Java Utililty Methods Ceil

List of utility methods to do Ceil


The list of methods to do Ceil are organized into topic(s).


doubleceil(double value, int scale)
double power = Math.pow(10, scale);
return Math.ceil(value * power) / power;
intceil(double Var1)
return (int) (Var1 + 0.9999D);
intceil(double x)
Rounds up a double to an int
int xi = (int) x;
return x > xi ? xi + 1 : xi;
intceil(double x)
A fast implementation of Math#ceil(double) .
return BIG_ENOUGH_INT - (int) (BIG_ENOUGH_FLOOR - x);
doubleceil(double x, double y)
Truncate x up to the nearest y.
return y * Math.ceil((x + .00001) / y);
double[]ceil(double[] array)
Rounds up each element of a given double array.
double[] out = new double[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
    out[i] = Math.ceil(array[i]);
return out;
intceil(final double num)
final int floor = (int) num;
return floor == num ? floor : floor + (int) (~Double.doubleToRawLongBits(num) >>> 63);
intceil(final double num)
Round up given number.
final int ceil = (int) num;
return (ceil == num) ? ceil : ((num > 0) ? (ceil + 1) : ceil);
intceil(float f)
return floor(f) + 1;
intceil(float f)
Returns the first integer that is larger than the given float.
int i = (int) f;
if (i < f)
return i;