Java Utililty Methods Minute Get

List of utility methods to do Minute Get


The list of methods to do Minute Get are organized into topic(s).


StringgetNumberOfMinutes(long milliseconds)
get Number Of Minutes
long minutes = milliseconds / MILLISECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE;
long remainder = milliseconds % MILLISECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE;
return minutes + " minutes, " + (remainder / 1000) + " seconds";
get Off Minutes
longgetOffMinutes(long l)
get Off Minutes
return getOffMinutes(l, System.currentTimeMillis());
longgetOffMinutes(long timestamp)
return the time difference from a specified time to now in minutes
return getOffMinutes(timestamp, System.currentTimeMillis());
longgetRawMinutes(int m)
get Raw Minutes
return m * 60000l;
longgetRemainingMinutes(final long ms)
get Remaining Minutes
return ms / 1000 / 60 % 60;
intgetRemainingMinutes(int minutes)
return the module between the given number of minutes and the number of minutes in a day
return minutes % MINUTES_IN_A_DAY;
intgetReminderMinutes(int option)
get Reminder Minutes
int reminderMins;
switch (option) {
case '0':
    reminderMins = 5;
case '1':
    reminderMins = 60;
intgetSecondsByMinutes(int minutes)
get Seconds By Minutes
return minutes * 60;
StringgetTimeFromMinutes(final int minutes)
Turn the int minutes into a 4 digit String hours and minutes value
return pad2(minutes / 60) + pad2(minutes % 60);