Java String Remove removeEscape(String s_)

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remove Escape


Open Source License


public static String removeEscape(String s_) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    public static String removeEscape(String s_) {
        if (s_ == null)
            return null;

        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer();
        int i = 0;
        while (true) {
            int j = s_.indexOf('\\', i);
            if (j >= 0) {
                sb_.append(s_.substring(i, j));
                i = j + 1;/*w ww  . ja v  a2 s .c  om*/
                if (i < s_.length() - 1 && s_.charAt(i) == '\\')
            } else
        if (sb_.length() == 0)
            return s_;
        return i >= 0 ? sb_ + s_.substring(i) : sb_.toString();

     * Format a double number.
     * @param  f  # of digits in fraction
    public static String toString(double d, int f) {
        return toString(d, -1, f);

     * Format a double number.
     * @param  n  length of result
     * @param  f  # of digits in fraction
    public static String toString(double d, int nn, int ff) {
        String r_ = d + "";
        int ii_ = r_.indexOf(".");
        String head_ = null, tail_ = null;

        if (ii_ < 0) {
            head_ = r_;
            tail_ = "";
        } else {
            head_ = r_.substring(0, ii_);
            tail_ = r_.substring(ii_ + 1);

        int dot = ff > 0 ? 1 : 0;

        if (nn < 0)
            nn = head_.length() + dot + ff;

        if (head_.length() > nn)
            return head_;
        else if (head_.length() + ff + dot < nn) // prepends " " to head_
            StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer(nn - ff - dot - head_.length());
            for (int i = 0; i < sb_.capacity(); i++)
                sb_.append(' ');
            head_ = sb_ + head_;

        if (ff == 0)
            return head_;

        if (tail_.length() > ff) // truncate tail_
            tail_ = tail_.substring(0, ff);
        } else // appends "0" to tail_
            StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer(ff - tail_.length());
            for (int i = 0; i < sb_.capacity(); i++)
            tail_ += sb_.toString();

        return head_ + "." + tail_;
        if (d == 0) return "0";
        double ten = Math.exp(Math.log(10)*ff);
        String sign = "";
        if (d < 0) { d = -d;  sign = "-"; }
        //System.out.println("double = " + d);
        //System.out.println("  sign = " + sign);
        //System.out.println("   ten = " + ten);
        if (d >= 1) 
          long v = (long) (d*ten) / (long)ten;
          long f = (long) (d*ten) % (long)ten;
          return sign + v + "." + f;
          double log = Math.log(d)/Math.log(10);
          int e = (int)log;
          if (log - e < 0) e--;
          log -= e;
          double fraction = Math.exp(Math.log(10)*log);
          //System.out.println("        log = " + log);
          //System.out.println("   fraction = " + fraction);
          //System.out.println("exponential = " + e);
          return sign + toString(fraction, n) + 
        (e==0? "": "e" + (e>0? "+":"") + e);

    public static String toString(Hashtable ht_) {
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer();
        Enumeration keys_ = ht_.keys(), elements_ = ht_.elements();
        while (keys_.hasMoreElements()) {
            sb_.append(toString(keys_.nextElement()) + ": " + toString(elements_.nextElement()) + "\n");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(Object o_) {
        return toString(o_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(Object o_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (o_ instanceof long[])
            return toString((long[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof int[])
            return toString((int[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof boolean[])
            return toString((boolean[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof double[])
            return toString((double[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof float[])
            return toString((float[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof byte[])
            return toString((byte[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ instanceof char[])
            return toString((char[]) o_, separator_, maxcount_);
        if (o_ == null)
            return "<null>";
        if (!(o_ instanceof Object[]))
            return o_.toString();
        Object[] a_ = (Object[]) o_;
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "Object[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + toString(a_[0]));
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + toString(a_[i]));
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(double[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(double[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_double[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "double[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + a_[0]);
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + a_[i]);
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(float[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(float[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_float[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "float[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + a_[0]);
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + a_[i]);
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(long[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(long[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_long[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "long[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + a_[0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < a_.length; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + a_[i]);
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(int[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(int[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_int[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "int[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + a_[0]);
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + a_[i]);
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(boolean[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(boolean[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_boolean[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "boolean[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + a_[0]);
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + a_[i]);
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(byte[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(byte[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_byte[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "byte[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + ((int) a_[0] & 0x0FF));
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + ((int) a_[i] & 0x0FF));
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(char[] a_) {
        return toString(a_, ",", 10);

    public static String toString(char[] a_, String separator_, int maxcount_) {
        if (a_ == null)
            return "<null_char[]>";
        if (a_.length == 0)
            return "char[0]";
        StringBuffer sb_ = new StringBuffer("(" + ((int) a_[0] & 0x0FFFF));
        maxcount_ = Math.min(maxcount_, a_.length);
        for (int i = 1; i < maxcount_; i++)
            sb_.append(separator_ + ((int) a_[i] & 0x0FFFF));
        if (a_.length > maxcount_)
            sb_.append(separator_ + "...");
        return sb_.toString();

    public static String toString(Class class_) {
        if (class_ == int[].class)
            return "int[]";
        else if (class_ == double[].class)
            return "double[]";
        else if (class_ == long[].class)
            return "long[]";
        else if (class_ == boolean[].class)
            return "boolean[]";
        else if (class_ == byte[].class)
            return "byte[]";
        else if (class_ == float[].class)
            return "float[]";
            return class_.getName();


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