Java Utililty Methods Parse Decimal

List of utility methods to do Parse Decimal


The list of methods to do Parse Decimal are organized into topic(s).


BigDecimalparseBigDecimal(String s, NumberFormat format)
Parst s volgens format.
if (s == null || s.trim().length() == 0) {
    return null;
} else {
    return new BigDecimal(format.parse(s).doubleValue());
doubleparseDecimal(PushbackReader reader)
parse Decimal
double result = parseInteger(reader);
double postfix = parseOptionalPostfix(reader);
if (result >= 0)
    result += postfix;
    result -= postfix;
return result;
DoubleparseDecimal(String d)
parse Decimal
try {
    return decimalFormat.parse(d).doubleValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
    return 0D;
DoubleparseDecimal(String text)
Returns text converted to a double-precision value or throws an exception.
double def = 0.0;
if (text == null)
    return def;
def = nf.parse(text).doubleValue();
return def;