Java Utililty Methods Linear Interpolate

List of utility methods to do Linear Interpolate


The list of methods to do Linear Interpolate are organized into topic(s).


doublelinearInterpolation(double y2, double y1, double deltaX, double x1)
Perform a linear interpolation calculation.
return y2 - (y2 - y1) / deltaX * x1;
floatLinearInterpolation(float a, float b, float f)
Calculates linear interpolation between values
float possible = (a + b + f) / 3;
if (Math.abs(possible) < 1) {
    return possible;
} else {
    return 1;
floatlinearInterpolation(float min, float max, float min2, float max2, float value)
linear Interpolation
float range1 = max - min;
float range2 = max2 - min2;
return ((value - min) * range2 / range1) + min2;
doublelinearInterpReal(double dX, double[] dXCoordinate, double[] dYCoordinate)
linear Interp Real
if (dXCoordinate == null || dYCoordinate == null)
    return 0;
if (dXCoordinate.length == 0 || dYCoordinate.length == 0 || dXCoordinate.length != dYCoordinate.length)
    throw new Exception("linearInterpReal: Lengths of passed in arrays are incorrect");
for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < dXCoordinate.length; iIndex++) {
    if (dX <= dXCoordinate[iIndex]) {
        if (dX == dXCoordinate[iIndex])
            return dYCoordinate[iIndex];