Java Utililty Methods Base64 Convert to

List of utility methods to do Base64 Convert to


The list of methods to do Base64 Convert to are organized into topic(s).


byte[]fromBase64(String data)
Decode a base64 string into a byte array.
if (data == null) {
    return null;
int len = data.length();
assert (len % 4) == 0;
if (len == 0) {
    return new byte[0];
char[] chars = new char[len];
data.getChars(0, len, chars, 0);
int olen = 3 * (len / 4);
if (chars[len - 2] == '=') {
if (chars[len - 1] == '=') {
byte[] bytes = new byte[olen];
int iidx = 0;
int oidx = 0;
while (iidx < len) {
    int c0 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c1 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c2 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c3 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c24 = (c0 << 18) | (c1 << 12) | (c2 << 6) | c3;
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) (c24 >> 16);
    if (oidx == olen) {
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) (c24 >> 8);
    if (oidx == olen) {
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) c24;
return bytes;
longfromBase64(String s)
Convert a string representation of a base64 number into a long.
return fromBase64(s, 0, s.length() - 1);
byte[]fromBase64(String str)

The inverse function of the above.

Converts a string representing the encoding of some bytes in Base-64 to their original form.

int len = str.length();
if (len == 0) {
    throw new NumberFormatException("Empty string");
byte[] a = new byte[len + 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    try {
byte[]fromBase64decodedImageToByte(String base64encoded)
from Basedecoded Image To Byte
if (base64encoded == null || base64encoded.trim().length() == 0) {
    return null;
String[] split = base64encoded.split(",");
if (split.length < 2)
    return null;
String base64Image = split[1];
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Image);
byte[]fromBase64Impl(String data)
Decode a base64 string into a byte array.
if (data == null) {
    return null;
int len = data.length();
assert (len % 4) == 0;
if (len == 0) {
    return new byte[0];
char[] chars = new char[len];
data.getChars(0, len, chars, 0);
int olen = 3 * (len / 4);
if (chars[len - 2] == '=') {
if (chars[len - 1] == '=') {
byte[] bytes = new byte[olen];
int iidx = 0;
int oidx = 0;
while (iidx < len) {
    int c0 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c1 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c2 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c3 = base64Values[chars[iidx++] & 0xff];
    int c24 = (c0 << 18) | (c1 << 12) | (c2 << 6) | c3;
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) (c24 >> 16);
    if (oidx == olen) {
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) (c24 >> 8);
    if (oidx == olen) {
    bytes[oidx++] = (byte) c24;
return bytes;
byte[]fromBase64String(String base64)
from Base String
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64);
byte[]fromBase64String(String encoded)
Converts Base64 encoded string to byte array.
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(encoded);
byte[]fromBase64Url(String data)
from Base Url
String base64Data = data.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/');
switch (base64Data.length() % 4) {
case 0:
case 2:
    base64Data += "==";
case 3: