Java Utililty Methods floor

List of utility methods to do floor


The list of methods to do floor are organized into topic(s).


longfloorToLong(float pX)
floor To Long
return pX > 0 ? (long) pX : (long) pX - 1;
longfloorToNearestNumberDivisibleByFour(long number)
floor To Nearest Number Divisible By Four
return number & ~(0x3);
intfloorToPowerofTwo(int i)
floor To Powerof Two
int r = 1;
for (int c = 1; c <= i; c *= 2) {
    r = c;
return r;
intfloorTs(long timestamp, int aggregationWindow)
floor Ts
return (int) (timestamp / (1000 * aggregationWindow)) * aggregationWindow;
doublefloory(double a, double precision)
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is not greater than the argument and is equal for at least a precision value.
return Math.floor(a / precision) * precision;