Java Utililty Methods Color Decode

List of utility methods to do Color Decode


The list of methods to do Color Decode are organized into topic(s).


Colordecode(String color)
long i = Long.parseLong(color, 16);
int r = (int) (i & 0xff);
int g = (int) ((i >> 8) & 0xff);
int b = (int) ((i >> 16) & 0xff);
int a = (int) ((i >> 24) & 0xff);
return new Color(r, g, b, a);
ColordecodeColor(final double v)
Convert a double value to a color.
if (Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v)) {
    return Color.BLACK;
return new Color(
        isin(v, R_FREQ), 
        isin(v, G_FREQ), 
        isin(v, B_FREQ), 
        isin(v, A_FREQ));
ColordecodeColor(final String value)
Interprets a string as a color value.
if (value == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot decode a null String.");
String valueLowercase = value.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
Color color;
if (valueLowercase.startsWith("0x")) {
    valueLowercase = valueLowercase.substring(2);
    if (valueLowercase.length() != 8) {
ColordecodeColor(int color)
decode Color
return new Color(color, color > 0xFFFFFF);
ColordecodeColor(int value)
decode Color
return new Color((int) (value & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (int) (value & 0xFF00) >> 8, (int) value & 0xFF,
        (int) (((long) value & 0xFF000000L) >> 24));
ColordecodeColor(String color, Color defaultColor)
decode Color
String colorVal = "";
if (color.length() > 0) {
    colorVal = color.trim();
    if (colorVal.startsWith("#"))
        colorVal = colorVal.substring(1);
    try {
        colorVal = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(colorVal, 16)).toString();
        return Color.decode(colorVal.toLowerCase());
ColordecodeColor(String string)
decodes a String containing a 4 byte hex value as a color with an optional alpha (transparency) channel.
if (string == null)
    return Color.BLACK;
if (string.startsWith("java.awt.Color")) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("java.awt.Color\\[r=(\\d+),\\s*g=(\\d+),\\s*b=(\\d+)\\s*\\]");
    Matcher m = pattern.matcher(string);
    if (m.matches()) {
        int r = Integer.parseInt(;
        int g = Integer.parseInt(;
ColordecodeColor(String value, Color dflt)
This takes the given String and tries to convert it to a color.
if (value == null) {
    return dflt;
value = value.trim();
if (value.equals("null")) {
    return null;
String s = value;
ColordecodeHexColor(String hexString)
decode Hex Color
if (hexString.length() == 6 || hexString.length() == 8) {
    int r = parseHexColorComponent(hexString, 0);
    int g = parseHexColorComponent(hexString, 2);
    int b = parseHexColorComponent(hexString, 4);
    if (hexString.length() == 8) {
        int a = parseHexColorComponent(hexString, 6);
        return new Color(r, g, b, a);
    return new Color(r, g, b);
} else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color is not a valid hex string: #" + hexString);
ColordecodeHtmlColorString(String colourString)
Decode an HTML color string like '#F567BA;' into a Color
Color color;
if (colourString.startsWith("#")) {
    colourString = colourString.substring(1);
if (colourString.endsWith(";")) {
    colourString = colourString.substring(0, colourString.length() - 1);
int red, green, blue;