Java Utililty Methods File Exist

List of utility methods to do File Exist


The list of methods to do File Exist are organized into topic(s).


booleandoesExist(String fname)
does Exist
File f = new File(fname);
return f.exists();
booleandoesExistsInside(File src, String fileName)
Checks if a file named "fileName" exists inside given src file
return new File(src, fileName).exists();
booleanfileExist(String _FileName, String _Path)
file Exist
boolean exist = false;
String fileString = _Path + File.separator + _FileName;
File file = new File(fileString);
if (file.exists()) {
    exist = true;
return exist;
booleanfileExist(String cmdPath)
Checks whether a file exists.
return new File(cmdPath).exists();
booleanfileExist(String p_filename)
Check if this file/directory exist
return (new File(p_filename)).exists();
booleanfileExist(String path)
Checks that the file at the specified path exists.
if (isPathValid(path)) {
    File f = new File(path);
    try {
        if (!f.getCanonicalPath().equals(path))
            return false;
        if (f.exists() && !dirExist(path)) {
            return true;
        } else {
booleanfileExists(File dir, String regex)
file Exists
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File pathname) {
        return pathname.getName().matches(regex);
return files != null && files.length == 1;
booleanfileExists(File directory, String fileName)
Checks if a file with specified name exists in the directory.
return new File(directory, fileName).exists();
booleanfileExists(File file)
Determine if a file exists.
if (file == null) {
    return false;
if (file.getAbsolutePath().length() < 255) {
    return file.exists();
RandomAccessFile raFile = null;
try {
booleanfileExists(File path)
Check whether a file exists.
return path != null && path.exists() && !path.isDirectory();