Java Day From isBusinessDay(int dateIntToCheck)

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is Business Day


Open Source License


private static boolean isBusinessDay(int dateIntToCheck) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    private static final transient Map<Integer, List<Date>> computedDates = new HashMap<>();
    private static HashMap<Integer, Boolean> ibdMemo = new HashMap<>();

    private static boolean isBusinessDay(int dateIntToCheck) {
        Boolean result = ibdMemo.get(dateIntToCheck);
        if (result != null)
            return result;

        Date dateToCheck = convertToDate(dateIntToCheck);
        // Setup the calendar to have the start date truncated
        Calendar baseCal = Calendar.getInstance();
        // baseCal.setTime(DateUtils.truncate(dateToCheck, Calendar.DATE));
        // uses apache package--truncates dateToCheck to midnight of that date
        baseCal.setTime(dateToCheck);//from   www .j  av  a 2 s. co  m
        List<Date> offlimitDates;

        // Grab the list of dates for the year. These SHOULD NOT be modified.
        synchronized (computedDates) {
            int year = baseCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

            // If the map doesn't already have the dates computed, create them.
            if (!computedDates.containsKey(year)) {
                computedDates.put(year, getOfflimitDates(year));
            offlimitDates = computedDates.get(year);

        // Determine if the date is on a weekend.
        int dayOfWeek = baseCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        boolean onWeekend = dayOfWeek == Calendar.SATURDAY || dayOfWeek == Calendar.SUNDAY;

        result = !(offlimitDates.contains(dateToCheck) || onWeekend);
        ibdMemo.put(dateIntToCheck, result);
        return result;

     * converts dateInto to date
     * @param dateInt dateInt to be converted
     * @return date
    public static Date convertToDate(int dateInt) {
        Date nd = new Date(dateInt / 10000 - 1900, (dateInt / 100) % 100 - 1, dateInt % 100);

        return nd;

    private static List<Date> getOfflimitDates(int year) {
        List<Date> offlimitDates = new ArrayList<>();

        Calendar baseCalendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();

        // Add in the static dates for the year.
        // New years day
        baseCalendar.set(year, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);

        // Independence Day
        baseCalendar.set(year, Calendar.JULY, 4);

        // Veterans Day --not NYSE Holiday
        // baseCalendar.set(year, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 11);
        // offlimitDates.add(offsetForWeekend(baseCalendar));

        // Christmas
        baseCalendar.set(year, Calendar.DECEMBER, 25);

        // Now deal with floating holidays.
        // Martin Luther King Day
        offlimitDates.add(calculateFloatingHoliday(3, Calendar.MONDAY, year, Calendar.JANUARY));

        // Presidents Day
        offlimitDates.add(calculateFloatingHoliday(3, Calendar.MONDAY, year, Calendar.FEBRUARY));

        // Memorial Day
        offlimitDates.add(calculateFloatingHoliday(0, Calendar.MONDAY, year, Calendar.MAY));

        // Labor Day
        offlimitDates.add(calculateFloatingHoliday(1, Calendar.MONDAY, year, Calendar.SEPTEMBER));

        // Columbus Day -- not NYSE Holiday
        // offlimitDates.add(calculateFloatingHoliday(2, Calendar.MONDAY, year,
        // Calendar.OCTOBER));

        // Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Friday -- Friday not NYSE Holiday
        Date thanksgiving = calculateFloatingHoliday(4, Calendar.THURSDAY, year, Calendar.NOVEMBER);
        // Friday after Thanksgiving is not NYSE Holiday

        // Good Friday
        Date goodFriday = GoodFridayObserved(year);

        return offlimitDates;

    private static Date offsetForWeekend(Calendar baseCal) {
        Date returnDate = baseCal.getTime();
        if (baseCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY) {
            // if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // log.debug("Offsetting the Saturday by -1: " + returnDate);
            // }
            return addDays(returnDate, -1);
        } else if (baseCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY) {
            // if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // log.debug("Offsetting the Sunday by +1: " + returnDate);
            // }
            return addDays(returnDate, 1);
        } else {
            return returnDate;

     * This method will take in the various parameters and return a Date object
     * that represents that value.
     * Ex. To get Martin Luther Kings BDay, which is the 3rd Monday of January,
     * the method call would be:
     * calculateFloatingHoliday(3, Calendar.MONDAY, year, Calendar.JANUARY);
     * Reference material can be found at:
     * @param nth       0 for Last, 1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, etc.
     * @param dayOfWeek Use Calendar.MONDAY, Calendar.TUESDAY, etc.
     * @param year      year
     * @param month     Use Calendar.JANUARY, etc.
     * @return date which corresponds to inputs
    private static Date calculateFloatingHoliday(int nth, int dayOfWeek, int year, int month) {
        Calendar baseCal = Calendar.getInstance();
        // Determine what the very earliest day this could occur.
        // If the value was 0 for the nth parameter, increment to the following
        // month so that it can be subtracted after.
        baseCal.set(year, month, 1);
        if (nth <= 0)
            baseCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
        Date baseDate = baseCal.getTime();

