Java Utililty Methods Array Scale

List of utility methods to do Array Scale


The list of methods to do Array Scale are organized into topic(s).


Double[]arrayScale(final Double[] first, final double scale)
Scales the elements of the arrays with a contstant.
final Double[] toret = new Double[first.length];
for (int i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
    toret[i] = first[i] * scale;
return toret;
byte[]expandToLength16(byte scaledValue[], final boolean isNegative)
Converts BigInteger's byte representation containing a scaled magnitude to a fixed size 16 byte array and set the sign in the most significant byte's most significant bit.
if (scaledValue.length == 16) {
    return scaledValue;
byte replacement[] = new byte[16];
if (isNegative) {
    java.util.Arrays.fill(replacement, (byte) -1);
for (int ii = 15; 15 - ii < scaledValue.length; ii--) {
double[]minMaxScale(final double[] x)
min Max Scale
DoubleSummaryStatistics s =;
return s.getMax() == 1 && s.getMin() == 0 ? x
        : -> (d - s.getMin()) / (s.getMax() - s.getMin())).toArray();
double[][]scale(double[][] as)
final int VALUES = as[0].length;
double[][] result = new double[as.length][VALUES];
for (int v = 0; v < VALUES; v++) {
    double max = as[as.length - 1][v];
    for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) {
        result[i][v] = as[i][v] / max;
return result;
double[]scale(final double[] a, double scale)
return -> x * scale).toArray();
doublescaleMAD(double[] data)
Scale MAD in order to use it as a consistent estimator for the estimation of the standard deviation
final double constant = 1.4826;
return constant * computeMAD(data);
int[]scalePoints(double[] points, int height)
scale Points
double maxValue = -1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
    if (points[i] > maxValue && points[i] != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
        maxValue = points[i];
return scalePoints(points, height, maxValue);