Java Swing Text Format formatAreaImperial(BigDecimal areaDec)

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Formats a BigDecimal value representing an area in square meters an imperial area (i.e.


Open Source License


Parameter Description
area The area in meters to format


The formated area or null if area is null


public static String formatAreaImperial(BigDecimal areaDec) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;

import javax.swing.text.NumberFormatter;

public class Main {
    public static Double METRES_IN_ACRE = new Double(4046.8564224);

    /**/*  w w w  .  j a  v  a2  s.  c om*/
     * Formats a BigDecimal value representing an area in square meters an
     * imperial area (i.e. acres, roods and perches.
     * @param area The area in meters to format
     * @return The formated area or null if area is null
    public static String formatAreaImperial(BigDecimal areaDec) {
        String result = null;
        if (areaDec != null && BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(areaDec) < 0) {
            // Use a Double because the BigDecimal division is unreliable
            result = "";
            Double area = areaDec.doubleValue();
            NumberFormatter areaFormatter = new NumberFormatter(DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance());
            try {
                // 1a = 4046.8564 square metres
                Double acresTmp = new Double(area / METRES_IN_ACRE);
                int acres = acresTmp.intValue();
                Double remainder = acresTmp - acres;
                // 4 roods to an acre
                Double roodsTmp = new Double(remainder * 4);
                int roods = roodsTmp.intValue();
                remainder = roodsTmp - roods;
                // 40 perches to a rood
                Double perches = remainder * 40;

                // This function introduces some rounding, so increment the 
                // roods if perches is near 40 and adjust the acres accordingly. 
                if (perches >= new Double(39.95)) {
                    perches = new Double(0);
                    if (roods == 4) {
                        roods = 0;

                if (acres >= 1) {
                    result = areaFormatter.valueToString(acres) + "a";
                if (roods >= 1) {
                    DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("0r");
                    result = result + " " + f.format(roods);
                if (perches >= new Double(0.05)) {
                    DecimalFormat p = new DecimalFormat("0.0p");
                    result = result + " " + p.format(perches);
                result = result.trim();

            } catch (ParseException psex) {
        return result;


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