Java Utililty Methods Day Between

List of utility methods to do Day Between


The list of methods to do Day Between are organized into topic(s).


DatestdNewDate(String tzDiff)
std New Date
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + tzDiff));
try {
    Date dt = new Date();
    cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, cal1.get(Calendar.MONTH));
    cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
DatesubstractDate(final Date date, final Integer different)
Substract days.
return addDate(date, -different);
LongtimeDifferenceInSeconds(Date startDate, Date endDate)
time Difference In Seconds
if (startDate == null || endDate == null) {
    return null;
return (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (1000L);
longtimeDifferenceWithCurrentTime(Date startTime)
This Methods gives the result Milliseconds elapsed to Current Time Note : this method does not check for dates.
Date currentTime = getCurrentDateTime();
Calendar startDateCal = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar newTime = Calendar.getInstance();
newTime.set(Calendar.HOUR, startDateCal.get(Calendar.HOUR));
newTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, startDateCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
newTime.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, startDateCal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
return ((newTime.getTime()).getTime() - currentTime.getTime());
inttruncateDifferMonths(Date date)
truncate Differ Months
return truncateDifferMonths(date, new Date());
IntegeryearDifference(Date date1, Date date2)
date2-date1 if either are null, it returns null.
if (date1 == null || date2 == null)
    return (null);
Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar();
Calendar cal2 = new GregorianCalendar();
return (yearDifference(cal1, cal2));
intyearTimeDiff(Date d1, Date d2)
year Time Diff
assertDateParamsRequired(d1, d2);
Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();
return c1.get(Calendar.YEAR) - c2.get(Calendar.YEAR);