Java Formatter Usage incrementAlpha(String suppliedPrefix, String lastNumber, int numberLength)

Here you can find the source of incrementAlpha(String suppliedPrefix, String lastNumber, int numberLength)


Returns the next alpha value - ie A00A1 becomes A00A2 etc




Parameter Description
prefix - if the sequence value has a known prefix before the number, eg INV0001 has a prefix of "INV"
numberLength - the minimum length of the number when specified as a string
lastNumber - the number to increment


Parameter Description
Exception general Exception


- the next number


public static String incrementAlpha(String suppliedPrefix, String lastNumber, int numberLength)
        throws Exception 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
//License from project: LGPL 

import java.util.Formatter;

public class Main {
    /**/*w ww . j a v  a  2  s . co  m*/
     * Returns the next alpha value - ie A00A1 becomes A00A2 etc
     * @param prefix
     *            - if the sequence value has a known prefix before the number,
     *            eg INV0001 has a prefix of "INV"
     * @param numberLength
     *            - the minimum length of the number when specified as a string
     * @param lastNumber
     *            - the number to increment
     * @return - the next number
     * @throws Exception
     *             general Exception
    public static String incrementAlpha(String suppliedPrefix, String lastNumber, int numberLength)
            throws Exception {

        String newNumber = "";
        String nonNumeric = lastNumber;
        Integer value = new Integer(1);
        String prefix;
        if (suppliedPrefix != null) {
            prefix = suppliedPrefix;
        } else {
            prefix = "";

        if (lastNumber != null) {
            String[] parts = (new StringBuilder(" ").append(lastNumber)).toString().split("\\D\\d+$");

            //cater for alpha prefix
            if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0].length() < lastNumber.length()) {
                String numberPart = lastNumber.substring(parts[0].length(), lastNumber.length());
                nonNumeric = lastNumber.substring(0, parts[0].length());

                value = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(numberPart) + 1);

                //cater for purely numeric prefix
            } else if (prefix.matches("^\\d+$") && lastNumber.matches("^\\d+$") && !"0".equals(lastNumber)) {
                int len = prefix.length();
                value = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(lastNumber.substring(len)) + 1);
                nonNumeric = prefix;

                //cater for numeric only
            } else if (lastNumber.matches("^\\d+$")) {
                nonNumeric = prefix;
                value = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(lastNumber) + 1);
        } else {
            nonNumeric = prefix;

        // now put prefix and value together
        int newLength = (nonNumeric.length() + value.toString().length() > numberLength
                ? nonNumeric.length() + value.toString().length()
                : numberLength);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(newLength + 1);
        try (Formatter f = new Formatter(sb)) {
            newNumber = nonNumeric + f
                    .format(new StringBuilder("%1$").append(newLength - nonNumeric.length()).append("s").toString(),
                    .toString().replace(" ", "0");

        return newNumber;


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