Java List Concatenate listToConcatenatedString(List stringList, String delimiter)

Here you can find the source of listToConcatenatedString(List stringList, String delimiter)


list To Concatenated String


Open Source License


public static String listToConcatenatedString(List<String> stringList, String delimiter) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
 *                       I N T E L   C O R P O R A T I O N
 *   //ww w  . j  av  a2  s . co m
 *  Functional Group: Fabric Viewer Application
 *  File Name:
 *  Archive Source: $Source$
 *  Archive Log:    $Log$
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.9  2015/08/17 18:48:51  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    PR 129983 - Need to change file header's copyright text to BSD license txt
 *  Archive Log:    - change backend files' headers
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.8  2015/08/10 17:04:43  robertja
 *  Archive Log:    PR128974 - Email notification functionality.
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.7  2015/07/02 14:24:20  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    PR 129442 - login failed with FileNotFoundException
 *  Archive Log:    - fixed a typo in the utility method
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.6  2015/07/01 21:59:24  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    PR 129442 - login failed with FileNotFoundException
 *  Archive Log:    - Introduced a Utility method to create JSch that will
 *  Archive Log:    1) check whether known_hosts exist
 *  Archive Log:    2) if not exist, create a new file
 *  Archive Log:    3) if have valid known_hosts file, set it to Jsch. Oterwise, let Jsch maintain it's own memory based temporary file
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.5  2015/05/29 20:33:35  fernande
 *  Archive Log:    PR 128897 - STLAdapter worker thread is in a continuous loop, even when there are no requests to service. Second wave of changes: the application can be switched between the old adapter and the new; moved out several initialization pieces out of objects constructor to allow subnet initialization with a UI in place; improved generics definitions for FV commands.
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.4  2015/03/16 21:56:30  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    fixed typo
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.3  2015/03/05 17:30:40  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    init version to support Application management
 *  Archive Log:    1) read/write opafm.xml from/to host with backup file support
 *  Archive Log:    2) Application parser
 *  Archive Log:    3) Add/remove and update Application
 *  Archive Log:    4) unique name, reference conflication check
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.2  2015/01/28 23:15:20  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    added helpers to support unsigned byte, short and int
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.1  2015/01/11 23:09:30  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    renamed PortUtils to Utils
 *  Archive Log:    moved convertFromUnixTime to Utils
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.2  2015/01/11 20:47:22  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    updated to the latest FM as of 01/05/2015.
 *  Archive Log:    adapt to changes introduced on FM side.
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Archive Log:    Revision 1.1  2014/10/21 22:14:14  jijunwan
 *  Archive Log:    Added utilities that is able to detect port status. We should always reuse these utilities when possible to ensure we have consistent results
 *  Archive Log:
 *  Overview: 
 *  @author: jijunwan

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static String listToConcatenatedString(List<String> stringList, String delimiter) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (String str : stringList) {
            if (str.contains(delimiter)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Source name '" + str + "' contains DELIMITER '" + delimiter + "'");

            if (sb.length() == 0) {
            } else {
                sb.append(delimiter + str);
        return sb.toString();


  1. concatWithSeparator(List missingParameters, String separator)
  2. getConcatenatedStringFromList(List input, String delimiter)
  3. getConcatenateString(List codes)
  4. getConcatinatedRange(List numbers)
  5. getZipAndConcatenated(List input1, List input2, String delimiter)
  6. toString(List _toString, String _concator)