Java Utililty Methods BigInteger LCM

List of utility methods to do BigInteger LCM


The list of methods to do BigInteger LCM are organized into topic(s).


BigIntegerlcm(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
Least common multiple.
lcm( 6, 9 ) = 18
lcm( 4, 9 ) = 36
lcm( 0, 9 ) = 0
lcm( 0, 0 ) = 0
if (a.signum() == 0 || b.signum() == 0)
    return BigInteger.ZERO;
return a.divide(a.gcd(b)).multiply(b).abs();
BigIntegerlcm(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
return a.multiply(b).divide(gcd(a, b));
BigIntegerlcm(BigInteger... nums)
return lcm(Arrays.asList(nums));
BigIntegerlcm(BigInteger... values)
Calculates the least common multiple of the specified BigInteger big integer numbers.
if (values.length == 0)
    return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger lcm = values[0];
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
    if (values[i].signum() != 0) {
        final BigInteger gcd = lcm.gcd(values[i]);
        if (gcd.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            lcm = lcm.multiply(values[i]);