Java Utililty Methods List Include

List of utility methods to do List Include


The list of methods to do List Include are organized into topic(s).


voidaddToken(String sequence, String delim, int[] markers, boolean includeDelim, List tokens)
add Token
markers[1] = sequence.indexOf(delim, markers[0]);
if (markers[1] < 0)
    markers[1] = sequence.length();
else if (includeDelim)
    markers[1] += delim.length();
tokens.add(sequence.substring(markers[0], markers[1]));
if (includeDelim)
    markers[0] = markers[1];
booleancurrentPackageIncludedInExcludePatterns(final String fullyQualifiedName, final List excludePatterns)
current Package Included In Exclude Patterns
if (excludePatterns != null) {
    for (final String excludePattern : excludePatterns) {
        if (fullyQualifiedName.startsWith(excludePattern)) {
            return true;
return false;
List>getPrefixesAndSuffixes(List items, int minSize, int maxSize, T paddingSymbol, boolean includePrefixes, boolean includeSuffixes)
Get all prefix/suffix combinations from a list.
assert minSize > 0;
assert maxSize >= minSize;
assert includePrefixes || includeSuffixes;
List<List<T>> prefixesAndSuffixes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int span = minSize - 1; span < maxSize; span++) {
    List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<>();
    List<T> seq = new ArrayList<>();
    if (includePrefixes) {
booleanisAcceptedCountry(String country, List countryInclude, List countryExclude)
Return if a country is accepted
if (country == null || "".equals(country))
    return true;
country = country.toLowerCase();
if (countryInclude != null && countryInclude.size() > 0 && !"".equals(countryInclude.get(0))) {
    if (countryInclude.contains(country))
        return true;
    return false;
if (countryExclude != null && countryExclude.size() > 0 && !"".equals(countryExclude.get(0))) {
    if (countryExclude.contains(country))
        return false;
    return true;
return true;
booleanisIncluded(List list, String src)
Checks if is included.
return isIncluded(list, src, true);
booleanisIndexable(String filename, List includes, List excludes)
We check if we can index the file or if we should ignore it
if (includes.isEmpty() && excludes.isEmpty())
    return true;
for (String exclude : excludes) {
    String regex = exclude.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?");
    if (filename.matches(regex))
        return false;
if (includes.isEmpty())
booleanisIndexable(String key, List includes, List excludes)
Tells if an Aamzon S3 file is indexable from its key (file name), based on includes and excludes rules.
if ((includes == null && excludes == null) || (includes.isEmpty() && excludes.isEmpty())) {
    return true;
if (excludes != null) {
    for (String exclude : excludes) {
        String regex = exclude.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*");
        if (key.matches(regex)) {
            return false;