Java Utililty Methods LocalTime

List of utility methods to do LocalTime


The list of methods to do LocalTime are organized into topic(s).


DateasDate(LocalTime localTime)
Obtains an instance of Date from a local time object.
return asDate(localTime, getDefaultTimeZone());
StringconvertLocalTimeToString(LocalTime time)
convert Local Time To String
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(TIME_FORMAT);
return time.format(dateTimeFormatter);
booleancurrentTimeIsBetween(LocalTime from, LocalTime to)
Check if current time is between given local times
LocalTime current =;
if (from == null || to == null)
    return true;
return (current.isAfter(from) && current.isBefore(to)) || current.equals(from) || current.equals(to);
LocalTimedeserializeLocalTime(String date)
deserialize Local Time
return LocalTime.parse(date, ISO_LOCAL_TIME_FORMAT);
char[]fastTimeWrite(LocalTime localTime)
fast Time Write
char[] c = new char[5];
int h = localTime.getHour();
c[0] = (char) ('0' + (h / 10));
c[1] = (char) ('0' + (h % 10));
c[2] = (char) (':');
int m = localTime.getMinute();
c[3] = (char) ('0' + (m / 10));
c[4] = (char) ('0' + (m % 10));
LocalTimegetTimeDiff(LocalTime start, LocalTime end)
This will return the time difference between a starting and ending time
return null;
booleanisBetween(LocalTime lt, LocalTime startTime, LocalTime endTime)
is Between
return lt.compareTo(startTime) >= 0 && lt.compareTo(endTime) <= 0;
booleanisLocalTimeInRange(LocalTime value, LocalTime optionalMinimum, LocalTime optionalMaximum, boolean inclusiveOfEndpoints)
isLocalTimeInRange, This returns true if the specified value is inside of the specified range.
LocalTime minimum = (optionalMinimum == null) ? LocalTime.MIN : optionalMinimum;
LocalTime maximum = (optionalMaximum == null) ? LocalTime.MAX : optionalMaximum;
if (value == null) {
    return false;
if (maximum.isBefore(minimum) || maximum.equals(minimum)) {
    return false;
if (inclusiveOfEndpoints) {
    return ((value.isAfter(minimum) || value.equals(minimum))
            && (value.isBefore(maximum) || value.equals(maximum)));
} else {
    return (value.isAfter(minimum) && value.isBefore(maximum));
LocalTimeparseLocalTime(String string)
This function attempts to parse a time.
return LocalTime.parse(string, POTENTIAL_FORMATS);
voidrepDiff(LocalTime start, LocalTime end, byte type)
Reports the difference between two LocalTimes reports total difference in one unit of time
switch (type) {
case 0:
case 1:
    long diff = Duration.between(start, end).get(ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
case 2: