Java Second Format compareDate(String fistDate, String secondDate, String format)

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compare Date


Apache License


public static boolean compareDate(String fistDate, String secondDate, String format) throws ParseException 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
//License from project: Apache License 

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    private static Map<String, SimpleDateFormat> formats = new HashMap();

    public static boolean compareDate(String fistDate, String secondDate, String format) throws ParseException {
        boolean flag = false;

        Date fist = null;// ww w .j  av a  2
        Date second = null;

        fist = getDateFromString(fistDate, format);

        second = getDateFromString(secondDate, format);
        if (fist.before(second)) {
            flag = true;

        return flag;

    public static Date getDateFromString(String date, String pattern) throws ParseException {
        SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = getDateFormat(pattern);

        synchronized (sDateFormat) {
            return sDateFormat.parse(date);

    public static SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String pattern) {
        SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) formats.get(pattern);
        if (sDateFormat == null) {
            sDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
            formats.put(pattern, sDateFormat);
        return sDateFormat;


  1. _toSeconds(String strTime)
  2. addSecondCa(String d1, int timeSpan, String format)
  3. calculateTimeInSeconds(long startTimeInMilliseconds, long endTimeInMilliseconds)
  4. changeSecondsToTime(long seconds)
  5. elapsedSeconds(long startTime)
  6. elapsedSeconds2(long milli)
  7. formatMiliSeconds(long time)
  8. formatMilliIntervalAsSeconds(long interval)