Java Utililty Methods Milliseconds

List of utility methods to do Milliseconds


The list of methods to do Milliseconds are organized into topic(s).


longgetPeriodDurationInMillis(int period)
get Period Duration In Millis
return periodDurations[period];
longGetTimeInMilliseconds(Date date)
Get Time In Milliseconds
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return cal.getTimeInMillis() + cal.getTimeZone().getOffset(cal.getTimeInMillis());
StringgetTimeStringFromMilliseconds(long millis)
get Time String From Milliseconds
int sec = (int) ((millis / 1000L) % 60L);
int min = (int) (millis / 60000L);
return ((min < 10) ? "  " : "") + Integer.toString(min) + ':' + ((sec < 10) ? "0" : "")
        + Integer.toString(sec);
longgetTimeZoneOffSetInMillisecond(String dateString)
get Time Zone Off Set In Millisecond
String timeZoneOffSetInHour = getTimeZoneOffSetInHour(dateString);
if (timeZoneOffSetInHour.length() == 5) {
    String flag = timeZoneOffSetInHour.substring(0, 1);
    Integer hour = Integer.parseInt(timeZoneOffSetInHour.substring(1, 3));
    Integer minute = Integer.parseInt(timeZoneOffSetInHour.substring(3, 5));
    if (DATE_SEPARATOR_MINUS.equals(flag)) {
        hour = -hour;
        minute = -minute;
longgetUnitLengthMillis(String unit)
Gets the length of the given unit in milliseconds.
unit = unit.trim();
if (unit.equals("seconds") || unit.equals("second") || unit.equals("secs") || unit.equals("sec")
        || unit.equals("s")) {
    return 1000;
} else if (unit.equals("minutes") || unit.equals("minute") || unit.equals("mins") || unit.equals("min")) {
    return 1000 * 60;
} else if (unit.equals("hours") || unit.equals("hour") || unit.equals("hrs") || unit.equals("hr")
        || unit.equals("h")) {
booleanhasExpiredMillis(long now, long eventTime, long timeBuffer)
Test whether a given event has timed out (in milliseconds).
return (eventTime + timeBuffer) < now;
longhhmmssToMillis(String text)
hhmmss To Millis
if (text.matches("^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d$")) {
    int hours = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(0, 2));
    int minutes = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(3, 5));
    int seconds = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(6, 8));
    return (((hours * 60L + minutes) * 60L) + seconds) * 1000L;
return -1;
longhumanDateToMillisecondsWithoutException(String date)
human Date To Milliseconds Without Exception
try {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
    Date d = sdf.parse(date);
    return d.getTime();
} catch (ParseException ex) {
    return 0L;
booleanisSameSecondOfMillis(final long ms1, final long ms2)
is Same Second Of Millis
final long interval = ms1 - ms2;
return interval < 1000L && interval > -1000L && (ms1 / 1000L == ms2 / 1000L);
StringlongToDate(long millis)
Turns a long variable that represents time into a String
Date date = new Date(millis);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
return dateFormat.format(date);