Java Utililty Methods Sleep for Second

List of utility methods to do Sleep for Second


The list of methods to do Sleep for Second are organized into topic(s).


voidwaitSeconds(final long waitTimeInSeconds)
Wait milli seconds.
waitMilliSeconds(waitTimeInSeconds * 1000);
voidwaitSeconds(int seconds)
wait Seconds
waitSeconds((double) seconds);
voidwaitXSeconds(int s)
wait X Seconds
try {
    Thread.sleep(s * 1000);
} catch (Exception e) {
StringwalltimeFromSeconds(long walltimeSecs)
Converts seconds into a human readable walltime string with as many H's as necessary.
if (walltimeSecs < 0 || walltimeSecs == 0) {
    return "00:00:00";
final long hours = walltimeSecs / 3600;
final long hoursDiff = walltimeSecs - hours * 3600;
final long minutes = hoursDiff / 60;
final long seconds = walltimeSecs - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60;
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(16);