Java Utililty Methods Float Number Round

List of utility methods to do Float Number Round


The list of methods to do Float Number Round are organized into topic(s).


intround(final float a)
Round a
return (int) (a + Math.signum(a) * 0.5f);
intround(final float f)
return (int) (f > 0 ? f + 0.5F : f - 0.5F);
intround(final float val)
return floor(val + 0.5f);
intround(final float value)
return (int) (value + (0.5f * Math.signum(value)));
floatround(final float x, final float roundFactor)
Computes a rounded value for the given rounding factor.
return (float) Math.round(x * roundFactor) / roundFactor;
intround(float a)
Rounds the number to the closest integer
return Math.round(a);
floatround(float amount, int cent)
if (cent <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("cent must be greater than 0");
int roundAmount = Math.round(amount * 100.0f);
int x = roundAmount % cent;
int discount = 0;
if (x > cent / 2.0f) {
    discount = cent - x;
intround(float axisValue)
if (Math.abs(axisValue) < 0.4f) {
    return 0;
return (int) Math.signum((int) (100 * axisValue));
intround(float d)
Ends up being a bit faster than Math#round(float) .
return (int) (d + (d < 0.0f ? -0.5f : 0.5f));
floatround(float f, int dp)
float pow = (float) Math.pow(10, dp);
float round = Math.round(f * pow);
return round / pow;