Java Utililty Methods Float Array Create

List of utility methods to do Float Array Create


The list of methods to do Float Array Create are organized into topic(s).


float[]toFloats(byte[] bytes)
to Floats
int size = toInt(bytes, 0);
float[] result = new float[size];
int offset = SIZEOF_INT;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    result[i] = toFloat(bytes, offset);
    offset += SIZEOF_INT;
return result;
float[]toFloats(byte[] value, int offset, int num)
to Floats
float[] values = new float[num];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + (num * 4); i += 4) {
    values[idx++] = getFloat(value, i);
return values;
float[]toFloats(double[] d)
to Floats
float[] f = new float[d.length];
for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++)
    f[i] = (float) d[i];
return f;
float[]toFloats(final double[] array)
Converts a double array to a float array.
final float[] ret = new float[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
    ret[i] = (float) array[i];
return ret;
float[]toFloats(Float[] values)
to Floats
return toFloats(values, DEFAULT_FLOAT);
float[]toFloats(Object[] extraArgs)
to Floats
float[] ret = new float[extraArgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < extraArgs.length; i++) {
    ret[i] = Float.valueOf(extraArgs[i].toString());
return ret;
float[]toFloats(String floatArray)
converts float values from string separated by " " (space) to an Array of floats
String[] s = floatArray.split(" ");
float[] f = new float[s.length];
for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
    f[i] = Float.parseFloat(s[i]);
return f;
floattoFloatValue(Object number)
Returns the number object as a float
if (number instanceof Float) {
    return ((Float) number).floatValue();
if (number instanceof Long) {
    return ((Long) number).floatValue();
if (number instanceof Integer) {
    return ((Integer) number).floatValue();
floattoFloatWithoutOverflow(double value)
Like Math#toIntExact(long) but for float range.
if (value < Float.MIN_VALUE || value > Float.MAX_VALUE) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("float overflow");
return (float) value;