Java Charset Guess getPYIndexChar(char strChinese, boolean bUpCase)

Here you can find the source of getPYIndexChar(char strChinese, boolean bUpCase)


get PY Index Char


Open Source License


private static char getPYIndexChar(char strChinese, boolean bUpCase) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.util.*;

public class Main {

    private static char getPYIndexChar(char strChinese, boolean bUpCase) {
        int charGBK = strChinese;
        char result;
        if (charGBK >= 45217 && charGBK <= 45252)
            result = 'A';
        else if (charGBK >= 45253 && charGBK <= 45760)
            result = 'B';
        else if (charGBK >= 45761 && charGBK <= 46317 || charGBK == 55000)
            result = 'C';
        else if (charGBK >= 46318 && charGBK <= 46825)
            result = 'D';
        else if (charGBK >= 46826 && charGBK <= 47009)
            result = 'E';
        else if (charGBK >= 47010 && charGBK <= 47296)
            result = 'F';
        else if (charGBK >= 47297 && charGBK <= 47613)
            result = 'G';
        else if (charGBK >= 47614 && charGBK <= 48118)
            result = 'H';
        else if (charGBK >= 48119 && charGBK <= 49061)
            result = 'J';
        else if (charGBK >= 49062 && charGBK <= 49323)
            result = 'K';
        else if (charGBK >= 49324 && charGBK <= 49895)
            result = 'L';
        else if (charGBK >= 49896 && charGBK <= 50370)
            result = 'M';
        else if (charGBK >= 50371 && charGBK <= 50613)
            result = 'N';
        else if (charGBK >= 50614 && charGBK <= 50621)
            result = 'O';
        else if (charGBK >= 50622 && charGBK <= 50905)
            result = 'P';
        else if (charGBK >= 50906 && charGBK <= 51386)
            result = 'Q';
        else if (charGBK >= 51387 && charGBK <= 51445)
            result = 'R';
        else if (charGBK >= 51446 && charGBK <= 52217)
            result = 'S';
        else if (charGBK >= 52218 && charGBK <= 52697)
            result = 'T';
        else if (charGBK >= 52698 && charGBK <= 52979)
            result = 'W';
        else if (charGBK >= 52980 && charGBK <= 53688)
            result = 'X';
        else if (charGBK >= 53689 && charGBK <= 54480)
            result = 'Y';
        else if (charGBK >= 54481 && charGBK <= 55289)
            result = 'Z';
        else// w w  w  .  ja  v  a2  s .c  o  m
            result = (char) (65 + (new Random()).nextInt(25));
        if (!bUpCase)
            result = Character.toLowerCase(result);
        return result;


  1. getCharset(File file)
  2. getCharset(Object resource)
  3. getCharsetFileWriter(File file, String charset)
  4. getCharsetFromBytes(byte abyte0[])
  5. getCharSetStr(String str, String oldCharSet, String newCharSet)