Java Utililty Methods String Between

List of utility methods to do String Between


The list of methods to do String Between are organized into topic(s).


Booleanbetween(final String string, final Integer min, final Integer max)
return ((string.length() >= min) && (string.length() <= max));
Stringbetween(String str, String left, String right)
int leftIndex = str.indexOf(left);
int rightIndex = str.lastIndexOf(right);
if (rightIndex == -1) {
    rightIndex = str.length();
return str.substring(leftIndex + left.length(), rightIndex);
booleanbetween(String str, String minstr, String maxstr)
return str.compareTo(minstr) >= 0 && str.compareTo(maxstr) <= 0;
Stringbetween(String text, String after, String before)
text = after(text, after);
if (text == null) {
    return null;
return before(text, before);
Stringbetween(String text, String begin, String end)
if (text == null) {
    return null;
int idx = text.indexOf(begin);
if (idx < 0) {
    idx = 0;
} else {
    idx = idx + begin.length();
Stringbetween(String value, String low, String high)
Creates a BETWEEN SQL fragment for Integer value.
return value + " BETWEEN " + low + " AND " + high;
StringbetweenNonGreedy(String string, String start, String end)
between Non Greedy
int startIndex = string.indexOf(start);
int searchFrom = startIndex + start.length();
String between;
if (searchFrom == string.length()) {
    between = "";
} else {
    int endIndex = string.indexOf(end, searchFrom);
    if (endIndex != -1) {