Java Utililty Methods Double Number Truncate

List of utility methods to do Double Number Truncate


The list of methods to do Double Number Truncate are organized into topic(s).


longtrunc(double value)
Truncates the specified value.
return (long) value;
doubletrunc(double value, double threshold)
return Math.max(Math.min(value, threshold), -threshold);
doubletrunc(double value, int dp)
Truncates a double to given decimal digits
double factor;
factor = Math.pow(10, dp);
return Math.floor(value * factor) / factor;
doubletrunc(double value, int len)
if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
    return Double.NaN;
if (Double.isInfinite(value)) {
    return value;
double p = Math.pow(10, len);
if (value > 0) {
doubletrunc(double x)
Return the integer portion of a double as a double.
long lx = (long) x;
return (double) lx;
doubletrunc(double x)
return x - x % 1;
doubletrunc(double x, double y)
Truncate x down to the nearest y.
return y * Math.floor((x + .00001) / y);
doubletrunc4(Double number)
return Math.round(number * Math.pow(10, 4)) / Math.pow(10, 4);
doubletruncate(double d)
if (d < 0)
    return -1 * Math.floor(d * -1);
    return Math.floor(d);
doubletruncate(double fullVal, int digits)
Given a double, zeros all portions of the fraction past a given number of digits.
double factor = Math.pow(10.0, (double) digits);
int itmp = (int) (factor * fullVal);
return ((double) itmp) / factor;