Java JComponent Padding addPadding(JComponent comp, int topbottom, int leftright)

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Adds padding to a component by creating a Compound Border using the current border and a new empty border with the specified side widths.


Open Source License


Parameter Description
comp Component to Pad
topbottom Top and Bottom Padding
leftright Left and Right Padding


public static void addPadding(JComponent comp, int topbottom, int leftright) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
//License from project: Open Source License 

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JComponent;

public class Main {
    /**//from   w ww  . j a  va  2s.c o  m
     * Adds padding to a component by creating a Compound Border using
     * the current border and a new empty border with the specified side widths.
     * @param comp   Component to Pad
     * @param top    Top Padding
     * @param right  Right Padding
     * @param bottom Bottom Padding
     * @param left   Left Padding
    public static void addPadding(JComponent comp, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) {
                BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(top, left, bottom, right)));

     * Adds padding to a component by creating a Compound Border using
     * the current border and a new empty border with the specified side widths.
     * @param comp      Component to Pad
     * @param topbottom Top and Bottom Padding
     * @param leftright Left and Right Padding
    public static void addPadding(JComponent comp, int topbottom, int leftright) {
        addPadding(comp, topbottom, leftright, topbottom, leftright);

     * Adds padding to a component by creating a Compound Border using
     * the current border and a new empty border with the specified side widths.
     * @param comp Component to Pad
     * @param all  Padding for All Sides
    public static void addPadding(JComponent comp, int all) {
        addPadding(comp, all, all, all, all);


  1. makePaddedPanel(JComponent aComponent, Insets aInsets)
  2. pad(JComponent component, int w, int h)
  3. paint(JComponent jc, int padding)
  4. setComponentHeight(JComponent setme, JComponent getme, int padding)