Java Utililty Methods Double Number Clamp

List of utility methods to do Double Number Clamp


The list of methods to do Double Number Clamp are organized into topic(s).


doubleclamp_double(double num, double min, double max)
return num < min ? min : (num > max ? max : num);
doubleclamp_double(double p_151237_0_, double p_151237_2_, double p_151237_4_)
return p_151237_0_ < p_151237_2_ ? p_151237_2_ : (p_151237_0_ > p_151237_4_ ? p_151237_4_ : p_151237_0_);
doubleclamp_doubleback(double a, double x, double y)
Returns the given double clamped between the two values.
double newA = Math.abs(Math.IEEEremainder(a, 2 * (y - x)));
if (newA > y)
    newA = 2 * y - newA;
return newA;
doubleclamp_latitude(double lat)
Ensure value is in the valid range for latitude ([-pi, pi])
if (lat > StrictMath.PI) {
    return StrictMath.PI;
} else if (lat < -StrictMath.PI) {
    return -StrictMath.PI;
} else {
    return lat;
doubleclampAngle(double angle)
Clamps the angle in the interval [0, 360), performing 360*N shift if needed.
if (angle >= 0)
    return angle % 360;
return 360 * ceiling(-angle / 360) + angle;
doubleclampedLerp(double lowerBnd, double upperBnd, double slide)
clamped Lerp
return slide < 0.0D ? lowerBnd : (slide > 1.0D ? upperBnd : lowerBnd + (upperBnd - lowerBnd) * slide);
floatclampFloat(double in)
Clamps a number to the range supported by float data type.
return (in > Float.MAX_VALUE ? Float.MAX_VALUE : (in >= FLOAT_MIN ? (float) in : FLOAT_MIN));
doubleclampMax(double val, double max)
clamp Max
return val < max ? val : max;
doubleclampMax(final double MAX, final double VALUE)
clamp Max
if (VALUE > MAX)
    return MAX;
return VALUE;
doubleclampMin(double input, double min)
Ensures that a number is bigger than a given value.
if (input < min)
    return min;
    return input;