, rawType);
        return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(result) ? null : result.iterator().next();

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private void bulkReadAndConvertDBRefMapIntoTarget(TypeInformation<?> valueType, Class<?> rawValueType,
            Map<String, Object> sourceMap, Map<Object, Object> targetMap) {

        LinkedHashMap<String, Object> referenceMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(sourceMap);
        List<Object> convertedObjects = bulkReadAndConvertDBRefs((List<DBRef>) new ArrayList(referenceMap.values()),
                valueType, ObjectPath.ROOT, rawValueType);
        int index = 0;

        for (String key : referenceMap.keySet()) {
            targetMap.put(key, convertedObjects.get(index));

    private <T> List<T> bulkReadAndConvertDBRefs(List<DBRef> dbrefs, TypeInformation<?> type, ObjectPath path,
            final Class<?> rawType) {

        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(dbrefs)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        List<Document> referencedRawDocuments = dbrefs.size() == 1
                ? Collections.singletonList(readRef(dbrefs.iterator().next()))
                : bulkReadRefs(dbrefs);
        String collectionName = dbrefs.iterator().next().getCollectionName();

        List<T> targeList = new ArrayList<>(dbrefs.size());

        for (Document document : referencedRawDocuments) {

            if (document != null) {
                maybeEmitEvent(new AfterLoadEvent<>(document, (Class<T>) rawType, collectionName));

            final T target = (T) read(type, document, path);

            if (target != null) {
                maybeEmitEvent(new AfterConvertEvent<>(document, target, collectionName));

        return targeList;

    private void maybeEmitEvent(MongoMappingEvent<?> event) {

        if (canPublishEvent()) {

    private boolean canPublishEvent() {
        return this.applicationContext != null;

     * Performs the fetch operation for the given {@link DBRef}.
     * @param ref
     * @return
    Document readRef(DBRef ref) {
        return dbRefResolver.fetch(ref);

     * Performs a bulk fetch operation for the given {@link DBRef}s.
     * @param references must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 1.10
    List<Document> bulkReadRefs(List<DBRef> references) {
        return dbRefResolver.bulkFetch(references);

     * Get the conversion target type if defined or return the {@literal source}.
     * @param source must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
     * @since 2.2
    public Class<?> getWriteTarget(Class<?> source) {
        return conversions.getCustomWriteTarget(source).orElse(source);

     * Create a new {@link MappingMongoConverter} using the given {@link MongoDbFactory} when loading {@link DBRef}.
     * @return new instance of {@link MappingMongoConverter}. Never {@literal null}.
     * @since 2.1.6
    public MappingMongoConverter with(MongoDbFactory dbFactory) {

        MappingMongoConverter target = new MappingMongoConverter(new DefaultDbRefResolver(dbFactory),
        target.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        target.conversions = conversions;
        target.spELContext = spELContext;
        target.typeMapper = typeMapper;

        return target;

     * Returns whether the given {@link Iterable} contains {@link DBRef} instances all pointing to the same collection.
     * @param source must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
    private static boolean isCollectionOfDbRefWhereBulkFetchIsPossible(Iterable<?> source) {

        Assert.notNull(source, "Iterable of DBRefs must not be null!");

        Set<String> collectionsFound = new HashSet<>();

        for (Object dbObjItem : source) {

            if (!(dbObjItem instanceof DBRef)) {
                return false;

            collectionsFound.add(((DBRef) dbObjItem).getCollectionName());

            if (collectionsFound.size() > 1) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Marker class used to indicate we have a non root document object here that might be used within an update - so we
     * need to preserve type hints for potential nested elements but need to remove it on top level.
     * @author Christoph Strobl
     * @since 1.8
    static class NestedDocument {


    enum NoOpParameterValueProvider implements ParameterValueProvider<MongoPersistentProperty> {


        public <T> T getParameterValue(Parameter<T, MongoPersistentProperty> parameter) {
            return null;

    private static class TypeInformationWrapper<S> implements TypeInformation<S> {

        private MongoPersistentProperty persistentProperty;
        private TypeInformation<?> delegate;

        public TypeInformationWrapper(MongoPersistentProperty property) {

            this.persistentProperty = property;
            this.delegate = property.getTypeInformation();

        public List<<?>> getParameterTypes(Constructor constructor) {
            return persistentProperty.getTypeInformation().getParameterTypes(constructor);

        public<?> getProperty(String property) {
            return delegate.getProperty(property);

        public boolean isCollectionLike() {
            return delegate.isCollectionLike();

        public<?> getComponentType() {
            return ClassTypeInformation.from(persistentProperty.getFieldType());

        public boolean isMap() {
            return delegate.isMap();

        public<?> getMapValueType() {
            return ClassTypeInformation.from(persistentProperty.getFieldType());

        public Class getType() {
            return delegate.getType();

        public ClassTypeInformation<?> getRawTypeInformation() {
            return delegate.getRawTypeInformation();

        public<?> getActualType() {
            return delegate.getActualType();

        public<?> getReturnType(Method method) {
            return delegate.getReturnType(method);

        public List<<?>> getParameterTypes(Method method) {
            return delegate.getParameterTypes(method);

        public<?> getSuperTypeInformation(Class superType) {
            return delegate.getSuperTypeInformation(superType);

        public boolean isAssignableFrom( target) {
            return delegate.isAssignableFrom(target);

        public List<<?>> getTypeArguments() {
            return delegate.getTypeArguments();

        public specialize(ClassTypeInformation type) {
            return delegate.specialize(type);