Java JDBC Driver getRSInfo(Object rsObj, int[] rsInfo, long[] rsCounter, Object[] conn, int[] errCode, String[] errDetail)

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Method to get data pertaining to a specific result set object.


Apache License


public static void getRSInfo(Object rsObj, int[] rsInfo,
        long[] rsCounter, Object[] conn, int[] errCode,
        String[] errDetail) throws Throwable 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
 // @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@//from ww w .jav a2  s. co m
 // (C) Copyright 1997-2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
 //  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 //  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 //  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 //  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 //  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 //  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 //  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 //  limitations under the License.
 // @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

public class Main {
    static final int RS_INFO_ERROR = 11235;
    static Class rsT2Cls_ = null;
    static Method rsInfoMID_ = null;
    static Field[] rsInfoFlds_ = null;

     * Method to get data pertaining to a specific result set object. This
     * method calls the getResultSetInfo() method provided by the JDBC/MX
     * driver. The above method call returns a
     * org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.ResultSetInfo object whose structure is as below.

     * class org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.ResultSetInfo
     * {
     *   public:
     *     boolean LOBDataDetected;
     *     Connection connection;
     *    int ctxHandle;
     *    int stmtID;
     *    int firstBufferedRow;
     *    int lastBufferedRow;
     *    int currentRowPosition;
     *    int cursorType;
     *    long RSCounter;
     * }

     * The input (rsObj) to this method is a Java result set object.

     * The following are the outputs of this method:
     * rsInfo: An int array with each element populated with data from 
     *         a ResultSetInfo object as represented below.

     * rsInfo[0] = LOBDataDetected  [a value of 1 = true, 0 = false]
     * rsInfo[1] = ctxHandle
     * rsInfo[2] = stmtID
     * rsInfo[3] = firstBufferedRow
     * rsInfo[4] = lastBufferedRow
     * rsInfo[5] = currentRowPosition
     * rsInfo[6] = cursorType
     *              2 = TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE]
     * rsInfo[7] = RSClosed

     * rsCounter: Value representing the order in which the underlying
     *            result set statement was executed.

     * conn: Reference to the java.sql.Connection object of which the
     *       result set is part of.

     * errCode - Container for returned error code
     * errDetail -  Container for any returned error detail text

     * The errCode is set to RS_INFO_ERROR (11235) and errDetail initialized 
     * accordingly whenever an exception is thrown by this method.

     * Note: 
     * This method is called from the LM C++ layer (LmResultSetJava class)
     * via JNI. Any change to the pamaters of this method will impact the 
     * LM C++ layer.

    public static void getRSInfo(Object rsObj, int[] rsInfo,
            long[] rsCounter, Object[] conn, int[] errCode,
            String[] errDetail) throws Throwable {

        errCode[0] = 0;
        errDetail[0] = "";

        Object rsInfoObj = null;

        // First check if the rsObj is an instance of 
        // org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.SQLMXResultSet class
        if (!(rsT2Cls_.isInstance(rsObj))) {
            errCode[0] = RS_INFO_ERROR;
            errDetail[0] = "One or more returned result sets are not instances of "
                    + "class org.trafodion.jdbc.t2.SQLMXResultSet";

        // Invoke the method
        rsInfoObj = rsInfoMID_.invoke(rsObj, null);

        if (rsInfoObj != null) {
            // Populate the output parameters with the values
            // from ResultSetInfo fields

            // rsInfoFlds_[0] = LOBDataDetected - of type boolean
            boolean value = rsInfoFlds_[0].getBoolean(rsInfoObj);
            rsInfo[0] = (value) ? 1 : 0;

            // rsInfoFlds_[1] = connection - of type java.sql.Connection object
            conn[0] = rsInfoFlds_[1].get(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[2] = ctxHandle - of type int
            rsInfo[1] = rsInfoFlds_[2].getInt(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[3] = stmtID - of type int
            rsInfo[2] = rsInfoFlds_[3].getInt(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[4] = firstBufferedRow - of type int
            rsInfo[3] = rsInfoFlds_[4].getInt(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[5] = lastBufferedRow - of type int
            rsInfo[4] = rsInfoFlds_[5].getInt(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[6] = currentRowPosition - of type int
            rsInfo[5] = rsInfoFlds_[6].getInt(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[7] = cursorType - of type int
            int ctype = rsInfoFlds_[7].getInt(rsInfoObj);
            if (ctype == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY)
                rsInfo[6] = 0;
            else if (ctype == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE)
                rsInfo[6] = 1;
            else if (ctype == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE)
                rsInfo[6] = 2;

            // rsInfoFlds_[8] = RSCounter - of type long
            rsCounter[0] = rsInfoFlds_[8].getLong(rsInfoObj);

            // rsInfoFlds_[9] = RSClosed - of type boolean
            boolean rsIsClosed = rsInfoFlds_[9].getBoolean(rsInfoObj);

            // This test shouldn't be necessary and we may eventually decide
            // to remove it. We check to see if the connection is closed and
            // if so, close the RS and set the RSClosed flag to FALSE. JDBC
            // driver should be doing this for us but as of 3/4/2006, is
            // not.
            if (!rsIsClosed) {
                try {
                    java.sql.Connection c = (java.sql.Connection) conn[0];
                    if (c.isClosed()) {
                        rsIsClosed = true;
                        java.sql.ResultSet rs = (java.sql.ResultSet) rsObj;
                } catch (Throwable t) {

            rsInfo[7] = rsIsClosed ? 1 : 0;

            // rsInfoFlds_[10] = CLI_stmt_status - of type boolean
            boolean cli_stmt_closed = rsInfoFlds_[10].getBoolean(rsInfoObj);
            rsInfo[8] = cli_stmt_closed ? 1 : 0;

        } // if (rsInfoObj)

        else {
            errCode[0] = RS_INFO_ERROR;
            errDetail[0] = "JDBC/MX returned a NULL ResultSetInfo object";


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