Java Millisecond Format getReadableMillisTime(long millis)

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get Readable Millis Time


Open Source License


public static String getReadableMillisTime(long millis) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/*/*from  w  w w  .  j  ava2 s  .  com*/
 * Copyright (c) 2014.
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public class Main {
    public static String getReadableMillisTime(long millis) {
        int ms = (int) (millis % 1000);
        millis /= 1000;

        int seconds = (int) (millis % 60);
        millis /= 60;

        int minutes = (int) (millis % 60);
        millis /= 60;

        int hours = (int) (millis % 24);
        millis /= 24;

        int days = (int) (millis % Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (days != 0)
            sb.append(days).append("D ");
        if (hours != 0)
            sb.append(hours).append("H ");
        if (minutes != 0)
            sb.append(minutes).append("M ");
        if (seconds != 0)
            sb.append(seconds).append("S ");
        if (ms != 0)
            sb.append(ms).append("MS ");

        return sb.toString();


  1. getFormatedDateTime(long millis)
  2. getFormattedAPILastAccessDate(long lastAccessTimeMillis)
  3. getMillisAsFormattedSeconds(long millis)
  4. getMvoDateFormatForMilliSecond()
  5. getReadableMillis(long startMillis, long endMillis)
  6. getTime(long timeInMillis, SimpleDateFormat dateFormat)
  7. getTimeInMillis(String dateString, String format)
  8. microseconds2milliseconds(double us)
  9. millis2hms(final long t)