        // Figure out which day of the week that this "earliest" could occur on
        // and then determine what the offset is for our day that we actually
        // need.
        int baseDayOfWeek = baseCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        int fwd = dayOfWeek - baseDayOfWeek;

        // Based on the offset and the nth parameter, we are able to determine
        // the offset of days and then
        // adjust our base date.
        return addDays(baseDate, (fwd + (nth - (fwd >= 0 ? 1 : 0)) * 7));

    private static Date GoodFridayObserved(int nYear) {
        // Get Easter Sunday and subtract two days
        int nEasterMonth;
        int nEasterDay;
        int nGoodFridayMonth;
        int nGoodFridayDay;
        Date dEasterSunday;

        dEasterSunday = EasterSunday(nYear);
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
        // nEasterMonth = dEasterSunday.getMonth();
        nEasterMonth = gc.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        // nEasterDay = dEasterSunday.getDate();
        nEasterDay = gc.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        if (nEasterDay <= 3 && nEasterMonth == 3) // Check if <= April 3rd
            switch (nEasterDay) {
            case 3:
                nGoodFridayMonth = nEasterMonth - 1;
                nGoodFridayDay = nEasterDay - 2;
            case 2:
                nGoodFridayMonth = nEasterMonth - 1;
                nGoodFridayDay = 31;
            case 1:
                nGoodFridayMonth = nEasterMonth - 1;
                nGoodFridayDay = 31;
                nGoodFridayMonth = nEasterMonth;
                nGoodFridayDay = nEasterDay - 2;
        } else {
            nGoodFridayMonth = nEasterMonth;
            nGoodFridayDay = nEasterDay - 2;

        // return new Date(nYear, nGoodFridayMonth, nGoodFridayDay); // old date
        // format
        return new GregorianCalendar(nYear, nGoodFridayMonth, nGoodFridayDay).getTime();

     * Add given number of days to a date.
     * @param dateToAdd  The date
     * @param numberOfDay The number of days to add
     * @return new date
    private static Date addDays(Date dateToAdd, int numberOfDay) {
        if (dateToAdd == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date can't be null!");
        Calendar tempCal = Calendar.getInstance();
        tempCal.add(Calendar.DATE, numberOfDay);
        return tempCal.getTime();

    private static Date EasterSunday(int nYear) {
         * Calculate Easter Sunday
        * Written by Gregory N. Mirsky
        * Source: 2nd Edition by Peter Duffett-Smith. It was originally from
        * Butcher's Ecclesiastical Calendar, published in 1876. This algorithm
        * has also been published in the 1922 book General Astronomy by Spencer
        * Jones; in The Journal of the British Astronomical Association
        * (Vol.88, page 91, December 1977); and in Astronomical Algorithms
        * (1991) by Jean Meeus.
        * This algorithm holds for any year in the Gregorian Calendar, which
        * (of course) means years including and after 1583.
        * a=year%19 b=year/100 c=year%100 d=b/4 e=b%4 f=(b+8)/25 g=(b-f+1)/3
        * h=(19*a+b-d-g+15)%30 i=c/4 k=c%4 l=(32+2*e+2*i-h-k)%7
        * m=(a+11*h+22*l)/451 Easter Month =(h+l-7*m+114)/31 [3=March, 4=April]
        * p=(h+l-7*m+114)%31 Easter Date=p+1 (date in Easter Month)
        * Note: Integer truncation is already factored into the calculations.
        * Using higher precision variables will cause inaccurate calculations.

        int nA;
        int nB;
        int nC;
        int nD;
        int nE;
        int nF;
        int nG;
        int nH;
        int nI;
        int nK;
        int nL;
        int nM;
        int nP;
        int nEasterMonth;
        int nEasterDay;

        if (nYear < 1900) {
            // if year is in java format put it into standard
            // format for the calculation
            nYear += 1900;
        nA = nYear % 19;
        nB = nYear / 100;
        nC = nYear % 100;
        nD = nB / 4;
        nE = nB % 4;
        nF = (nB + 8) / 25;
        nG = (nB - nF + 1) / 3;
        nH = (19 * nA + nB - nD - nG + 15) % 30;
        nI = nC / 4;
        nK = nC % 4;
        nL = (32 + 2 * nE + 2 * nI - nH - nK) % 7;
        nM = (nA + 11 * nH + 22 * nL) / 451;

        // [3=March, 4=April]
        nEasterMonth = (nH + nL - 7 * nM + 114) / 31;
        nP = (nH + nL - 7 * nM + 114) % 31;

        // Date in Easter Month.
        nEasterDay = nP + 1;

        // Un-correct our earlier correction.
        nYear -= 1900;

        // Populate the date object...
        // return new Date(nYear, nEasterMonth, nEasterDay); //old format for
        // date
        return new GregorianCalendar(nYear, nEasterMonth, nEasterDay).getTime();



  1. getNextDay(String date)
  2. getNoonOfDay(Date day)
  3. getPlusDay(String _oneDay, int _aFewDays)
  4. getServerOffset(boolean useDaylightSavingTime)
  5. getTimeField(Date day, int field)
  6. isDefaultWorkingDay(Date date)
  7. isOneDayZeroPoint(Date date)
  8. nextDay(Date date)
  9. nextDay(Date date, int day)