Java Utililty Methods String Sub String

List of utility methods to do String Sub String


The list of methods to do String Sub String are organized into topic(s).


StringsubstringBetweenStrings(String within, String pre, String post)
substring Between Strings
int from = within.indexOf(pre);
if (from < 0)
    return null;
from += pre.length();
int to = within.indexOf(post, from);
if (to < 0)
    return null;
return within.substring(from, to);
StringsubStringByByte(String orignal, int subcount)
sub String By Byte
int reInt = 0;
String reStr = "";
if (orignal == null)
    return "";
char[] tempChar = orignal.toCharArray();
for (int kk = 0; (kk < tempChar.length && subcount > reInt); kk++) {
    String s1 = orignal.valueOf(tempChar[kk]);
    byte[] b = s1.getBytes();
StringsubStringByByte(String str, int byteLenth)
sub String By Byte
if (str == null || "".equals(str))
    return str;
if (byteLenth <= 0)
    return str;
byte[] bs = str.getBytes();
if (bs.length <= byteLenth)
    return str;
int templengh = 0;
StringsubstringByByteCount(String str, int byteCount)
substring By Byte Count
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
if (bytes.length <= byteCount) {
    return str;
int strIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length;) {
    int len = utf8Len(bytes[i]);
    if (i + len <= byteCount) {
StringsubStringByBytes(String str, int toCount, String more)
sub String By Bytes
int reInt = 0;
StringBuilder reStr = new StringBuilder();
char[] tempChar = str.toCharArray();
for (int kk = 0; kk < tempChar.length; kk++) {
    char c = tempChar[kk];
    byte[] b = String.valueOf(c).getBytes();
    reInt += b.length;
    if (toCount >= reInt) {
StringsubstringByCodePoint(String inputStr, int codePointStart, int codePointEnd)
Returns a substring of the input string based on the input code points
int charOffsetStart = convertCodePointOffsetToCharOffset(inputStr, codePointStart);
int charOffsetEnd = convertCodePointOffsetToCharOffset(inputStr, codePointEnd);
return inputStr.substring(charOffsetStart, charOffsetEnd);
StringsubstringByMask(String baseString, String baseMask, String subMask)
substring By Mask
if ((baseString == null) || (baseMask == null) || (subMask == null)) {
    return null;
} else if (isEmpty(baseString))
    return baseString;
else {
    String ls_Return = "";
    int li_Pos = 0;
    while (li_Pos >= 0) {
StringsubStringByte(String str, int toCount, String more)
sub String Byte
if (str != null && toCount > 0) {
    if (str.length() > toCount) {
        str = str.substring(0, toCount - 1) + more;
    return str;
} else {
    return "";
StringsubstringBytes(String value, int byte_len)
substring Bytes
int retLength = 0;
int tempSize = 0;
for (int index = 1; index <= value.length(); index++) {
    int asc = value.charAt(index - 1);
    if (asc > 127) {
        if (byte_len >= tempSize + 2) {
            tempSize += 2;
booleansubstringCompare(String string, int index, char... characters)
Check if the given character sequence is located in the given string at the specified index.
if (string.length() <= index + characters.length)
    return false;
for (char character : characters) {
    if (string.charAt(index) != character)
        return false;
return false;