Java Utililty Methods BigDecimal

List of utility methods to do BigDecimal


The list of methods to do BigDecimal are organized into topic(s).


doublegetScaledDouble(BigDecimal input)
get Scaled Double
double retVal = 0;
if (input != null) {
    retVal = input.setScale(SCALE, ROUNDING_MODE).doubleValue();
return retVal;
BigDecimalgetSid(BigDecimal total, AtomicLong sid)
get Sid
BigDecimal ret = new BigDecimal(sid.getAndIncrement());
if (ret.longValue() > total.longValue()) {
return ret;
StringgetSignedBalance(BigDecimal balance)
Utility method to add a sign to a balance
getSignedBalance(100) returns "+100"
getSignedBalance(-100) returns "-100"
getSignedBalance(0) returns "0"
String signedBalance = "";
if (balance.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) {
    signedBalance += "+";
signedBalance += balance.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).toString();
return signedBalance;
BigDecimalgetTensVal(BigDecimal val)
get Tens Val
return val.remainder(THOUSAND).remainder(HUNDRED);
BigDecimalgetTotalSum(List subTotals)
Sum a list of sub totals to yield a total sum
BigDecimal totalSum = new BigDecimal("0.00");
subTotals.forEach(subTotal -> totalSum.add(subTotal));
return totalSum;
byte[]getUnscaledBytes(BigDecimal bd)
get Unscaled Bytes
if (bd == null) {
    return Arrays.copyOf(NULL_INDICATOR, NULL_INDICATOR.length);
final int scale = bd.scale();
final int precision = bd.precision();
if (scale > 12) {
    throw new IOException("Scale of " + bd + " is " + scale + " and the max is 12");
final int precisionMinusScale = precision - scale;
if (precisionMinusScale > 26) {
    throw new IOException("Precision of " + bd + " to the left of the decimal point is "
            + precisionMinusScale + " and the max is 26");
final int scaleFactor = kDefaultScale - bd.scale();
BigInteger unscaledBI = bd.unscaledValue().multiply(scaleFactors[scaleFactor]);
boolean isNegative = false;
if (unscaledBI.signum() < 0) {
    isNegative = true;
final byte unscaledValue[] = unscaledBI.toByteArray();
if (unscaledValue.length > 16) {
    throw new IOException("Precision of " + bd + " is >38 digits");
return expandToLength16(unscaledValue, isNegative);
StringgetUpdateAccountsQuery(BigDecimal[] result, int id)
get Update Accounts Query
return "UPDATE ACCOUNTS SET SUMB = " + result[0] + "," + "SUMD = " + result[1] + "," + "SUMT = " + result[2]
        + " " + "WHERE Aid = " + id;
StringgetUserLink(BigDecimal id, String name)
Gets the user link.
return "<a href='person.jsp?uid=" + id.toString() + "'>" + name + "</a>";
TgetValue(BigDecimal value, Class clazz)
get Value
return (T) value;
BigDecimalgetValue(String key, Map valuesMap)
get Value
BigDecimal value = BigDecimal.ZERO;
if (valuesMap.containsKey(key)) {
    value = valuesMap.get(key);
return value;