Java Utililty Methods LocalDateTime Calculate

List of utility methods to do LocalDateTime Calculate


The list of methods to do LocalDateTime Calculate are organized into topic(s).


LocalDateTimems2LocalDateTime(final long ms)
ms -> LocalDateTime object.
return LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ms), ZoneId.systemDefault());
StringoldDateToISO8601LocalDateTime(Date nextColumnDate)
old Date To ISO Local Date Time
LocalDateTime localDateTime = nextColumnDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDateTime();
String formattedDate = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(localDateTime);
return formattedDate;
LocalDateTimeparseStringToLocalDateTimeWithSpecifiedTime(String strDate, String time)
Parses a String into a LocalDateTime with a specified time
return parseStringToLocalDateTime(strDate + " " + time);
LocalDateTimeparseTimeStamp(LocalDateTime actualDate, LocalDateTime checkedDate, boolean isDateFrom)
parse Time Stamp
if (checkedDate != null && actualDate != null && checkIfDateExist(checkedDate)
        && !checkIfDateExist(actualDate)) {
    if (!isDateFrom) {
        actualDate = checkedDate.toLocalDate().atTime(actualDate.getHour(), actualDate.getMinute());
if (checkedDate != null && actualDate != null && checkIfTimeExist(checkedDate)
        && !checkIfTimeExist(actualDate)) {
StringprintDateTime(LocalDateTime dateTime)
print Date Time
return dateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
LocalDateTimerelativeDateTime(final LocalDateTime contextDate, final String str, final boolean add)
relative Date Time
LocalDateTime relativeDate = contextDate;
if (str.equals("")) {
    return contextDate;
try {
    final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str.substring(1), " ");
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        final String token = st.nextToken();
LocalDateTimesafeCreateFromValue(LocalDateTime datetime, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
safe Create From Value
if (isValidDate(year, month, day) && isValidTime(hour, minute, second)) {
    datetime = safeCreateFromValue(datetime, year, month, day);
    datetime = datetime.plusHours(hour - datetime.getHour());
    datetime = datetime.plusMinutes((minute - datetime.getMinute()));
    datetime = datetime.plusSeconds(second - datetime.getSecond());
return datetime;
longsecondsBetween(LocalDateTime date1, LocalDateTime date2)
Calculate the time between two dates, in seconds
return ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(date1, date2);
LocalDateTimesetTime(LocalDateTime source, String time)
set Time
LocalTime tmp = LocalTime.parse(time, timeFormatter);
return source.withHour(tmp.getHour()) 
LocalDateTimeshiftDateTime(String timex, LocalDateTime reference, boolean future)
shift Date Time
ImmutableMap<String, Double> timexUnitMap = resolveDurationTimex(timex);
return getShiftResult(timexUnitMap, reference, future);