Java Utililty Methods Float Number Mod

List of utility methods to do Float Number Mod


The list of methods to do Float Number Mod are organized into topic(s).


floatmod(float dividend, float quotient)
Computes the modulo relationship.
float result = dividend % quotient;
if (result == 0 || Math.signum(dividend) == Math.signum(quotient)) {
    return result;
} else {
    return result + quotient;
floatmod2(float value)
float div = value / 2;
return div - (float) Math.floor(div);
floatmodule(float[] vector)
float out = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
    out += vector[i] * vector[i];
return (float) Math.sqrt(out);
float[][]modulusSq(float[][] a)
Computes the squared modulus of a complex array.
int M = a.length;
int N = a[0].length / 2;
float[][] modulusSq = new float[M][N];
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        modulusSq[i][j] = (a[i][2 * j] * a[i][2 * j]) + (a[i][2 * j + 1] * a[i][2 * j + 1]);
return modulusSq;