Java Utililty Methods Number Round

List of utility methods to do Number Round


The list of methods to do Number Round are organized into topic(s).


floatroundPower10(float val, int powerOf10)
Round a float to a particular power of 10
double precision = Math.pow(10, powerOf10);
double mantisa = Math.floor((val / precision) + 0.5);
float value = (float) (mantisa * precision);
return value;
longroundPower2(final long x)
Finds greater nearest number that is power of 2
int rval = 256;
while (rval < x)
    rval <<= 1;
return rval;
doubleroundRadian(double rad)
Round radian value in range -pi/2 to pi/2
final double pi2 = Math.PI * 2;
if (rad > 0) {
    return rad - pi2 * (int) ((rad + Math.PI) / pi2);
} else {
    return rad + pi2 * (int) ((-rad + Math.PI) / pi2);
introundRobin(final int value)
round Robin
int roundRobin = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < value; i++) {
    roundRobin += i;
return roundRobin;
doubleroundScale(double value, int scale)
round Scale
double d = Math.pow(10, scale);
return Math.round(value * d) / d;
DoubleroundScale2(Number number)
rounds the number to a value with 2 decimal digits {Category} NumberUtil {talendTypes} double | Double {param} double(2.5) number: number to format {example} numberToString(1234.12345) result: 1234.12
if (number != null) {
    return Math.round(number.doubleValue() * 100d) / 100d;
} else {
    return null;
introundSec(int sec)
round Sec
for (int i = 0; i * STEP < 60; i++) {
    if (sec >= i && sec < STEP * (i + 1)) {
        sec = i * STEP;
return sec;
longroundSec(long milli)
round Sec
return ((milli + 500L) / 1000L) * 1000L;
doubleroundSig(double d, int n)
round Sig
if (d != d) {
    return Double.NaN;
if (d == 0) {
    return 0;
int power = n - (int) Math.ceil(Math.log10(d < 0 ? -d : d));
double magnitude = Math.pow(10, power);
doubleroundSignificant(double d, int numDigit, boolean keepInteger)
Round specified value to specified number of significant digit.
If keepInteger is true then integer part of number is entirely conserved.
final double digit = Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.abs(d)));
if ((digit >= numDigit) && keepInteger)
    return Math.round(d);
final double pow = Math.pow(10, numDigit - digit);
return Math.round(d * pow) / pow;