Java SQL Date Format formatDateTd(Object obj)

Here you can find the source of formatDateTd(Object obj)


format Date Td


Open Source License


public static String formatDateTd(Object obj) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
//License from project: Open Source License 

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.sql.Date;

public class Main {
    public static String formatDateTd(Object obj) {
        String out = "<td style='text-align:center'>";
        String strDate = formatDate(obj);
        if (strDate.length() == 0) {
            out = (new StringBuilder()).append(out).append("&nbsp;").toString();
        } else {/*from www  .java 2  s  . co m*/
            out = (new StringBuilder()).append(out).append(strDate).toString();
        out = (new StringBuilder()).append(out).append("</td>").toString();
        return out;

    public static String formatDate(Object obj) {
        String out = "";
        if (obj == null) {
            return out;
        try {
            Date dateval = (Date) obj;
            if (dateval != null) {
                SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                out = dateformat.format(dateval);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            out = (new StringBuilder()).append("bad date in FormatUtils.formatDate: ").append(obj.toString())
                    .append(" error: ").append(e.getMessage()).toString();
        return out;


  1. formatAsText(ResultSet result_set, PrintWriter out)
  2. formatBytableCols(Object[] obj, String[] tableCols)
  3. formatDate(java.util.Date uDate)
  4. formatDate(Object obj)
  5. formatDate(String date)
  6. formatDateToCustfmt(java.util.Date date, String dateFmt)
  7. formatDurationMillisToString(long millis)
  8. formatFloat(int floatValue)
  9. formatLogParam(Array obj)