Java Utililty Methods IP Address Match

List of utility methods to do IP Address Match


The list of methods to do IP Address Match are organized into topic(s).


booleancheckIPMatching(String pattern, String address)
check if IP address match pattern
if (pattern.equals("*.*.*.*") || pattern.equals("*"))
    return true;
String[] mask = pattern.split("\\.");
String[] ip_address = address.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
    if (mask[i].equals("*") || mask[i].equals(ip_address[i]))
    else if (mask[i].contains("-")) {
booleancheckIPv6Match(String ipTemplateList, String ipStr)
Checks if the passed IPv6 complies to a given pattern.
String[] chk = ipStr.split(REGEX_COLON);
if (chk.length != OCTUPLE_LEN) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal IPv6 address: " + ipStr);
boolean inverse = false;
String[] ipTemplateArr = ipTemplateList.split(",");
for (String anIpTemplateArr : ipTemplateArr) {
    String t;