Java Utililty Methods Array Null Element

List of utility methods to do Array Null Element


The list of methods to do Array Null Element are organized into topic(s).


booleanisNull(final Object[] array)
Checks if an array is null or empty or all its elements are null.
if (array == null || array.length == 0) {
    return true;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (array[i] != null) {
        return false;
return true;
booleanisNull(Object[] objects)
is Null
if (objects != null && objects.length > 0) {
    for (Object object : objects) {
        if (object instanceof String) {
            if ((String) object == null || "".equals((String) object)
                    || "NULL".equals(((String) object).toUpperCase())) {
                return true;
        } else if (object instanceof Integer) {
booleanisNull(T array[])
Array is empty
return array == null || array.length == 0;
booleanisNullArray(String[] array)
is Null Array
return (array == null || array.length == 0 || (array.length == 1 && "".equals(array[0])));